Dec 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for this opinion piece: it expresses much of what I feel currently in that so many have simply reverted back to their lives from 'before' and chose to believe that all is back to normal. It is not. And the calm always occurs before the storm: the big storm has yet to arrive. I am readying myself as best as possible, as many other watchers are doing, and can only hope and pray that our efforts are enough for the continued existence of our human race. With God's help.

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Yes. All sheep believe all is back to "normal" and now many shrews are thinking "we are making progress"...although I like to think in some areas we ARE making progress, there is a darker side of me that says we are not. Time will tell. And yes, I agree, the human race is indeed at risk. God help us.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A wonderful piece with many thoughtful points . A growing sense is that much of the silliness ( being polite ) of the last three years , including but not limited to the emergence of the evil

“woke “. nonsense has laid the groundwork for a hard correction to the right . I am not sure we will need a total collapse to bring us back to the centre so to speak. Is this wishful thinking ?

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I think it will be quite easy to get us back to say a pre-2000 mindset where much of the control efforts go completely underground as they primarily were in the 1990's and before. But that is not out of the woods, it will just delay things.

Of course if we follow the wisdom of three steps forward, four steps back, meaning the agenda moves three steps forward, as they have now, and we take them back four steps, but they are still moving forward...eventually we will out "step" them...but that could be hundreds of years...it has more been like they take four steps forward, and we take them back two...

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And every time someone says, “We’re making progress! Got ‘em on the run!” I grimace. I’ve become so jaded that every seemingly good result makes me think they gave that up willingly, and their plan is on track. Sigh

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You and I think exactly alike on that one...

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deletedDec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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Exactly, and playing along is getting immersed in the hate. Read CJ's latest post...


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deletedDec 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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Yeah, hopefully the Nazis don't put him in jail.

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deletedDec 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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Clicked on this from my Outlook inbox. Outlook informed me that your site may not be safe. Guess you've made the big time, Todd. Have never gotten this message before when clicking on your Substack emails. Anyway, good article as usual which I will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Yeah, I have been getting that myself...no idea what it is about. All my email addresses no longer work either. I am planning on opening a Proton account.

I wonder if it is because the URL for shrewviews is not https...not sure why all of a sudden this is happening. And no idea how to correct it. Thanks for pointing it out...I have noticed a sharp decline in "visits"...

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You need to talk to your Web Hosting company and find out why your SSL Certificate has not been automatically renewed. SSL is a security certificate (the S in HTTPS). They should be able to sort it out for you. I'm sure you're not being targeted. Probably just a glitch in the system. It happens.

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This URL is hosted by Substack...I will check with them. It seems to have cleared up on my end...??

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They obviously don't like shews 🐀 and prefer sheep 🐑 🐑 🐑!!!!!!!!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The government treats us like mushrooms. Feeds us bullshit and keeps us in the dark.

I believe truth is available on Substack, in books by whistleblowers, books by real doctors that want to help instead of prescribe for dollars and information gained by paying attention.

I have a good friend my age that didn't want the shots. Her sister in law is a nurse and made an appointment, insisted she get in the car and took her to the jabatorium! Now she is very concerned because the nurse sister in law developed turbo breast cancer already into her bones.

I think we have only seen a drop in the bucket of following the seance. There was no science

If the next election is straight and honest, we won't need the world civil war but if they cheat again, all bets are off. The pusher dictators won't get jail time. They will probably get what the fed up Italians gave Mussolini.

Humanity has always had times of peace and times of brutality and drives for power and wealth have always started the brutality. The peasants have always finally settled things when they get fed up enough.

I hope it doesn't come to that but I believe we have an outside evil influence able to shape shift and cross dimensions and time spans that feeds off of pain and negativity.

Personal evidence has shown me some very strange things that are still puzzling.

2024 may be the key of it all.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I recommend the book The 4th Turning. Historically civilization crashes and renews about every 100 years after going through 4 phases. We are in the fourth now that should wrap up about 2025. Originally published in 1997. Well researched and written.

“If you look far enough back, you can see into the future.” - Winston Churchill

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Does this mean in 2025 the agenda will succeed? Or it will have failed?

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe the "agenda" is just a contributing factor to the downward spiral and is indicative of the hunger for ultimate power. As I understand it the 4th turning results in crisis and chaos. The outcome is not predicted but historically global conflict occurs. Good overcoming evil will really be left to the participants. What the book documents and explains is the roughly100 year cycle. History tends to repeat itself.

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Every time things got bad, there was a shake up used to gain power.

The great depression lead to bigger banks and the federal reserve for example.

The solution to the manufactured crisis was successful because it reversed what started it.

However, with con-vid, the plan fell apart on it's own.

How did they expect a shot that injures many to be trusted for more and more shots?

It failed because it hurt those that supported the insane measures. They stopped taking the boosters too!

After this crazy shot, those who questioned vaccines in the past are now gaining attention, like the show "The highwire". It's no longer crazy to look into the fraud, the term anti-v was no longer a double speak term to dismiss them.

Now we are seeing the same thing in the war in the middle east.

After this event, it's become less taboo to question the history of the situation. In the past, those who questioned it were ignored or dismissed as anti this or that. Now it's lost it's power, like with covid.

And the funniest thing that I thought was never going to be talked about... The JFK assassination.

It used to be dismissed by calling them conspiracy theorists. Now, that term no longer has that negative connotation...

People are waking up slowly and the old propaganda that worked on the previous generation doesn't work on the younger generations. Sure, they fell for other bullshit, but woke and other stuff like that is more flexible than having been brainwashed by a long long cold war. I remember you told me how you were annoyed at the anti Vietnam war movement. Today, anti war is becoming "cool"...

We were in the story of 1984 and are at the point where the propaganda no longer works.

Double speak like mentioning those names they called truth seekers no longer works to dismiss valid concerns.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If I recall properly, 1984 didn’t end in the way most of us wanted to...

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Yeah sorry, I meant that we are past that point.

Orwell wrote that story about even his own time, where he was in British intelligence in Asia. The idea of the cage with the hungry rat in room 101 was a torture technique he saw used in his work in Asia.

I think that's over because after 911, torture started to get called out with the horrors the USA was doing to "enemy combatants" at various bases.

Now with the middle east situation we are learning more about how psycho governments can be.

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You really believe things are turning around in our favor? Well, if so, good for you!! We do need positive thinkers out there! Carry on!!

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At the start of con-vid, I felt like you. I felt angry at the outdoor mask wearers... I felt angry that people were so lazy to trust a rushed shot.

But when the narrative started rolling back, I noticed that a lot of the sheep were actually not supporting the bullshit.

Things turned even though they're still pushing these stupid shots as safe. People aren't buying it, even if they can't consciously admit it.

Humanity is evolving, the predator class is still the stupid bully that we faced over and over throughout history. I don't know when, but eventually the bullies will be laughed at as crazy psychotic fools.

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Wow...that sure is plausible...but I can't see it...that's probably because I am at heart a doomsayer!! You certainly could be right, and of course, it would be best if you were! We'll see!!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Your senses are correct. It is evil.

If it does all come crashing down (order out of chaos), it might be helpful to adopt the attitude of Job: The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. The meta narrative is not in our control.

On another note, I was recently in a Stok'd store and one of the employees was wearing a mask, so I said what I usually say in those situations: "It's none of my business, but I am curious to know when I see someone wearing a mask and nobody else is - Do you think we are crazy and are risking our lives?" She said she had a cold and that she tests regularly. I asked her if the test is still the stick up the nose and she said yes. I responded with "so apparently there is a virus that is so dangerous that you can catch it by just breathing on someone, but there is no way to test for it simply with saliva". The usual shrug of resignation was the answer. But then another employee who was sitting at the back of the store chimed in about nothing about it makes sense. We had a great conversation because he knew what was going on. I left the store uplifted (not from the cannabis) but from meeting another shrew - and a young one!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Psychopaths took over the reins and they will drive it to the ground as they know no other way. At the core of their being, they are cowards, the system they created will eat itself out and it will collapse.

They did it many times before and they are doing it now again. I agree with you that those who see it must fight it. How do they do it? It’s up to them as long they don’t become the evil they chose to fight.

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Evil ultimately never wins just for the reasons you stated. It is a parasite that slowly kills its host...hopefully this host doesn't have to die before the parasite dies...my article is suggesting that maybe it does. The host that would die, or is now getting weaker, is humanity, the whole of human beings and human BEing...NOT the individual. The individual will survive, and like Indra's Net, each individual holds within itself the WHOLE, and from that individual (well, it will take at least two!!) will blossom forth the whole again, pristine and cleansed.

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deletedDec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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So brilliantly stated my friend. Right on the money, so to speak. Your account of the vapidity really pushed a button for me, with some exposure to the younger age group I often find myself with the same compulsion to exit and "check on the dog."

The internet and its making available alt news sources is one I can't yet figure out. Why? Why did the agenda allow such a thing? Maybe the taking of the good with the bad, because without the internet their brainwashing efforts would have been much less effective.

And finally, yes, it is exceptionally sad that the younger generations are supersheep...vapid supersheep for the most part.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Alternative media is allowed because it serves several purposes, including monitoring participants and their ideas, as well as a great place to misdirect with wrong information or capture with too much information, such as the initial scramble to understand and search for the origins of the virus.

Regardless, having never been interested in the internet, Substack and other spots turned out to be great avenues for my research and a great way to connect with other likeminded folks, having been rejected by my own as a foil-chapeau wearer.

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