[Author’s Note: This article is an attempt to write to sheep. Obviously, I do not believe any sheep will be reading it here. I originally took out of the title any reference to sheep (I removed the word “sheep”). I reasoned that if any sheep-type stumbled upon it and started reading it, they would immediately be turned off seeing the title, and then promptly throw it into the hopper.
I put the reference to “sheep” back in. I am not quite sure why; it just didn’t seem right without it. That being said, the rest of the article is clear of sheep droppings, so, if you shrews reading it think it might jog some sheep’s noodle, remove the title and these first two paragraphs, and then you have a sheep-proof article you may want to share with the baa-baa crowd. Let me know how it goes if you feel so inclined to do what I suggest.]
Hello fellow Earth inhabitants! The past three or four years have been difficult for all of us, and it seems that we and thee do not seem to see eye to eye. We are the tin-foil hat, science denier, conspiracy theorists, and you are the unselfish, obedient, “do what’s right for all of us,” upright citizens that follow the science. Obviously, we don’t agree with those assessments, but let’s not get off on the wrong foot here.
What I can say with certainty is that we are all human beings. And as such, we all belong to the same tribe. We may have some differences, but in the famous words of a US president whom we all probably have at least a bit of admiration, “For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.[1]” I think we can agree on this.
So, what’s the problem?
Well, one big one was we abandoned the whole vaccination thing right at a time when you believed that everyone had to be on board for this “herd immunity” thing to work. Rather than get into the weeds regarding what constituted a legitimate health scare, and what herd immunity actually is, let’s just keep it simple and say we believe that there is never a time when a substance can be injected into our body without our informed consent. It really is that simple.
You say you gave consent? First of all, it was not informed consent. Secondly, many of you vaccinated were threatened with losing your jobs, banned from needed surgeries, banned from church and other social events, banned from travel, losing your ability to play sports in school, indeed even your very attendance of school was threatened, among other threats and other reasons to feel shame. Many of you were coerced, either through guilt trips, or the promise of special treatment, or donuts. It was compliance under duress.
Sure, we can still have differences of opinion regarding that coercion and the right to refuse, but can you see how it is still at least an argument in a free culture? It is a pretty big deal, this “my body, my choice” idea. And I can guarantee you that if the proposed threat was scientifically viable to be horribly dangerous as they suggested, you would have seen enough volunteer vaccinations to get your herd immunity (assuming the vaccine actually worked, which is another issue.)
Now, I realize you argue that people should not be that selfish during such an intense world health issue, regardless of its viability. To be truthful, we simply didn’t see it that way. We thought the whole thing was weird from the start, how the virus got started, and the insistence on face masks, which we simply believed could not possibly do much good considering what we had learned in grade 8 science class. Even though bigwig people were telling us otherwise, it just didn’t add up to us. Now, I understand, it did add up to you, and that’s ok. Early on, many of us were not 100% certain that our instincts were correct. But by the time the rushed-through vaccine made the scene, we were pretty certain that it could not be trusted.
So, just like with the yearly flu shot, we figured we would take our chances and avoid the jab. Never before Covid were we told we had to take a shot to go to work, to attend church, to visit loved ones, or to be a decent human being. We have always “self-quarantined” by making our own choice to avoid people if we knew we were infected with some contagion. Day by day things got weirder and weirder and made us question more and more, yet you folks never seemed to question anything and just took it all at face value, “This is what the authorities are saying to do, and if we don’t do what they are telling us, we may all die.”
That’s pretty strong. And also the line, “You must get vaccinated, it is safe, and you won’t get Covid if you get the shot.” When has that sort of statement, ever in the history of mankind, been true?
We simply never saw it the way you did. You thought we were crazy, selfish, science-denying morons. Which of course, hurt. You felt we were responsible for killing Grandma and eventually would be responsible for killing everyone. But we could not see the science behind all of the claims—and no one let us discuss that science. You must admit, no one from above ever bothered to explain it. We all were supposed to just accept what the authorities were telling us, regardless of how unfounded it might have been. We were never willing to do that. And of course, you then thought that our unwillingness was irresponsible, reckless, and again, selfish.
Then some outspoken medical doctors came along showing us alternatives to the vaccines. They were showing us treatments, and how they actually worked. They were showing us success rates, and positive outcomes. They stood before Congress and presented science, medicine, and all the things an objective doctor sharing their experience is supposed to do. We were happy, but you were not. And I do wonder if many of you even knew about this, it was all so quickly shoved under the table and labelled “misinformation.” The ridicule that followed (particularly of Ivermectin) came on with such a force and tenacity it seemed surreal. It horrified us but seemed natural to you. We kept trying to show you what we saw, with empathy, love, and concern, but you rejected our efforts vehemently and with vitriol. It was all rather frightening.
And how were you doing with your choices and your rigid stance? Not too well, more of you got Covid than us and had a harder time of it. Yeah, no one on either side was dying as much as everyone (on your side) predicted. It didn’t seem the precious vaccine was actually working. And if you read the news today, an awful lot is finally coming out that resonates more with our predictions and concerns than with yours.
There is a lot more to say here. And I am not getting into the intentions behind all of this, the government corruption, the pharmaceutical company’s greed, or the WHO deception. These are areas that I am sure we have even more major conflicts about. But simple stuff still is the foundation of our differences. We don’t believe that any government should be allowed to force through coercion, law, mandates, or whatever tactic they use, an injection into our bodies without our informed consent. We do not believe in censoring scientific debate amongst qualified professionals (amongst anyone for that matter). There are many other fundamentals such as peaceful protest that I could bring in here, but these issues may cloud the waters. Let me stick with just those two.
So, I ask you the question, do you really find such disdain for us because we believe in peace, love, individual consideration, and bodily autonomy? Or that we find fundamental freedoms laid out to us in our own constitution should not be violated? Sure, we can have a debate over these things as well, but the kick in the pants is that we don’t. Our side on these issues is met with such viciousness that none of you will even discuss this stuff with us. Why is that?
We all want to be able to speak freely about our concerns, our views, and our vision of what life should be. And I do believe we all, at the heart of it, want similar things. Why can’t we talk about it? Why can’t we debate it? After all, we all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.
[1] President John F. Kennedy, at the commencement speech at American University, June 10, 1963
Oh, so right you are, Todd. We can accept that 'they' took the dreaded shots but 'they' almost spew venom at those who haven't taken the shots or fallen for the propaganda. It really has come down to a 'them' and 'us' scenario. How pathetic is that. With all the brainwashing over the years and the constant chatter on mainstream media and the politician's ramblings and the pharma mafia, and the failed education system - what else can you expect? They've been had and they are too stupid or gullible to even notice or admit it.
I think the part that really gets me is the vitriol for even mentioning the vaccine as a possible cause of death. Excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries are high. Many people were injured by these "vaccines." Many young people have died of heart or blood related illnesses. Many have succumbed to turbo cancer. Many have been diagnosed with automimmune diseases. Yet, it couldn't possibly be related to the vaccine and if you even bring it up, they are immediately enraged.