Do I need to explain to anyone what a Trojan Horse is? I didn’t think so, but I will anyway. In a sentence, and in the context of this article, a Trojan horse is anything that rides into our reality as a gift, when in fact it is anything but a gift. Nearly all advertising and marketing relies on this sort of method. Of course today you cannot “false advertise,” which puts a bit of a wrinkle in the whole process, but usually an advertiser wants you to think their product will do miraculous things, and then once you buy it you discover it doesn’t meet up to your expectations. Generally speaking, most public advertisers are not nefarious (maybe an exception would be the pharmaceutical companies) so they might not really be trying to sell you total crap. Con men do . . . their methods are a bit more analogous with what this article will present. Generally we are conned day in and day out.
It seems these days, and maybe it always has been, that nearly everything our leaders shell out to us is sugarcoated with “Trojan Horseisms” to get us to buy into it without resistance. Once bought, and once the horse is “in” (quite literally sometimes) it kills us—again, quite literally, or maybe only figuratively. Either way, it isn’t good for us.
Let’s start with the most obvious Trojan Horse of them all—the Covid vaccines. First they produced a false threat. The “false threat” is very often a precursor to the horse’s entrance because the threat makes the gift more enticing and appreciated. The gift (horse) then becomes the “fix” for the threat. The vaccine came as the solution to remove the false threat, the “Covid virus.” The Trojan Horse was the gift of the vaccine, and the marauding army that quite literally was secreted behind the walls of Troy, is the mRNA genetic modifying poison—along with a myriad of other nasties that came along with the horse. How nice. I am no expert medical official, of course, so maybe I am totally wrong here. You decide.
The vaccine is a nice analogy of the Trojan Horse because you can easily see the syringe itself as comparable to the wooden horse that rambled through the gates of Troy (your skin) and released the Greek army (the toxic contents of the syringe) to wreak havoc on the city (your body). The “gift” aspect, which allows the horse (syringe) access to the city (your body), is the promise that it will eradicate the “threat” (the bogus virus, Covid). The vaccine was quite literally a gift from our benevolent government, it was free, easy to take, and was, of course, “safe and effective.” What more sinister and deceiving a plot could you weave?
And what happened? Well, the “army” (LNPs, mRNA/spike proteins) was released into an unsuspecting body and is still there doing the bidding of its masters. And most people still don’t know they let a Trojan Horse in beyond the gates.
What other deceiving horses have we seen? Name any situation where the government has presented something they claim is good for us and more than likely whatever it is was ushered in with a horse, and it was claimed at first the horse was a good thing, only to find out over time the horse was deadly—physically, emotionally, financially, or spiritually.
This is the same idea as the carrot followed by the stick. The creepy thing about this is the government, or whoever has the carrot, does this trick again and again and again, beating us each time with the stick, and many of us never see it.
All of the radical social changes we see, trans kiddie parties, forced pro-nouns, presentism, Critical Race Theory, are all presented under the Trojan Horse umbrella as efforts toward DEI, (diversity, equity and inclusion.) What could be better, eh? “We must live in a more integrated culture, where everyone is treated equally, and people are free to live the life they choose to live without interference or prejudice.” What could be a happier statement? Who would say, “the hell with that!!”? So we let it in. We embrace it, and boom, the army spills out of the belly of the horse and they start stabbing and slashing.
Another good one is Climate Change, which is a horse that rides in on some truly significant issues: pollution, toxic air and toxic water, loss of animal life, etc. etc. Some of these issues are clearly problems; most of them are fabrications. So we worry, we gnash teeth, and we beg our leaders to do something about it. It is we that are worried, not them, they have summits where they all fly in on their Gulfstreams and Cessna Citations and tell us peons we have to make concessions: eat bugs, forget cow meat, recycle our underwear and live only fifteen minutes from anything and everything important to us. The Trojan Horse here is our compliance—that is the only way to get away from the threat, to comply. In rides the horse. Once we comply we are happy the world isn’t going to end. What do they get after their horse gets in? That is a good question. There are obvious benefits to having a world population more compliant—more under their thumb. But there are other benefits that may not be as obvious. They certainly get more for themselves—if we are eating all the bugs, they get to eat more cows. But I think there is more to it than that.
Can you think of other Trojan Horses we have fallen for? Nearly everything that happens in the world, naturally or otherwise, is spun into a Trojan Horse opportunity by our illustrious leaders. “Here is a threat, here is how to solve it, and it will be a good thing in the long run, so do whatever we ask.” Digital Currencies (convenient), Digital IDs (also convenient), vaccines (to prevent death), most pharmaceuticals (to prevent death and other illness), surveillance (to stay safe), cell phones (for fun and easy connection), GMOs (bigger bananas), 5G (faster game play and downloads), on and on and on . . . share others you can think of in the comments.
Well, the big Trojan Horse was the false-flag 9/11 which ushered in the modern day ubiquitous security state.
The big one before that was Pearl Harbor, which FDR had knowledge of beforehand and knowingly set in motion the events that led directly to it, cynically done as a way to smash the anti-war vote (93% of the U.S. was against entry into World War 2 even after Germany's invasion of France, per GPO statistics).
Or how about the Afghanistan war, which was a 20 year forever war designed to enrich the military industrial complex, per Assange?
i'll add crumpets to the list. with their array of intriguing holes. you bring them home and wait impatiently for tomorrow morning. only to end up with a strangely tasteless vehicle for your butter and honey. also a beard and t-shirt requiring a good scrubbing. stick with the english muffin. tried and true. if you are camping, spin up a pan full of bannock! i have a full list of sensible bread products you won't regret letting through the gates of the Keep. peace