I keep seeing stuff about masks crop up—a continuing argument as it has been since this nonsense began back in 2020. Since I am on this side of the fence with all of this, most of the stuff I run across advocates the dismal to non-existent efficacy of these face diapers. I am sure the sheep have their venerated sources praising the lifesaving attributes of this piece of gauze loosely wrapped around the breathing orifices of the face.
No matter how many videos we’ve seen of smoke billowing out of the edges of a mask, or reports on how the mesh of any mask is way too porous to stop the largest of viruses, or even useless in blocking some infinitely larger bacterial particles, some dubious research paper hits the journals that says, “masks do indeed prevent Covid transmission and saves lives.” Well, like I just said . . . I don’t pay much attention to sheep-news, so these claims may have dissipated by now. But I doubt it.
The same goes for research going the other way, although, in my shrew-opinion, not dubious in the least, these reports have become rather ubiquitous and really tell us nothing that our common sense has not already told us since day one. I remember this was probably the first “scratch my head” moment in this whole fiasco. I couldn’t understand how a paper or cloth mask, of any superior design, could stop a virus. We have been inundated our entire life with images of hazmat suits being worn by those who work with viruses in laboratories. This is an image emblazoned on the collective psyche. Mask don’t quite live up to that sort of protection. Maybe that’s all a lie as well (according to what many of you out there believe —viruses don’t exist—it is indeed a lie). But still, the mainstream has taught us that you have to be dressed up like a spaceman to avoid a virus, and now we are being told if we wear a mask made out of grandma’s old gingham curtains, we will be fine. Patootie, or as you English so aptly put it, bollocks.
In my opinion, the mask debate was over before it even started. Masks used to avoid transmission of a virus (which in all likelihood doesn’t even exist) is akin to using a rabbit’s foot to ward off bad luck—and I would be more inclined to believe in the efficacy of a rabbit’s foot than a mask. Using masks to avoid Covid goes against every shred of common sense that I possess and ranks high in idiocy with all the other insane voodoo mandates we had to contend with during the height of the Covid nonsense—social distancing, business closures, school closures, restrictions on gatherings, and yes, even vaccines.
But still, the mask debate lingers on. And I will tell you why, people on that side of the fence have lost all ability to think. Sorry, I know that is harsh, but in my humble opinion, that is about it. Now, in their defense, the best of us lose our ability to think at various times in our lives. I would say that most of us have certain subjects and ideas we cling to that have no logical or rational foundation. So be it. We are all human. The problem with losing our cognitive ability over the mask debate is that if we don’t figure it out, and stop complying, we are walking directly into the gas chamber thinking we are “doing the right thing” and will be rewarded with a nice hot shower with plenty of Zyklon B soap. We all know where that really takes us. “Just wear the damn thing,” bleats the complying sheep, “so what! What harm will it do??” Yeah, right.
Therein lies the problem. The sheep think wearing a mask is a civic duty, and a true altruistic act, which is for the best of others to be kind and compassionate. This sentiment is aimed particularly at those people who THINK it is effective. At this point, the fact it doesn’t work, really doesn’t factor in the decision to wear one. That, and the fact they do think it might work, just a teeny-weeny bit. Therefore, why not, if a mask makes you .00001% safer from getting Covid and expiring, then it is worth it. What can it hurt?
Needless to say, this attitude is not very well informed. But that is a problem too. If every bit of contrary-to-the-mainstream-narrative is considered “misinformation,” or worse yet, conspiracy theories born out of the MAGA movement of die-hard Trumpsters (who are the embodiment of evil and stupidity itself) then that information is not only ignored, but also shunned as pure, unmitigated blasphemy.
The word of the day is that people will not comply if mask mandates came back down the pike. I beg to differ with this popular, and naïve, assumption. There are probably many more “half sheep” than I originally thought. Meaning although there are sheep who have flipped and have joined the ranks of shrews—in my opinion most sheep are hard core sheep, and always have been, and always will be. These sheep will not budge from their stance regarding the narrative, and even if some facts come slapping them in the face as the days go by, they will still pledge their allegiance to the agenda’s narrative.
Even though they may come around to believing certain things about the handling of the Covid slam-a-scam-pan-demic was not well thought out, they will invariably chalk it up to “honest mistakes.” I have heard so many times it makes me nauseous that Fauci just “didn’t know” when shoveling out mask mandates and other humanity killing absurdities. “There just wasn’t enough information available.” Needless to say, these people ignore all of the news that has come out recently about Fauci’s emails regarding gain of function research, or his views on the reality of face diaper wearing. They either have no idea such information has been released, or they do know and attribute their refusal to believe it because it was “coerced out of him” by Trump-loving Republican Senators or Representatives.
These hard-core sheep are totally unwilling to even consider that maybe there was a profit motive involved considering that Pfizer et al made billions as a result of this global con, not to mention the massive shift in global wealth as an outcome of it all. And God forbid anyone give a fleeting thought to anything even more sinister than a money and power grab—like WEF/UN/WHO world rule, or, can I say it? Intentional genocide?
If you ever have a conversation with a sheep-person about this mask nonsense, make sure you leave out words like “global central government” or “reduce the population” or “corruption in the government.” These are no fly zones, and you won’t get anywhere at all. In fact, you will end the conversation.
Just as well. As they say, never try to teach a pig to sing, it is a waste of time, and it annoys the pig. You can’t convince a mask wearer that wearing a mask is pointless because it doesn’t stop transmission, or that it is bad for their health because of all the pathogens it releases into their bodies (or the C02 they keep breathing back into their lungs), you certainly cannot convince them that complying with a totalitarian regime is the best way to eventually end up with no freedoms, or dignity, at all. And when freedoms go down the chute, so does a happy life with family and friends. Totalitarian government is bad for health, both physical and mental. Tell them to put that in their mask and smoke it.
Another well written piece ! You are of course assessing this issue (masks ) on the level of reason , (real )science and common sense. Like this issue and many others “ the facts don’t matter “ it’s so much easier to delegate our opinion , join the groupthink crowd and virtue signal. The line in the sand for me was those who happily masked their young children ……the masking of children was unconscionable .
Agree with everything in your article. My view has always been that whether a mask can stop a virus (if viruses exist) or not should be irrelevant - as you say. For decades, it has been "sort of" a controversy whether health-care personnel should wear a mask in a hospital setting, when taking care of patients known to have influenza or other respiratory disease. Although every scientific article (for decades) has shown that wearing a mask on that scenario does not make any difference, still some people have advocated for the use of masks - in THAT scenario - "just in case". Remember that the use of masks was "invented" by surgeons to avoid getting their spit full of bacteria on a supposedy sterile surgical field. The use of masks outside of the previously described scenario (like out in the community) makes absolutely no sense. It is comparable with opening an umbrella indoors, or outside on a sunny day; or wearing sunscreen when you go to sleep in your bedroom. It does not matter if the supposedly protective measure "works" or not.