Whatever happened to dismissing something just because it was stupid? How many times in the past could we rely on this evaluation when deciding to do or not do something? I won’t eat that cookie I found on the road yesterday when I was taking a walk because “that’s just stupid.” Maybe it is stupid because of some underlying criteria you could reference, but you don’t need to go that far in your assessment. It is just stupid, so you don’t eat the moldy cookie.
Here are a few others: you don’t take a walk in a dicey part of the city in the middle of the night because “that’s just stupid.” You don’t drive your car 100 miles over the speed limit because “that’s just stupid.” When you go out with friends you don’t drink a whole bottle of vodka because “that’s just stupid.” You don’t cut your penis off because you really feel in your heart you are a woman because “that’s just stupid.” Oh, wait a minute, that example doesn’t count. People are doing that left and right. Stupid or not. Hmmm.
How about this one. You don’t do away with gender because you just don’t feel like the gender you were born with (not ASSIGNED but BORN with). And the “you” in this example is the whole medical industry. The medical industry is doing away with gender just because patients have decided they do not identify with the body parts that indicate they are a particular sex. Sorry, all you esteemed doctors and medical professionals, that’s just stupid.
No other word can explain it: stupid.
What happened? What happened to common sense, and I mean the simplest type of sense. The sense that keeps you from chewing off your fingers when you are chomping on your fingernails, or the sense that keeps you from lighting yourself on fire when roasting marshmallows. This type of sense even infants have to some degree, and certainly most children have. (If not, a very high percentage of children would perish every day playing with their friends in the backyard . . . oh right, kids don’t play in the backyard anymore. Maybe that’s why they no longer have common sense.)
I am quite perplexed by all this, as I am with a myriad of other oddities here in Bizarro World. We have been complaining about a lack of critical thinking amongst many of us, and I suppose this “do what is stupid and think all will be ok” concept is another form of “critical thinking.” But I think it is simpler than that. Critical thinking is what we do when we are perplexed by something, when we are trying to figure something out. This is different, it is more basic, we don’t have to actually think about it—or shouldn’t have to. Some things are just stupid to do, what more can I say?
I just recently read an article about a doctor in some hospital in some city in the United States who had to deal with a patient he had not yet examined. The intake forms he received on this person’s admittance described their symptoms. The doctor immediately checked for the patient’s sex as indicated on the form. Apparently, the person identified as female, when in fact they were biologically male, the doctor misdiagnosed the patient and they almost died. Obviously, the biological sex of a person has something to do with how the body functions (duh), and determines what symptoms are related to what ailment (in this case a heart attack). Oops.
Who was stupid here? Well, in my humble opinion, everyone involved. The patient was stupid because they didn’t indicate male when asked what sex they were, the triage nurse was stupid because they felt obliged to follow the “woke” protocol and “respect the person’s dignity when identifying their sexuality” and the doctor was stupid when he didn’t question the stupidity of the other two individuals involved. Of course, this story may be completely bogus—because the whole mess seems mighty stupid to me. But still I am sure if not now, then in the future, this sort of problem will indeed come up again and again. We are indubitably doomed.
What other things are just plain stupid that so many people are blindly doing?
Well, for one—a big one—getting a strange substance injected into your body to ward off a mysterious “not so obviously dangerous” disease. How about that? To tell you the truth, if someone got conned into this one, I would not call them stupid. I know a lot of fine shrews who got jabbed once or twice. The con was so strong and so powerful, if you were not already awakened to the government having zero credibility (I wasn’t) before Covid rolled out, we all forgive you for falling for it. I also do not think anyone was stupid who did know better but wouldn’t be able to feed their children if they didn’t get the jib. God bless them.
However, the whole thing was still quite suspicious, even at the beginning. Here is a vaccine miraculously invented and developed, to meet the demands of a fabricated virus infiltration of the global human population. Let’s say that the virus was actually all they said it was, but empirically there was no or little evidence. (Of course, that would mean what they were saying was a lie.) Still, why would anyone trust that the vaccine was “safe and effective”? Oh, right, the technology for the vaccine has been around for 20 years, just sitting there on a shelf waiting for the accompanying virus to show up so it can claim its glory as the medical savior it is. No thought whatsoever given that whenever that technology was actually tested on living beings it killed them. Now that’s stupid. But still, people lined up in droves to get wanked, metaphorically speaking. Ok, ok, as I just said, maybe getting the vax when it first appeared isn’t all that stupid, but after a year or so getting the continual boosters, without giving any of it much thought . . . ya think? Stupid? Pretty much.
Hmmm, what else? Probably the most stupid example of being stupid was the mask craze. At times the frenzy over masks seemed more akin to the Pet Rock craze of the ‘70s, or the Elmo craze of the ‘90s. It was all based on nothing the least bit real. A loose mask made of paper or fabric over your mouth and nose was to stop what? Viral particles so small they could pass through paper or fabric like a peanut thrown at a chain-link fence (actually more like a grain of rice, but peanut sounds better). Of course, you would have to have an 8th grade education to understand this as being stupid, but most people wearing masks had such credentials.
Can you say gullible? Maybe that is another way to look at it. And in defense of all those who fell for this charade, I will say I was almost one of you. Yeah, very close to being butt stupid. And I must admit to having done many stupid things in my life. I have been stupid, and gullible. But . . . when I have realized my stupidity, or my gullibility, I usually cop to it. (Now, again, I don’t want to sound like I am virtue signaling, I am sure there have been times where I have staunchly defended my stupidity.) Why have so many people been stupid and won’t admit it? Game over folks. Just confess your stupidity and join us in this fight against our common enemy. But nope, they don’t seem willing to do that.
Now, that’s just stupid.
I never realized that I have as much common sense as I know now. Starting in May '20 I started to think the whole thing sounded stupid. I had just learned at the end of 2019who fauci really was. How I wished everyone had learned about him. But big pharma liars kept everything secret for years. When I was recovering from a near death experience in 2013 (brain surgery) one day I was hugging a tree and sobbing and asking God why everything was so upside down and when was he planning on fixing it? So during the summer '20 I realized it was going to be time for something big because humanity was in the dark. So many are still in the dark and I can't believe my adult daughters still seem to think it's about politics. Faith and freedom 🌟🙏✨❤️
"....you don’t take a walk in a dicey part of the city in the middle of the night because “that’s just stupid.” ..." Nope. I did it. It was a good experience. What is the "dicey" part of the city anyways? How do you know those persons are so bad? Did you ever take a walk through it? Have you talked to them?