What if nothing happens? What if we have the little bump of inactivity like we are experiencing now and then it all just blows over as if nothing happened? Look at 9-11, look at WMD, look at JFK’s assassination, Area 51 and the alien landing…nothing of any real significance ever came from any of these events. Yeah, a lot of jumping up and down, conspiracy theories galore, “stop the presses, new information has surfaced!”—Nothing more than that.
Sure, after decades of confusion, false leads, red herrings, hot trails, some of these “events” have proven more viable than they started out. But few people are interested anymore, and the few who still are, need to slide it into the microwave to nuke more life into a long dead fish.
It is beginning to look like that’s a typical cycle for the powers that be—push it to the very edge of collapse, then pull back and wait for it all to cool off, which could take decades. By then everyone is either dead, too old to care, or just not interested in cold fish.
I know the Super Sheep around me are done with it. They don’t care, Covid is old news—until Daddy Trudeau or Momma Biden barks out new marching orders and the masks fly back on. But when all is quiet on the Western front, sleepiness wafts down from the tower and everyone forgets, and apparently are also expected to forgive. “Forgive what?” the sheep bleat. “What’s the big deal?” Well, sheep were affected by the insanity as well, but not enough of them, and many of the ones who suffered are convinced their suffering was worth it in order to save the world from the mean Covid killing machine. So all is good. That is what we are told, and once a complier, always a complier. Put it to bed. Sweep it under the rug.
I think this is a very distinct possibility. Most of us are sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop. But that is not guaranteed, and not necessarily probable. The agenda very well takes breaks along the way. It has for decades. Whether the break is organic or purposefully executed doesn’t change much. At this point, and at this time, it seems more intentional, but who knows. As I have mentioned in other articles (“Deep Sea Fishing” and “In the Eye of the Storm”) this lull in the action is quite common. It keeps people blind for the most part, and causes most to fall into a sort of complacent reverie, including us shrews. We can’t let that happen to us.
What did “they” get from it then? Why didn’t they push forward and fire the kill shot? They were so close; did they get scared and just give up? I definitely do not think so. I think they got all that they hoped for at this stage of their game. They have greased the skids as they say—it is smooth sailing this point out. If you don’t buy this, look at recent events with the Global Vaccination Passport System agreed upon by 20 countries at the G20, the Pandemic Treaty proposed by the WHO and the advancements that digital currency has made in the past year. The die is cast.
And maybe they really are intent on creating some sort of population reduction through the vaccine. They didn’t get 100% compliance, but they were damn close. Did they really think they could get 8 billion people vaccinated? I am pretty impressed with how many they say they got stuck—and they are still at it! If it is true that they intended genocide, all they have to do now is sit back and watch the fruit drop off the vine. “Doing” more would just risk exposure, so they have backed off. Makes sense.
We now see such things as The Atlantic article on amnesty; this sort of thing seems to currently be the name of the new game. Don’t ignore the shrews and what they are saying, pull out the olive branch, “be reasonable, folks,” they say. “You can’t win this with all your talk of punishing the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. Take the deal we are offering, we are letting you save a little bit of face, aren’t we nice?” It is interesting to me how many sheep are ok with this approach. Many sheep know they are wrong, and they are willing to admit to maybe 2% of it, if that. It seems we shrews are not very happy with the deal, at least as a group, and I hope we stay that way.
I also hear a lot from shrews about how we are winning this and that. Really? OK, I do admit shrews have a ton to be proud of. And efforts should be congratulated, but things are not in the least “turning around.” In fact, they are actually getting worse. The cookie dough has been cut with the cookie cutter, and the cutter has been removed and the cookie is cut. People don’t even need the fear porn in order to comply these days. None of these criminals has been brought to justice nor have any even admitted to any wrongdoing. The “encouragement” some of us might feel when we see fewer masks out there is just more compliance. People are TOLD it is over by the authority that told them three months ago it wasn’t over, so the masks go away…that isn’t a win folks, it is just more compliance.
As I said a minute ago, sweeping under the rug is a common tactic, and it actually has a lot of power. When things calm down, the authority gets the credit for “working it all out” for us. As per The Atlantic article, nothing really all that bad happened anyway. “Nothing to see here folks, move along.” This attitude creates confusion, which is a cognitive dissonance, a desired mental state for the masses. “Everything is back to normal”—is the mantra they want us reciting, but this really is not true at all. What is true is that many things have become normalized. It is now normal to accept certain things that three years ago would have been more difficult to convince people to accept. One is the acceptance of a non-elected world power passing global sanctions that all countries must follow; another is the introduction of things such as digital IDs, Health Passports, and even digital cash. All now an easy slide down the greased skid.
There will be another catastrophe in the future. The only question at this point is “when” and maybe even “what.” Most will say it will take the form of another health emergency since the populace is pretty well conditioned with what the agenda would say was an “appropriate response.” It also could be nuclear war, and certainly a climate change catastrophe is a ripe fruit ready to be picked. There are many options. When and what are the questions. We will see. Let’s not let our resolve, alertness, and diligence be swept under the rug along with the truth. We need to stay at the ready.
*Current* death rates show that we are in the middle of a catastrophe. A world war level catastrophe. What do sheep say about that? The data is wrong? Shit happens? Time to focus on LGBT legislation? Any answer short of "military tribunal" is itself morbidly ignorant and indifferent to the point of sociopathy.
What if nothing happens? Like we don't keep hearing about the sudden deaths of young people every week, and we can stop getting text messages every day from concerned Shews who are reading the obituaries and then finding social media photos of the dead with their vaccine cards? Or, our Mayors don't go on local TV and tell us how much of our money they are spending on cameras for every corner of our streets to monitor the "bad guys?" And what if our cities don't become completely geofenced electronic prisons with cameras at every intersection, every street corner, and over every freeway and we don't have cars that can be switched off by the local police station? Or what if we don't see ads on television every single day for the ignorant followers to take more deadly injections under a jazzy ad campaign and the words, "We can DO this!" Or what if our schools don't become more and more militantly woke with an onslaught of administrators (backed by the new world order and cloaked in "Local Philanthropy") who quietly advocate for child porn on public school library shelves? Or what if our employers don't get really quiet about mandatory vaccines until the next plandamic. Or what if the world stops being governed by fear and the tyrannical state-of-emergency rubber stamp that bypasses any checks or balances that our constitutions require?
Yeah, what if that happens? Show me where that's happening, I'll wait here.