Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Excellent piece!

Todd, you and I are probably about the same age..

I remember in Grade School, track meets between neighbouring schools in east end Toronto...

We would only receive ribbons, 1st/2nd/3rd, but, of course, no "participation" awards, as these were competitions.

Being a tall kid, I worked my ass off to ensure I won something...

And I did.

Not always 1st or 2nd, but I would always come away with at least 3 ribbons.

At the time, they meant something, and still do.

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Yeah...isn't it weird we have to think back to these things like they have long been forgotten, "gee, I remember FIFTY YEARS AGO when you actually had to be skilled, and work hard, to get a ribbon in sports"...pathetic.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I very much agree with your post. I grew up in the Midwest in a farming community before “everyone receives a medal” mindset as my parents instilled sacrifices and care for our family/ community as a priority value.

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What you describe is largely how it used to be in much of the world...it certainly was that way when I was growing up (grew up in a rural town in Northern Virginia.)

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

gotta be the contrarian. as usual. the wee differences that make us unique ARE to be celebrated. i can't imagine the creator designing agreeable drones, tripping over each other in agreement, as the model for enlightenment. social engineering, not the individual, is the stinky pig in the bathroom. (huh?) it's extremely hard to see what public schooling has achieved. what it was designed to achieve. just as hard as it is to accept the idea that ALL relationships should be voluntary.

as for a big banquet lets do it. i can cook food. and many others can cook food. we all eat food. it's a match made in heaven!

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Why are you saying you are a contrarian? What you say is right in line with what I am saying...??

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Narcissism...wrapped in a virtue signalling box with a gaslighting bow on top..... 🎁

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My husband had a chaotic childhood. Very little instruction from his dad (we won’t talk about his mom), so he created his own rules about how things should be. He looked to our marriage to fulfill all his needs-a noble goal, to be sure, but unattainable. It took me 15 years to tell him that it wasn’t my job to MAKE him happy, and it wasn’t his job to MAKE me happy. Everyone is responsible for his or her own state of happiness. He finally heard it.

The problem I see in society today is that all feelings and mental states are (supposedly) dependent on input from outside sources. Outside sources are inconsistent and unreliable. You either know who you are or you don’t, and if you don’t…

I’m afraid for my grandkids. It’s not a good world we’re leaving them, societally speaking. I’m not worried about the physical world. God will protect his creation, and it’s not as fragile as some seem to think. But good people will suffer as the scum rises to the top

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I hear ya...I wrote an article about what you say here...I wonder if you have seen it, if not, I would be curious what you think of it. I don't remember in detail (I've written a 190 of these things) but I am pretty sure it relates to what you say...

It starts with this sentence...

"Nearly everything we know these days we are told by others and have not physically experienced ourselves"

Here is the link...


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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have to be honest-I don’t pay for your substack (don’t pay for anyone) so I didn’t get to read that one. It looked like something I would agree with Lol

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I love your comments...keep at it. You are still a full fledged shrew.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

you have an especially satisfying name to pronounce! should be in a song or book title. the ballad of candy farnsworth. lol. anyhoo.....

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My husband would have agreed with you. He thought I had a cool name 🙂

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i'm taking it to the streets. for my peeps. like... who the hell do you think you are? candy farnsworth?

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She should take a shot at writing novels...her name is as good as Danielle Steele's...and she has sold over a billion copies of her books! From what I hear...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

100% agree with you, Todd, regarding "processing" the experience of the suicide of a loved one.

Plus, after reflecting further on my family situation outcome, I recall distinctly that they weren't the first I'd hear of, but they were early in what later became a commonplace landslide, and, it was still a major shock contributing to lifelong psychological disarray.

I think, probably, there was a time people, in general, tried harder and longer to work things out.

I know my parents gave it their best and most, in fact, our whole family engaged in weekly psychoanalytic therapy for at least 7-years.

It was almost as if I participated in a master class in it!

Most don't have such fortune or opportunity.

I'm grateful for the experience.

Cheers to all, and thank you for your acknowledgements.

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Wow...I lost my first wife to cancer, and I thought that was bad...I can't imagine if it were what you experienced...much blessings to you...

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And I can't begin to imagine how painful and difficult the loss of your wife must have been. I hope you have healed . Peace In Repose.

Amen. Amen, Amen.

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We are brothers in this regard.

Healed enough to function somewhat. That damage never fully heals. As I am sure you know.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As Jordan Peterson has said, equality of opportunity is what we must strive for, not equality of outcome. Enjoyed your post!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

When I was in high school in the 60s and we were instructed in such things, I remember being taught that in our country we HAVE equality of opportunity, and equality of outcome is neither desirable nor possible. That JP says now we must STRIVE for it, seems an acknowledgement of how much we've lost.

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Most everything Jordan Peterson says I agree...very nice quote...

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Very good read today, Todd, Although it's not really news in a sense. In a sense it is. And though my primary focus is to link news in four primary areas, I still link good opinion pieces. Always have and will continue to do so. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you so much again...I am curious, though, to know what I have ever written that would be considered "news"??😀

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I guess it depends on the outlook or definition.

Webster on line defines news as :

- a report of recent events

- previously unknown information

- something having a specified influence or effect

- matter that is newsworthy

If an opinion piece reflects what is going on in the current "news" world, then I would consider it to be newsworthy as well, although not straight up news per se. I probably lean more to these type of news links than just straight up facts. But most of what is news today is pretty much opinion or narrative anyway. So actually pretty much everything is news' Also I think most writing would fall under the previously unknown information category as well.

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Most comments on psychology should be considered "informed opinion"...psychology is mysterious, as it should remain for the most part. In fact, as you know, I believe that most things even in the material world need to have a mysterious element that remains...lest we get too cocky and call ourselves gods.

I do hope what I write continues to interest you!!!

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I'm sure it will. Actually, I have a BA in Psych. so I know a little bit about the field. Became a little disillusioned with it so I never persued it further. But that was nearly 50 years ago!!!

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My degrees and passion is in Depth Psychology (Jung, Freud, Adler, Hillman, Hollis, etc) It has rung true for me so far. The conventional part of the field is a mess…especially now…and I may not last much longer as a licensed psychotherapist.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, T.H. for your writing and for bringing forth a very ripe topic!!! I opine that narcissism is essentially parasitic — a need that feeds on a host. Self feeding on Other, Self feeding on Self, without true benefit to either the Host nor Parasite. It is not true self-centeredness, because a Narcissist is not truly in selfhood. Constant deceit, attention-seeking and power-seeking is actually a tail-chasing (eating) endeavor which leads one further and further astray from selfhood. The cup never runneth over — it is a leaking shell than needs constant refilling. And worst, the insecurity and defensiveness creates War — across the dinner table, across cultures, across continents and oceans.

Narcissists suffer from an endless need for (in lingo) “supply” of affirmation and service to…what, if not really to themselves? To something larger and more nefarious. 'Evil', if you will. I think that we the people have been deliberately conditioned into a vast servant society, to serve a greater Parasite. And this entrainment and subsequent drain of all good and natural energy has been going on a long time. Not for generations, nor centuries, but for millennia. The question is: what/who is the Evil that is being 'supplied'? Hmmmmm…. My speculation at this point is that it is simply external Authority. The supreme parasite.

All narcissists crave and seek Authority over others. Endless dominion. Yet they serve a greater Authority, a greater dominator. Narcissists are, in fact, expressing trauma-based adaptations. The authority assumed is false. The dominion is tenuous, depending on willing blindness and service. Some one (I cannot remember who!) once said: “If you desire to write truth then write fiction.” So, I will say that some science fiction writers may have come close to an explanation. C.S. Lewis’ “The Space Trilogy” is allegorical to this point. More recently Philip Pullman’s “The Golden Compass” and sequels. Both authors point to false Authority.

So who/what is this false Authority? I cannot say. But I do recognize its structure, and the Priest Classes that serve it. Through the priests and misguided/duped respect for them, it has hijacked human truth, spirit and energy. The designs are myriad. Organized Religion. Government. Medicine. Science. Finance. Entertainment. To harken to J.R.R. Tolkien, I ask what is Precious now? What can we not seem to look away from, put down or live without? Technology in every aspect of life. All are part of a nefarious Authority to which we believe we need and to which we are in bondage.. The priests are everywhere, from the more soldier-like base-level priests, to the on-high initiates.

There is great 'Sin' in our world. Strictly speaking the Latin origin of sin is ‘without’ or ‘lack/ing’. We have been deliberately, gradually, and with full intent led into a prison without health, objective truth, self-sovereignty, natural creativity and heart-mind. Was this Authority a ‘natural’ development within ‘Homo sapiens’ — via frontal lobes — which fostered such lust for domination and supply? Was it handed down like an unsought legacy such as in the concept of ‘original sin’? I doubt both ideas now. I tend to think that the origin of our sin is sourced in the external, but has so permeated us for countless generations that most are entirely lost in a labyrinth. This is trauma-based mind control and enslavement in the ultimate. No surprise that narcissism in rampant.

How do we heal from and oppose the toxicity we have absorbed from external evil? I believe that the answer is within us. Tolstoy stated the the kingdom of God is within us. If ‘god’ represents physical/mental health, self-sovereignty, natural creativity and the power of heart-mind, then actually relocating, reindentifying and examining our own values and principles represents the path. This journey can only spring from facing our own real needs and obligations as they pertain to ‘Mother Earth’, as well as our most basic fears and petty desires. Not from relying on the external. This travel is way too frightening…and perhaps even impossible…for most to even consider. And yet, perhaps there can be a return and reversal by the few which can be “like the small stones that start an avalanche” (Tolkien). By summoning our own power we step out of the Victim model. On the other hand, perhaps we need to be pushed a bit further into the trap of Authority before we realize that the only key for escape is to be found within.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

as a weirdo who thinks all relationships must be voluntary i heartily agree.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I share your 'weirdoship', my friend. With one caveat: I'd say all human ADULT relationships. What do you think? Some believe that humans choose their incarnations beforehand. All my best.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

agreed. though i had problems with forced relationships as a kid. i struggled with loads of ideas. that didn't seem to fit. likely would be doped up in today's world........

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am still sifting through loads of ideas!!!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I was so glad to read your last paragraph! While the evil, parasitic forces exist, blaming them isn't helpful. I've walked away from some very nasty falls. If I'd broken bones, I could have blamed the falls, when the true fault would have been weak bones. Falls will happen if you live an active life. Similarly, evil will be all around us. The fault is in the masses of people who, in their childlike neediness, give in to it. The answer lies within (credit Cat Stevens).

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you! Each and every one of us needs to shoulder responsibility. I don't believe in Original Sin -- no baby is born with a tainted soul or a nefarious agenda. <3

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Original sin, in my opinion, is the belief that our material bodies are all that we got. We are born believing fully in the material (consciously) and that is reinforced as we move about. Although we know we are divine in some deep ineffable way, the physical is just too alluring, too intriguing, too captivating...and we slowly lose touch.

I am not trying to argue with you...I don't believe in the Biblical definition of original sin either...I understand why it seems as they say...but I think there is more to it.

Someone here said something about the definition of "sin"...I always thought it was an old archery term meaning "missed the mark." Would be interested to know what word in the original aramaic, or hebrew, of the Bible the word is associated with.

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What an excellent addition to this essay....thank you!

Your description of "narcissism" at the start of your comment fits well the "head of power and authoritarian ruler" we are currently contending with...which is not just one person as it has so often been in the past. The "sheep narcissist" the article deals with is a subservient type that is more concerned with its own well being which, at the fundamental levels, comprise of creature comforts such as elation, happiness, "I don't want to have to bother with this"-isms.

Once things get really bad they will still look toward the powers they serve for comfort ..i.e., they will never revolt against them...but they will be more aware of where they strayed. If evil mom and dad are killed by us shrews, they will then turn and tell us they always hated the wicked witch (like the Winkies) and beg us to rule them.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And don't forget the all-important Flying Monkeys! They are quite populous -- to the point that they have been adopted by popular psychology as a label for the servants of narcissistic Authorities/Idols/Masters.

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The Flying Monkeys are blind minions.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've certainly flapped my own wings in my time ;)

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, sir! Agreed.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for this forum. The heart-mind, like the body, requires exercise and good nutrition to be fit for life. This is a good place to seek measures of both. <3

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The whole intention of this substack was to do just what you have stated here...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

What a bounty.

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deletedSep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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I would say most people need that push into the trap...but often then it is too late.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Great article ….as always😊 … We humans have a great need to stay alive, which is how suppose to be, so when science of medicine and pharmaceutical miracles started to be available and recommended to survive, to be healthy, to “extend a life” - we are taking it, we depend on it we are ok with it ….cause without it we …. “we would die” or …..we would have to get close to the nature to search for what we lost and what us available to really stay alive ? And yes, “god knows” (or rather “evil knows”) what really is in vaccines, tables, liquids etc etc and how these affect us mentally and physically… For sure all of it is an experiment, which works sometimes e.g stops headache 🤕😅, but generally creates all of these “emotions” which You put in that picture at the beginning of this article….

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Without awareness of the truth of spirit and soul (and thus God) we have nothing but our bodies as a form to "know life" through. So we are continuously terrified it will cease to function. Then someone comes along and says, "here, take this pill, you will not suffer and you will live forever" we gobble it down. What could be more powerful than that? "Now, if you want another pill, be my slave..."

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Beautifully written and expressed Todd. There is so much of all this craziness whirring around in my head - you have helped settle it all down and bring it into focus. Thank you, once again, for clearing the muddy waters so that we can see, with clarity, exactly what story is being played out. A new (more frightening) socially acceptable version of narcissism is exactly what it is!

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Oh my, Janet!!! Thank you SO much for this...your words have inspired me to start on my next article! Thank you!!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks again, Todd, for sharing your mighty prolific and insightful gifts!

"So what happened to relationships where each participant has some obligation and duty to the other? What has happened in families where there used to be tolerance for differences, and flexibilities regarding each member’s needs? What happened to communities where people all work together for common goals in decency, character development, moralities, and good citizenry? (And I don’t mean common goals such as mask wearing, social distancing, or vaccinations.) It’s all gone, or so it seems."

Perhaps they never were/it never was.

Since the domestic occupation psyop began, I've realized none of what was, was what I thought or believed it to be.

I was always doubtful. Events convinced me.

And, I only have to reflect on two events in my own life that demolish my own tendency to idealize: my parents divorce and my wife's suicide.

I think our memories are a bit faulty.

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First of all, I am so sorry to hear of your wife's suicide...there is probably very little that is more difficult for the human psyche to process than a loved one's suicide...

Your comment "perhaps there never were/it never was" is profound. You may be right. But I do believe there have been times (if not all of the time) that humans without too many "trauma blocks" residing in their unconscious believed this ideal was one to at least attempt. And I do believe, throughout history, we have managed to attain a larger percentage of this accomplishment than now.

Certainly the shadow has always been laying there in waiting, and I doubt if there has ever been a time where we had no shadow to contend with (either within personally, or in our family, or our tribe). I think as long as we are manifest beings we will always have to contend with shadow...that is part of being material beings (yin/yang, duality, and all that good stuff).

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The paradox is that when you stand up for your God-given rights, they will accuse you of being selfish.

We were brought up with the principle that we have individual rights. But winning a prize, "feeling unique", and never feeling "unsafe" are not among those rights.

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Totally agree. "The right to freedom" is not an easy thing to explain. We may have the "right" to be as free as possible, but often that is not the way to go...particularly if we expect community to be of some service to us...which humans are wont to do.

And yes, the agenda wants us to be confused about what these things mean, "selfish, freedom, rights"...and they seem to be doing a good job of it. I think one thing that makes it easy for them is our propensity, as humans, to take the path of least resistance and least effort. If we are told it is "selfish" to avoid the vaccine, it is a lot easier for us to just go into our doctor's office get a jab and proclaim we are altruistic and not selfish than it is to actually do the work required to claim those attributes in reality. ie volunteer work, reaching out to others in need, sacrificing our time and effort for others, being a loving and caring partner or parent...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, you have hit the nail on the head with a BOOM! It is just crazy. I swear that this is all done to confuse most people and of course, get most people into the submission box. Now at some universities in Ontario, they are segregating those of black/brown skin to a different orientation day. Is this not the reverse of the racism they faced and fought for? Baffling. I also read that a yoga class was offered only to black/brown skinned folks to be more inclusive. That is not reality. We live in a multi-cultural society. So many today are thin-skinned and take everything as an insult. Schools literally indoctrinate our children. We need to break that wall down for sure but we need to enlighten parents first of the cold reality.

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Before this Covid insanity I used to just be confused by this sort of thing (and it wasn't as bad as it is now). Now that I have discovered what I have discovered and are aware that there is a global agenda to turn us all into marshmallows everything going on makes sense in that context.

What still doesn't make sense to me is how readily everyone conforms to this nonsense, and how easy it is to brainwash everyone...not just a little bit, but in this massive way that people do not know up from down and can enthusiastically jump on board. It is insane.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

On point essay! Thank you!

Perhaps I can just add a few thoughts.

We live in an age of rapid change – very worrying and destabilising unless we have a firm foundation. The old blood and thunder foundational religions of heaven and hell at least gave us a direction – a path through life’s confusion.

We also used to have the discipline of basic universal expectations – no work, no food or future. There was no time or opportunity to be overwhelmed by choice – we, and every one of our peers, had to get on with life – its mundane tasks and humble personal ambitions. Not a brilliant life but no time to be too neurotic or shallow and with few criticising us for being a ‘failure.’

Not only do I guess that we have been deliberately directed into shallowness and neurosis but it’s difficult to find any accessible good examples of those who have got their lives together and are beaming their enlightened, problem solving good will to all.

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Excellent!! And again, like a broken record, I think all three of these insights have been deliberately injected into the collective's psyche. Maybe not by "other people" (the "elite") but quite possibly by an egregore or some other "organizing element of our innate evil within"...or Satan himself...who knows. Whatever it is, it is very powerful.

And I agree that no matter how corrupt religion has been historically, its basic premise has always been that God is love...and that has indeed been a "direction" and a "path through life's confusion."

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, yes... I always say that, unfortunately, the people who have led organizations that supposedly represent religions have been historically very corrupt. We have to differentiate these from the universal truths contained in most religions. Many people who have discarded religions, or even express their dislike for religions by calling themselves "atheists", I believe have "thrown the baby out with the bathwater".

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Ivan, I define religion as 'organized' (structured, heirarchical), which is quite different than shared beliefs, experiences and reverence. Because I also made the mistake of confusing spirit-fullness with Religion I was an atheist for many years. My 'mistake' was based on the modern options readily available (so designed). What say you?

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

I would have to check the "official" (dictionary) definition of religion, which I confess I do not know. I tend to differentiate the concept of "religion" from whatever a group of leaders decides for an organization, but I may be wrong. My point is that, for example, someone notices the historical atrocities made by some popes and priests, then automatically disparage everything about the Catholic religion... or decide that they cannot believe in the "literal" God depicted on the Bible, therefore, they need to be atheists.

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precisely....thank you...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Totally agree.

All organisations that become popular, however good their intentions, are eventually inflitrated by those whose aims are dishonourable.

We should all be on our guard.

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Organized religion CAN be ok, but you must still always vet what is going on within them with source itself. And the only place to find that is within your heart.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

After my husband made a comment about something being better than something else, my sister-in-law replied “nobody can say anything is better than anything else.” To which my husband replied “So would it be better if I stopped saying that?” To which she replied “Yes” - not being smart enough to notice the self-stultification.

A good way to test her idiotic theory would be to invite her to dinner. We would have prime rib, but serve her cat food. Her belief system would surely crumble into ashes.

If you really listen, you can easily challenge illogical opinion. A couple of examples from our life:

Friend: “Nobody can make a definite statement about anything.”

My husband: “Including the one you just made?”

Friend: “There are too many rules. We should throw out all the rules.”

My husband: “Is that rule number one?”

Karl Popper described the paradox of tolerance as “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.”

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This is priceless!! I wish I had the quick wit your husband has. I think of those sorts of responses hours later, if even then.

I love it...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Agree 100%. You have pointed the absurd contradictory logic that many of these people defend... like "there is no absolute truth" (Is that true?).

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Yes...I still can't get over it when I do engage with these sort of "thinkers"...and I try to avoid it as much as I can now...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I so enjoyed reading that - thank you.

Can I come to dinner, please. I'll bring my own food!

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It’s too bad that all of us truthers don’t live in the same neighbourhood and hang out together!

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That would be wonderful!

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Let's all get together for a big dinner!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


A banquet of fun and frivolity - and the only nonsense from a court jester!

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Oh my...I am so saddened that the tradition of the court jester (the trickster) died out so early. Can you imagine if the White House had a required court jester, who actually did his or her job and wasn't immediately executed? (Alas, as rulers became less and less conscious this was the path of many a court jester.)

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I so agree. But, I also heard that some jesters made humorous but insightful comments about some of the courtiers - thus alerting the monarch and others of possible traitors or at least schemers. So he would have brought light into dark little corners. In that case, the jester served a most useful function

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