OK, here’s a downer for you, sorry: I don’t think there is much point in believing we can fix this unless the whole thing first collapses. Now, I am a believer in divine intervention, as well as a believer in the “100th Monkey Theory” so there is still hope. But I cannot get on board entirely with this idea that we can slowly shift this nightmare into the sort of world we all envision through winning court cases and electing “nice” politicians. (Although I must admit that there have been impressive accomplishments made on the local level regarding Smart Cities and the UN’s Sustainable Development agenda.)
That being said, I think it is imperative that we keep trying to do the above. I do think we can delay the rumbling mega-monster, or at least make things better. This is the paradox. If we all throw our hands up, buy a little shack out in the woods and trap squirrels for sustenance, I think the world will be in a much darker place. And who knows, if we give up, maybe that would add another million years to the time of “correction.” With all of us staying in this fight, working toward “as good a world as we can” for our children, trying to carve out a decent existence in new communities, as well as continuing to resist, rebel, and fight the onslaught of continuous flying monkeys from the Wicked Witch’s castle, we will eventually bring ourselves the world God intended for his children.
I mean it.
The reason I am writing this seemingly downer article is that I want to see the fight continue, and not for us to all fall into complacency thinking we have won the war just because a few battles are under our belts as victories. I don’t think this is going to go that way. At worse, the agenda handing over some successes is to their advantage. It makes all of us seem “overly dramatic” with our demands that our children be protected from Big Pharma, or that our freedoms over privacy, body autonomy, and speech be protected. “That wasn’t such a big deal, was it?” they say, “we never meant it to be the way you think we did.”
I have heard from several of my sheep friends (well, I did before they were no longer friends) that nothing I predicted ended up happening. I can still travel, I can go into a restaurant without a mask, I can go to work, I can walk the streets without staying six feet away from everyone. On and on. These people claim that I said it was the end of the world as we know it. Did I say that? I may have been more concerned at one time that the mask mandates would never be lifted, or that travel would get more and more difficult before getting better, and yes, some of these things have not continued to be a problem. Yet. I have no doubt that all of these fears are still very much in the works, and in the plan, and in the agenda’s narrative. But at the moment, to the sheep’s innocent eye, all is well. Did our shrew efforts stop all of this insanity in its tracks? I don’t believe that for a minute. If I had to say it, there are not many accomplishments on our part, in my opinion, that has not been willingly handed to us. They want to discredit us by saying, “oh my, we never intended that! Here, we will prove it to you.”
I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. Again, we must keep fighting, but we must not think our job is done until the juggernaut crashes down in a billowing burst of flame. The juggernaut will not be happy to die, and it will not go quietly into the night.
As we win these little skirmishes (actually not very many have yet been won) we become inflated with a sense of accomplishment, and a feeling that “this isn’t too bad.” There could be nothing further from the truth. If my senses are correct, we literally are battling evil itself. If you feel more comfortable thinking that this evil is metaphoric, fine, but don’t let that make you think it is easy and does not have the full force of the devil, literal or figurative, behind it. It does. And he isn’t going to lie down easily.
It is equally important, however, not to give up because you believe the task at hand is too formidable. “Why bother?” I have heard too many times. We should never become so overwhelmed with the enormity of this endeavor that the fear of losing overtakes us, and we wither away, curling up in a quivering ball. No, never. As Patrick Wood says, “resistance is never futile.” He is right. However, we may realize that certain forms of taking blows at the beast may not be as effective as others. We can refine our attack, and possibly become more subtle about it through general noncompliance, willful mucking up of the system, and verbally sticking to our guns.
Some may decide to move to a like-minded community with organized home schooling, self-focused governance, community gardening, and any number of other progressive ways to maintain a foundation of moral and decent living. This does not mean you are giving up. On the contrary. People who choose this route are living the change, as far as they are allowed to, and making an attempt to raise their family in a manner that adheres to very basic tenets of human dignity.
Or you may choose to take up the fight more directly through organizations dedicated to carving out more healthy living through advocating the “good life.” Or you may choose to battle through mere noncompliance and a refusal to go along with the narrative regarding “pandemic” medical mandates, financial interventions (such as CBDCs, and UBIs), Smart City requirements, digital IDs etc. Whatever action you choose, be dedicated to it, seek out like minded individuals on the same journey who have made the same decisions as you. Become more informed and develop a better understanding of what is happening to our human world. Support your tribe—our tribe—the only real tribe of humans there is—and always be willing to let your brothers and sisters who have not quite seen what is happening, into the fold. They always have been here with us, but they may not have fully understood.
Will all this really have to come crashing down before we can build a new human culture on top of the rubble? I certainly hope not. It would be a real mess if it did, and an unconscionable number of lives would have to be lost before a new beginning could rise out of the ashes. But if this does have to happen, just be aware of the possibility. Be keen on how you assess the accomplishments and progression those of us have made within the system. Be very aware that for the tumor to be truly excised, all of the margins have to be removed as well as the obvious mass that is clear to all. Do your best, and God will meet you halfway.
Your senses are correct. It is evil.
If it does all come crashing down (order out of chaos), it might be helpful to adopt the attitude of Job: The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. The meta narrative is not in our control.
On another note, I was recently in a Stok'd store and one of the employees was wearing a mask, so I said what I usually say in those situations: "It's none of my business, but I am curious to know when I see someone wearing a mask and nobody else is - Do you think we are crazy and are risking our lives?" She said she had a cold and that she tests regularly. I asked her if the test is still the stick up the nose and she said yes. I responded with "so apparently there is a virus that is so dangerous that you can catch it by just breathing on someone, but there is no way to test for it simply with saliva". The usual shrug of resignation was the answer. But then another employee who was sitting at the back of the store chimed in about nothing about it makes sense. We had a great conversation because he knew what was going on. I left the store uplifted (not from the cannabis) but from meeting another shrew - and a young one!
Every time things got bad, there was a shake up used to gain power.
The great depression lead to bigger banks and the federal reserve for example.
The solution to the manufactured crisis was successful because it reversed what started it.
However, with con-vid, the plan fell apart on it's own.
How did they expect a shot that injures many to be trusted for more and more shots?
It failed because it hurt those that supported the insane measures. They stopped taking the boosters too!
After this crazy shot, those who questioned vaccines in the past are now gaining attention, like the show "The highwire". It's no longer crazy to look into the fraud, the term anti-v was no longer a double speak term to dismiss them.
Now we are seeing the same thing in the war in the middle east.
After this event, it's become less taboo to question the history of the situation. In the past, those who questioned it were ignored or dismissed as anti this or that. Now it's lost it's power, like with covid.
And the funniest thing that I thought was never going to be talked about... The JFK assassination.
It used to be dismissed by calling them conspiracy theorists. Now, that term no longer has that negative connotation...
People are waking up slowly and the old propaganda that worked on the previous generation doesn't work on the younger generations. Sure, they fell for other bullshit, but woke and other stuff like that is more flexible than having been brainwashed by a long long cold war. I remember you told me how you were annoyed at the anti Vietnam war movement. Today, anti war is becoming "cool"...
We were in the story of 1984 and are at the point where the propaganda no longer works.
Double speak like mentioning those names they called truth seekers no longer works to dismiss valid concerns.