May 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Problem - Reaction - Trojan Horse.

Appreciate your articles!

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Yeah, and it is interesting how nearly everything any governing body shovels out, fits that formula...it is nearly ALL part of the agenda, which ain't good!! Sorry I have gotten so paranoid, but hell, what can you do?

Thanks for the appreciation!!

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May 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

am i allowed to ask about your instrument(s) of choice? and how did that translate into a career in music in lala land? i will share that i took holly wood money many times as a side gig when i was paying outrageous spousal support payments.

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Of course you are…

I studied applied trumpet and cello in university, and my major was composition. Had a hankering for film music ever since I was about 15…so that was always my goal. After graduate school (composition) the then wife (deceased) and I headed out to Hollywood from Cincinnati….with just what would fit in the car.

Long story I will cut short. Most of the money making work I did was conducting and orchestrating. My composer work was generally limited to television and crap B movies….did a lot of them, and a few nice TV gigs (The New Lassie, Charles in Charge, Harry and the Hendersons, Batman the Animated Series, lots of cartoons….)

Fun time for sure…good money, but weird, spooky, Hollywood disconnect. Spiritually I have been much happier being a therapist, but do miss the fun, and the music.

What “side gigs” did you have paid by Hollywood??

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May 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

electrics. my buddy is a gaffer. his dad was a gaffer. with some pretty cool pedigree. both of them. he called me one friday night. they couldn't get staff for the morning. (saturday) i asked the crew from my the steady gig. and they all came. it was a ton of fun. then i got my temp permit and would float into gigs when i needed to. do you still play anything?

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May 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

oops. i meant. i was the DP and the best friend handler of the main talent..... how the heck did i get that confused? whew. still playing anything?

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I never really was a playing musician. I studied those instruments while in college, then put them away. I have always whacked at a piano for my writing, but I don't really "play" that either...

My instrument was the orchestra (as Berlioz apparently said). I kept some busy clients when I moved to Toronto, but I believe I lost all of them due to Covid and taking the "unpopular" stance of being a shrew. I lost hundreds of friends (it seems nearly all the music/movie friends from my Hollywood days were/are sheep.) So I don't even compose anymore for film because, like I said, everyone that used to hire me hate me now because I am an anti-vaxxer. C'est la vie.

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c'est la vie. ya im not friends with many anymore. i will say that particular friend held out a long time. then IATSE said nope. you'll comply. we haven't had a conversation since........ a couple texts. over a year ago... needless to say the emails i was getting from IATSE were bizarre and surreal. killed the link. what a god damn shit show these fuckers pulled off. sorry. peace todd. i'll throw that out there to everyone who popped through. good job. i recently listened to a montage of crazy talking heads railing against the anti-vaxxers. how did any of us pop through?

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i'll add crumpets to the list. with their array of intriguing holes. you bring them home and wait impatiently for tomorrow morning. only to end up with a strangely tasteless vehicle for your butter and honey. also a beard and t-shirt requiring a good scrubbing. stick with the english muffin. tried and true. if you are camping, spin up a pan full of bannock! i have a full list of sensible bread products you won't regret letting through the gates of the Keep. peace

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oh boy. getting analyzed........resisting. brain. intrusion. gathering defenses. send in team 4. stat. unleash project FOG. ahahahahaha. peace.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The people are the source of power's power.

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Absolutely...and free will determines the evil, if it is evil, used in obtaining that power.

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Looks like you've gor the majority of the Trojan Horses covered. I might add the whole Agenda 2030 in general which all of these are a part of. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Oh, absolutely...and if you add in false flags and other similar phenomena there is a whole new list.

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Well, the big Trojan Horse was the false-flag 9/11 which ushered in the modern day ubiquitous security state.

The big one before that was Pearl Harbor, which FDR had knowledge of beforehand and knowingly set in motion the events that led directly to it, cynically done as a way to smash the anti-war vote (93% of the U.S. was against entry into World War 2 even after Germany's invasion of France, per GPO statistics).

Or how about the Afghanistan war, which was a 20 year forever war designed to enrich the military industrial complex, per Assange? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IGU_7alJ80

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Yes, false flags are a type of trojan horse (or a "step" in creating the horse)...but usually not presented as a gift, "we are going to blow up the Twin Towers and it is going to be a good thing that we do!!" You know what I mean. But it is the same sort of deceit, just sold differently (a false flag is the fear tactic to start a trojan horse process, i.e., "terrorists attacked!!" (fear), "we are going to do a good thing for all by creating Home Security" (horse), "as a result your freedoms are fucked" (the internal attack, stick in "carrot stick")

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Ohh so interesting this is basic sales 101 on a much grander level ! Anyone who has been in a sales roll ( most of us to some degree ) knows that the drill is to 1) create the fear 2) solve it , ie the sale 3) become the saviour ……

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, T, as always. And thank you also (in a conversation with Jerm) for your reference to C.S. Lewis' "Space Trilogy". I once thought of Clive Staples as only the author of the "Chronicles of Narnia," BUT I was absorbed by the adventures of Ransom. What better name for the enemy (the Trojan Horse) but N.I.C.E.?! Whither, Frost and Hardcastle are very much with us in spirit in this day.

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I am assuming you have read my CS Lewis article? If not, I think you would enjoy it....


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I had not! Thank you very much for the link. I will get to it post haste.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I had only begun 'following' your work a couple of months ago -- first through Jerm and then, a month ago or so, with a direct sub to Shrew Views.

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Thank you!!! Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here!

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Todd,

I have two what might be controversial Trojan horses .

1. The Bioweapon

I feel this is being used to perpetuate the false paradigm of virology . Specifically I think it’s being aimed at those that are part of the resistance and those that are “anti vaxx “ as it still programs us to believe that viruses are pathogenic . However , there is a huge amount of evidence to the contrary. I would refer anyone that wants to read this evidence themselves to Dr Mark Baileys work .

2. RFK

While I would agree with practically all of his philosophies and have learnt a lot from his own dissection of virology , he is still choosing to be part of the system . Ultimately , it is the system that is the root cause of our problems (read any of Darren Allen’s work ) .

RFK (if he gets into office ) is still going to be working for the system . He will still be part of the top down control model. He will still be part of the hierarchy. Arguably, he could be the biggest Trojan horse of all, by tricking us all into believing that he is going to create this free and liberal world when it will just be the same painting , with just a different brush .

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Good points...the fear of virus is the set up...the "fear" part of the equation. The trojan horse is the solution...the vaccines, whatever, and the "attack" from within (the killing soldiers coming out of the horse which has infiltrated defenses being allowed in) in this case could be quite literal...some say "dependence on drugs in order to survive" so Big Pharma wins, and some say to eliminate useless eaters...so the global eugenicists/democidalists win.

The RFK issue is more complex. All of life, in my opinion, is a process of choosing the lesser of two evils. If a person truly believes the US presidential choice has power to change the world, then RFK may be the best choice. If a person believes the POTUS has little to no actual power, then no one in that office is the "right" choice.

I think the only thing to really be concerned of is if RFK in his heart knows he is evil and is deceiving us with that evil...which could always be possible. If he doesn't consciously believe that, then he could be the "lesser of many evils" to hold that position. Regardless, it is will be quite interesting what happens.

But yes, there is a possibility he is the greatest Trojan Horse of all...time will tell. If an apple is rotten to its core, you have to throw out the whole apple (meaning no president will not be rotten) and figure out then what else you can eat.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes , the “bioweapon” narrative is just being used to lure in any skeptics of the scamdemic. That way they can still keep the fear factor alive (viruses are still dangerous) and they need to be treated either with “safe” vaccines or other big pharma drugs e.g ivermectin, HCQ etc . When you look into virus isolation and how they determine the pathogenicity of a so called virus , The bioweapon story is essentially just another Pysops.

Regarding RFK , it would be hard to accept that he is consciously evil , maybe potentially sub consciously . Maybe he genuinely believes that a political democratic system can work , which I would find hard to believe given how inherently corrupt, sinister and controlling it is .

Which would lead me to believe that there is only one choice and that is to replace the whole apple . One option would be anarchy .

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And yes, the most logical and hopeful option is anarchy.

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Maybe RFK is a trickster and just wants to stir things up, essentially pretending he believes in the system (I mean, really, how can he believe in the system when he openingly says he wants to get rid of the CIA?) His running on the democratic ticket will freak out the liberals to no end…and if he gets the nomination over Biden, good lord. I agree it won’t change anything radically (because he won’t win) but it will turn some heads…sheep heads, mind you, shrews are just watching with a bowl of popcorn.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

call it voluntaryism. scares folks a lot less. then we can hide in a big wooden horse and spring out non-violently once through the gate raving about first principles, the free market, and non-aggression. likely will be shot before we can even get to Mises little own spooner or Étienne de La Boétie. i'm in though. save me a spot!

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Well put…I’m in too.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Pearl harbor, gulf of tonkin, wmd's, and other war bullshit.

Use a single reason to sneak us into war for "humanitarian" means and then take forever to bring troops home.

Another Trojan horse is the genocide done by hospitals during convid.

A positive test from many of the useless and inaccurate tests opened the door for barbaric dangerous treatments like ventilators and remdesevir.

Final Trojan horse: "HIV causes AIDS"

So merely getting a positive HIV test (again, the tests were very inaccurate and gave false positives for many other conditions) lead to "treatment". One such treatment was AZT, a failed chemo drug (all chemo drugs are toxic crap), which pretty much seals the deal.

Like chemo, they never blame the drug and blame the disease which is crazy and disingenuous.

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Yes, the phrase "the cure is worse than the disease" is a descriptor in the medical field now more than ever.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I like the Trojan horse analogy. Wall to wall obfuscation with everything rigged. The powers that shouldn't be seem to be a Reaction Formation. Wanting us dead but going over the top about how much they care about us. The order of DEI should be changed to reflect what it really is - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. DIE

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Good point!! It is a bit of a mystery why they would care if their victim was delusionally happy before being crushed. Only the devil would find pleasure in that.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

At the current rate, everything is becoming Trojan Horse.

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Right on.

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