Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing is indeed a CCP act of war. It feels strange writing that...it's the kind of thing neocons of the early aughts would say....but still....They don't have an mRNA vax in China. Pfizer is, according to Naomi Wolf, essentially a Chinese company. ?? dunno. BTW, doc, I was absolutely on board with your thesis last Oct and will, yet again, post Michael Yeadon's (former chief scientist at Pfizer) comment just because it's so on point:

"If you wanted, say, to depopulate a significant portion of the world and do it in a way that wouldn't require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something like that, and you wanted plausible deniability whilst you have a multi-year infectious disease crisis, I shouldn't think you could come up with a better plan of work than seems to be in front of me."

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That Yeadon quote is great. He is right.

I agree there is more to the CCP than seen on the surface. Of course people always bring the CCP into this agenda, but both Russia and the CCP have more going on than we can easily realize. They may be completely rogue with regard to the WEF, WHO etc. Do you know anything about that? I have not done research on Russia and/or the CCP regarding the WEF, WHO, relationships, so can't say I know much about them. But I cannot see either one of them being good sandbox mates with other countries. I can see either one of them pretending to play well with others and then running off with the scissors grinning all the while.

I do know a bit about Russia...having studied them for years (mostly Soviet times) and having been there four times to record music. They are a funky country with equally funky people populating it...say the same for Ukraine (I almost brought home a Ukrainian girl to marry 20 some odd years ago.) I love them to death, for some odd reason (probably because they are so funky) but man, try figuring them out...forget it.

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wow that's cool that you went over there so many times! Henry Kissinger and Zwignew Brzezinksy created the Trilateral Commission, which supposedly created the powerhouse that China is today. I think the CCP is not only playing along with the WEF, but is the entire centerpiece of all NWO types. I don't buy for a second that the BRICS countries are somehow anathema to the WEF. John Coleman has a lot to say on the subject. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/159444.Conspirators_Hierarchy

Or, you could just get it from the horse's mouth by reading Kissinger's *On China*.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The virus (1) was rolled-out to bring-up the magical vaxxines (2); and the propaganda and coercion about them was a means to impose the pass. Kill a number of people with 1 and 2 and enslave whoever survived. What a brilliant plan, rolled out in waves (as others were killed with the measures taken (lack of care, remdesivir etc)) so that the sheep remain asleep still to this day and contort the facts to make them appear rational (for example: the authorities didn’t know and did their best - NOT!!)

Thank you for reposting, I am a new subscriber and haven’t gone through all of your archives yet.

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Hey Natalie...welcome to the shrew den.

Well, things are getting a bit difficult in the shrew writing world. It is very difficult to write an article without using words like "virus," "pandemic," "vaccines," etc. When many people will blast the writer with comments like "how can you support the existence of viruses when in fact they don't exist" or "there was no pandemic, it was a hoax and never actually existed" or "these injections were never vaccines...." etc. etc.

It is a very "swimmy" world out there almost impossible to get a foothold in. Not sure why I went into all of that in response to your post! It just was on my mind.

Yes, essentially I am on the same boat you are. "Virus" led to "vaccine" leads to democide, leads to population reduction, leads to a whole lot of other goodies.

All you say here is right on.

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So sorry that you are sometimes being blasted by those who want to argue with you. I am reminded of a recent short video by Mikki Willis calling for unity. United we stand or divided we shall fall. I wish that we could come together on our mutual goals because otherwise, we will likely not make it through this crisis in humanity. https://craigschulze.com/post/A-Call-For-Unity

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Right out of the Evil Genius Playbook, with biometrics being the end goal.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Still on point. As you say, our malevolent overlords must have known the rebels and dissidents wouldn't take the vaxxes and would still be alive and kicking - quite possibly a lot of kicking going on too. The depop thing is pretty compelling given the apparent inability to cover pensions and retirement payments in the Western world... basically purloined. You either come clean or get rid of a fair level of the population.

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This is so true...as macabre as that is, it is more likely the truth than some huge convoluted plan of depopulation just for the benefit of the planet...it could just be to save money.

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It's typically cash and saving their own skins. Catherine Austin Fitts being the one looking at financials and depop. Of course, she could be wrong... but her expertise is undoubted.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It is a brilliant plan. They've obviously been busy over at the Davos Country Club recently. Their plan to save the world is going spectacularly in their favor. Just kill just about everyone to make it better. All in line with the fables of George Orwell.

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Yeah...I am actually waiting with baited breath for the other shoe to drop and for something to happen that jogs everybody from their slipping into complacency....I wonder what it will be? More Covid? A new virus? Maybe not even a medical move...we'll see...💣

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Wow! Beats me for certain. Sometimes I think I write about all this just to entertain myself. The only others who are totally aware are my own immediate family. Conspiracy theorists since 1863. (or before)

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That's definitely something to be proud of...

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Along line of rebellious types from Bacon's Rebellion & beyond, probably few rebels who lost their heads in Europe too. Who knows?

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I love it that you are so honest about your thought processes during these times. I intend to print some of your articles to give to my family members who STILL only listen to mainstream media if they will ever allow me to voice my opinions about this. Unfortunately, I have been following alternative sources since 9/11, so they all reject me as THE conspiracy theorist. Anyway, I always feel better after reading your thoughts but especially because I see that you actually read comments and reply to people! NO ONE does that!!! You help me cope - I don't feel so alone. But, I can see the plans already in the works with the WHO and it taking total control over all our freedoms. I am not sure how to fight this. Anyway, Thanks for writing your thoughts.

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Thank you so much. I do want a community here so I really do my best to participate. I am surprised by what you say that no one else who is writing on substack does what I do. That seems odd.

Thank you again for the kind words. I do this for obvious reasons, but also to keep my own sanity. I really love reading (and responding) what all of you are writing. Everyone here is so intelligent and insightful...it is quite amazing. Shrews rule!

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"Only one rather glaring fault sticks out, which I cannot believe they have not accounted for. That’s us. A rather large portion of the population that is left will be made up of dissidents and rebels—"

The new programmable injectable technology needed to be tested at scale on the majority of the global population. Other delivery systems may be used after the initial test-run.

Manageable levels of collateral damage was and is not a concern.

Data was and is the goal, it's the 'new oil' & control system of the 4IR.

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