"Why is it so impossible for you to consider governments around the world may be overstepping their authority and operating under a paradigm that differs from any government’s primary mandate—to serve the people?"
Is it?! To serve the people?
Seems to me that we still want to pretend that we do not live under the shadow of the current Organization of our collective "civilization"!
"But it is up to us to figure out how we want it all to go."... OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is evidence enough that the herds of modern moron slaves prefer to keep our collective status and don't destroy the current MAIN SYSTEM!
Of course it isn't, but it is supposed to be. That was the point of that comment. Kings and Queens even used to say "I am here to serve my people"...well, SOME of them said that...I don't think ANY of them actually did.
Governments today, at least here in North America, CLAIM they are here to serve the people...which is the biggest joke on the planet.
This is indeed a very good article to try to overturn the two-camp idea. The idea the predators of the NWO have worked so hard on and still do. Very good questions are raised in this piece. Among other things, what helped me a lot to understand all this a bit better was a detailed explanation of the UN's SDGs by a Dutch investigative journalist [ who was so open-minded that we could consider him trustworthy ]. Gradually it became clear that the opposite of what was claimed was true. And that all the lines could be traced back to the same relatively small group of predators. What woke me up - to use that word again - was a thorough explanation of all the simulations, all of which bore very perfidious names. These so-called 'Pandemic Preparedness' simulations consisted of participants from Big Tech, Big Pharma, Govts, Big Media, Big Argriculture, . . . Big everything!
And what is also very essential to know is the presence of mass psychologists, secret services and other kinds of communication experts. In my eyes, in my idea of common sense, there is no better proof that we are dealing with a COMPLOT against us, humanity. ps: The fact that we are at all times accused of conspiracy thinking actually indicates that we are indeed dealing with a conspiracy, a supranational power network cq spider web of Evil.
ps2: I did take the liberty of thinking for myself, which worked out a whole lot better for about 10 or even longer, because I had thrown my TV set out of the window.
Everything you say here is right on in my opinion. If anyone looks into any of this with any depth and scrutiny you can't come up with any other logical opinion. As horrible as it is to see it, it is true. The sheep folks do not look at any of this with any depth or scrutiny. They just make vast assumptions, like "they wouldn't do this to us" or "why would they if they did?" Easily answered if you are willing to hear it.
Thanks for your comments...and BTW, it IS a conspiracy!!
I'll never forget a discussion I had with my mother when the odious vaxx passports were implemented in Ontario. I said, "The government is lying to you," to which she replied, "I know we're being lied to but I don't want to be in your position." That really hit me hard. She was never a hard-core Covidian; she always had us come into the house, even during lockdowns and never with a mask (which she knows we would not have done); and never excluded us or gave us a hard time about not being vaxxed. She simply didn't want to disrupt her nice life and was willing to go along with even the stupidest stuff so as not to be end up like us. Even with my very limited sample size, I believe a majority of the sheep KNOW. They don't know as much as we know, but they know masks were useless, that the vaxx didn't stop transmission (since so many of them have had Convid more than once), that the one-way arrows and 6-feet apart were arbitrary and nonsensical, and that the mask on/mask off in restaurants was beyond absurd. As I said in a reply to another comment earlier, these are the folks who could indulge in luxury beliefs because they were protected from the worst of the Convid fallout (and still are).
Another thought occurs to me. I suspect a lot of sheep would acknowledge that governments lie and don't always do right by their citizens, but they would argue we have no viable alternative. If left to their own devices people would lie, cheat, steal and worse, and so if we have to put up with crooked, grifter politicians it's still better than a Hobbesian war of all against all. Politicians are bad, but unruly citizens and unethical corporations left unchecked would be worse. I'm sure they'd also argue that at least we have free and fair elections (yeah, right) and we can vote the bums out, whilst never noticing that the opposing political parties are two cheeks of the same arse.
You might get sheep to agree that we deserve better from our politicians and institutions, but some percentage of those sheep will tell you they should have done more to stop the virus and keep us safe, that it was an unprecedented time in human history (it wasn't), and that everyone -- including Pfizer and Moderna -- did the best they could under difficult circumstances. This is why I don't even bother talking to sheep anymore. They may come around if they're hit between the eyes, but even then I'm not so sure they'll connect the dots.
I agree Canadasceptic with most of your points. The sheep go blindly along to get along. However, I am not so optimistic as you that many of the sheep knew it was all BS. I think many might now but not while we were wading through the heavy parts.
You're probably right. I didn't really probe much at the time because people were so resistant to talk about it all. My husband still thinks most people still support all the measures foisted on us and we both agree that even those who knew it was all BS would go along to get along if there's a next time.
All really good points. I have known a lot of sheep like your mother...and I suspect in most totalitarian/communist/fascist countries the citizenry KNOW all the lies, but just have to follow through. We are not quite there yet, but soon will be.
The other point you make about Covid in particular. Yes, I agree that many know the authorities are not telling the truth about the vax, the virus, etc. But it still astonishes me that they will take the jab when they know they could be injecting a dangerous substance. I have to say I don't think that many sheep believe that the "ruling class" is actually trying to kill them...literally KILL them...I don't think they go that far.
They definitely don't go that far! Even my husband, who knew it was all BS and didn't take any injections, rolls his eyes if I suggest there is a depopulation agenda at work. He has never, ever believed our government cares about us, but he is in the cockup camp while I am in the conspiracy camp. We still have tense moments and we're on the same side, so I don't have much hope for the rest.
I have experienced an odd phenomenon with all this...I also did not believe any of this could possibly be intentional democide. But as I pieced it all together with logical reasoning, and continued to ask the question "Why?" the only logical conclusion is that this all was intentional...and they were and still are intentionally trying to lessen the population. I say "odd phenomenon" because I came to this conclusion as the only logical conclusion you could come to considering all the data...I wasn't looking for it, and actually was at first quite resistant to it. I had no choice but to believe it.
If you don't come to that conclusion, then you are not sorting through all the data. It is really the only thing that makes sense. I think a lot of the incredibly intelligent shrews we all listen to have also experienced this phenomenon...like Dr. McCullough, I doubt seriously if, before 2020, he believed it was possible for his government to consciously set out to kill people. But I believe he is now one that also believes this. It is all so frightening....
Excellent points, and many of them. Especial thanks for mentioning "luxury beliefs" I've never seen or heard the expression, but it's perfect, and your description of your personal experience, informative and enlightening.
FYI...if you want to reply to a specific comment, there is a "reply" link below each one. I only say this because I get confused when people reply to comments without actually clicking on "reply"...like here...I spent some time looking for my mentioning "luxury beliefs" in my article!!😁
Dear Candy, If you, unfortunately, happen live there, or are, like me -- as the realtors love to say -- Westmount "adjacent," I am sorry you had it shoved in your face like that, and truly hope, and I'm pretty sure you are, recovering from the gross indignity and abuse, and able to enjoy the parks, greenhouse and other facilities. I stopped using the Westmount library, a place of massive utility and value to me, I feel so betrayed by the intellectual gatekeepers.
Excellent read today with some great points, Todd. Must say it's one of the best ones I have read from you, although there are many! Linking it today @ https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Also want to say you had a good one at Off Guardian that I linked on Saturday - "Some People Like This, and Always Will".
Wow, I literally started writing on this exact same topic yesterday.
If I could talk with a liberal and know they'd listen to a sentence, I would ask them, "Can you please, just this one time, consider the possibility you are wrong on this one?"
I was one of these people. I think the two biggest barrier to getting through to them is the skewed internet search results and the lack of time to examine assumptions.
I looked up something this weekend, can't remember what, but all these fact checking sites came up. But I read some of the fact checks and they say at the top "false" but if you read the actual supporting argument it says the opposite. If you already assume your side is the side of truth and knowledge, but you go the extra step of googling it, all you see are 10 pages of results with TITLES that confirm your beliefs. So why read any of them?
They gotta get proven wrong on something in a big way that cannot be refuted. And even then you'll only get a few defectors. Their entire psyche depends on being the "wise ones".
Very very true. There is a lot of weird psychology going on here...we are not supposed to learn that every single institution we used to trust is faulty. That's a big one to swallow...
Another great article Todd! Some people just don't want to hear about this BS anymore, even if they 100% went along with believing it. They are finished and therefore, do not want to wake from their reverie even at this point. So these gangsters who have orchestrated this debacle and continue to build on it, will have even greater success for the next bullshit lie. Maybe it will take opening the mind of just one sheep at a time for change to occur and like you say, when it happens to truly affect them.
I would say you are probably right about the majority of sleeping sheep. There is no leverage anymore, no "reason" to wake up. They took the shots, and what's done is done, so why not just forget about it all. The stuff coming up like CBDCs, UBIs, Digital IDs, they just don't take much of an interest in.
The ones I am the most concerned with are the hard core sheep. I know a few as they are part of my very inner circle...they DO have reason to come off of this hardcore stance because it is messing up relationships (not just with me). They are the curious ones...
I guess those sheep you know that are really hard core -- you may just have to avoid them at best or certainly not bother trying to get them to see a flicker of light in their stance. Are they such solid believers OR do they just not want you to be right about this?
Yes, very difficult to ignore if you want them in your life. I guess it just means staying clear of all of these topics. And that is very difficult to do. I have family in my life too where the topics have become very narrow in which we can discuss.
Wonderful bit, Todd. Socratic inquiry at its finest.
I am feeling so squeezed by the surrounding blindness, not to mention news of an impending financial crash that makes me panic as to whether I should: buy gold, take all my cash out of the bank quick, quick, buy real estate, or water purifiers ... oh hell! I don't know what to do! In the meantime the Beloved sheep in my life are just getting worse. We had a tacit agreement that I would not mention covid or anything nefarious around that, or I would be cut off. By my own children! But now the forbidden subjects seem to have ballooned to encompass anything that questions mainstream materialist scientific assumptions. This curiosity on my part is met with ad hominem attacks on theirs, deriding my predilection for entertaining the ideas of "old", "white", "British" theoreticians. I get told to look at the work of statisticians, not theoreticians. But I dare not submit the work of statisticians who provide evidence that the covid and governmental narratives are full of holes, such as e.g., the work of insurance actuaries as delineated and enhanced by Edward Dowd, the work of Jessica Rose, or the multiple presentations during Senate hearings hosted by Senator Ron Johnson in the last week, outlining all the problems that are rapidly accruing due to these false narratives as described by lettered, credible sources from multiple Industries.
I suppose critical inquiry into the covid narrative is connected with the same into scientific methodology, because any serious inquiry into evidence is likely to lead to unbearable truths. In the 1970s there was a lot of writing in the psychological literature about perceptual defense, eradication of sensory input at a pre-cortical level to, one might imagine, preserve one's calm in the face of life's many difficulties. Investigators like Alan Worthington of Australia discovered that information was censored, before it was consciously registered, in order to avoid unpleasant emotional states. I think that is what is going on, widespread now, and that it is not just a question of mass formation (a fuzzy term at best - demonstrable but irreducible - with an apologetic nod to Prof. Desmets here), but of individual self-censorship at a precortical level, an unconscious response to terrifying information in order to preserve the integrity of the psyche.
OMG, to respond to that would take a book!! I have a lot to say about it, but can't here in this limited space.
Regarding "what to do"...we are all thinking the same thing...what do we do to prepare for what we know is coming. Regarding the financial meltdown...I have no idea. I am figuring that if I prepare at all, I will prepare for a six month collapse. And when that is over, prepare for the next one...I know eventually the whole thing will come down permanently (eventually, or right away) but I simply cannot prepare for that. If/when it does happen? No idea what I will do, there are so many possible variables it is just impossible to know.
Since I am with my wife, who doesn't believe anything at all is going to go bad, I really can only operate on this sort of surface level. If I were alone, I would probably take out more money, stash it away somehow, move back to the states to a state that I think has a better chance of survival (or move to Mexico, or even to Egypt believe it or not because I have a lot of friends there!) I still don't know for sure how much time I would be able to prepare for...but I would do it differently if I were alone.
If I were young and had a family, I would probably start looking for a community of like minded family folks and move there...home/community schooling, community preparedness with food, water, weapons, etc.
Now as an old man married to a super sheep, I don't think there is much more I plan to do then have about 6 months of money on hand in case the internet/banks go out for a short span of time...yuck...
Thanks, Katherine! I'm a farmer and flower artist, and I've always wanted to write. But it's much easier to write 2 paragraph comments than entire essays. And now that I work outdoors and in the dirt I have a hard time sitting still at a computer, lol.
I have written one on this substack: All in Favor of Dropping Left/Right Labels, Say Aye! I think if you click my name you should be able to find it. Thank you for this push, I really appreciate it.
My gosh, you express all of this so incredibly well and yet your family is not open to just listening and discussion. This is the grand mystery for me. You …so articulate and smart being shut down by people close to you. I just don’t get it.
Thank you Tiny Shrew! They "know". If they already "know", they have nothing to learn.
I would love to get my hands on military/intelligence POW debriefings. You know when an American is kidnapped abroad but actually gets rescued? I've heard that they don't actually go home to family right away.
They put them through a program to find out what they were told and make sure they leave the debriefing with their minds' "straight".
It wouldn't be a perfect model because we can't force people to listen to us. But it's a start.
I think that the truth will come out in the end. It always comes out eventually for foreign policy. I mean who among us thinks that invading Iraq was good? Now what they'll do is rewrite history. They'll remember that time and say only Republicans voted for Iraq. But there's plenty of articles written by their own side to disprove that.
With this vaccine, I think the same will happen. At least for Pfizer we have actual evidence written by Pfizer to support our arguments. You've got all these cases of myocarditis. Someday the NYT will be forced to have a headline article about it.
I marvel at the patience of those who I once screamed at as dumbasses. Those of you who have withstood the wrath of your family and friends- I'm sorry. Rest assured you are acting with much more grace and love than they are, and I see that.
Thanks Todd for an excellent article! I am thinking I want very much to send it out. The points it makes are perfect. Now to figure out who in my world I will send it to!
My sister-in-law retired from the CHP. When I expressed curiosity about her position on the shots back in ‘20, she said that her boyfriend (my brother is dead) had investigated and decided that they were good so she was going to take them. I thought about all the information out there. She (and he) had access to all the information I had found about the pharma companies involved and the technology being a failure previously. His investigation was apparently watching the news and reading the government reports. Whatcha gonna do? She has had a stroke and now has a permanent tremor. No curiosity about why.
My sister is similar, whenever she tells me something she thinks is factual I ask her where it came from, the mainstream news, NPR, the president of the United States, Fauci, Bourla, etc. I just shake my head.
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sitting on an archived internet article written by Pfizer itself that shows the adverse events reported in a 3 month period. It's huge. I then looked up an article from a mainstream source about the adverse events from the H1N1 vaccine that was withdrawn from use due to adverse events.
But I'm sitting on it because I don't know how to get my friends to actually look at it and absorb it.
If they looked at it they'd see in Pfizer's own words that over 1000 deaths were reported in 3 months during their trials.
How many deaths prompted the recall of the H1N1 vaccine?
I hear ya. I sent some Pfizer reports to my brother in law to read, who is scientist, and I never heard what they thought of them. I am sure you could find reasons to say they are being interpreted wrong, or that "you can't draw any conclusions from a report like that" or whatever...
I don't have "THE ANSWER" but last night, I happened to recollect an illuminating example, from MMXX, a real head-scratching, gut-punching, nut-kicking eye-opener.
ONE WAY sidewalks seriously up for debate on a city council agenda actually happened.
It makes me wonder if maybe everything happening around us is just a natural by-product of collective, unconscious, uncoordinated, compound human ignorance and stupidity.
However, it also reminded me, it seems the wealthiest were among the most irrational, stupidest, most selfish and fearful advocates of arbitrary control imposed by decree, and the zealous enforcement of "MANDATORY RECOMMENDATIONS."
And, the vast majority of "we the people," awfully easy, low-hanging, easy pickings.
Moreover, I guess the fear psyoperators learned with high precision, what % of the global population could be dependably relied upon and receptive to being manipulated into submissive, unquestioning, obedient compliance and conformity, through language alone, without resorting to physical coercion, the use of force and application of restraint.
I don't know, but, it seems to me as if institutionalized slavery is a recurrent form of government by default.
Yes, the wealthiest -- or I would say the laptop class -- have what someone I heard refers to as "luxury beliefs." And when you think about it, their luxury beliefs worked for them and they have not as yet had to pay a price for them...unless they're vaxx injured and even then they won't make the connection. If you were one of the WFH folks who had the luxury of depending on "essential workers" to do your bidding so that you could "stay safe" then you'd go along with anything. Your kids were in private school or you could afford tutors so that they wouldn't fall too far behind and you had a big yard for them to play in weren't stuck in an apartment with no outdoor space such that everyone was always on edge. You did Zoom cocktail hour after work and life was going along just swimmingly. You had a few inconveniences, but so long as you went along with the mainstream narrative you could still get on a plane, visit your loved ones in hospital or LTC, eat at restaurants, etc.
Unless those holding luxury beliefs are forced to pay a price for those beliefs, they'll stick with them. Why would they seek out alternative narratives when the mainstream narratives worked out so well for them? And they got the virtue signalling bonus prize of being among the "good" people whilst labeling us deplorable, conspiracy theory nutcases.
Good lord, this clip is sickening. People really should be more careful dissing and denigrating a large group of people like these jackasses do in their eugenics book. "White Rural Rage--KILL 'EM ALL" ...they may one day be looking down the business end of a white rural shotgun.
pretty gross. likely set out there to be rage clicks. i would never describe myself as a trumper though i've been in the shit position of having to clarify what he actually has said at times. hey corbett is on about a program called Qortal. apparently has a radio function. i'll get to it tomorrow . if anything could be a learning curve to full on ham radio.
I heard about these two morons and their MSNBC appearance. As usual, they don't try to understand those who are not from their class but, rather, resort to name calling. They're so insulated and protected they simply cannot fathom how anyone could think differently from them. Their intellectual laziness forces them to paint broad swathes of the population with the same far right, transphobic, Covid and election denying, misogynistic, brush.
This is really well laid out - thank you for sharing. I do think most people have abdicated critical thinking & decision making to such a degree, that criticism of government or big pHARMa is taken as a personal attack. I have no other explanation beyond brainwashing or Stockholm syndrome🤷🏼♂️
Todd, This is perfectly laid out and all shrews should post this wherever their sheep family members and friends can see it. They puff out their over-educated/under-intelligent, self-righteous chests and believe they’re so superior to the rest of us that they can’t see the ground beneath them is sinking in their self-made 💩. My BIL went so far, in a drunken rant on Fakebook one evening, to accuse me of wishing his whole family death because they took the jab. What a useless, Harvard-indoctrinated pile of 💩! I took him on right there on the post and threatened to tell his wife if he didn’t admit his lie. I incensed him mightily when I asked if he was drunk! Obviously something is up in his perfectly manicured little seascape world on Cape Cod to send him barreling toward the edge! He’s got an adopted Russian son, who at 22, is an immature, coddled alcoholic, churning thousands of his educator retirement pension right down the toilet. I’m sure he’s now dreading the next family get together himself!🤣
We can silently and discreetly contribute to the cure of our beloved but confused friends and family by praying Jesus for them. He is truth incarnate, after all!
I just recently read/watched an article touting the amazing invention of the mRNA technology...one memorable quote: “The COVID vaccine reduced the death toll and helped people get back to relatively normal lives.”
And people still believe this...it is quite astounding. They can say anything, and flaunt their lies in the face of inconvertible evidence...and the sheep will still believe...
Here is the article...it is titled, "The mRNA Miracle Workers"
Just like real sheep; the 4-legged type, they’re basically just lazy. Critical thinking makes their heads hurt and distracts from Candy Crush and ESPN.
I don’t know if it is laziness. Back before covid I was happily living my life and truly believing that the government was basically looking out for me. Things were pretty clear in my world. I attended demonstrations in DC on climate change, Trump’s taxes, etc. I also knew there were probably things happening that I did not understand, but was not really concerned. (Ie. My brother showed me a film about 9-11 being orchestrated by our government…I was pretty upset and did not want to believe such a shocking thing). I don’t think it was laziness on my part…but just believing everything was pretty much ok. However, as time rolled on things began to not make sense. Facts were threatening to my beliefs, but the more I investigated the more I became aware of truths I just did not see before. However I don’t ever remember being angry at the people who shared this new (to me) information. This is a major thing about all of this I don’t understand…the anger and lack of respect to those who attempt to share what they know.
Aren't you happy now that you are awake? Life is so much more grand. Again, a Matrix analogy...no juicy steak over here in Shrewville.
I was originally drawn to the shrew side because I love a mystery. I love finding out things are not as they seem, or as we have been told. It is just more exciting. Part of this fascination is due to the illness and subsequent death of my first wife. I loved hearing that Big Pharma was corrupt, and that Chemo was a money making scam, and that the FDA and AMA had shoved viable cancer treatments into the gutter. That all gave me hope, "maybe there IS a cure out there and it has just been censored by Big Pharma or the government!!"
I think her illness just exacerbated something I already was excited about...this mystery, this "it isn't as bad as they want us to think it is"...of course often times knowing what they say isn't true makes things WORSE, it was still intriguing...but I did not know, until recently, the lies were so encompassing, and widespread...
"Why is it so impossible for you to consider governments around the world may be overstepping their authority and operating under a paradigm that differs from any government’s primary mandate—to serve the people?"
Is it?! To serve the people?
Seems to me that we still want to pretend that we do not live under the shadow of the current Organization of our collective "civilization"!
"But it is up to us to figure out how we want it all to go."... OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is evidence enough that the herds of modern moron slaves prefer to keep our collective status and don't destroy the current MAIN SYSTEM!
Of course it isn't, but it is supposed to be. That was the point of that comment. Kings and Queens even used to say "I am here to serve my people"...well, SOME of them said that...I don't think ANY of them actually did.
Governments today, at least here in North America, CLAIM they are here to serve the people...which is the biggest joke on the planet.
Why trust the claims of fraudsters, scoundrels and terrorists?!
Is there still any doubt of what those working in/for such entity really are?
No doubt from us for sure, but the sheep? They never even question it...unless Trump is involved.
Sheeple are happy with their current slavery way of "Life"!
This is indeed a very good article to try to overturn the two-camp idea. The idea the predators of the NWO have worked so hard on and still do. Very good questions are raised in this piece. Among other things, what helped me a lot to understand all this a bit better was a detailed explanation of the UN's SDGs by a Dutch investigative journalist [ who was so open-minded that we could consider him trustworthy ]. Gradually it became clear that the opposite of what was claimed was true. And that all the lines could be traced back to the same relatively small group of predators. What woke me up - to use that word again - was a thorough explanation of all the simulations, all of which bore very perfidious names. These so-called 'Pandemic Preparedness' simulations consisted of participants from Big Tech, Big Pharma, Govts, Big Media, Big Argriculture, . . . Big everything!
And what is also very essential to know is the presence of mass psychologists, secret services and other kinds of communication experts. In my eyes, in my idea of common sense, there is no better proof that we are dealing with a COMPLOT against us, humanity. ps: The fact that we are at all times accused of conspiracy thinking actually indicates that we are indeed dealing with a conspiracy, a supranational power network cq spider web of Evil.
ps2: I did take the liberty of thinking for myself, which worked out a whole lot better for about 10 or even longer, because I had thrown my TV set out of the window.
Everything you say here is right on in my opinion. If anyone looks into any of this with any depth and scrutiny you can't come up with any other logical opinion. As horrible as it is to see it, it is true. The sheep folks do not look at any of this with any depth or scrutiny. They just make vast assumptions, like "they wouldn't do this to us" or "why would they if they did?" Easily answered if you are willing to hear it.
Thanks for your comments...and BTW, it IS a conspiracy!!
I'll never forget a discussion I had with my mother when the odious vaxx passports were implemented in Ontario. I said, "The government is lying to you," to which she replied, "I know we're being lied to but I don't want to be in your position." That really hit me hard. She was never a hard-core Covidian; she always had us come into the house, even during lockdowns and never with a mask (which she knows we would not have done); and never excluded us or gave us a hard time about not being vaxxed. She simply didn't want to disrupt her nice life and was willing to go along with even the stupidest stuff so as not to be end up like us. Even with my very limited sample size, I believe a majority of the sheep KNOW. They don't know as much as we know, but they know masks were useless, that the vaxx didn't stop transmission (since so many of them have had Convid more than once), that the one-way arrows and 6-feet apart were arbitrary and nonsensical, and that the mask on/mask off in restaurants was beyond absurd. As I said in a reply to another comment earlier, these are the folks who could indulge in luxury beliefs because they were protected from the worst of the Convid fallout (and still are).
Another thought occurs to me. I suspect a lot of sheep would acknowledge that governments lie and don't always do right by their citizens, but they would argue we have no viable alternative. If left to their own devices people would lie, cheat, steal and worse, and so if we have to put up with crooked, grifter politicians it's still better than a Hobbesian war of all against all. Politicians are bad, but unruly citizens and unethical corporations left unchecked would be worse. I'm sure they'd also argue that at least we have free and fair elections (yeah, right) and we can vote the bums out, whilst never noticing that the opposing political parties are two cheeks of the same arse.
You might get sheep to agree that we deserve better from our politicians and institutions, but some percentage of those sheep will tell you they should have done more to stop the virus and keep us safe, that it was an unprecedented time in human history (it wasn't), and that everyone -- including Pfizer and Moderna -- did the best they could under difficult circumstances. This is why I don't even bother talking to sheep anymore. They may come around if they're hit between the eyes, but even then I'm not so sure they'll connect the dots.
I agree Canadasceptic with most of your points. The sheep go blindly along to get along. However, I am not so optimistic as you that many of the sheep knew it was all BS. I think many might now but not while we were wading through the heavy parts.
You're probably right. I didn't really probe much at the time because people were so resistant to talk about it all. My husband still thinks most people still support all the measures foisted on us and we both agree that even those who knew it was all BS would go along to get along if there's a next time.
All really good points. I have known a lot of sheep like your mother...and I suspect in most totalitarian/communist/fascist countries the citizenry KNOW all the lies, but just have to follow through. We are not quite there yet, but soon will be.
The other point you make about Covid in particular. Yes, I agree that many know the authorities are not telling the truth about the vax, the virus, etc. But it still astonishes me that they will take the jab when they know they could be injecting a dangerous substance. I have to say I don't think that many sheep believe that the "ruling class" is actually trying to kill them...literally KILL them...I don't think they go that far.
They definitely don't go that far! Even my husband, who knew it was all BS and didn't take any injections, rolls his eyes if I suggest there is a depopulation agenda at work. He has never, ever believed our government cares about us, but he is in the cockup camp while I am in the conspiracy camp. We still have tense moments and we're on the same side, so I don't have much hope for the rest.
I have experienced an odd phenomenon with all this...I also did not believe any of this could possibly be intentional democide. But as I pieced it all together with logical reasoning, and continued to ask the question "Why?" the only logical conclusion is that this all was intentional...and they were and still are intentionally trying to lessen the population. I say "odd phenomenon" because I came to this conclusion as the only logical conclusion you could come to considering all the data...I wasn't looking for it, and actually was at first quite resistant to it. I had no choice but to believe it.
If you don't come to that conclusion, then you are not sorting through all the data. It is really the only thing that makes sense. I think a lot of the incredibly intelligent shrews we all listen to have also experienced this phenomenon...like Dr. McCullough, I doubt seriously if, before 2020, he believed it was possible for his government to consciously set out to kill people. But I believe he is now one that also believes this. It is all so frightening....
Excellent points, and many of them. Especial thanks for mentioning "luxury beliefs" I've never seen or heard the expression, but it's perfect, and your description of your personal experience, informative and enlightening.
FYI...if you want to reply to a specific comment, there is a "reply" link below each one. I only say this because I get confused when people reply to comments without actually clicking on "reply"...like here...I spent some time looking for my mentioning "luxury beliefs" in my article!!😁
No biggie...
Duly noted!
I hope this is what you meant
Perfect!! Thanks.
Dear Candy, If you, unfortunately, happen live there, or are, like me -- as the realtors love to say -- Westmount "adjacent," I am sorry you had it shoved in your face like that, and truly hope, and I'm pretty sure you are, recovering from the gross indignity and abuse, and able to enjoy the parks, greenhouse and other facilities. I stopped using the Westmount library, a place of massive utility and value to me, I feel so betrayed by the intellectual gatekeepers.
Excellent read today with some great points, Todd. Must say it's one of the best ones I have read from you, although there are many! Linking it today @ https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Also want to say you had a good one at Off Guardian that I linked on Saturday - "Some People Like This, and Always Will".
Hey, thank you! Yes, this is a "sheep proof" article, really aimed at non-shrew-types...of course those types do not read my substack...so...
Wow, I literally started writing on this exact same topic yesterday.
If I could talk with a liberal and know they'd listen to a sentence, I would ask them, "Can you please, just this one time, consider the possibility you are wrong on this one?"
I was one of these people. I think the two biggest barrier to getting through to them is the skewed internet search results and the lack of time to examine assumptions.
I looked up something this weekend, can't remember what, but all these fact checking sites came up. But I read some of the fact checks and they say at the top "false" but if you read the actual supporting argument it says the opposite. If you already assume your side is the side of truth and knowledge, but you go the extra step of googling it, all you see are 10 pages of results with TITLES that confirm your beliefs. So why read any of them?
They gotta get proven wrong on something in a big way that cannot be refuted. And even then you'll only get a few defectors. Their entire psyche depends on being the "wise ones".
Very very true. There is a lot of weird psychology going on here...we are not supposed to learn that every single institution we used to trust is faulty. That's a big one to swallow...
So well said!
Another great article Todd! Some people just don't want to hear about this BS anymore, even if they 100% went along with believing it. They are finished and therefore, do not want to wake from their reverie even at this point. So these gangsters who have orchestrated this debacle and continue to build on it, will have even greater success for the next bullshit lie. Maybe it will take opening the mind of just one sheep at a time for change to occur and like you say, when it happens to truly affect them.
I would say you are probably right about the majority of sleeping sheep. There is no leverage anymore, no "reason" to wake up. They took the shots, and what's done is done, so why not just forget about it all. The stuff coming up like CBDCs, UBIs, Digital IDs, they just don't take much of an interest in.
The ones I am the most concerned with are the hard core sheep. I know a few as they are part of my very inner circle...they DO have reason to come off of this hardcore stance because it is messing up relationships (not just with me). They are the curious ones...
I guess those sheep you know that are really hard core -- you may just have to avoid them at best or certainly not bother trying to get them to see a flicker of light in their stance. Are they such solid believers OR do they just not want you to be right about this?
One is my dear sister, another is my dear wife. Difficult to ignore.
Yes, very difficult to ignore if you want them in your life. I guess it just means staying clear of all of these topics. And that is very difficult to do. I have family in my life too where the topics have become very narrow in which we can discuss.
Yep, yep, yep!
Wonderful bit, Todd. Socratic inquiry at its finest.
I am feeling so squeezed by the surrounding blindness, not to mention news of an impending financial crash that makes me panic as to whether I should: buy gold, take all my cash out of the bank quick, quick, buy real estate, or water purifiers ... oh hell! I don't know what to do! In the meantime the Beloved sheep in my life are just getting worse. We had a tacit agreement that I would not mention covid or anything nefarious around that, or I would be cut off. By my own children! But now the forbidden subjects seem to have ballooned to encompass anything that questions mainstream materialist scientific assumptions. This curiosity on my part is met with ad hominem attacks on theirs, deriding my predilection for entertaining the ideas of "old", "white", "British" theoreticians. I get told to look at the work of statisticians, not theoreticians. But I dare not submit the work of statisticians who provide evidence that the covid and governmental narratives are full of holes, such as e.g., the work of insurance actuaries as delineated and enhanced by Edward Dowd, the work of Jessica Rose, or the multiple presentations during Senate hearings hosted by Senator Ron Johnson in the last week, outlining all the problems that are rapidly accruing due to these false narratives as described by lettered, credible sources from multiple Industries.
I suppose critical inquiry into the covid narrative is connected with the same into scientific methodology, because any serious inquiry into evidence is likely to lead to unbearable truths. In the 1970s there was a lot of writing in the psychological literature about perceptual defense, eradication of sensory input at a pre-cortical level to, one might imagine, preserve one's calm in the face of life's many difficulties. Investigators like Alan Worthington of Australia discovered that information was censored, before it was consciously registered, in order to avoid unpleasant emotional states. I think that is what is going on, widespread now, and that it is not just a question of mass formation (a fuzzy term at best - demonstrable but irreducible - with an apologetic nod to Prof. Desmets here), but of individual self-censorship at a precortical level, an unconscious response to terrifying information in order to preserve the integrity of the psyche.
What say you?
OMG, to respond to that would take a book!! I have a lot to say about it, but can't here in this limited space.
Regarding "what to do"...we are all thinking the same thing...what do we do to prepare for what we know is coming. Regarding the financial meltdown...I have no idea. I am figuring that if I prepare at all, I will prepare for a six month collapse. And when that is over, prepare for the next one...I know eventually the whole thing will come down permanently (eventually, or right away) but I simply cannot prepare for that. If/when it does happen? No idea what I will do, there are so many possible variables it is just impossible to know.
Since I am with my wife, who doesn't believe anything at all is going to go bad, I really can only operate on this sort of surface level. If I were alone, I would probably take out more money, stash it away somehow, move back to the states to a state that I think has a better chance of survival (or move to Mexico, or even to Egypt believe it or not because I have a lot of friends there!) I still don't know for sure how much time I would be able to prepare for...but I would do it differently if I were alone.
If I were young and had a family, I would probably start looking for a community of like minded family folks and move there...home/community schooling, community preparedness with food, water, weapons, etc.
Now as an old man married to a super sheep, I don't think there is much more I plan to do then have about 6 months of money on hand in case the internet/banks go out for a short span of time...yuck...
You write so clearly and convincingly. I think you sholld start your own stack.
I agree...or a book...
Thanks, Katherine! I'm a farmer and flower artist, and I've always wanted to write. But it's much easier to write 2 paragraph comments than entire essays. And now that I work outdoors and in the dirt I have a hard time sitting still at a computer, lol.
I have written one on this substack: All in Favor of Dropping Left/Right Labels, Say Aye! I think if you click my name you should be able to find it. Thank you for this push, I really appreciate it.
My gosh, you express all of this so incredibly well and yet your family is not open to just listening and discussion. This is the grand mystery for me. You …so articulate and smart being shut down by people close to you. I just don’t get it.
Sounds familiar, eh?
Thank you Tiny Shrew! They "know". If they already "know", they have nothing to learn.
I would love to get my hands on military/intelligence POW debriefings. You know when an American is kidnapped abroad but actually gets rescued? I've heard that they don't actually go home to family right away.
They put them through a program to find out what they were told and make sure they leave the debriefing with their minds' "straight".
It wouldn't be a perfect model because we can't force people to listen to us. But it's a start.
I think that the truth will come out in the end. It always comes out eventually for foreign policy. I mean who among us thinks that invading Iraq was good? Now what they'll do is rewrite history. They'll remember that time and say only Republicans voted for Iraq. But there's plenty of articles written by their own side to disprove that.
With this vaccine, I think the same will happen. At least for Pfizer we have actual evidence written by Pfizer to support our arguments. You've got all these cases of myocarditis. Someday the NYT will be forced to have a headline article about it.
I marvel at the patience of those who I once screamed at as dumbasses. Those of you who have withstood the wrath of your family and friends- I'm sorry. Rest assured you are acting with much more grace and love than they are, and I see that.
Thanks Todd for an excellent article! I am thinking I want very much to send it out. The points it makes are perfect. Now to figure out who in my world I will send it to!
I would be so curious to know if any sheep type would be intrigued by what I say in the article...
My sister-in-law retired from the CHP. When I expressed curiosity about her position on the shots back in ‘20, she said that her boyfriend (my brother is dead) had investigated and decided that they were good so she was going to take them. I thought about all the information out there. She (and he) had access to all the information I had found about the pharma companies involved and the technology being a failure previously. His investigation was apparently watching the news and reading the government reports. Whatcha gonna do? She has had a stroke and now has a permanent tremor. No curiosity about why.
That's horrible...I am sorry...
My sister is similar, whenever she tells me something she thinks is factual I ask her where it came from, the mainstream news, NPR, the president of the United States, Fauci, Bourla, etc. I just shake my head.
They find what they want to believe and stop looking. Breaks my heart.
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sitting on an archived internet article written by Pfizer itself that shows the adverse events reported in a 3 month period. It's huge. I then looked up an article from a mainstream source about the adverse events from the H1N1 vaccine that was withdrawn from use due to adverse events.
But I'm sitting on it because I don't know how to get my friends to actually look at it and absorb it.
If they looked at it they'd see in Pfizer's own words that over 1000 deaths were reported in 3 months during their trials.
How many deaths prompted the recall of the H1N1 vaccine?
I hear ya. I sent some Pfizer reports to my brother in law to read, who is scientist, and I never heard what they thought of them. I am sure you could find reasons to say they are being interpreted wrong, or that "you can't draw any conclusions from a report like that" or whatever...
Morning, Todd!
As usual, a lot to digest.
What is really going on with government?
I don't have "THE ANSWER" but last night, I happened to recollect an illuminating example, from MMXX, a real head-scratching, gut-punching, nut-kicking eye-opener.
🤡 🥸 😄
ONE WAY sidewalks seriously up for debate on a city council agenda actually happened.
It makes me wonder if maybe everything happening around us is just a natural by-product of collective, unconscious, uncoordinated, compound human ignorance and stupidity.
However, it also reminded me, it seems the wealthiest were among the most irrational, stupidest, most selfish and fearful advocates of arbitrary control imposed by decree, and the zealous enforcement of "MANDATORY RECOMMENDATIONS."
And, the vast majority of "we the people," awfully easy, low-hanging, easy pickings.
Moreover, I guess the fear psyoperators learned with high precision, what % of the global population could be dependably relied upon and receptive to being manipulated into submissive, unquestioning, obedient compliance and conformity, through language alone, without resorting to physical coercion, the use of force and application of restraint.
I don't know, but, it seems to me as if institutionalized slavery is a recurrent form of government by default.
Yes, the wealthiest -- or I would say the laptop class -- have what someone I heard refers to as "luxury beliefs." And when you think about it, their luxury beliefs worked for them and they have not as yet had to pay a price for them...unless they're vaxx injured and even then they won't make the connection. If you were one of the WFH folks who had the luxury of depending on "essential workers" to do your bidding so that you could "stay safe" then you'd go along with anything. Your kids were in private school or you could afford tutors so that they wouldn't fall too far behind and you had a big yard for them to play in weren't stuck in an apartment with no outdoor space such that everyone was always on edge. You did Zoom cocktail hour after work and life was going along just swimmingly. You had a few inconveniences, but so long as you went along with the mainstream narrative you could still get on a plane, visit your loved ones in hospital or LTC, eat at restaurants, etc.
Unless those holding luxury beliefs are forced to pay a price for those beliefs, they'll stick with them. Why would they seek out alternative narratives when the mainstream narratives worked out so well for them? And they got the virtue signalling bonus prize of being among the "good" people whilst labeling us deplorable, conspiracy theory nutcases.
this goes along with what you're saying. i think there is a lot of raw fear amongst gopher class as illustrated here.
Good lord, this clip is sickening. People really should be more careful dissing and denigrating a large group of people like these jackasses do in their eugenics book. "White Rural Rage--KILL 'EM ALL" ...they may one day be looking down the business end of a white rural shotgun.
pretty gross. likely set out there to be rage clicks. i would never describe myself as a trumper though i've been in the shit position of having to clarify what he actually has said at times. hey corbett is on about a program called Qortal. apparently has a radio function. i'll get to it tomorrow . if anything could be a learning curve to full on ham radio.
or a simulbroadcast?
I heard about these two morons and their MSNBC appearance. As usual, they don't try to understand those who are not from their class but, rather, resort to name calling. They're so insulated and protected they simply cannot fathom how anyone could think differently from them. Their intellectual laziness forces them to paint broad swathes of the population with the same far right, transphobic, Covid and election denying, misogynistic, brush.
Jackass morons...
It didn’t pass in 2020, but it probably will next time
Yes, we all have "next time" to look forward to. Covid was just the priming coat.
This is really well laid out - thank you for sharing. I do think most people have abdicated critical thinking & decision making to such a degree, that criticism of government or big pHARMa is taken as a personal attack. I have no other explanation beyond brainwashing or Stockholm syndrome🤷🏼♂️
You are right...it IS like a personal attack...
Todd, This is perfectly laid out and all shrews should post this wherever their sheep family members and friends can see it. They puff out their over-educated/under-intelligent, self-righteous chests and believe they’re so superior to the rest of us that they can’t see the ground beneath them is sinking in their self-made 💩. My BIL went so far, in a drunken rant on Fakebook one evening, to accuse me of wishing his whole family death because they took the jab. What a useless, Harvard-indoctrinated pile of 💩! I took him on right there on the post and threatened to tell his wife if he didn’t admit his lie. I incensed him mightily when I asked if he was drunk! Obviously something is up in his perfectly manicured little seascape world on Cape Cod to send him barreling toward the edge! He’s got an adopted Russian son, who at 22, is an immature, coddled alcoholic, churning thousands of his educator retirement pension right down the toilet. I’m sure he’s now dreading the next family get together himself!🤣
Maybe he could be referred to al anon?
Another tough family get together?😫
Yeah, right.
Sheep have the equivalent of a terminal disease. They believe lies over the truth, and there is no cure for that.
We can silently and discreetly contribute to the cure of our beloved but confused friends and family by praying Jesus for them. He is truth incarnate, after all!
I just recently read/watched an article touting the amazing invention of the mRNA technology...one memorable quote: “The COVID vaccine reduced the death toll and helped people get back to relatively normal lives.”
And people still believe this...it is quite astounding. They can say anything, and flaunt their lies in the face of inconvertible evidence...and the sheep will still believe...
Here is the article...it is titled, "The mRNA Miracle Workers"
It was painful to read.
I couldn’t get through it
Just like real sheep; the 4-legged type, they’re basically just lazy. Critical thinking makes their heads hurt and distracts from Candy Crush and ESPN.
Me again…maybe I WAS lazy!!!
I don’t know if it is laziness. Back before covid I was happily living my life and truly believing that the government was basically looking out for me. Things were pretty clear in my world. I attended demonstrations in DC on climate change, Trump’s taxes, etc. I also knew there were probably things happening that I did not understand, but was not really concerned. (Ie. My brother showed me a film about 9-11 being orchestrated by our government…I was pretty upset and did not want to believe such a shocking thing). I don’t think it was laziness on my part…but just believing everything was pretty much ok. However, as time rolled on things began to not make sense. Facts were threatening to my beliefs, but the more I investigated the more I became aware of truths I just did not see before. However I don’t ever remember being angry at the people who shared this new (to me) information. This is a major thing about all of this I don’t understand…the anger and lack of respect to those who attempt to share what they know.
Aren't you happy now that you are awake? Life is so much more grand. Again, a Matrix analogy...no juicy steak over here in Shrewville.
I was originally drawn to the shrew side because I love a mystery. I love finding out things are not as they seem, or as we have been told. It is just more exciting. Part of this fascination is due to the illness and subsequent death of my first wife. I loved hearing that Big Pharma was corrupt, and that Chemo was a money making scam, and that the FDA and AMA had shoved viable cancer treatments into the gutter. That all gave me hope, "maybe there IS a cure out there and it has just been censored by Big Pharma or the government!!"
I think her illness just exacerbated something I already was excited about...this mystery, this "it isn't as bad as they want us to think it is"...of course often times knowing what they say isn't true makes things WORSE, it was still intriguing...but I did not know, until recently, the lies were so encompassing, and widespread...