Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Perhaps the Ukrainian war is coming to an end and they will need to cover excess deaths as you rightly said in the article.

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Then the war starts in "Eurasia"...ala "1984"...or "Eastasia" or "Oceania"

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Some have awakened but I know enough sheep who cannot get out of their protected cave where they claim to have to focus on themselves and go inward although it is more like an excuse to avoid anything that is scary. I have tried to entice them out especially with trust in their own power and trust in God. So many cannot cope with things they cannot control. You write beautifully.✨🔆🙏

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Thank you Joan for the compliment...that is what keeps me going!!

Yes, it definitely is a protective cave...or more like a bubble.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It is very difficult to gage how much traction there would be if all this nonsense ( mandates etc ) were to return . If it was “ business as usual “ I am not so sure that there would be any where near the levels experienced over the last three years . In my travels I have experienced many situations where the sheep have indicated in some way ( not blatantly of course ) that they know they were duped ……ego seems to prevent them from coming clean. Those that are fearful , mentally I’ll and vulnerable will be fully captured again unfortunately.

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I know very few sheep who realize they were "duped"...a few, but most who would probably never have considered an untested vaccine for an invisible disease unless they were forced, i.e., losing their job. These shrews do not count as converted sheep. They were always shrews, but they just got caught up in the nonsense...and of course, were ultimately forced.

Yes, there are a few shreeps who actually were converts. Who believed in the narrative at first, then researched more for whatever reason (because they had a shrew nose?) and converted. They will not comply. But they too were never really sheep even though they are counted as such.

The hardcore, real sheeps...no way. There are not as many of them as we once thought...but their reduction in numbers is negligible, IMHO.

BUT...I do not believe, as the article made clear, these hard core sheep will fall unless the fear-fire is lit underneath of them. They are too lazy, and the "pandemic" is no longer novel, so it will take a bit of coercion. But not much. IMHO

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I'm hearing (and overhearing) more opposition to the shots from the group who mostly got them for their 'freedom' but now with personal experience as well as word of mouth of all the side effects going around (menstrual issues, heart/circulation issues) are less inclined to take any future shots.

Sudden deaths and cancers still seem to be mostly beyond their awareness however.

I'm not hearing the daily ambulance sirens recently like there were in the first half of 2023, so it may be that the program needs a boost again.

The original order was more or less 10 shots per person in the E U and then one every 3-6 months.

That has mostly stalled and the climate fear propaganda is noticeably being absorbed by the susceptible but also with a headwind.

Still feels like we're in the eye of the storm but with more of a silver lining appearing day by day.

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If all this IS fabricated, which I certainly believe it is, I cannot see any reason why they would have given up with their plan. People deciding not to vaccinate has been wishy washy at best. And even though I do not question your experience, it has been the opposite of mine (are you in Canada?) Most of my clients are as unaware of ANYTHING going on that they will correlate with the vaccines. I have one woman whose health has been so totally destroyed she can barely function, and she just went to get her sixth shot. I'm sure this is not the story for everyone, but so far that sort of thing is mostly what I see.

Maybe the jab campaign did not go as well as they had expected, but I think it was close, the opposition just never really took flight. As I say elsewhere, it seemed the agenda was what lost steam...and if that is true, it was intentional. They have never backed off because of pressure...look at all the pressure that Fauci has gotten from Rand Paul and others, and that bastard is still at it with the lies.

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I live in Flanders, Belgium.

You can get an idea about the vaccine take up via this site if interested:


The covid tyranny here in Belgium of course is no comparison to what I know of Canada.

In my personal experience I've noticed that (some/more) people are aware of the connection to jab injuries and have become more skeptical of the covid jabs in particular and other agendas in general - although to a much lesser degree.

This is the silver lining - the increasing proportion of 'awake' people.

There are also plenty of local groups active in networking and sharing information (here).

The undeclared war continues for sure and there has been little relief or push back through legal or political channels, so I think the defining factor to the wheels coming off the covid bus is critical-mass non-compliance which is far less than a majority.

This comes from individuals taking a stand and not staying silent.

If not for the massive public opposition in late 2021 I believe we could now be living in a totalitarian police state with forced jabs every 3 months, internment camps with forced jabs for dissenters, vax passports and far higher excess deaths than what there are now.

This reinforcing death spiral was very narrowly averted.

That is all aside from the other assaults with the rollout of massive surveillance infrastructure, looting of public funds etc...

Of course things could be a lot better but they could also be much worse.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I brought up, at lunch with my son and DIL just yesterday to see their reactions, to the recent NFL player “on the field droppings” - my son is a huge fan - and both were, what appeared to be authentically completely baffled and concerned by the incidents. I even asked about Damar Hamlin, who has apparently returned to play and again, a total naive response and how strange that this is happening. I believe, based on their group of family and friends (MAJOR SHEEP!) and what the watch for “news”, that they truly have no idea of anything about which we all speak here on SubStack. It blows my mind.

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I find this very perplexing myself. I think of the recent Pierre Kory article in USA Today about all the sudden deaths among young people. He presented it like it was a mystery we should all look into, but mentions nothing about the vaccines being the cause, although he knows full well it is.

Playing dumb, like we think it is a mystery too, is the only way to make people even begin to listen to us. Then we can sneak it what we suspect, Columbo style, and we will be more likely to be listened to.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My son, who’s a really smart guy, married into the narrative and it’s profitable for him to play along - I did mention he’s smart, right? - but if shown the irrefutable evidence we see daily, I can’t believe he would not be shocked that he doesn’t know more about it!

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You make a point here I don't hear often. Lots of people are profiting by all this. Not necessarily blood money (although there is that too of course) but just in general...medical suppliers, businesses that cater to "work at home" materials, companies that save money if people don't need an office, government employees, AI businesses and jobs, hospitals, medical offices.

It is also good to be on the winning team...and certainly most people believe this "we are all in this together" and thus support the agenda and the narrative are feeling good about themselves..."this is the new world order!! Let's build back better!!!" on and on and on. you get the picture....

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Oh the DIL and her mother and aunt (twin liberal Sheep of the highest order!) believe they are so superior to us “capitalist, MAGA right-wing proletariat”! DIL and her mother are both very successful realtors; her mother is a partner in the largest real estate firm in the greater Boston area. But by volunteering at a soup kitchen here and there, posting their rainbow flags and Black Lives Matters signs in their front yards, wearing the face diapers and getting their boosters on schedule “to protect others” their capitalism is forgiven. Talk about hypocritical virtue signaling!

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deletedAug 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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They have flown under the sheep radar for many decades. Covid was the first really overt move, along with a lot that is now happening like fires, censorship, etc. It would stand to reason that the lull will end and they will continue with a renewed overt action...but...they may not, they may keep it low key for a while...

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Fauci declares lockdowns were 'absolutely justified' and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

Retired government bureaucrat says that tragedy in Maui was due to climate change. https://www.dossier.today/p/fauci-declares-lockdowns-were-absolutely

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The number one rule of lying, never give in. Make it bigger and bigger, and never give in. Lie so much you believe your lie.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And Biden must need a new Corvette

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The pharmaceutical “Elites” must NEED new Maseratis!

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Ha ha ha--you stole my idea, Todd! Or perhaps our minds simply think alike. This was what I wrote about three days ago in last article: https://open.substack.com/pub/markmcdonaldmd/p/its-back?r=qmp0l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

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I think I was writing mine when yours came out...lots of people are writing about this of course!! Like I said, I've had this one on the docket for a year, just waiting for the opportune time. I loved your article by the way. I swear I didn't steal it!! Swear!!!😆

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Well, with your reputation for deception, I wouldn't trust you as far as I can throw you. If you're lying, I'll put a call into the Canadian suicide hotline, and they WiLL find you.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023Author

HA! You got me. "You haven't had your medication yet, Dr. Hayen, let me see your arm, Dr. Hayen..."

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Ultimately, most of us can't even imagine what the plan is because we are not evil, soulless, diabolical assholes with more money than could ever be used in a million lifetimes.

I'm leaning towards the angle of explaining excess deaths to the sheep in the only way they are accustomed to hearing it - from their "trusted" news source. I feel they planned for an increase in deaths a few years down the line and now they need to explain it in a way that deflects any blame from them.

And they don't even need to fake any people collapsing. They can just take those "spinner" videos all us shrews have seen by now, show it to the sheep and tell them it is a new "variant" causing this. And that will shock the flock down to the nearest injection site.

That's what I am thinking. But I am not like these planners. And I am so grateful for that.

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Yeah...they seem to be more blatant than I ever could imagine. Pretty obvious. And it is amazing they can get away with it...

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I linked Off Guardian's take last Tuesday. I'm sure it was written by Kit and he's usually spot on. Linking your take today as well @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Yes, Catte over at OG told me Kit has written it. I asked for permission to quote the article. Thanks for the link!!!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I agree with you. There are some who behave like sheep because their interests are such that they have no inclination to learn the actual facts behind the mainstream bullshit they see and hear everywhere. Being human, with the normal instinct to conform, and the perfectly reasonable expectation that the perceived "experts" and vast majority of people are probably right, they behaved like sheep last time. But this minority is open-minded and rational enough to see the truth when it breaks through to them. This group will do better. The real sheep, who I think are much more numerous, are simply who they are, they ain't swapping their wool for tiger stripes.

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I do believe most of them just follow the narrative because they truly believe it is the thing to do to keep the world from collapsing. They want everything to just stay the same, even though it is obviously slipping away.

I went to the grocery store today and the entire produce section of practically empty...shelves totally clear. I told my wife and she just shrugged her shoulders, figure it is temporary...everything bad is temporary...

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The timeless disconnect between the followers and those who can see appears insurmountable, and very sad at times like these, when it matters. I'm lucky to have lived most of my life when it didn't matter nearly so much.

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Same here.

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I have many jabbed friends that likely got the placebo. They haven't came back for more. This hoax could be a mop up plan for putting the death sentence many received into boosters for the placebo group.

Had they killed all of the group on the first 2 jabs even the blind would have seen.

If they put the mRNA into our meat supply by injecting animals, like they are proposing I wouldn't want to own a restaurant.

Killing the Bison worked against the native Americans.

I believe few of the politicians pushing this idiocy took anything other than saline. It has also came to the point that we can't remove these evil ones by voting!

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The whole point of Bison "open season" was to eradicate the native Americans.

Yes, I do believe placebo is out there, and yes, your theory is probably right...they need to get more of the real stuff injected.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I don't think the "in crowd" is large enough to include that many politicians, although it certainly includes some. There are several categories of jab-pushing pols: the members of the club, who definitely didn't get any MRNA; those smart enough to know it was a scam but played along for power and self-preservation - mixed on the jab since most in this group wouldn't have expected the jab to be so dangerous even though it wasn't needed; and the most numerous IMO - useful idiots who believed it all and lined up for the jab.

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I think there might be a lot of "elite wanna be's" those who are not really in the inner circle, but suck up to all that are. There could be more of those than we realize. They will get rid of them as well...probably more toward the end.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I hope you're right. Though, I can't help but recall what George Carlin said. "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." :^)

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I don't know what they are up to but I saw a young celibate couple get out of a car, both wearing masks.

Anyway I figured they must be celibate. They weren't dressed as a religious sect!

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023Author

Celibate or not, they probably will not be having children.

Speaking of sterilization...why hasn't anyone mentioned the Dan Brown book "Inferno"...so strange...it pretty much tells this story...focusing on ONE crazy rich guy rather than hundreds of them.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Many of whose work I read believe were being tuned for a major “climate” disaster, weaponized by electromagnetic forces which may also be a test of the nanotechnology’s (injected into millions) ability to control/kill, either immediately, or through sudden new illnesses that we already become accustomed to/brainwashed to accept in multiple age groups never before in humanity. I’ve read Oct. 4th is a potential “activation of something” date; afternoon. What a movie debut for which to prepare!

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The Climate Change prep is definitely happening...so is the alien invasion...and of course, back by popular demand, COVID!!! Why not double jeopardy coming at two fronts, or three, triple jeopardy! Yahoo!!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Great post, Todd. I, like you, am surrounded closely by sheep. Although exasperated by them, I am not unsympathetic to them, as a former sheep-shrew myself, twice jabbed and never again - with anything. A former shrewp, perhaps? I like to have more shrew than sheep in there, as I fully 'transitioned' after only two presentations by actual scientists on the 'good side', whom I had the misfortune to come across slightly too late, given my age and early position in the vaxx schedule.

Like a reformed smoker who can't shut up about the harms of ciggies, having been full shrew for 2 years now, I am annoyingly obsessed with everything on the shrew agenda (I had to detox from the climate agenda too). Annoyingly to my sheep-family, that is, and to the friends and 'friends' who are not happy with me, that I have tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to wake up.

My doctor husband is not at all shrewish. It has taken me 20 years to discover that he is compliance personified, which was the opposite of my impression for all those years. I know he knows by now that I'm right about the Agenda, but he won't come out and say it, although he does occasionally come out with a general 'we're doomed', trying to keep a veneer of humour/sarcasm because he can't face the truth in its unadulterated awfulness. I don't think he'll take another jab (he collapsed a week after his first and only booster and ended up being followed up by a cardiologist for several months), unless his actual food supply is cut off if he refuses. That's probably a while away yet (a year? 18 months?), when digital ID is brought in, with vaxx status incorporated (and CBDCs).

Like Mike Yeadon, my intention is to refuse digital ID and injections, even if my food supply is cut off, but none of us knows how courageous we will be until we are genuinely tested. We don't know if they will use our children and grandchildren to try to force us. I have had some internal conversations with myself about that too.

I feel sorry for the students. But they need to refuse. It's unlikely, given our overlords' timeline, that they will get much or possibly any reward for their intellectual labours. The plan is for fewer jobs, UBI, digital currency, and, very likely, the forgiveness of debts (mortgages and student loans) in exchange for an undertaking to never own private property. Most of them don't know this, of course, because it's a 'conspiracy theory'.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I totally get it. My dad, who just passed away a few months ago, was also a doctor and the most compliant person ever. He was OK with mandates and it really affected my feelings for him. To my sheep family's credit, they never hassled my husband and me for not getting the vaxx and always included us in family events. My "record" with my kids was 50% -- one took the first two and the other didn't take any. Other than my youngest, I had zero success trying convince people to defer gratification and not give in to blackmail.

I feel exactly the same way about the younger generations. They grew up with technology and on social media and they are unable to see the dangers that lie ahead. Convenience above everything and privacy be damned. United non-compliance is the way out of this nightmare but I'm just not convinced we can convert enough people to our side. I hope I'm wrong.

You're a very impressive person and super brave for venturing down the rabbit hole and joining Team Shrew! You give me hope.

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Sorry about your dad...

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you Todd. He was 83 and on a downward trajectory but his passing was still relatively sudden. I was on my way home from Toronto when he coded, having just had breakfast with my mom. It was just as well I was 2 hours away because I would not have been allowed in the hospital without a mask and it was certainly not the time to get into a pissing match with the hospital staff. Thankfully my mom had my siblings with her. While I wouldn't have wanted to see my dad on a vent and watch him die, I was still very angry that the choice was taken from me. The hospitals north of Toronto are not as mask crazy but I expect we'll see mandatory masking in all hospitals soon enough.

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Adding insult to injury that's for sure. I am starting to get really angry now with all of this, first I was frightened to make waves, then frustrated, then sad, now angry.

I live north of Toronto...MacKenzie Health, South Lake, Cardelucci, all our hospitals and all with their particular rubs. I just went in to see my doctor today because he wouldn't refill a routine prescription without seeing me. The receptionist behind the "counter," with a mask on, told me it would be a two hour wait. I just walked out. I never do that. I think the mask triggered me.

My mother in law passed in March...89...stroke...and yes, I think she would still be alive if she hadn't been jabbed 3 or 4 times. But who knows.

Again...my condolences...sounds like the whole situation could have been "better" ...we become less and less human. It is almost like junking an old used car these days...

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My family live in the same area and my dad died at MacKenzie Health so I get it. My brother broke his collar bone and at his last appointment at the fracture clinic at MacKenzie he didn't wear a mask and nobody bothered him. But I think it all depends on who is working there at any given time.

Since doctors love Zoom so much, perhaps you can ask your doctor's office for an online appointment so he can "see" you and then refill your prescription. Or hang out close by in a mask-free coffee shop or somewhere really close by and have them call you when the doctor can see you. This may not work when the wait is 2 hours, which is enough of a reason to walk out irrespective of the mask BS. In the early days of masking I checked in for a service and then told them I'd wait outside because I wasn't going to sit there with a mask on. The service provider and I both removed our masks behind closed doors. Recently my husband had to drive 2 hours each way to see his cardiologist in Toronto because he wouldn't refill his prescription as it had been a long time since he'd "seen" him. He's been a patient of his for at least 15 years and nothing has changed; nor did this guy seem to want to "see" him during Convid. It's all so crazy making and it's hard not to be in a constant state of anger.

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Jeesh...your story is worse than mine.

I finally got in. I sat in the waiting room and heard three people come in with the same 2 pm appointment. Of course they overbook, which infuriates me. But it wasn't too bad. I think I got called in within 15 minutes, but sat in the "little room" for another 15 minutes before the masked doctor showed up.

All his staff were masked, the receptionists, and the nurses, and the doctor. The stupidity of this makes their credibility entirely absent. I will be looking for another doctor, but I doubt seriously if I will find one that isn't donning the mask.

It really makes me wonder if it would be best for me to just cut off all medical ties and take my chances of survival. As Esther said, "if I perish, I perish."

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Such great points...I am shaking my head. I do often wonder how it will be possible to escape any of this. I think those people who have fled...to different countries, to shrew-states, to caves, who are young, resourceful, strong, and know how to build good fences and shoot a gun accurately. Those people may have a chance...if they band together...and make lots of babies.

People like me are doomed, but that's ok, I just don't look forward to dying of starvation, or with a bullet to the head, in some ditch somewhere...c'est la vie I suppose.

This could all drag on for a while though. If they can get the digi IDs and the CBDC out the end is nigh, but it still may take a decade or two before the drones start shrew hunting. If we want to live we will have to comply, and pray every night for those young folks I mentioned earlier to survive and create the brave new world (the GOOD one) coming after the Great Clone Wars...

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"none of us knows how courageous we will be until we are genuinely tested"

You are a wise one! You deserve better than Mr Compliance Personified. He sounds exactly like all the supposedly rebellious, anti-authority entertainers of my youth in the 60s who turned out to actually be followers who were complying with their peer group, and showed who they are over the last 3 years.

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I am a wimp. But I have a vision of my running to the barbed wire fence with my hands in the air flipping off the masked Gestapo chasing me firing automatic weapons. I won't make it, but I will have tried.

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If either of my brother in laws ever came out of their fanatic pro jab closet , and admit they were wrong I think the sun would die.

You are my hero!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You are too kind, Jay S. I am no hero and am having virtually no success in saving anyone else (one friend 'got it' straight away, when I told her). I did manage to frighten one daughter into not taking a second, having failed to frighten her into not taking the first. But I will admit to being flummoxed by the depth of my friends' brainwashing. I should add, though, that I consider myself 'saved' in more ways than one, even if the jab gets me a year or two from now. I will go down head unbowed. Or at least bowed only in the direction in which it should be bowed. :-)

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Spoken like a true Shrew!

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