Thanks to the reader for the correction of ‘bullocks’ to ‘bollocks’, and thank you Todd for your edit!
It can be used with impunity in North America, as most people don’t seem to understand its meaning.
I remember it being used within a play on BBC tv, where the one chap, after listening to to a guy spout nonsense said “You’re an intelligent chap... are there two L’s in ‘bollocks’?
wilderness caribou park. next September.. 700 bizilion acres. 500 visitors per year. doing a fly in. paddle out. ready? caribou fleas kill 90 million humans per year. or 9000 million. i forget.
The first article I wrote for Off Guardian was about the masks being like the Scarlet Letter...they were "markers"...I even mentioned the Star of David markers in Nazi Germany...
The craziest for me is the ones who take a yoga class wearing one... thankfully they are rare and far between, but still...
I also wonder what goes through their heads (do they have any?) as obviously they can see that we’re not dropping dead like flies in front of them so the air must be safe to breathe. Since logic and common sense have been tossed out for almost 4 years, it must make sense to them in the new warped logic.
I think these types must think everyone else is stupid not to wear one..."I am playing it safe"...I also hear from these sorts as well that they believe they are hypersensitive to the "virus"...maybe they get the flu easily, or they have some other morbidity that puts them in a high risk class that would suffer more if they got sick, like a compromised immune system, or whatever.
Most people that I have talked to that wear masks see ZERO downside...they don't think at all they are being manipulated by authority, they do not know at all that it is dangerous to wear some filthy diaper on their face, they see no downside in human communication being affected by wearing a mask on their face, see nothing in the way of humiliation or the inhumanness of it, or the detriment it causes to humanity fighting with nature...etc. etc.
A lot of these sheeple make up the healthcare industrial system. Too bad we occasionally need their services as otherwise I would avoid them completely. In general, along with the schools at all levels, and buggiecrats everywhere, I hold them with contempt for their part in the scamdemic.
I wonder if one of the goals is for people to lose their common sense and obey simply because their "betters" (experts, leaders) declare something necessary. This is all it takes for then the meek and cowardly majority, who don't want to ripple the water, of our fellow populace to play along like lemmings.
The people you speak of are some of the most dangerous people in a tyrannical society. I see them now. These people are brain dead. I can see it in their eyes and their “vibe” (mask wearers). The psyop worked...for them.
-----They were also driven by peer pressure. They adopted what they perceived to be the majority view among those whom they knew. In so doing, they conflated the emotional protection of the herd with reason and truth. Feeling empowered by the mob around them, they peremptorily supported the senseless, destructive mitigation. They haughtily refused to consider the perspectives of those who, like me, disagreed with the crisis narrative or the mitigation dogma. -------
This from Brownstone Institute, cited by today's Naked Emperor
Oh crap!!! What an idiot...I got that totally wrong! Thank you for correcting that and informing if I just replace bullocks with bollocks my statement would be correct?? If so, I will edit it now...thank you!!
I have another thought that the masks may be an on purpose sickness maker to create more lung problems. One designed to go hand in hand with the kill shot.
Watching what happened locally was that this sickness was sprayed by air.
We had no sickness until a mid sized drone spent hours one night circling out small town.
Most of the staunchest mask wearers that died caught pneumonia then COVID, got the shot afterward, and died within days. One friend died from cancer that rapidly returned and they were mask and jab fanatics.
To pay them for their services they had a small sliding window. No admission to the office.
I had nasty skin rash from mosquito bites and had to wear an issued mask to go into the doctor's office. When I came out I handed it to the lady at the desk and made her and an old fella in a chair laugh when I handed it back to her and said, "Do you want this for the next guy?"
3 times in our area this "VEER US" hit and 3 times air spraying occurred.
Watching a normal jet fly through a sky full of chemtrail I watched happen and only make a dissipating contrail through iall the chemtrail fogging convinces anyone but a sheep.
Another well written piece ! You are of course assessing this issue (masks ) on the level of reason , (real )science and common sense. Like this issue and many others “ the facts don’t matter “ it’s so much easier to delegate our opinion , join the groupthink crowd and virtue signal. The line in the sand for me was those who happily masked their young children ……the masking of children was unconscionable .
Agree with everything in your article. My view has always been that whether a mask can stop a virus (if viruses exist) or not should be irrelevant - as you say. For decades, it has been "sort of" a controversy whether health-care personnel should wear a mask in a hospital setting, when taking care of patients known to have influenza or other respiratory disease. Although every scientific article (for decades) has shown that wearing a mask on that scenario does not make any difference, still some people have advocated for the use of masks - in THAT scenario - "just in case". Remember that the use of masks was "invented" by surgeons to avoid getting their spit full of bacteria on a supposedy sterile surgical field. The use of masks outside of the previously described scenario (like out in the community) makes absolutely no sense. It is comparable with opening an umbrella indoors, or outside on a sunny day; or wearing sunscreen when you go to sleep in your bedroom. It does not matter if the supposedly protective measure "works" or not.
I am curious to know what you think of masks being worn in places like Tokyo. My wife is always saying, “well they have been wearing masks in Japan for decades, why doesn’t that bother you?” I say it is because there is a lot of particulate pollution in places like Tokyo (China too). And in those cases, a mask may actually help keeping those large particles out of your lungs…that’s what I tell her but I have no idea if it is true. Do masks actually help to keep pollution out of your lungs? Or is that a bunch of hooey as well?
Oh... and BTW, it cannot bother me if they wear masks in Tokyo, because I do not live there. It bothers me when they want to force people to wear masks in Puerto Rico.
I am not an "authority" on that, but I would guess that it depends on the size of the particles that are causing the pollution. If they are large enough to be filtered by the masks, well I guess thay may work. On the other hand, I have never been in Tokyo, but it is hard for me to envision that the air is SO BAD that wearing a mask would make much difference. It is not like if you are working in an imdoors industrial area where there is a unsafe level of a pollutant; in that scenario, I think there is no controversy that employees should wear N-95s. Actually, that was the purpose they were invented.
I suspect that the Japanese are just as hoodwinked about mask wearing as everyone else. They have been doing this for a long time, and they certainly are a nation of "compliance"...
I doubt seriously if there is a legitimate reason they wear would not surprise me if they are being ultra "polite" and wear a mask if they are feeling under the weather in order to protect everyone else...the pollution "reason" was probably invented as a more rational excuse. Not everyone wears them, of course.
I believe all bacteria has a function. If the body/soil/terrain is maintained naturally and positively it will stay in balance. If poisoned by environment or lifestyle, some bacteria with stronger effects upon other life forms will gain dominance and there can be unfortunate results. Without e-coli in our guts, we would die. Kill off the necessary bacteria in our guts with antibiotics and c-dif proliferates. It’s logical. We were created from the dirt, with its billions of components. Why should we fear nature?
Agree. I just pointed at "the origin" of masks. In medicine (especially in hospitals) practices are frequently determined by what is customary. There are articles in the literature that show surgical wounds get infected at the same rate, whether the surgeon wears a mask or not; but no one will convince a surgeon, or the staff in a surgical department to do away with masks, or all the rituals they do by scrubbing before every surgery. The same goes with the example I made with masking when caring for a patient with influenza. There are dozens of studies that show masking does not prevent infections; but hospital personnel will certainly wear a mask in that scenario. Personally, I don't mind if they decide to wear a mask in those situations; they are very specific situations, and affect a very select group of people who work in a hospital. Trying to impose a mask on the general public everywhere is a different thing, and it is ridiculous.
I read a study that showed an increase in patient infections with mask wearing. But if it helps keep the gunk off their faces (and that makes them happy?), who cares if they want to wear them
Most people call tricksters asses...unless they have a healthy ability for introspection and can look at themselves carefully when a trickster calls something out.
Thanks to the reader for the correction of ‘bullocks’ to ‘bollocks’, and thank you Todd for your edit!
It can be used with impunity in North America, as most people don’t seem to understand its meaning.
I remember it being used within a play on BBC tv, where the one chap, after listening to to a guy spout nonsense said “You’re an intelligent chap... are there two L’s in ‘bollocks’?
Great article Todd!
wilderness caribou park. next September.. 700 bizilion acres. 500 visitors per year. doing a fly in. paddle out. ready? caribou fleas kill 90 million humans per year. or 9000 million. i forget.
email me. if you up.
The point of the MASK during OPERATION COVIDIUS was this one:
And for those that STILL don't get it...
The first article I wrote for Off Guardian was about the masks being like the Scarlet Letter...they were "markers"...I even mentioned the Star of David markers in Nazi Germany...
The craziest for me is the ones who take a yoga class wearing one... thankfully they are rare and far between, but still...
I also wonder what goes through their heads (do they have any?) as obviously they can see that we’re not dropping dead like flies in front of them so the air must be safe to breathe. Since logic and common sense have been tossed out for almost 4 years, it must make sense to them in the new warped logic.
I think these types must think everyone else is stupid not to wear one..."I am playing it safe"...I also hear from these sorts as well that they believe they are hypersensitive to the "virus"...maybe they get the flu easily, or they have some other morbidity that puts them in a high risk class that would suffer more if they got sick, like a compromised immune system, or whatever.
Most people that I have talked to that wear masks see ZERO downside...they don't think at all they are being manipulated by authority, they do not know at all that it is dangerous to wear some filthy diaper on their face, they see no downside in human communication being affected by wearing a mask on their face, see nothing in the way of humiliation or the inhumanness of it, or the detriment it causes to humanity fighting with nature...etc. etc.
A lot of these sheeple make up the healthcare industrial system. Too bad we occasionally need their services as otherwise I would avoid them completely. In general, along with the schools at all levels, and buggiecrats everywhere, I hold them with contempt for their part in the scamdemic.
I wonder if one of the goals is for people to lose their common sense and obey simply because their "betters" (experts, leaders) declare something necessary. This is all it takes for then the meek and cowardly majority, who don't want to ripple the water, of our fellow populace to play along like lemmings.
I think what you say here is one of the prime reasons for the mask push people to lose their common sense, and awareness of their autonomy.
The people you speak of are some of the most dangerous people in a tyrannical society. I see them now. These people are brain dead. I can see it in their eyes and their “vibe” (mask wearers). The psyop worked...for them.
Zombie are not the first to observe this...
-----They were also driven by peer pressure. They adopted what they perceived to be the majority view among those whom they knew. In so doing, they conflated the emotional protection of the herd with reason and truth. Feeling empowered by the mob around them, they peremptorily supported the senseless, destructive mitigation. They haughtily refused to consider the perspectives of those who, like me, disagreed with the crisis narrative or the mitigation dogma. -------
This from Brownstone Institute, cited by today's Naked Emperor
Well said, sir
Just an aside, the English do not refer to cattle ("bullocks") when discarding information as nonsensical, but they do refer to genitalia (bollocks)!
Oh crap!!! What an idiot...I got that totally wrong! Thank you for correcting that and informing if I just replace bullocks with bollocks my statement would be correct?? If so, I will edit it now...thank you!!
Yep. But you are certainly not an idiot!
Very true. Bollocks = nonsense.
I have another thought that the masks may be an on purpose sickness maker to create more lung problems. One designed to go hand in hand with the kill shot.
Watching what happened locally was that this sickness was sprayed by air.
We had no sickness until a mid sized drone spent hours one night circling out small town.
Most of the staunchest mask wearers that died caught pneumonia then COVID, got the shot afterward, and died within days. One friend died from cancer that rapidly returned and they were mask and jab fanatics.
To pay them for their services they had a small sliding window. No admission to the office.
I had nasty skin rash from mosquito bites and had to wear an issued mask to go into the doctor's office. When I came out I handed it to the lady at the desk and made her and an old fella in a chair laugh when I handed it back to her and said, "Do you want this for the next guy?"
3 times in our area this "VEER US" hit and 3 times air spraying occurred.
Watching a normal jet fly through a sky full of chemtrail I watched happen and only make a dissipating contrail through iall the chemtrail fogging convinces anyone but a sheep.
Very interesting stuff. So much fishy stuff has gone on…
Another well written piece ! You are of course assessing this issue (masks ) on the level of reason , (real )science and common sense. Like this issue and many others “ the facts don’t matter “ it’s so much easier to delegate our opinion , join the groupthink crowd and virtue signal. The line in the sand for me was those who happily masked their young children ……the masking of children was unconscionable .
The abuse of children in all of this is beyond contempt.
Agree with everything in your article. My view has always been that whether a mask can stop a virus (if viruses exist) or not should be irrelevant - as you say. For decades, it has been "sort of" a controversy whether health-care personnel should wear a mask in a hospital setting, when taking care of patients known to have influenza or other respiratory disease. Although every scientific article (for decades) has shown that wearing a mask on that scenario does not make any difference, still some people have advocated for the use of masks - in THAT scenario - "just in case". Remember that the use of masks was "invented" by surgeons to avoid getting their spit full of bacteria on a supposedy sterile surgical field. The use of masks outside of the previously described scenario (like out in the community) makes absolutely no sense. It is comparable with opening an umbrella indoors, or outside on a sunny day; or wearing sunscreen when you go to sleep in your bedroom. It does not matter if the supposedly protective measure "works" or not.
I am curious to know what you think of masks being worn in places like Tokyo. My wife is always saying, “well they have been wearing masks in Japan for decades, why doesn’t that bother you?” I say it is because there is a lot of particulate pollution in places like Tokyo (China too). And in those cases, a mask may actually help keeping those large particles out of your lungs…that’s what I tell her but I have no idea if it is true. Do masks actually help to keep pollution out of your lungs? Or is that a bunch of hooey as well?
Oh... and BTW, it cannot bother me if they wear masks in Tokyo, because I do not live there. It bothers me when they want to force people to wear masks in Puerto Rico.
I am not an "authority" on that, but I would guess that it depends on the size of the particles that are causing the pollution. If they are large enough to be filtered by the masks, well I guess thay may work. On the other hand, I have never been in Tokyo, but it is hard for me to envision that the air is SO BAD that wearing a mask would make much difference. It is not like if you are working in an imdoors industrial area where there is a unsafe level of a pollutant; in that scenario, I think there is no controversy that employees should wear N-95s. Actually, that was the purpose they were invented.
I suspect that the Japanese are just as hoodwinked about mask wearing as everyone else. They have been doing this for a long time, and they certainly are a nation of "compliance"...
I doubt seriously if there is a legitimate reason they wear would not surprise me if they are being ultra "polite" and wear a mask if they are feeling under the weather in order to protect everyone else...the pollution "reason" was probably invented as a more rational excuse. Not everyone wears them, of course.
Any benefit of surgical masking was disproven years ago, but most people still believe it’s essential.
I wouldn’t want a surgeon’s spittle dripping into my innards…
mmmmm spittle
But since I don’t believe in bad germs, that is irrelevant to me Lol
Not you-the spittle
You don't believe in bad bacteria? Or just bad viruses?
I believe all bacteria has a function. If the body/soil/terrain is maintained naturally and positively it will stay in balance. If poisoned by environment or lifestyle, some bacteria with stronger effects upon other life forms will gain dominance and there can be unfortunate results. Without e-coli in our guts, we would die. Kill off the necessary bacteria in our guts with antibiotics and c-dif proliferates. It’s logical. We were created from the dirt, with its billions of components. Why should we fear nature?
Got it. Do you believe in bad parasites? Or would parasites not get us if we are healthy?
Agree. I just pointed at "the origin" of masks. In medicine (especially in hospitals) practices are frequently determined by what is customary. There are articles in the literature that show surgical wounds get infected at the same rate, whether the surgeon wears a mask or not; but no one will convince a surgeon, or the staff in a surgical department to do away with masks, or all the rituals they do by scrubbing before every surgery. The same goes with the example I made with masking when caring for a patient with influenza. There are dozens of studies that show masking does not prevent infections; but hospital personnel will certainly wear a mask in that scenario. Personally, I don't mind if they decide to wear a mask in those situations; they are very specific situations, and affect a very select group of people who work in a hospital. Trying to impose a mask on the general public everywhere is a different thing, and it is ridiculous.
So well said.
I read a study that showed an increase in patient infections with mask wearing. But if it helps keep the gunk off their faces (and that makes them happy?), who cares if they want to wear them
Don't forget one of the early insane voodoo mandates - "You're not in our bubble, so we can't socialize with you."
Yes, I often forget that one, and it is pretty big. Thanks for reminding me....divide and conquer.
They are absolutely related my friend...anyone ever call you a trickster?
Most people call tricksters asses...unless they have a healthy ability for introspection and can look at themselves carefully when a trickster calls something out.