*Current* death rates show that we are in the middle of a catastrophe. A world war level catastrophe. What do sheep say about that? The data is wrong? Shit happens? Time to focus on LGBT legislation? Any answer short of "military tribunal" is itself morbidly ignorant and indifferent to the point of sociopathy.
Yes, until the sheep can't get into the ER because there is a line out into the street, or many of their young friends and relatives start dropping dead for no reason, they will not notice, nor care, nor believe, some global statistic like "excess mortality" rates. And yes, they can be distracted by anything...the big one right now, and has been for a while, is climate change....
What if nothing happens? Like we don't keep hearing about the sudden deaths of young people every week, and we can stop getting text messages every day from concerned Shews who are reading the obituaries and then finding social media photos of the dead with their vaccine cards? Or, our Mayors don't go on local TV and tell us how much of our money they are spending on cameras for every corner of our streets to monitor the "bad guys?" And what if our cities don't become completely geofenced electronic prisons with cameras at every intersection, every street corner, and over every freeway and we don't have cars that can be switched off by the local police station? Or what if we don't see ads on television every single day for the ignorant followers to take more deadly injections under a jazzy ad campaign and the words, "We can DO this!" Or what if our schools don't become more and more militantly woke with an onslaught of administrators (backed by the new world order and cloaked in "Local Philanthropy") who quietly advocate for child porn on public school library shelves? Or what if our employers don't get really quiet about mandatory vaccines until the next plandamic. Or what if the world stops being governed by fear and the tyrannical state-of-emergency rubber stamp that bypasses any checks or balances that our constitutions require?
Yeah, what if that happens? Show me where that's happening, I'll wait here.
Thank you for adding all that sobering data...you are right...
The title "Swept Under the Rug" and the first line "What if nothing happens" is not meant to imply that nothing IS happening that is horrific, as you state here...the "nothing happens" is meant to mean what if the people creating all this mayhem never get arrested, prosecuted and punished. What if they can manage to keep the sheep dumb and blind. So far they are doing a good job in accomplishing that.
I am convinced that they will keep most of the sheep dumb and blind and I am not optimistic that anyone will be arrested until they reach hell.
I have family members who have begun to completely fall apart (picture zombies from a 1970's horror movie with chunks of body parts falling off) after following the instructions of their medical doctors and taking all the stabs.
Among four family members there has been an aggressive return of cancer that had been quiet for a while, ongoing heart dysrhythmia, two ablations, general ongoing weakness and exhaustion, sudden extreme aging of face and body, newly diagnosed diabetes, and now two of them with clots in the heart. These four are a close-knit group and they have watched each other lose their health in a matter of 24 months.
They have discussed rumors that the boosters should be avoided but so far they are not persuaded that its time to stop boosting.
All I can say is, "Are you f**king kidding me?"
They cannot turn back, the terror of recognizing that they have turned their body’s over to eugenicists is too harrowing to face. It will be easier to face death that a decision that cannot be undone.
Suspicious Observers may join the dots encompassing controls to migration and capital uses to foster further Climate Change measures to sure up Civilisations survival and usefulness, Put those lemmings to work 'Schwabable? Creative destruction?
There is a lot of "creative destruction" going on. Although it is easy to keep sheep in line, it DOES take some effort to keep the lie viable. And they have been rather clever with some of it...
Good article. I don't agree that anything is being swept under the rug or they have changed their plans in any way.
My feeling is this. There have been some significant financial scares over the last several years and it has become obvious they cannot keep this together indefinitely. The mortgage crisis. The credit crunch. So they have been planning for the demise of the economy with an eye, of course, to how they would end up coming out on top relatively unscathed through it all. So they have been planning this for quite some time. The pandemic was orchestrated to implement a loose martial law to not freak people out too much but to get them used to following orders from their leaders. And boy did the sheep comply.
Basically, the economy cannot be saved. It is tied up in such complex knots from all of this structured finance stuff. The movie The Big Short did a great job explaining a lot of this. There is such incredible debt that can never ever be repaid and governments are spending money (as always) like drunken sailors.
So the dilemma for the elites was how do we have a controlled demolition of the global economy and replace it with something else and maintain control. Well, it is much easier to accomplish if there are a lot fewer people to control and the ones who remain are gullible and brain dead. And tagged as well. And tied into a new controlled economy where they can decide what people can and cannot do with whatever pittance they are granted to keep them under foot.
The economic time bomb is ticking it's final seconds. So in this sense, they may need to rush things in order to bring their goal to fruition and maybe that's a good thing for us because haste makes waste.
It is my belief that we are becoming aware of the end game in a centuries old plan to assume ultimate control over the planet and all that inhabit it. So I think short of divine intervention, which I don't believe in, the only chance we have is that they bury themselves under the sheer magnitude of the logistics that it would take to pull this off.
But it is not going to stop and it is not going to be pretty. This is truly the calm before the storm. And it is going to be the biggest storm that any of us could ever have imagined.
tangible assets (land, seeds, solar generators and panels, water filters.) Stock up on information. I couldn't grow a potato if my life depended on it....and my life might depend on it soon.
That is exactly what I have been thinking for the last two years. Too much "dramatic events" will certainly wake up a large percentage of the masses: "normality" has always been the perfect tool for the devil.
Yes, I feel the intentional draw back, basically dumping the agenda, or seemingly so, "What? Me Worry?" sort of thing is clearly a very successful tactic, look at my "Much Ado About Nothing" article....
I must admit: Since this vaccine debacle rolled out, I've been waiting with bated breath for the sheep to wake up. Daily, however, I am reminded that this probably isn't happening, at least not in significant numbers. (My glass-half-empty perspective is reinforced by people STILL voluntarily wearing masks, looking at everything--except vaccines--as the cause of current health challenges, etc.) So, Todd, your concern ("what if nothing happens") is my fear as well. There is a LOT of "nothing happening" and I think it will continue. Like so many people in our movement lament, "If they haven't woken up after THREE (!) years, they probably aren't going to wake up." Unfortunately, I agree. Justice will not, cannot, be served until people realize that numerous INJUSTICES have occurred, and still occur, post-Covid. It's mind-boggling. Hence I rely on my belief in KARMA (it's got to come around eventually, perhaps in the next life), but my patience is wearing thin.
Yes, yes, yes...you sound just like me, and I think a whole lot of us shrews share the same sentiment. We really thought they were going to "wake up"....just like Chicken Little thought everyone would see that the sky was falling (unfortunately for him/her it actually WASN'T falling!!)
Now, I do not believe sheep will wake up...MAYBE if all this horror affects them directly they may pause and think, but more than likely they will just take in the bullshit the" powers that be" will shove down their throats...long covid, climate change, too much snow shoveling...now RSV and Flu are being set up as the main culprits....
End the end truth will prevail, but I am hoping I don't go crazy waiting for that.
"What if nothing happens? What if we have the little bump of inactivity like we are experiencing now [...]"
'Good Health and Well-being' is only SD-Goal#3 of the UN Agenda-2030, the technocrats are very busy transitioning into new social, economic & e-governance paradigms.
With billions of death-shots administered, TPTB don't *need* to do anything more than what the crew of the Enola Gay did on their six-hour return trip to Tinian Island. Pray that God grants some to realize the horror of what they have done and to repent in dust and ashes. All *will* be brought to light.
Shall we predict The Next Crisis? My guess is financial collapse, something like the 1930s, only worse because most of us are far more dependent on systems-in-place than in that more innocent time.
Addiction to convenience and ease is the substance of the rug-deception we all suffer to some degree. Awareness of consequences can drive one batty in the consideration of every tiny plastic thing. And that's plastic also including malleable. Stick with the safe and simple guidance. Attention is limited with so much stuff to maintain. It's all so fragile. Poignant, even.
Then there's survival gratitude. I celebrate that too.
We are connected to them whether we like it or not, and their inattention while there's rot at the core is threatening. Awareness of that and news horrors of the fashioning of degradation so evident to this group there's no need to refer to the rampant child abuse, for a start...
Once you see it you can't unsee it, and I understand the negation of the idea that your government is gaslighting you to meet international quotas calculated by who-knows-whom to facilitate population control. As a sort of lottery with incentives. For a better future. For the planet. It's ridiculously cynical.
Could be a big health scare this winter, mixed with high prices and injection damage and supply shortages and ... it's a perfect stew of chaos simmering now. The Bank of Canada lost money last quarter for the first time ever. Crank up the printing presses, boys, we're on a roll!
You make a good point referring to other issues and events such as 9-11, JFK... The big difference I see with our current situation is that none of those events, important as they were, affected everyone, universally, in their most basic day to day lives, as the COVID "pandemic". An event such as 9-11 affected us in a deep way. We were afraid of what was happenning, government took some measures that affected the way we travel, and our privacy. But in more general terms, we kept on living more or less normally (unless you lived in NYC). People continued relating, independently of their ideas of what had happened.
But not with COVID. I don't have to mention how lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, censorship, discrimation, loss of jobs, fear... have affected all of us, and our most basic relationships with loved ones.
That is why it is hard for me to envision that this will be just another instance of "sweeping under the rug".
I do not like the wait ; it is torture in itself!. Perhaps that, too, is a part of the wearing-us-down process (for those of us who are resisting) and it definitely makes us look like the conspiracy theorists they claim we are.
It must take so must restraint for them not to rush things through as the older ones like Klaus Schwab must realize that he may never get to see the fruit of the labors! For any man craving power and control, the long game must be excruciating (so close, yet so far). No wonder Trudeau slips up so much.
One thing for sure, ,most of them are rather patient…most except Trudeau who gets so excited he constantly jumps the gun.
But yes,, the wait IS torture, and it is part of the plan…”give the fish on the line some slack or else they might snap it.” Look at China.
And don’t count on Schwab kicking the bucket any time soon! It may LOOK that way at some point, but their transhuman advancements will be further along at the top, and we certainly won’t know about it. He could already be the Ubermensch by now…who knows…
I'm with you on the waiting -- it's excruciating. On any given day I'm trying to enjoy life to the extent I can while also feeling like there's a dark cloud overhead and everything will turn to shit in the blink of an eye.
And then there's the anger and frustration of watching the sheep act like life is back to normal. Some days I feel like ignorance might be bliss, but we can't unsee what is now so obvious and, frankly, I'd still rather not be blindsided. It's hard to stay sane!
Canadasceptic, I feel this way, as well. I see life "going on as normal" and I wonder if any of those people have even an inkling of what is happening in the bigger picture; I wonder at what point will they wake up. Sadly, this includes many of my family members. I also wonder what is going to happen to the Shrews and how soon. I find it hard to live life at all any more and I am definitely not enjoying it. I don't even know how to plan for a future with so many unknowns. Yes, it certainly is hard to stay sane.
No, these folks have no idea about the bigger picture and will only wake up when they are directly affected. And even then I'm not sure they'll connect the dots.
Of course I don't know your circumstances, but I find the one thing that helps me is to work on a Plan B. We gave up our downtown Toronto home and moved permanently up to our acreage a few hours north of the city in late 2020. I have relationships with local farmers so I don't worry as much about sourcing food as I might otherwise. We're not homesteaders by any means, but we have a water source and a Berkey water filter. I could grow food if I had to, though the learning curve would be steep. We are in the midst of opening an offshore bank account so as to get some of our money outside Canada and are actively working with a precious metals storage company in Panama. We'll likely store some precious metals on our property in case of emergency as well. We are also working on obtaining permanent residency in Mexico, though that would really be a last resort as my husband does not want to leave Canada.
We are fortunate to be retired and to have the time and money to pursue these Plan B options, but whatever one's circumstances it makes sense to do what you can within your means. There are prepper strategies for all budgets and circumstances. In a time of such uncertainty, I find it empowering and somewhat calming to work on these strategies even though I hope to never need them.
I think you and I were in Europe at around the same time and it sounds like your reasoning was the same as mine -- face diapers finally not required on planes and who knows if travel will still be available to us, so we'd better go while the going is good.
It was mostly a positive experience, but the Convid remnants annoyed me to no end. England was pretty good as they dropped all restrictions a long time before we did, but Dublin still had lots of Covi-nonsense still in plain sight even though nobody was paying any attention to it. I'm sure I'll travel again, in between bouts of negativity about the direction in which the world is headed.
Scapegoating is alive and well and the world controllers wield it with unparalleled finesse. We are in the dark about what they will pull out of their evil toolbox. They have power over all the money, weapons, technology and communication - it must feel like choosing a chocolate from a gift box. So many choices - alien invasion; dollar collapse; fake disease - perhaps they lose sleep over deciding which one will work best. The only thing we know for certain is that someone else will be blamed, and the real perpetrators will remain in the murky shadows, where they have been for centuries.
*Current* death rates show that we are in the middle of a catastrophe. A world war level catastrophe. What do sheep say about that? The data is wrong? Shit happens? Time to focus on LGBT legislation? Any answer short of "military tribunal" is itself morbidly ignorant and indifferent to the point of sociopathy.
Yes, until the sheep can't get into the ER because there is a line out into the street, or many of their young friends and relatives start dropping dead for no reason, they will not notice, nor care, nor believe, some global statistic like "excess mortality" rates. And yes, they can be distracted by anything...the big one right now, and has been for a while, is climate change....
What if nothing happens? Like we don't keep hearing about the sudden deaths of young people every week, and we can stop getting text messages every day from concerned Shews who are reading the obituaries and then finding social media photos of the dead with their vaccine cards? Or, our Mayors don't go on local TV and tell us how much of our money they are spending on cameras for every corner of our streets to monitor the "bad guys?" And what if our cities don't become completely geofenced electronic prisons with cameras at every intersection, every street corner, and over every freeway and we don't have cars that can be switched off by the local police station? Or what if we don't see ads on television every single day for the ignorant followers to take more deadly injections under a jazzy ad campaign and the words, "We can DO this!" Or what if our schools don't become more and more militantly woke with an onslaught of administrators (backed by the new world order and cloaked in "Local Philanthropy") who quietly advocate for child porn on public school library shelves? Or what if our employers don't get really quiet about mandatory vaccines until the next plandamic. Or what if the world stops being governed by fear and the tyrannical state-of-emergency rubber stamp that bypasses any checks or balances that our constitutions require?
Yeah, what if that happens? Show me where that's happening, I'll wait here.
Thank you for adding all that sobering data...you are right...
The title "Swept Under the Rug" and the first line "What if nothing happens" is not meant to imply that nothing IS happening that is horrific, as you state here...the "nothing happens" is meant to mean what if the people creating all this mayhem never get arrested, prosecuted and punished. What if they can manage to keep the sheep dumb and blind. So far they are doing a good job in accomplishing that.
I am convinced that they will keep most of the sheep dumb and blind and I am not optimistic that anyone will be arrested until they reach hell.
I have family members who have begun to completely fall apart (picture zombies from a 1970's horror movie with chunks of body parts falling off) after following the instructions of their medical doctors and taking all the stabs.
Among four family members there has been an aggressive return of cancer that had been quiet for a while, ongoing heart dysrhythmia, two ablations, general ongoing weakness and exhaustion, sudden extreme aging of face and body, newly diagnosed diabetes, and now two of them with clots in the heart. These four are a close-knit group and they have watched each other lose their health in a matter of 24 months.
They have discussed rumors that the boosters should be avoided but so far they are not persuaded that its time to stop boosting.
All I can say is, "Are you f**king kidding me?"
They cannot turn back, the terror of recognizing that they have turned their body’s over to eugenicists is too harrowing to face. It will be easier to face death that a decision that cannot be undone.
I get that.
Suspicious Observers may join the dots encompassing controls to migration and capital uses to foster further Climate Change measures to sure up Civilisations survival and usefulness, Put those lemmings to work 'Schwabable? Creative destruction?
There is a lot of "creative destruction" going on. Although it is easy to keep sheep in line, it DOES take some effort to keep the lie viable. And they have been rather clever with some of it...
The Acadame's peer review process reinforces their lie's, Control to the left of me, Control to the right, Here I am.
Good article. I don't agree that anything is being swept under the rug or they have changed their plans in any way.
My feeling is this. There have been some significant financial scares over the last several years and it has become obvious they cannot keep this together indefinitely. The mortgage crisis. The credit crunch. So they have been planning for the demise of the economy with an eye, of course, to how they would end up coming out on top relatively unscathed through it all. So they have been planning this for quite some time. The pandemic was orchestrated to implement a loose martial law to not freak people out too much but to get them used to following orders from their leaders. And boy did the sheep comply.
Basically, the economy cannot be saved. It is tied up in such complex knots from all of this structured finance stuff. The movie The Big Short did a great job explaining a lot of this. There is such incredible debt that can never ever be repaid and governments are spending money (as always) like drunken sailors.
So the dilemma for the elites was how do we have a controlled demolition of the global economy and replace it with something else and maintain control. Well, it is much easier to accomplish if there are a lot fewer people to control and the ones who remain are gullible and brain dead. And tagged as well. And tied into a new controlled economy where they can decide what people can and cannot do with whatever pittance they are granted to keep them under foot.
The economic time bomb is ticking it's final seconds. So in this sense, they may need to rush things in order to bring their goal to fruition and maybe that's a good thing for us because haste makes waste.
It is my belief that we are becoming aware of the end game in a centuries old plan to assume ultimate control over the planet and all that inhabit it. So I think short of divine intervention, which I don't believe in, the only chance we have is that they bury themselves under the sheer magnitude of the logistics that it would take to pull this off.
But it is not going to stop and it is not going to be pretty. This is truly the calm before the storm. And it is going to be the biggest storm that any of us could ever have imagined.
So where does one put all of his money??
tangible assets (land, seeds, solar generators and panels, water filters.) Stock up on information. I couldn't grow a potato if my life depended on it....and my life might depend on it soon.
Good response...
That is exactly what I have been thinking for the last two years. Too much "dramatic events" will certainly wake up a large percentage of the masses: "normality" has always been the perfect tool for the devil.
Yes, I feel the intentional draw back, basically dumping the agenda, or seemingly so, "What? Me Worry?" sort of thing is clearly a very successful tactic, look at my "Much Ado About Nothing" article....
I already read it, as most of your articles. Excellent job!!!
Good article Todd, linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Thank you!!
I must admit: Since this vaccine debacle rolled out, I've been waiting with bated breath for the sheep to wake up. Daily, however, I am reminded that this probably isn't happening, at least not in significant numbers. (My glass-half-empty perspective is reinforced by people STILL voluntarily wearing masks, looking at everything--except vaccines--as the cause of current health challenges, etc.) So, Todd, your concern ("what if nothing happens") is my fear as well. There is a LOT of "nothing happening" and I think it will continue. Like so many people in our movement lament, "If they haven't woken up after THREE (!) years, they probably aren't going to wake up." Unfortunately, I agree. Justice will not, cannot, be served until people realize that numerous INJUSTICES have occurred, and still occur, post-Covid. It's mind-boggling. Hence I rely on my belief in KARMA (it's got to come around eventually, perhaps in the next life), but my patience is wearing thin.
My mom is in the hospital because she can't feel her leg. She's on her 3rd (?) booster. S-- gets real when it's your family.
Yes, yes, yes...you sound just like me, and I think a whole lot of us shrews share the same sentiment. We really thought they were going to "wake up"....just like Chicken Little thought everyone would see that the sky was falling (unfortunately for him/her it actually WASN'T falling!!)
Now, I do not believe sheep will wake up...MAYBE if all this horror affects them directly they may pause and think, but more than likely they will just take in the bullshit the" powers that be" will shove down their throats...long covid, climate change, too much snow shoveling...now RSV and Flu are being set up as the main culprits....
End the end truth will prevail, but I am hoping I don't go crazy waiting for that.
Thank you.
"What if nothing happens? What if we have the little bump of inactivity like we are experiencing now [...]"
'Good Health and Well-being' is only SD-Goal#3 of the UN Agenda-2030, the technocrats are very busy transitioning into new social, economic & e-governance paradigms.
Yep, you've got it...
Many countries are busy on new protest and speech bills. Next shoe is financial, I’d say.
Lots of people are saying that, and it does seem to be a viable possibility...it could be a triple whammy though...they have so many choices.
With billions of death-shots administered, TPTB don't *need* to do anything more than what the crew of the Enola Gay did on their six-hour return trip to Tinian Island. Pray that God grants some to realize the horror of what they have done and to repent in dust and ashes. All *will* be brought to light.
https://notesfromthesocialclinic.org/a-summary-for-the-general-public-and-commentary-regarding-the-publication-by-dr-michael-morz/ https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/75-years-ago-flight-enola-gay
You are exactly right Art...I say this all the time...just sit back and watch the seeds you've planted grow...
Nice analogy, although very disturbing.
Shall we predict The Next Crisis? My guess is financial collapse, something like the 1930s, only worse because most of us are far more dependent on systems-in-place than in that more innocent time.
Addiction to convenience and ease is the substance of the rug-deception we all suffer to some degree. Awareness of consequences can drive one batty in the consideration of every tiny plastic thing. And that's plastic also including malleable. Stick with the safe and simple guidance. Attention is limited with so much stuff to maintain. It's all so fragile. Poignant, even.
Then there's survival gratitude. I celebrate that too.
We are connected to them whether we like it or not, and their inattention while there's rot at the core is threatening. Awareness of that and news horrors of the fashioning of degradation so evident to this group there's no need to refer to the rampant child abuse, for a start...
Once you see it you can't unsee it, and I understand the negation of the idea that your government is gaslighting you to meet international quotas calculated by who-knows-whom to facilitate population control. As a sort of lottery with incentives. For a better future. For the planet. It's ridiculously cynical.
Could be a big health scare this winter, mixed with high prices and injection damage and supply shortages and ... it's a perfect stew of chaos simmering now. The Bank of Canada lost money last quarter for the first time ever. Crank up the printing presses, boys, we're on a roll!
You make a good point referring to other issues and events such as 9-11, JFK... The big difference I see with our current situation is that none of those events, important as they were, affected everyone, universally, in their most basic day to day lives, as the COVID "pandemic". An event such as 9-11 affected us in a deep way. We were afraid of what was happenning, government took some measures that affected the way we travel, and our privacy. But in more general terms, we kept on living more or less normally (unless you lived in NYC). People continued relating, independently of their ideas of what had happened.
But not with COVID. I don't have to mention how lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, censorship, discrimation, loss of jobs, fear... have affected all of us, and our most basic relationships with loved ones.
That is why it is hard for me to envision that this will be just another instance of "sweeping under the rug".
I do not like the wait ; it is torture in itself!. Perhaps that, too, is a part of the wearing-us-down process (for those of us who are resisting) and it definitely makes us look like the conspiracy theorists they claim we are.
It must take so must restraint for them not to rush things through as the older ones like Klaus Schwab must realize that he may never get to see the fruit of the labors! For any man craving power and control, the long game must be excruciating (so close, yet so far). No wonder Trudeau slips up so much.
One thing for sure, ,most of them are rather patient…most except Trudeau who gets so excited he constantly jumps the gun.
But yes,, the wait IS torture, and it is part of the plan…”give the fish on the line some slack or else they might snap it.” Look at China.
And don’t count on Schwab kicking the bucket any time soon! It may LOOK that way at some point, but their transhuman advancements will be further along at the top, and we certainly won’t know about it. He could already be the Ubermensch by now…who knows…
I'm with you on the waiting -- it's excruciating. On any given day I'm trying to enjoy life to the extent I can while also feeling like there's a dark cloud overhead and everything will turn to shit in the blink of an eye.
And then there's the anger and frustration of watching the sheep act like life is back to normal. Some days I feel like ignorance might be bliss, but we can't unsee what is now so obvious and, frankly, I'd still rather not be blindsided. It's hard to stay sane!
Canadasceptic, I feel this way, as well. I see life "going on as normal" and I wonder if any of those people have even an inkling of what is happening in the bigger picture; I wonder at what point will they wake up. Sadly, this includes many of my family members. I also wonder what is going to happen to the Shrews and how soon. I find it hard to live life at all any more and I am definitely not enjoying it. I don't even know how to plan for a future with so many unknowns. Yes, it certainly is hard to stay sane.
No, these folks have no idea about the bigger picture and will only wake up when they are directly affected. And even then I'm not sure they'll connect the dots.
Of course I don't know your circumstances, but I find the one thing that helps me is to work on a Plan B. We gave up our downtown Toronto home and moved permanently up to our acreage a few hours north of the city in late 2020. I have relationships with local farmers so I don't worry as much about sourcing food as I might otherwise. We're not homesteaders by any means, but we have a water source and a Berkey water filter. I could grow food if I had to, though the learning curve would be steep. We are in the midst of opening an offshore bank account so as to get some of our money outside Canada and are actively working with a precious metals storage company in Panama. We'll likely store some precious metals on our property in case of emergency as well. We are also working on obtaining permanent residency in Mexico, though that would really be a last resort as my husband does not want to leave Canada.
We are fortunate to be retired and to have the time and money to pursue these Plan B options, but whatever one's circumstances it makes sense to do what you can within your means. There are prepper strategies for all budgets and circumstances. In a time of such uncertainty, I find it empowering and somewhat calming to work on these strategies even though I hope to never need them.
Wow! You read my mind…your words are exactly how I too am feeling…exactly!
I think you and I were in Europe at around the same time and it sounds like your reasoning was the same as mine -- face diapers finally not required on planes and who knows if travel will still be available to us, so we'd better go while the going is good.
It was mostly a positive experience, but the Convid remnants annoyed me to no end. England was pretty good as they dropped all restrictions a long time before we did, but Dublin still had lots of Covi-nonsense still in plain sight even though nobody was paying any attention to it. I'm sure I'll travel again, in between bouts of negativity about the direction in which the world is headed.
Scapegoating is alive and well and the world controllers wield it with unparalleled finesse. We are in the dark about what they will pull out of their evil toolbox. They have power over all the money, weapons, technology and communication - it must feel like choosing a chocolate from a gift box. So many choices - alien invasion; dollar collapse; fake disease - perhaps they lose sleep over deciding which one will work best. The only thing we know for certain is that someone else will be blamed, and the real perpetrators will remain in the murky shadows, where they have been for centuries.