Feb 17Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Just to give you a tiny bit of hope, I was one of the sheep. Thank God I didn't go so far as to ruin friendships- I've apologized to each person I refused to listen to.

From personal experience I can tell you that the sheep are programmed with code words. For example, I remember a friend who tried to talk to me about Fauci. And I remember feeling my brain almost igniting to the word "Fauci". Fast firing neurons, and I remember just cutting my friend off and sternly saying "we're not going there." Of course if we did go there and she had given me evidence, I would have immediately discounted it. Sheep don't know that the "fringe" epimediologists are from Ivy league schools. The sheep think there is no dissent among "respectable academics" (gag me).

Let me tell you how I woke up from the programming. It had nothing to do with covid. It was the railroad workers.

I saw, looking up actual senate votes, that Democrats were lying about supporting the railroad workers when these workers rejected a shitty contract. I saw how the Democrats forced a rejected contract. I saw how they could have helped them, because they had enough votes. But they did not help them. They sabotaged their own bills. And then they went outside for the cameras and proclaimed their solidarity with workers.

That wasn't just a crack for me, that was half the house caving in. Because the only thing I had left to convince my working class friends to vote D was that Ds were the party that helped workers. But here I saw in 24 hours how Ds HURT workers then lied and said they tried so hard, aw shucks.

When half your mental house falls down in 24 hours, and you're a Thinking Person, you start checking the rest of your house real quick. And slowly I did, and realized how wrong I was about covid too.

It was very painful, and it's bizarre it even happened, when I had already figured this out in the early 2000s. I forgot that I had given up on Democrats already. Isn't that weird?

So, it is possible to change minds and to break the hypnotism. I know this place is really hard. It's hard to be called names and disrespected. It's hard to keep the faith in humanity.

Please know that every once in a while you DO win over hearts and minds. Just gotta find a crack that your audience really cares about, like me with the railroad workers.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"compliance under duress."

This is a funny concept! Aren't we all engaged in that?

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

" informed consent" Sheeple version!

Do you know those "terms of service" one has to read and tick the box before joining for example a hosting platform (https://www.dreamhost.com/legal/terms-of-service/)?!

Well, for the regular modern moron sheeple(slave) checking the box without reading the information equates to "informed consent"!

If the TV and the "smart"phones and the "doctors" told them it was fine... Fine it was. They were "informed" (quality of the info doesn't matter at all) and "consent" they gave...

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"We all cherish our children’s future." I don't believe this is Reality. I've seen little to no evidence to validate such statement.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

What is a "human being"?

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Wow you’re so much nicer than I am.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Boy, did you ever hit the nail on the head with this one! I couldn’t have said it any better because you covered all the points, it’s perfect. However, I personally would hesitate to present this to any vaxed person who still speaks to me. I have incredibly hardheaded family members and others whose friendships are just hanging on by a thread. And yes, some are suffering as the result of their decisions. For my own selfish reasons I don’t speak to them anymore about taboo subjects (covid and the vax), I just keep my fingers crossed that they realize on their own what has happened and then maybe someday bring up the subject themselves

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Mmmmmm a very good piece , not so sure it would work on a true blue sheep - maybe on a sheep in transition ? I have experienced a few in this camp lately. Interesting that those folks do not have a lot of formal education .....perhaps their gut and radar are kicking into full drive ( where us educated folks have suppressed them ).

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

GREAT commentary Todd! I think that some people are simply, “broken”.

I saw a young gal yesterday on my walk, with a black mask on, alone. There were no people to be seen because of the Super Bowl (a block from the ocean).

These people need prayer and light. I used to be resentful and angry. Now, I pity them, in an empathetic way.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Excellent expression of putting our thoughts into words Todd. I will attempt to pass it on to my adult children who were horrified at my lack of “compliance” and see if they’ll be willing to read with an open mind!!

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

So well said. I would forward to some of my frenemies but I don't think they would open any emails from me. But I feel better after reading it and that's enough for me! Blessings to you.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And yet the WHO are hell bent on straight-jacketting us all to do it all again when they think the next one up. Yeh, good luck with that! Great article Todd 👍.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Living in the wilds of Donegal (Ireland), where sheep greatly outnumber humans, I love them and hate that their name is taken in vain! I have forwarded the article (minus sheep reference) to family members and friends, who disowned me during the debacle, no matter how hard I tried to be calm and diplomatic; it will be interesting to see if they respond to your voice of reason.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think the part that really gets me is the vitriol for even mentioning the vaccine as a possible cause of death. Excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries are high. Many people were injured by these "vaccines." Many young people have died of heart or blood related illnesses. Many have succumbed to turbo cancer. Many have been diagnosed with automimmune diseases. Yet, it couldn't possibly be related to the vaccine and if you even bring it up, they are immediately enraged.

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Feb 12Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Oh, so right you are, Todd. We can accept that 'they' took the dreaded shots but 'they' almost spew venom at those who haven't taken the shots or fallen for the propaganda. It really has come down to a 'them' and 'us' scenario. How pathetic is that. With all the brainwashing over the years and the constant chatter on mainstream media and the politician's ramblings and the pharma mafia, and the failed education system - what else can you expect? They've been had and they are too stupid or gullible to even notice or admit it.

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