I’ve heard this idea often since the beginning of this farce. Sometimes in only a cursory way: “this has got to be evil, these people are evil people.” And then sometimes in a quite serious way: “this is the final battle between God and the devil, these people are possessed by evil spirits, and they are Satan worshippers.”
I consider myself quite open minded and have devoted much of my adult life to the study of metaphysics and things that go bump in the night. Some of this study is very serious, while some of it is pushed on by my overripe curiosity and active imagination. I consider everything that I read or hear, and investigate nearly everything that tickles my interest. Usually, however, I am reticent to apply too much metaphysical thought to politics and world events. I feel that most things occult are just that, hidden, and large masses of people seldom are all in agreement about non-scientific ideas.
Boy, was I wrong.
I know the history of occultism globally. Certainly occultism and mysticism were the driving force before the Age of the Enlightenment (17th and 18th Centuries) and hung on quite a while after that. Occultism and metaphysics were prevalent influences in the court of Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, during pre-revolutionary times (1870-1917). Everyone knows Hitler’s obsession with everything and anything occult during his evil rein of Germany. Needless to say these are two examples amongst probably hundreds more throughout the world from 1800 (and more before) until 1945. But after that? It doesn’t seem as likely. Or does it? Materialism certainly took a huge jump forward with the advent of the atomic bomb and nuclear physics. Post war science was king, and technology became the new spiritualism of the 20th Century. Once the everyday person’s goal in life shifted from survival, to personal enlightenment (and religious moralism), to the consumption of material objects, spiritual influence, good or bad, became nearly a non-issue.
For those of you who are a bit squeamish about such things—evil spirits, devils, possessions, and other such oddities actually running governments as well as all others in power—the evil egregore I will discuss in this article does not need to be believed in by the individuals who create it. In other words, no intention to create an evil (or benevolent) energy is necessary. Egregores just show up (but not out of nothing, there has to be a group of people behind them, but those people do not have to consciously set out to create the energy). It is the result of the “group mind,” or can be defined as a “thought form.”
What is an egregore? The term goes way back, and is probably Greek in origin (meaning in Greek, “watcher”). The phenomenon of the egregore goes way back as well, but more than likely the original definition of an egregore was slightly different than its modern version. Mark Stavish’s wonderful book, Egregores: The Occult Entities that Watch Over Human Destiny defines “egregore” as:
The most commonly used definition is as follows: “(occult) autonomous psychic entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people.” However, there is a second definition, an older, more significant, and perhaps frightening one. Here, an egregore is more than an “autonomous entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people”; it is also the home or conduit for a specific psychic intelligence of a nonhuman nature connecting the invisible dimensions with the material world in which we live. This, in fact, is the true source of power of the ancient cults and their religious-magical practices.
And, within the context of this article and the application of the egregore to our current global situation:
The egregores erected and sustained by tyrants have a mysterious ability to fascinate people, to almost fill the starving bellies created by the contempt of their leaders, to influence the fevered brains of a suicidal crop of martyrs as they march over the cliff to their own deaths like Gadarene swine.
And, even more apropos.
The mantra of the New York Times—“All the News That’s Fit to Print”—is a lie whose object is incitement and the propagation of insane myths and irrational policies designed to steer a proud national legacy into the oncoming pathway of the Mack truck of globalism and cultural self-destruction.
Hmmm….ok….that rings a bell, eh?
So what of this egregore that has been created, or several that have been created, in today’s climate? Dion Fortune and her followers got together in the mid 1940’s to create a benevolent egregore to battle the already formed evil egregore of Hitler and Nazi Germany. The group was named the Fraternity of Inner Light and is still operational today. There could be a similar movement forming in our present time, but not with a formal body putting it all together (or is there?). If you follow Dr. Mattias Desmet and his concept of mass formation, you can see there a more “scientific” explanation of the forming of energy within a group. The egregore is not material. Even though it does not operate through Newtonian laws of physical cause and effect, it is thought to be an autonomous energy “mass,” typically malevolent (although many believe a benevolent egregore is just as common a formation—see Dion Fortune above). Of course anything psychological usually is viewed in the same manner—no material cause and effect—but often can be explained either materially (nature) or non-materially (nurture). When it comes to groups, though, it is more difficult to explicate within a purely material paradigm. Egregores then fill in the blanks.
Most of you reading this probably don’t have a problem explaining today’s phenomenon of the weird sheep mind with a more metaphysical rationalization. Many of you even going so far as to believe there is an evil force made manifest (its actions and consequences are manifest) through “group think,” i.e., an egregore formed by the like minded beliefs of the sheep group. The egregore is typically reliant on the group to maintain its existence, i.e. if the group disbands, or changes its common beliefs, the egregore will eventually dissolve. In our case there are several egregores, or one that has a variety of agendas. Is there a “ruler” egregore and a “servant” egregore, or is it one “entity” that functions within several levels?
Those distinctions are largely academic. The important point to glean from this is that an autonomous thought form, or evil energy, has developed that is, essentially, an influence on people and the world with an energy that is greater than the sum of its parts. Think of Dr. Mark McDonald’s concept that the masses of sheep types are actually representing a delusional psychosis present in each person of the group thus forming a congruous mass. The commonality is just that each person feeds off of the other, or the group think, to form their own individual delusion. Add the egregore to that formula, and you have an “emergent property” that forms independent of the single individuals in the group. This energy mass can thus independently influence the group based on the group’s beliefs, intentions, and agendas—but most importantly it can add it’s own independent conclusions, rationale, and formulations. When this really sinks in, and if it is true, it is quite frightening.
Those that believe in the devil as an autonomous energy will see this is just a different perception of essentially the same thing. The devil does not need a group to be created, but there is historically some credence in that idea. The devil withers when light is cast upon it, and if the devil has no followers, he basically ceases to exist.
There is more to discuss on this topic, and if anyone wants to start a more informal dialogue in the chat/comment section, please feel free to do so. I did not mention the positive egregore that the shrews may be forming, which could be a very important part of fighting the evil energy we are facing.
I want to thank Dr. Ivan Iriarte, MD who is a fellow PANDA member. Ivan introduced me to the concept of the egregore, which I previously knew nothing about. He is a member of our Shrew Club here and you can often see him shrewing about in the comments section.
Much of this is over my head, but I might contribute a few relevant questions:
I've seen the number 666 since opening my mind to such things as "evil" and "luciferian." Jared Kushner's address is 666 Fifth Ave.
Also, wasn't it HR 6666 that authorized the Minister of Health to conduct diagnostic testing for covid?
Wasn't "Lucifer" derived from the goddess of Light (ie Venus, or first bright planet to rise in the morning..." I always wondered if the Statue of Liberty was luciferian and was intentionally replacing the Virgin Mother. It was donated to America when France was in its atheist/ communist phase of the 1800's.
It would make sense that the Illuminati follows this Lucifer ideology as "illumination" or Enlightenment.
Apologies if this is all completely wrong or so basic as to be wasting space on this comment section.
Fascinating stuff, though.
The notion of egregore ought to be combined with the classic notion of projection. When a free mind confronts a sheep mind with the nature and implication of the evil that they are supporting, the sheep mind immediately accuses the free mind of subscribing to conspiracy theory, that THEY are delusional in seeing what is right in front of their eyes. So a classic Pee Wee Herman response that could be enunciated by both parties: "I know you are, but what am I?"
It appears that the projection of the very conspiracy that the sheep mind is supporting onto someone else somehow derives from the sheep's confusion as to the difference between intent and effect. Because the sheep mind cannot bear the thought of doing evil or of evil being deliberate, it separates intent from effect and will only recognize the reality of intent, a "mens rea" orientation. In this way the sheep relies more and more heavily upon a magical thinking approach, wherein what is real is ONLY what is consciously thought, expressed and intended. This has been bolstered by 4 decades of postmodernist thinking wherin text (i.e. what is consciously expressed with intent) constitutes the substrate of reality.