I never realized that I have as much common sense as I know now. Starting in May '20 I started to think the whole thing sounded stupid. I had just learned at the end of 2019who fauci really was. How I wished everyone had learned about him. But big pharma liars kept everything secret for years. When I was recovering from a near death experience in 2013 (brain surgery) one day I was hugging a tree and sobbing and asking God why everything was so upside down and when was he planning on fixing it? So during the summer '20 I realized it was going to be time for something big because humanity was in the dark. So many are still in the dark and I can't believe my adult daughters still seem to think it's about politics. Faith and freedom 🌟🙏✨❤️
Funny you would say this...I too see all of this as the big upheaval...I actually find myself hoping for more to happen so more people wake up. It is taking too long as far as I am concerned...the longer they drag it out, the more likely they will be successful...which isn't a good thing. Not sure what's up now as it does seem to have slowed down quite a bit.
"....you don’t take a walk in a dicey part of the city in the middle of the night because “that’s just stupid.” ..." Nope. I did it. It was a good experience. What is the "dicey" part of the city anyways? How do you know those persons are so bad? Did you ever take a walk through it? Have you talked to them?
Good for you! It's an article, man, it isn't an academic journal entry! :-) Fill in the blank there...would you put your head in an alligator's mouth? Maybe so, if you knew something about alligators, if you had expertise, or were trained understanding the implications of putting your head in an alligator's mouth. "Just stupid" acts can be different for everyone.
And yes, I have walked alone at night in seedy parts of town, and yes, I have talked to "them." It was a figure of speech I made in the article ("dicey part of town"), I think most people know what I am implying.
It was probably a poor example that I used (about walking the streets in a dicey part of town). I should have come up with something else...as my words do imply fear of something that may not be something to fear. I certainly do not think that specific activity is stupid if the person engaged in that activity has thought it through and understands the risks, if any.
However, in my defense, I think it IS rather naive to think certain people can walk through certain sections of a city and not have a statistically higher likelihood of harm. Unless you have achieved the enlightenment of Jesus (which certainly would be a noble pursuit) I think most people would not be of Christ's status, and would be apprehensive of exposing themselves to potential danger...and yes, people do get hurt by other people, that is a fact.
Dude. Listen now. I did not finish this "comment" but I would like to tell you something. I really enjoyed the rest of your piece. You play it "fast and loose" as a writer. I would encourage you, I don't want to actually intervene in this one way or the other. I also was playing it fast and loose there because I accidentally stumbled on your Substack subdomain page and right away I saw that dismal bit you wrote and I mouthed off on it. Anyways, the whole idea of re-visiting the idea of the phrase "that's just stupid" was brilliant in your hands and I even "re-stacked" it and thought about it. Still, I wonder what your long term outcome will be writing that way. The ideas we have in our "haids" or heads I mean are one thing. Putting it onto paper or the screen is another. Usually there is a kind of art form or skill to it. (B.t.w. are you REALLY a PhD?)
Hmmm...I'm not sure what the problem here is, or even if there IS one...so I won't go on about it. Again, I actually agree with you in most ways, and in thinking back on it, I do agree I should have thought of a better example to call "stupid." In fact, I had a bit of a problem with the article as a whole because it seemed to go off in a direction different than the thing that inspired the article, which was someone putting down "female" on their intake form in a hospital when their sex was actually male.
Anyway...I checked out your substack...and I liked what I read. I think we are on the same page with a lot of things. And even if we weren't, we are still, ultimately, human beings, and share that (unless one of us is a lizard, but I'll never tell). I hope you understood my explanation in my comment back to you...
My long term outcome? Who knows. I write what I think, and what I feel. Sometimes what I write is more academic, sometimes it is purely tongue in cheek (like this article). I do often write truly academically (not here) and it isn't just stuff in my "haid"...and frankly, my substack can be rather reckless and irresponsible, but I think my readers are grown ups and can sort that out before anything will hurt them.
Yes, I have a BM in Music Composition, an MA in Consciousness Studies, an MA in Counselling Psychology and a PhD in Depth Psychotherapy. They are not from Harvard, but all from accredited Universities in the US.
Oh no! "Depth" psychotherapy? Yikes. Anyways, thanks for the details on it, you were very considerate there. There are NUMEROUS issues with the kind of writing you do. It misses a WHOLE LOT. But good luck with it. You certainly "caught" me. I don't always "follow" everything that interests me, because I would have too long of a list, but I have made a note of it, in my "secret Substack file" on the laptop. Best wishes, then, Sir. p,s. The writer under consideration here said: "it IS rather naive to think certain people can walk through certain sections of a city and not..." Note the qualification "certain" people. Well. Then they are already stupid. You are kind of beating a dead horse? That is one reason to question what you are doing. We do NOT call people "stupid" ordinarily (these times may be different, but ordinarily...) because it does not help the stupid person and amounts to rather an insult.
I tried not to call PEOPLE stupid...but only their behavior or actions...but I may have slipped up a few times.
"Certain" people...yes, I would be cautious if I were a lone black woman walking through a neighborhood of white supremacists. I do think it is naive to think there are no "bad people" in the world. I love your ideological take..."talk to them" etc. And if I were writing an article on "fearing our fellow human beings" I do believe I would be more focused on your perspective. I would like to think I would be more like you walking in a "dicey" neighborhood (and by "dicey" I mean high crime, if you think I was referring to a racial slant, I was not, although a person could certainly look at it that way, like I did with my sample above.)
But this article was not about that...so be it...yes...beating a dead horse...but I am apt to do that...I beat dead horses all of the time.
I am actually quite curious as to what you mean by "numerous issues with the kind of writing I do" and how it "misses a whole lot". Most people that read my work like it. I have a regular column on Off Guardian, which I don't think would put up with writing that has "numerous issues that misses a whole lot"...yes, there are people there who don't like my work, but all in all it is more than just "accepted."
"Depth psychology" is an accepted term for the psychological approach pioneered by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud because it focuses primarily on the depths of the unconscious.
And again (another whack to the dead horse) my walking in a dicey neighborhood comment was not saying anyone who did that was stupid, but that an action that obviously puts a person in harm's way for no reason could be considered a stupid move. Again, again, I admit it was a poor example...I will edit the article to reflect that...do you have any examples of something you think is stupid behavior??
...so who's doing the behaviors or actions? The behaviors or actions don't do themselves. Somebody is doing it. If you say "that was a stupid move", there has to be a person involved. The move didn't do itself. It was a PERSON who did it. How can you get away from the fact that if there was a moldy cookie someone ate it or did not eat it. Maybe you got away with that stuff all through your schooling but it is still not working in reality. It's a stupid person. You just don't want to admit it. How can you say it is just a "behavior"? In any practical action, some person is going to come into the picture. If you say to your patient, "I am only correcting your behavior. It has nothing to do with you as a person," you are still responsible for whatever you are advising to a living, breathing person. And we generally NEVER call other people stupid. If you do, you are the stupid one and all the equivocation is can end right there. With YOU.
Well I had a long reply written out and I lost it because I do not like money. I am using an 8-year old laptop. If the reply comes up again, I will try to post it. I was going to get a connection/link to my draft of an upcoming article in which I do what you ask: I did not want to explain the "numerous ish" and the "misses a lot" because it is just difficult, but I mentioned Chomsky and then also mentioned there that I was working on a science article, upcoming (maybe, if I finish it). Here is the excerpt for which I sacrificed my other comment. "Science is (supposed to be) firm and definite —absolutely, solidly correct. If some element of knowledge is deemed “scientific,” that means it is solid. (“Solid” was once a term associated with the hip side of life, which I recently mentioned yesterday on Substack)… But when we say the word - science - is it a reference to the general or the particular?" You could also look at my "Mod Squad" article though and you need to think about it because there are very few words. I think I read some stuff by yourself, Mr. Shew, where you were in league with me here, ie. science insists on the validity only of material things, which is fundamentally mistaken. E.g., "Ah. I have now SEEN the Higgs Boson, with my own eyes" etc. It is messed up. Well, in any case ,I was saying on the other one (comment) that the "numerous issues" are things that are not so easy. Personally, I see them. For me, they are tangible things that I see. Putting it into words is very difficult. Finally one more incidental thought: So let me point out that when I said that I "once walked through" such a neighborhood I had a very concrete experience in mind, one particular walk, where I decided people were just people, I would trust them, and then walked through the heart of the West Side of Chicago. There was one concrete example. So I was not speaking of what I do in general. I was speaking on one particular time when I did that what you said was stupid. I was young, you might want to know that. But then later, there were also lots of other examples. I did eventually move out of those neighborhoods, it was not more than one year, total. Then in the last five years I also lived in some of those neighborhoods as a home-less individual. (I don't like to use money, remember? So I ran out and sleep in the open, for 2017-early 2023) Also: in many of these dicey neighborhoods, the black ones, if you go off the business routes you might be surprised. (at how nice everything is maintained). The current mayor of Chicago lived like that. One time he got gun shots though the window but otherwise it seems to have been okay, and that was also the exact neighborhood I had lived in, on the busy street, in a hellhole, ha ha, but I would walk down a residential street and I would be amazed at the perfect, neatly kept homes. All in the same neighborhood. Thus, it seems that the bad-looking seedy stuff is channeled onto a few busy streets. Another interesting point about such neighborhoods (this is usually black areas.) That is just a fact---sorry that it makes persons who preach a lot but do not know anything angry). It is amazing what people do it they need to. I am now completely assimilated back to an inside life and I just hole up in the little room. Very comfortable, but totally different than that "other" thing which come to think of it is similar to any other thing that there is not a literature on and so it is hard even for myself to understand what I was doing, for five years or how I did it.
it's very good post Todd. In past few years I have been using STOOPID to indicate that whatev is happening is gone to new levels of stupid. I also sometimes use more directed stoopid labels such as misogynostoopid, transtoopid, plandemstoopid. I like to make up words.
My sister-in-law chided me for using the word stupid. It was a few years ago, and weirdly I obliged for a while. But then sanity returned and I told her in no uncertain terms that I would indeed continue to use the word stupid and would never censor myself. She has Borderline Personality Disorder so any conversation with her is a distortion field.
Your mention of the word gullible reminded me of an old joke: “I heard the world gullible has been removed from the dictionary. Is that true?”
Well, any word like “stupid” (idiot, moron, retard) is contemptible if used in a live relational context. I hesitated writing it…but was careful (I think?) to use it to describe behaviour and not people. The article is tongue-in-cheek as well…or is supposed to be!
Good thought, Todd. When I read your article I didn't notice the subtlety that you used the word "stupid" to describe a behavior, and not people. It was a very good "caution" on your part. Unfortunately, on my first comment, below, I think I committed the "sin" of describing some people as stupid. I will leave it like that...
Well...I doubt if I was true to my word...I very well may have called people stupid...but just like my claim I don't call PEOPLE individually SHEEP...but I know I have...it is a good distinction to stick to, but it is largely a moot point because I do still THINK of people as sheep, or as stupid...
i admire the self censoring. i lost it 30+ years ago. working for the man. (cliches win) (win!) suddenly found myself unable to kiss bums. like a switch literally turned off. certainly never affected the rest of my life.........
We all work for “the man”…although I have never, as luck has it, actually worked for a boss with a pay check (well, my first job was like that). But I always had someone “above me” (like psychotherapy clients) I was accountable to. And in Hollywood working as a composer was the most bum kissing I have ever done…that is why I eventually had to leave, the bum kissing just got too much.
Oddly enough I have never trusted the government. The harder they push the more they lie.
By trusting Fauci the whole damn bunch was stupid. Operation Warp Speed was a political game by an ill informed President and lowered my opinion of the Government even further. Trump was surrounded by many back stabbing liars many of us though were on his side.
Sadly I watched many friends and family line up as lab rats because they trusted ill informed folks and outright genocidal criminals.
Now we have a population carrying VAIDS that is apparently spread easier than AIDS according to blood work being done by doctors that are interested enough to research it.
Watch for a future push to legalize prostitution as supposedly another way to raise tax money. It won't be stupid on the genocide or population reduction part because killing people they deem as stupid is their evil plan.
The GOVERNMENT already managed to hook a lot of young stupid people on pot that is 10:times stronger than that of the sixties. But what the hell, it raises tax money off of more stupid decisions and aids the sale of far worse drugs the money changer politicians can launder into their pockets. By the way, I have recently heard of some liberal politicians suggesting legalizing prostitution
That part about the weed being much stronger now than in the 60's seems like propaganda to me. I don't notice any big huge knock me off my seat kinda effect nowadays vs back then. If they claim it's 10X weed now it reminds me of propaganda like Reefer Madness, to make it seem dangerous as a deterent.
Just saying.
Too many ppl make alot of $$ from the entire prostitution industry so I doubt it will become legal (cept for NV) anytime soon.
The potency varies but the effort is there to make it stronger.Billions is made off of illegal drugs and was the same with marijuana but government loves to tax everything.
The whiskey war was an example of when people were told they had to pay taxes on whiskey. The same people that whipped the British on Kings Mountain were now fighting the US Government.
Right on on all counts. The trusting government thing is interesting. I think one of the greatest psy-ops was to get people to believe that the government, any government, is trustworthy. The hippies of the ‘60s knew they weren’t, and I think it was then that the clamps really got tightened to teach the younger generations coming up that the government was benign and benevolent.
This of course started much earlier than this, but I think the paradigm shifted from “let’s teach everyone that the government is good, like mom and apple pie” to a more “Brave New World” tactic, “lets just dumb them all down so they don’t even know we exist, then we can do anything we want…”
it seems to me that you are conflating voluntary choices with diktats from on high. are you suggesting that my livelihood will be threatened if i don't smoke pot? if i don't go to a brothel?
sorry, it's the ever-present gun in the room that needs to be examined. without which, the last 3 years would not be possible. nor the endless god damn wars and every other damn thing that plagues us. no offense intended jay.
As I just said, I think it is all about dumbing us down, and distracting us. Pushing things into our attention like cell phones, TikTok, FB, pot, video games (although I think that is waning because it takes TOO much intelligence), and then prostitution as Jay suggests. It is clearly the way of “Brave New World” soma, as well as ridding the masses of anything deeper to think about…such as seen in Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”
Thinking about and evaluating the government becomes too intellectual for most. And the ones that DO have the wherewithal to handle such complex things spend all of their cerebral energy on ridding the government of seeming evils such as Trump and the Republican Party.
The dumbing down is major factor. Even what has happened to TV, the original dumbing down machine.Used to be The Networks now it's exploded to hundreds of cable/sat channels PLUS the add-on channels PLUS the streaming services. HUNDREDS of movies available 24/7 (Obviously, one has to have the $ to pay for it all...) but this expansion to so many "forms of entertainment" is no accident.
I Am Saying everything is about money and killing off the population the fastest way they can and still leave an Earth that can be inhabited by those that feel they are better than us peasants . Spreading VAIDS by prostitution would speed it up for them.
We haven't been in any war that the deep state money changers haven't engineered and put in place and march us peasants off as cannon fodder. They want to prolong them as long as they can. All about the money! We can't fix stupid by constantly electing stupid money grubbing career politicians.
I agree. As sick as it is, I think the first step is democide. Hitler got this clearly, to rid the German Reich and all the new territories the Wehrmacht acquired through war, in which he could create his super race, rid it all of the fodder, the useless eaters, keep a tiny percentage to be used as slaves, but wipe out the huge masses of bodies that do not fit in the new shiny machine that is attempting to be created. The world as the elites wish it to be can be very streamlined. There are a lot people to get rid of. We are seeing the beginnings of this culling taking place right now.
Stupid is substandard intelligence, n'est-ce pas? If you look at intelligence as the ability to adapt rationally to a changing environment, as it is considered in many different disciplines, then the adage "once burnt shame on you, twice burnt shame on me" should apply. I was listening to a podcast between Roseanne Barr and JP Sears, and he asked her if she thought that this newest wave of the pandemic would produce the same kind of vaccine uptake or did she think more people have woken up. I must say, I feel just like her. People who were conned the first time will be conned again, because they ARE stupid. Just watch: it will be more difficult for them to admit a mistake, even a life-threatening one, than to carry on, willy-nilly, with self-destructive behavior under the guise of being a good citizen and secretly hoping the odds are in their favour. I think that at least a third of the population is truly stupid (and on bad days, the 2nd 'undecided' third AND those short term thinkers stupid enough to endanger themselves because of a job - how will you provide for your family if you are maimed or killed by swallowing this muck?), and like her I think that they will continue to be stupid, because they lacked the intelligence in the first place to see what they were doing was stupid. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science* to question the wisdom of sticking unknown, untested (except by the biggest fraudsters on the planet) substances in your body. At the very LEAST common sense demands a precautionary principle to anyone who has two neurons to rub together. (* Apparently, a degree in rocket science is no indication of stupid either, as I personally know of such a scientist who, unthinkingly, followed the vaccine program, and got a turbo cancer, and died.)
Thank you, T.H. The words "stupid" and "stupidity" are fine words. And (I confess!) they can be applied to many of my own actions throughout my adult life. Thankfully, my stupidity hasn't yet proven terminal...hence a beautiful word: "Learning" <3
If I may say so, we are all stupid at times...back in ancient times being this kind of stupid (distracting, not thinking things through, not counting on instinct and gut feelings, not having your radar up) often got you killed. We have become very lax as human animals, not alert, not careful...and this has spread out to include things like government we don't pay much attention to...we take it for granted they are not out to kill us...a stupid assumption.
As I mentioned in another comment... there is a difference between doing something stupid, and realizimg the mistake (we have ALL done that)... and persisting on a stupid idea, and trying to force everyone to agree. The latter is "terminal stupid".
Of course they have...and I know I sound like a broken record, but this state that we as a culture are in is not a natural evolution, where we LEARN from mistakes, and figure stuff out by that "mistake learning"...take pharmaceuticals as a simple example...we have been suffering from side effects, and even death, for decades due the greed of Big Pharma, but we can't "learn" from those mistakes because they are covered up, and if we experienced them ourselves, we are told we are crazy, or conspiracy theorists, this ruse is supported by our own government, and of course all of the sheep who want to follow the agenda (that Big Pharma is out to help us and we should be grateful to them and not accuse them of nasty things.)
This is why we are in such a pickle...we have not be able to learn from natural errors because if an error happens we are told it isn't an error..."nothing to see here folks, move along" so we just keep repeating the mistakes.
Misdiagnosed due to misgendering? What a kick in the nuts that must've been!
My niece (a bright girl) and I have had conversations about how stupid people are. I've said that eighty percent of people are idiots. My niece says, "They're all fucking idiots!"
Well, we ARE all doomed, but not because we are stupid, but because other people are stupid...one thing that has really shocked me is how many people ARE stupid out there (here I go doing what I said I didn't do, actually calling PEOPLE stupid). The masks really mark them...like wearing a t shirt that says, "Yep! I AM stupid!!" And it is shocking HOW MANY PEOPLE are wearing that t shirt!! Your niece is right!!!
I have a neighbor who has never stopped putting on the face nappie every time she steps out on the porch or goes to get the mail. She is not elderly if that's relevant.
"...we ARE all doomed, but not because we are stupid, but because other people are stupid..."
You said it, man! We're the ones taking all the flak; all of the abuse by standing up. In other words, WE are the ones "doing it for the greater good." The rest of the sheep are just going along to get along.
And what fuels stupidity: cell phones, “social” media, TikTok, Instagram, FB, X, television, LAZINESS, not reading a book, instant gratification...I could go on, and on.
Couldn't have said it better myself...but it is difficult to tell if those things are a cause for being stupid, or the result of being stupid...maybe a bit of both.
Not dismissing something because it's stupid is not a new thing, it's the eternal human condition. As in, let's burn these women alive because we think they might be witches. As in, guys with a comfortable life and wives and kids depending on them answer the call to join their psychopathic leader's legions to invade, kill, and rob their neighboring tribes, and likely be maimed or killed themselves. As in, believe the tenets of the religion you were born into MUST all be true, in spite of the fact if you were born a thousand miles in any direction, or a few hundred years before or after, everyone around you would be telling you to believe something entirely different. Western society has degraded to the point our leadership and all institutions are utterly failing, so the stupidity that was always there is flourishing now. We notice it more since it's rapidly destroying everything.
The kind of stupid we are talking about does have a formula to it. There is a "reason" behind it...not a rational one often, but a reason nonetheless....if the reason is organic, then you have a problem with the person being stupid, a serious one. But if the reason is a con, from an outside source, like the agenda, then the person being stupid arrives there through typical con methods, fear, greed, etc.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I see it as organic, and that organic stupidity allows for the con. We didn't fall for the very same con, after all. Something was already there, determining the susceptibility to this con, and any con. By the time I entered my teens I could see those in authority couldn't be trusted. That fact isn't something you need to be told, it's obvious, it's everywhere. Most never see it. I don't think I'm special, or amazingly smart - after all I'm one of millions who were never fooled. It's not that we're so goddamn smart, we just see obvious things that anyone should see. Age, experience, education doesn't erase the intrinsic deficit the others suffer from. I see it as like many human traits - empathy/psychopathy for example. There are full-blown psychopaths, there are some empathic to the point of being always miserable. Most fall in between - there is a spectrum. Most of the public faces of our side of the vaccine debate fall well short of being immune to transparent cons. I'm troubled Malone, McCullough, Malhotra, Kirsch, Coleman (there are others, these come to mind easily) who are jabbed. They fell for an obvious scam, but they aren't hopelessly naive followers either, thank God, since they've done valuable work. Still, falling for an obvious scam was stupid. Others disagree and think you can be smart and yet blind to obvious BS and manipulation. That makes no sense to me. We have a problem, and it's insoluble.
I do think the whole human race has been the subject of an intentional psy-op for quite some time. When I say organic, I mean how the world would be if there was no psy-op...I think if people could naturally learn from there mistakes, for being stupid, they would end up less susceptible.
Now, one could argue that the world has been under the cloud of a psy-op since day one...in some way that could be true...but none as global as this one...nor as technologically advanced. It is all encompassing now, and has been for at least 75 years.
"if people could naturally learn from there mistakes, for being stupid, they would end up less susceptible" That would sure be nice. We all fall short there to varying degrees.
If by under a psy-op since day one, you mean subjected to trickery and subterfuge, that seems part of nature. Prey and predators both use it. We had a dachshund who, when headed to munch on the compost heap (where she wasn't allowed) would peer at the window to see if we were watching. If we were, she'd nonchalantly change course as if "nothing to see here". She'd keep checking until we weren't watching (she thought) and then head straight for the compost. It was the most adorable thing ever.
Oh... an additional comment, Todd. I guess you are aware that if there are younger shrews around here, who did not read Superman comics when they were kids (like we old geezers did), they will not know what is the Bizarro World.
Of course you have to account for modern nerds, which there are many. Marvel fans, Superhero fans, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, etc. Many of these folks are very familiar with the legacy figures like Batman, Superman, etc.
But yes, not a large percentage...but I am willing to bet there are not that many young shrews...unfortunately the young folks are the ones most exposed to the psy-ops...screen insanity, FB, Instagram, TikTok...for the movie Barbie to be so popular is certainly an indication of this woke culture mindset.
I do not remember the specific comic series called Bizarro World, but that does not mean it did not exist. I do remember that in a few Superman comics there were episodes that occurred in the Bizarro World, where everything was done exactly the opposite to "normal". It could have been that they "borrowed" from one comic series to the other; I guess many were made by the same people (DC, Marvel...).
Looking back, I seem to have dedicated my life to stupid – although too stupid to be aware of the fact! It is part of life, learning (hopefully) by mistakes.
But, the stupid regarding the maiming of children is something else.
The stupid here were not alone to make mistakes: they were accompanied by a variety of the deficient who had their own pathetic, self-promoting agendas. The stupid were - led, herded, trained, conditioned, coerced, seduced, pressured, confused and rewarded.
Of course, later, when the effects of stupid decisions were manifest, the victims were abandoned.
We can safely assume that the motives behind the imposition of this type of criminal stupid are the destruction of firm societal foundations in order to make way for ‘building back bonkers,’ thanks to the maniacal wishes of the globalists and their delusional mega-stupidities.
I have to say, again and again, we have been TRAINED to be stupid...although a large part of this is organic, meaning it comes from the natural evolution of a society that has gone awry (which also probably could be blamed on the agenda...they have been at this for a very long time).
Most of us, at one time or another, fell for the con...the materialist/consumer culture that has been created first for commercial reasons, then to herd us all into submission and compliance.
I believe one thing is to make a mistake - that in hindsight we see was stupid; we have ALL done that. Another thing is to cling to a stupid, preposterous idea, and persisting on believing that it is right... and trying to force everyone to agree.
I think this is what has saved me...I am the first type of stupid, the "making a mistake" type of stupid...but once I "woke up" I am not clinging to it, as you say...so that saved me.
But yes, many many people are so ensconced in the "reasons" they are stupid...the brainwashing, the "1984" idea of believing 2+2=5....I certainly do not believe that people are organically stupid, I believe they have been brainwashed into believing irrational things.
I certainly could be wrong, but I cannot find any other explanation for this...
I never realized that I have as much common sense as I know now. Starting in May '20 I started to think the whole thing sounded stupid. I had just learned at the end of 2019who fauci really was. How I wished everyone had learned about him. But big pharma liars kept everything secret for years. When I was recovering from a near death experience in 2013 (brain surgery) one day I was hugging a tree and sobbing and asking God why everything was so upside down and when was he planning on fixing it? So during the summer '20 I realized it was going to be time for something big because humanity was in the dark. So many are still in the dark and I can't believe my adult daughters still seem to think it's about politics. Faith and freedom 🌟🙏✨❤️
Funny you would say this...I too see all of this as the big upheaval...I actually find myself hoping for more to happen so more people wake up. It is taking too long as far as I am concerned...the longer they drag it out, the more likely they will be successful...which isn't a good thing. Not sure what's up now as it does seem to have slowed down quite a bit.
Stay at it...we all need more people like you!
"....you don’t take a walk in a dicey part of the city in the middle of the night because “that’s just stupid.” ..." Nope. I did it. It was a good experience. What is the "dicey" part of the city anyways? How do you know those persons are so bad? Did you ever take a walk through it? Have you talked to them?
Good for you! It's an article, man, it isn't an academic journal entry! :-) Fill in the blank there...would you put your head in an alligator's mouth? Maybe so, if you knew something about alligators, if you had expertise, or were trained understanding the implications of putting your head in an alligator's mouth. "Just stupid" acts can be different for everyone.
And yes, I have walked alone at night in seedy parts of town, and yes, I have talked to "them." It was a figure of speech I made in the article ("dicey part of town"), I think most people know what I am implying.
It was probably a poor example that I used (about walking the streets in a dicey part of town). I should have come up with something else...as my words do imply fear of something that may not be something to fear. I certainly do not think that specific activity is stupid if the person engaged in that activity has thought it through and understands the risks, if any.
However, in my defense, I think it IS rather naive to think certain people can walk through certain sections of a city and not have a statistically higher likelihood of harm. Unless you have achieved the enlightenment of Jesus (which certainly would be a noble pursuit) I think most people would not be of Christ's status, and would be apprehensive of exposing themselves to potential danger...and yes, people do get hurt by other people, that is a fact.
Dude. Listen now. I did not finish this "comment" but I would like to tell you something. I really enjoyed the rest of your piece. You play it "fast and loose" as a writer. I would encourage you, I don't want to actually intervene in this one way or the other. I also was playing it fast and loose there because I accidentally stumbled on your Substack subdomain page and right away I saw that dismal bit you wrote and I mouthed off on it. Anyways, the whole idea of re-visiting the idea of the phrase "that's just stupid" was brilliant in your hands and I even "re-stacked" it and thought about it. Still, I wonder what your long term outcome will be writing that way. The ideas we have in our "haids" or heads I mean are one thing. Putting it onto paper or the screen is another. Usually there is a kind of art form or skill to it. (B.t.w. are you REALLY a PhD?)
Hmmm...I'm not sure what the problem here is, or even if there IS one...so I won't go on about it. Again, I actually agree with you in most ways, and in thinking back on it, I do agree I should have thought of a better example to call "stupid." In fact, I had a bit of a problem with the article as a whole because it seemed to go off in a direction different than the thing that inspired the article, which was someone putting down "female" on their intake form in a hospital when their sex was actually male.
Anyway...I checked out your substack...and I liked what I read. I think we are on the same page with a lot of things. And even if we weren't, we are still, ultimately, human beings, and share that (unless one of us is a lizard, but I'll never tell). I hope you understood my explanation in my comment back to you...
My long term outcome? Who knows. I write what I think, and what I feel. Sometimes what I write is more academic, sometimes it is purely tongue in cheek (like this article). I do often write truly academically (not here) and it isn't just stuff in my "haid"...and frankly, my substack can be rather reckless and irresponsible, but I think my readers are grown ups and can sort that out before anything will hurt them.
Yes, I have a BM in Music Composition, an MA in Consciousness Studies, an MA in Counselling Psychology and a PhD in Depth Psychotherapy. They are not from Harvard, but all from accredited Universities in the US.
Oh no! "Depth" psychotherapy? Yikes. Anyways, thanks for the details on it, you were very considerate there. There are NUMEROUS issues with the kind of writing you do. It misses a WHOLE LOT. But good luck with it. You certainly "caught" me. I don't always "follow" everything that interests me, because I would have too long of a list, but I have made a note of it, in my "secret Substack file" on the laptop. Best wishes, then, Sir. p,s. The writer under consideration here said: "it IS rather naive to think certain people can walk through certain sections of a city and not..." Note the qualification "certain" people. Well. Then they are already stupid. You are kind of beating a dead horse? That is one reason to question what you are doing. We do NOT call people "stupid" ordinarily (these times may be different, but ordinarily...) because it does not help the stupid person and amounts to rather an insult.
I tried not to call PEOPLE stupid...but only their behavior or actions...but I may have slipped up a few times.
"Certain" people...yes, I would be cautious if I were a lone black woman walking through a neighborhood of white supremacists. I do think it is naive to think there are no "bad people" in the world. I love your ideological take..."talk to them" etc. And if I were writing an article on "fearing our fellow human beings" I do believe I would be more focused on your perspective. I would like to think I would be more like you walking in a "dicey" neighborhood (and by "dicey" I mean high crime, if you think I was referring to a racial slant, I was not, although a person could certainly look at it that way, like I did with my sample above.)
But this article was not about that...so be it...yes...beating a dead horse...but I am apt to do that...I beat dead horses all of the time.
I am actually quite curious as to what you mean by "numerous issues with the kind of writing I do" and how it "misses a whole lot". Most people that read my work like it. I have a regular column on Off Guardian, which I don't think would put up with writing that has "numerous issues that misses a whole lot"...yes, there are people there who don't like my work, but all in all it is more than just "accepted."
"Depth psychology" is an accepted term for the psychological approach pioneered by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud because it focuses primarily on the depths of the unconscious.
And again (another whack to the dead horse) my walking in a dicey neighborhood comment was not saying anyone who did that was stupid, but that an action that obviously puts a person in harm's way for no reason could be considered a stupid move. Again, again, I admit it was a poor example...I will edit the article to reflect that...do you have any examples of something you think is stupid behavior??
...so who's doing the behaviors or actions? The behaviors or actions don't do themselves. Somebody is doing it. If you say "that was a stupid move", there has to be a person involved. The move didn't do itself. It was a PERSON who did it. How can you get away from the fact that if there was a moldy cookie someone ate it or did not eat it. Maybe you got away with that stuff all through your schooling but it is still not working in reality. It's a stupid person. You just don't want to admit it. How can you say it is just a "behavior"? In any practical action, some person is going to come into the picture. If you say to your patient, "I am only correcting your behavior. It has nothing to do with you as a person," you are still responsible for whatever you are advising to a living, breathing person. And we generally NEVER call other people stupid. If you do, you are the stupid one and all the equivocation is can end right there. With YOU.
Well I had a long reply written out and I lost it because I do not like money. I am using an 8-year old laptop. If the reply comes up again, I will try to post it. I was going to get a connection/link to my draft of an upcoming article in which I do what you ask: I did not want to explain the "numerous ish" and the "misses a lot" because it is just difficult, but I mentioned Chomsky and then also mentioned there that I was working on a science article, upcoming (maybe, if I finish it). Here is the excerpt for which I sacrificed my other comment. "Science is (supposed to be) firm and definite —absolutely, solidly correct. If some element of knowledge is deemed “scientific,” that means it is solid. (“Solid” was once a term associated with the hip side of life, which I recently mentioned yesterday on Substack)… But when we say the word - science - is it a reference to the general or the particular?" You could also look at my "Mod Squad" article though and you need to think about it because there are very few words. I think I read some stuff by yourself, Mr. Shew, where you were in league with me here, ie. science insists on the validity only of material things, which is fundamentally mistaken. E.g., "Ah. I have now SEEN the Higgs Boson, with my own eyes" etc. It is messed up. Well, in any case ,I was saying on the other one (comment) that the "numerous issues" are things that are not so easy. Personally, I see them. For me, they are tangible things that I see. Putting it into words is very difficult. Finally one more incidental thought: So let me point out that when I said that I "once walked through" such a neighborhood I had a very concrete experience in mind, one particular walk, where I decided people were just people, I would trust them, and then walked through the heart of the West Side of Chicago. There was one concrete example. So I was not speaking of what I do in general. I was speaking on one particular time when I did that what you said was stupid. I was young, you might want to know that. But then later, there were also lots of other examples. I did eventually move out of those neighborhoods, it was not more than one year, total. Then in the last five years I also lived in some of those neighborhoods as a home-less individual. (I don't like to use money, remember? So I ran out and sleep in the open, for 2017-early 2023) Also: in many of these dicey neighborhoods, the black ones, if you go off the business routes you might be surprised. (at how nice everything is maintained). The current mayor of Chicago lived like that. One time he got gun shots though the window but otherwise it seems to have been okay, and that was also the exact neighborhood I had lived in, on the busy street, in a hellhole, ha ha, but I would walk down a residential street and I would be amazed at the perfect, neatly kept homes. All in the same neighborhood. Thus, it seems that the bad-looking seedy stuff is channeled onto a few busy streets. Another interesting point about such neighborhoods (this is usually black areas.) That is just a fact---sorry that it makes persons who preach a lot but do not know anything angry). It is amazing what people do it they need to. I am now completely assimilated back to an inside life and I just hole up in the little room. Very comfortable, but totally different than that "other" thing which come to think of it is similar to any other thing that there is not a literature on and so it is hard even for myself to understand what I was doing, for five years or how I did it.
This is really really good Todd.... now if only my family would read this. But they won't, and that's just stupid!
Thank you! And yes, that is just stupid...I've got the same situation here.
it's very good post Todd. In past few years I have been using STOOPID to indicate that whatev is happening is gone to new levels of stupid. I also sometimes use more directed stoopid labels such as misogynostoopid, transtoopid, plandemstoopid. I like to make up words.
That's good!
My sister-in-law chided me for using the word stupid. It was a few years ago, and weirdly I obliged for a while. But then sanity returned and I told her in no uncertain terms that I would indeed continue to use the word stupid and would never censor myself. She has Borderline Personality Disorder so any conversation with her is a distortion field.
Your mention of the word gullible reminded me of an old joke: “I heard the world gullible has been removed from the dictionary. Is that true?”
Well, any word like “stupid” (idiot, moron, retard) is contemptible if used in a live relational context. I hesitated writing it…but was careful (I think?) to use it to describe behaviour and not people. The article is tongue-in-cheek as well…or is supposed to be!
Good thought, Todd. When I read your article I didn't notice the subtlety that you used the word "stupid" to describe a behavior, and not people. It was a very good "caution" on your part. Unfortunately, on my first comment, below, I think I committed the "sin" of describing some people as stupid. I will leave it like that...
Well...I doubt if I was true to my word...I very well may have called people stupid...but just like my claim I don't call PEOPLE individually SHEEP...but I know I have...it is a good distinction to stick to, but it is largely a moot point because I do still THINK of people as sheep, or as stupid...
i admire the self censoring. i lost it 30+ years ago. working for the man. (cliches win) (win!) suddenly found myself unable to kiss bums. like a switch literally turned off. certainly never affected the rest of my life.........
We all work for “the man”…although I have never, as luck has it, actually worked for a boss with a pay check (well, my first job was like that). But I always had someone “above me” (like psychotherapy clients) I was accountable to. And in Hollywood working as a composer was the most bum kissing I have ever done…that is why I eventually had to leave, the bum kissing just got too much.
What did you used to do for work?
I'm with you.
Never go full retard.
It's pretty common for folks to go full retard these days.
Oddly enough I have never trusted the government. The harder they push the more they lie.
By trusting Fauci the whole damn bunch was stupid. Operation Warp Speed was a political game by an ill informed President and lowered my opinion of the Government even further. Trump was surrounded by many back stabbing liars many of us though were on his side.
Sadly I watched many friends and family line up as lab rats because they trusted ill informed folks and outright genocidal criminals.
Now we have a population carrying VAIDS that is apparently spread easier than AIDS according to blood work being done by doctors that are interested enough to research it.
Watch for a future push to legalize prostitution as supposedly another way to raise tax money. It won't be stupid on the genocide or population reduction part because killing people they deem as stupid is their evil plan.
The GOVERNMENT already managed to hook a lot of young stupid people on pot that is 10:times stronger than that of the sixties. But what the hell, it raises tax money off of more stupid decisions and aids the sale of far worse drugs the money changer politicians can launder into their pockets. By the way, I have recently heard of some liberal politicians suggesting legalizing prostitution
That part about the weed being much stronger now than in the 60's seems like propaganda to me. I don't notice any big huge knock me off my seat kinda effect nowadays vs back then. If they claim it's 10X weed now it reminds me of propaganda like Reefer Madness, to make it seem dangerous as a deterent.
Just saying.
Too many ppl make alot of $$ from the entire prostitution industry so I doubt it will become legal (cept for NV) anytime soon.
It think making it legal in most places has made it more popular, not because it is more potent.
The potency varies but the effort is there to make it stronger.Billions is made off of illegal drugs and was the same with marijuana but government loves to tax everything.
The whiskey war was an example of when people were told they had to pay taxes on whiskey. The same people that whipped the British on Kings Mountain were now fighting the US Government.
It stands to reason that with many generations of pot being grown over the past 50 years it would get more potent...but maybe I am wrong.
Right on on all counts. The trusting government thing is interesting. I think one of the greatest psy-ops was to get people to believe that the government, any government, is trustworthy. The hippies of the ‘60s knew they weren’t, and I think it was then that the clamps really got tightened to teach the younger generations coming up that the government was benign and benevolent.
This of course started much earlier than this, but I think the paradigm shifted from “let’s teach everyone that the government is good, like mom and apple pie” to a more “Brave New World” tactic, “lets just dumb them all down so they don’t even know we exist, then we can do anything we want…”
it seems to me that you are conflating voluntary choices with diktats from on high. are you suggesting that my livelihood will be threatened if i don't smoke pot? if i don't go to a brothel?
sorry, it's the ever-present gun in the room that needs to be examined. without which, the last 3 years would not be possible. nor the endless god damn wars and every other damn thing that plagues us. no offense intended jay.
As I just said, I think it is all about dumbing us down, and distracting us. Pushing things into our attention like cell phones, TikTok, FB, pot, video games (although I think that is waning because it takes TOO much intelligence), and then prostitution as Jay suggests. It is clearly the way of “Brave New World” soma, as well as ridding the masses of anything deeper to think about…such as seen in Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”
Thinking about and evaluating the government becomes too intellectual for most. And the ones that DO have the wherewithal to handle such complex things spend all of their cerebral energy on ridding the government of seeming evils such as Trump and the Republican Party.
The dumbing down is major factor. Even what has happened to TV, the original dumbing down machine.Used to be The Networks now it's exploded to hundreds of cable/sat channels PLUS the add-on channels PLUS the streaming services. HUNDREDS of movies available 24/7 (Obviously, one has to have the $ to pay for it all...) but this expansion to so many "forms of entertainment" is no accident.
"Dumbing down" has been a serious effort by the agenda for decades...it is their gold standard.
I Am Saying everything is about money and killing off the population the fastest way they can and still leave an Earth that can be inhabited by those that feel they are better than us peasants . Spreading VAIDS by prostitution would speed it up for them.
We haven't been in any war that the deep state money changers haven't engineered and put in place and march us peasants off as cannon fodder. They want to prolong them as long as they can. All about the money! We can't fix stupid by constantly electing stupid money grubbing career politicians.
I agree. As sick as it is, I think the first step is democide. Hitler got this clearly, to rid the German Reich and all the new territories the Wehrmacht acquired through war, in which he could create his super race, rid it all of the fodder, the useless eaters, keep a tiny percentage to be used as slaves, but wipe out the huge masses of bodies that do not fit in the new shiny machine that is attempting to be created. The world as the elites wish it to be can be very streamlined. There are a lot people to get rid of. We are seeing the beginnings of this culling taking place right now.
From philosopher Forest Gump. "Stupid is as stupid does."
A precursor to this current article is one I wrote a while back with that title: “Stupid is as Stupid Does”…
Stupid is substandard intelligence, n'est-ce pas? If you look at intelligence as the ability to adapt rationally to a changing environment, as it is considered in many different disciplines, then the adage "once burnt shame on you, twice burnt shame on me" should apply. I was listening to a podcast between Roseanne Barr and JP Sears, and he asked her if she thought that this newest wave of the pandemic would produce the same kind of vaccine uptake or did she think more people have woken up. I must say, I feel just like her. People who were conned the first time will be conned again, because they ARE stupid. Just watch: it will be more difficult for them to admit a mistake, even a life-threatening one, than to carry on, willy-nilly, with self-destructive behavior under the guise of being a good citizen and secretly hoping the odds are in their favour. I think that at least a third of the population is truly stupid (and on bad days, the 2nd 'undecided' third AND those short term thinkers stupid enough to endanger themselves because of a job - how will you provide for your family if you are maimed or killed by swallowing this muck?), and like her I think that they will continue to be stupid, because they lacked the intelligence in the first place to see what they were doing was stupid. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science* to question the wisdom of sticking unknown, untested (except by the biggest fraudsters on the planet) substances in your body. At the very LEAST common sense demands a precautionary principle to anyone who has two neurons to rub together. (* Apparently, a degree in rocket science is no indication of stupid either, as I personally know of such a scientist who, unthinkingly, followed the vaccine program, and got a turbo cancer, and died.)
🇬🇧 “He had just about enough intelligence
to open his mouth when he wanted to eat,
but certainly no more.”
~ P.G. Wodehouse
Thank you, T.H. The words "stupid" and "stupidity" are fine words. And (I confess!) they can be applied to many of my own actions throughout my adult life. Thankfully, my stupidity hasn't yet proven terminal...hence a beautiful word: "Learning" <3
If I may say so, we are all stupid at times...back in ancient times being this kind of stupid (distracting, not thinking things through, not counting on instinct and gut feelings, not having your radar up) often got you killed. We have become very lax as human animals, not alert, not careful...and this has spread out to include things like government we don't pay much attention to...we take it for granted they are not out to kill us...a stupid assumption.
As I mentioned in another comment... there is a difference between doing something stupid, and realizimg the mistake (we have ALL done that)... and persisting on a stupid idea, and trying to force everyone to agree. The latter is "terminal stupid".
Agreed! And this laxity has been fostered, cultured and encouraged by those who would harm us.
Of course they have...and I know I sound like a broken record, but this state that we as a culture are in is not a natural evolution, where we LEARN from mistakes, and figure stuff out by that "mistake learning"...take pharmaceuticals as a simple example...we have been suffering from side effects, and even death, for decades due the greed of Big Pharma, but we can't "learn" from those mistakes because they are covered up, and if we experienced them ourselves, we are told we are crazy, or conspiracy theorists, this ruse is supported by our own government, and of course all of the sheep who want to follow the agenda (that Big Pharma is out to help us and we should be grateful to them and not accuse them of nasty things.)
This is why we are in such a pickle...we have not be able to learn from natural errors because if an error happens we are told it isn't an error..."nothing to see here folks, move along" so we just keep repeating the mistakes.
With you 100%, T.H.
I think the word stupid was the correct choice to use in this piece.
I would have chosen idiot, but understand that the word is rude and offensive.
But it kinda fits...
Yeah, idiot is good too, but then I would have had to have titled it, "That's Just Idiotic"...it doesn't have as many explosives...
Misdiagnosed due to misgendering? What a kick in the nuts that must've been!
My niece (a bright girl) and I have had conversations about how stupid people are. I've said that eighty percent of people are idiots. My niece says, "They're all fucking idiots!"
Maybe we are. I guess we're all doomed. :^)
Well, we ARE all doomed, but not because we are stupid, but because other people are stupid...one thing that has really shocked me is how many people ARE stupid out there (here I go doing what I said I didn't do, actually calling PEOPLE stupid). The masks really mark them...like wearing a t shirt that says, "Yep! I AM stupid!!" And it is shocking HOW MANY PEOPLE are wearing that t shirt!! Your niece is right!!!
I have a neighbor who has never stopped putting on the face nappie every time she steps out on the porch or goes to get the mail. She is not elderly if that's relevant.
Gotta say it, "She's just stoopid."
"...we ARE all doomed, but not because we are stupid, but because other people are stupid..."
You said it, man! We're the ones taking all the flak; all of the abuse by standing up. In other words, WE are the ones "doing it for the greater good." The rest of the sheep are just going along to get along.
And what fuels stupidity: cell phones, “social” media, TikTok, Instagram, FB, X, television, LAZINESS, not reading a book, instant gratification...I could go on, and on.
The world was much better before technology.
Couldn't have said it better myself...but it is difficult to tell if those things are a cause for being stupid, or the result of being stupid...maybe a bit of both.
Most definitely! It's like a loop.
The chicken and the egg! I gotcha Todd!
All so very true!
Not dismissing something because it's stupid is not a new thing, it's the eternal human condition. As in, let's burn these women alive because we think they might be witches. As in, guys with a comfortable life and wives and kids depending on them answer the call to join their psychopathic leader's legions to invade, kill, and rob their neighboring tribes, and likely be maimed or killed themselves. As in, believe the tenets of the religion you were born into MUST all be true, in spite of the fact if you were born a thousand miles in any direction, or a few hundred years before or after, everyone around you would be telling you to believe something entirely different. Western society has degraded to the point our leadership and all institutions are utterly failing, so the stupidity that was always there is flourishing now. We notice it more since it's rapidly destroying everything.
The kind of stupid we are talking about does have a formula to it. There is a "reason" behind it...not a rational one often, but a reason nonetheless....if the reason is organic, then you have a problem with the person being stupid, a serious one. But if the reason is a con, from an outside source, like the agenda, then the person being stupid arrives there through typical con methods, fear, greed, etc.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I see it as organic, and that organic stupidity allows for the con. We didn't fall for the very same con, after all. Something was already there, determining the susceptibility to this con, and any con. By the time I entered my teens I could see those in authority couldn't be trusted. That fact isn't something you need to be told, it's obvious, it's everywhere. Most never see it. I don't think I'm special, or amazingly smart - after all I'm one of millions who were never fooled. It's not that we're so goddamn smart, we just see obvious things that anyone should see. Age, experience, education doesn't erase the intrinsic deficit the others suffer from. I see it as like many human traits - empathy/psychopathy for example. There are full-blown psychopaths, there are some empathic to the point of being always miserable. Most fall in between - there is a spectrum. Most of the public faces of our side of the vaccine debate fall well short of being immune to transparent cons. I'm troubled Malone, McCullough, Malhotra, Kirsch, Coleman (there are others, these come to mind easily) who are jabbed. They fell for an obvious scam, but they aren't hopelessly naive followers either, thank God, since they've done valuable work. Still, falling for an obvious scam was stupid. Others disagree and think you can be smart and yet blind to obvious BS and manipulation. That makes no sense to me. We have a problem, and it's insoluble.
THIS: "Something was already there, determining the susceptibility to this con, and any con."
Could be a number of factors coming together there but some sort of susceptibility comes before the buy-in of the con.
I do think the whole human race has been the subject of an intentional psy-op for quite some time. When I say organic, I mean how the world would be if there was no psy-op...I think if people could naturally learn from there mistakes, for being stupid, they would end up less susceptible.
Now, one could argue that the world has been under the cloud of a psy-op since day one...in some way that could be true...but none as global as this one...nor as technologically advanced. It is all encompassing now, and has been for at least 75 years.
"if people could naturally learn from there mistakes, for being stupid, they would end up less susceptible" That would sure be nice. We all fall short there to varying degrees.
If by under a psy-op since day one, you mean subjected to trickery and subterfuge, that seems part of nature. Prey and predators both use it. We had a dachshund who, when headed to munch on the compost heap (where she wasn't allowed) would peer at the window to see if we were watching. If we were, she'd nonchalantly change course as if "nothing to see here". She'd keep checking until we weren't watching (she thought) and then head straight for the compost. It was the most adorable thing ever.
Oh... an additional comment, Todd. I guess you are aware that if there are younger shrews around here, who did not read Superman comics when they were kids (like we old geezers did), they will not know what is the Bizarro World.
Of course you have to account for modern nerds, which there are many. Marvel fans, Superhero fans, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, etc. Many of these folks are very familiar with the legacy figures like Batman, Superman, etc.
But yes, not a large percentage...but I am willing to bet there are not that many young shrews...unfortunately the young folks are the ones most exposed to the psy-ops...screen insanity, FB, Instagram, TikTok...for the movie Barbie to be so popular is certainly an indication of this woke culture mindset.
I'm not remember connect betw Superman and Bizzaro World but I do remember a specific comix series called Bizzaro World, anybody get that?
I always adored Zippy The Pinhead. I have a vintage Zippy for President poster that I put in my window every 4 years and will do it in 2024.
I do not remember the specific comic series called Bizarro World, but that does not mean it did not exist. I do remember that in a few Superman comics there were episodes that occurred in the Bizarro World, where everything was done exactly the opposite to "normal". It could have been that they "borrowed" from one comic series to the other; I guess many were made by the same people (DC, Marvel...).
Thanks for reply. I tried search but all I got besides the Superman connection was a Seinfeld episode abt Bizarro Jerry.
I still have some of those comics in storage!
Good topic – needs airing – thank you.
Looking back, I seem to have dedicated my life to stupid – although too stupid to be aware of the fact! It is part of life, learning (hopefully) by mistakes.
But, the stupid regarding the maiming of children is something else.
The stupid here were not alone to make mistakes: they were accompanied by a variety of the deficient who had their own pathetic, self-promoting agendas. The stupid were - led, herded, trained, conditioned, coerced, seduced, pressured, confused and rewarded.
Of course, later, when the effects of stupid decisions were manifest, the victims were abandoned.
We can safely assume that the motives behind the imposition of this type of criminal stupid are the destruction of firm societal foundations in order to make way for ‘building back bonkers,’ thanks to the maniacal wishes of the globalists and their delusional mega-stupidities.
I have to say, again and again, we have been TRAINED to be stupid...although a large part of this is organic, meaning it comes from the natural evolution of a society that has gone awry (which also probably could be blamed on the agenda...they have been at this for a very long time).
Most of us, at one time or another, fell for the con...the materialist/consumer culture that has been created first for commercial reasons, then to herd us all into submission and compliance.
“Building Back Bonkers”…🤣
Building Back Bizzaro
I believe one thing is to make a mistake - that in hindsight we see was stupid; we have ALL done that. Another thing is to cling to a stupid, preposterous idea, and persisting on believing that it is right... and trying to force everyone to agree.
I think this is what has saved me...I am the first type of stupid, the "making a mistake" type of stupid...but once I "woke up" I am not clinging to it, as you say...so that saved me.
But yes, many many people are so ensconced in the "reasons" they are stupid...the brainwashing, the "1984" idea of believing 2+2=5....I certainly do not believe that people are organically stupid, I believe they have been brainwashed into believing irrational things.
I certainly could be wrong, but I cannot find any other explanation for this...