This is another article aimed at all of you who believe all of us are fruit cakes. (Most likely, then, no one reading it!) I will start with a simple question. Why is it so impossible for you to consider governments around the world may be overstepping their authority and operating under a paradigm that differs from any government’s primary mandate—to serve the people?
Notice I use the word “consider” in my question to you. I am not asking why you are not on board 100% in government bashing, but just why can you not consider this possibility? Bearing in mind that nearly every single government of the world, since time immemorial, has had bouts of corruption—either a little bit, or so monumentally that it, and the nation it was supposed to represent, collapses. Since this has been such a historical ubiquity, why is it so difficult for you folks to even consider some corruption, or even just a failure to follow the primary tenets of government at some moments in its existence?
Most of you certainly had/have no problem believing that Donald Trump, a duly elected president, was/is corrupt and the slayer of democracy. Isn’t there even a remote possibility that maybe Joseph Biden and his administration are up to something a bit rotten? Or at least questionable? Considering these monumental issues going on in the world such as rampant illegal immigration, the insane measures taken against farmers, wars supported by the government all over the world, and the blatant disregard for constitutional rights such as was seen in Canada during the trucker’s convoy. There are dozens more “questionable actions” governments are taking with regard to violating civil and constitutional rights these days. Surely you question some of this stuff. Surely you wonder what is going on. But do you believe, hook line and sinker, the explanations you are getting from the perpetrators themselves? Does that really make it work for all of you?
If anyone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes, they are aware that is what they are doing. And if so, they will make every effort to conceal their intentions. Thus, they will come up with explanations for their actions. Do you see these explanations as making perfect sense or even “sort of” sense? They seem pretty flimsy to the rest of us. I am not suggesting that you go very far down the rabbit hole, it gets pretty hairy down there, you can stay near the top of the hole and still get the basic gist of what is going on. And again, it seems rather astounding to most of us over here that you won’t even discuss the possibility that something pretty horrific has occurred over the past few years (and even before).
If you won’t consider the government is working against us, why not Big Pharma? It is an unmitigated fact that Big Pharma has been involved in some pretty ugly stuff over the years. And regardless of how innocent you may think they are, the courts certainly do not agree. They are a big business, and even though you may think it is a dog-eat-dog world out there in the big corporate arena, you have to admit that it is important we keep an eye on any business that is advocating jabbing us with chemicals and concoctions. Sure, you can go on believing that they do more good than harm, they are only trying to make a buck, and maybe you believe their foundational intention is to do good. But isn’t there any room at all for you to question what has happened with the Covid-19 vaccine? And what has happened with censoring any opposition to the vaccine from creditable sources? And what has happened with the obvious smear campaign against viable treatments such as Ivermectin? (And don’t just go on the word from you favourite celebrity, or those in the pocket of Big Pharma. That’s not good enough.)
Sure, you have heard a lot from these folks, and other authority figures who support them, that the vaccine is “safe and effective,” that censored information from other scientists and doctors was ALL misinformation, and that Ivermectin is merely horse medication. But don’t you know that these huge money-making institutions are going to do whatever they can to defend themselves and their product and that they have billions to invest in these smear campaigns? Just give it a little thought and add to that the millions of people out there in the world screaming their heads off that something is very rotten in Denmark.
And speaking of all those people who have been telling us for years this just wasn’t Kosher. Those people are your friends and your family. Are they all that stupid? Are they all Trump supporters? Or MAGA hat-wearing ignorant Republican hillbillies? (Not my description.) Aren’t some of these people reliable? Aren’t some of them considered by you to be rational, intelligent, and well-informed? Is it really that easy for you to dismiss them entirely? And not listen to them at all? At the very least they sincerely believe they are trying to help you. Can you at least be kind to them, listen to them, and have conversations with them, rather than treat them like morons—despicable, deplorable, morons at that.
All we ever wanted was a calm conversation. You didn’t have to agree with us on all counts, we just wanted you to listen respectfully. We wanted you to consider what we were clearly seeing, and then maybe see at least some of it yourself. This really is a no-brainer; it just isn’t that big of a deal to ask that you consider there is something odd afoot.
Maybe you think you have looked into it and came up with no evidence to challenge your original view. If so, where are you looking? You will not find reliable information from mainstream news sources. Sorry. I am not saying all news is fake news, but regarding much that is going on, the mainstream sources are going to avoid anything that steps on the toes of their major advertisers and political supporters. Doesn’t that make sense? Isn’t that the way it has always worked? Just more so now than before. Consider that.
So that’s about it for my rant. If any of you want to answer my questions, please feel free to leave comments, or contact me at It would be fun to hear from you.
We are indeed all in this together. Whether you believe what we believe or not, it is our world—all 8 billion of us, individually. It is not the government’s world, Big Pharma’s world, or the UN’s or the WHO’s or the WEF’s—it is ours, and ours alone. We need to take care of ourselves through our own personal scrutiny, our own evaluation and critical thinking. We can never leave all this up to institutions and organizations. They can help us, of course, keep all this going. But it is up to us to figure out how we want it all to go.
Morning, Todd!
As usual, a lot to digest.
What is really going on with government?
I don't have "THE ANSWER" but last night, I happened to recollect an illuminating example, from MMXX, a real head-scratching, gut-punching, nut-kicking eye-opener.
🤡 🥸 😄
ONE WAY sidewalks seriously up for debate on a city council agenda actually happened.
It makes me wonder if maybe everything happening around us is just a natural by-product of collective, unconscious, uncoordinated, compound human ignorance and stupidity.
However, it also reminded me, it seems the wealthiest were among the most irrational, stupidest, most selfish and fearful advocates of arbitrary control imposed by decree, and the zealous enforcement of "MANDATORY RECOMMENDATIONS."
And, the vast majority of "we the people," awfully easy, low-hanging, easy pickings.
Moreover, I guess the fear psyoperators learned with high precision, what % of the global population could be dependably relied upon and receptive to being manipulated into submissive, unquestioning, obedient compliance and conformity, through language alone, without resorting to physical coercion, the use of force and application of restraint.
I don't know, but, it seems to me as if institutionalized slavery is a recurrent form of government by default.
This is really well laid out - thank you for sharing. I do think most people have abdicated critical thinking & decision making to such a degree, that criticism of government or big pHARMa is taken as a personal attack. I have no other explanation beyond brainwashing or Stockholm syndrome🤷🏼♂️