Since I have put out a few articles recently on the vaccines and the evil plan behind them, I thought I would re-release this older article, from October of 2022 as a bonus. I don’t think many people got to see it or comment on it back then. Things now are indeed a bit different, but most here is still timely. Hope you enjoy it.
Everyone knows if you pour sand in a car’s gas tank it will eventually destroy the engine. It will get all clogged up and fail to function. Kaput. Nice metaphor for what is happening these days with the vaccine, eh? Now, I don’t want to be accused of being a fear monger, but they started it. So let’s just sit around the campfire with a few marshmallows on sticks and tell some horror stories before going to bed.
What if…
What if Henry Kissinger, the builders of the Georgia Guidestones (which no longer exist), Bill Gates, Father Schwab, and a few others who have mentioned such unmentionables such as the planet would be much better off with fewer people, were right? And lets just imagine that “whomever” these people are, the powers that be decided to implement such a democidal plan?
One clever idea would be to invent a virus that was just barely dangerous enough to ensure that it would be relatively easy to send the masses into a panic. Then have them begging for a medical solution to destroy the greatly feared boogieman who is hell-bent on killing half the population.
Then, let’s say, these same inventors of the “virus” cooked up a bogus cure in the form of a miracle vaccine and set out with a fear campaign to coerce every living soul to get jabbed. All in an effort to save their lives (not to mention saving the lives of all their friends and relatives).
This bogus vaccine would be indeed bogus in its claim to wipe out the virus, but not bogus in succeeding at its true, secret, mission—the elimination of most human life on the planet.
Ready to chuck the s’mores and crawl into your safe and snug sleeping bag? Not so fast.
So why didn’t they just accomplish wiping out human life with the original virus they invented? Oh, but that would be way too simple. Besides, a guaranteed lethal disease spread by human contact could get to anyone and everyone. They have to make it safe enough so the culprits themselves don’t get it, but dangerous enough that they can bamboozle everyone else into taking the vaccine preventative for it. Besides, the virus is not as easily controlled as a vaccine would be (which could be why there may not be a virus at all).
Also, a horribly deadly disease unleashed on all of us intentionally is very messy—overcrowded hospitals, people dying in the streets, the wailing and gnashing of teeth—very messy. It is also rather obvious. Eventually someone would find out the plan, and heads would roll (well, people HAVE discovered this part of the plan for sure…and I still don’t see any rolling heads).
So enter the vaccine. It is the key to making this genocide successful. Here are the good points.
1. People will undoubtedly scramble to get the jab (I am still perplexed as to why so many people are that gullible, but here it is.)
2. Not all jabs have to be effective at killing right away; eventually people will get jabbed over and over again, so the death jab will come soon enough. Best to spread it out a bit.
3. Like sand in a gas tank, the ill effects will come slowly. Bodily systems will break down and collapse, and this will happen in several key, but distinct, areas of human physiology—cardiac, neurological, circulatory. It will even cause sterility and stillbirths in some. (Not all mind you! This is an important part in maintaining the confusion.)
4. As 3 above, the effects of the vaccine will be deceiving. Cancer as well may kill many. People who are not well educated in medical science will not believe that one little shot can have such negative ill effect on the entire body…but the science indeed tells us it can.
5. Yes, part of the collateral damage will be people dying immediately from the jab, as we see now, but this is insignificant. The real damage will take decades to complete.
Seems like a perfect plan to me—first the virus was invented to create the fear base for the next step, which was the vaccine. The vaccine was designed to kill slowly, although at first there were some who had an acute response, but most did not. Over a decade or two (if not longer for some) people will succumb, birth rates will go down, and the population will be reduced. Considering how stupid and irresponsible the general population has been with this whole thing, most people will not even notice. Of course the powers that be will blame the demise of the human race on nearly everything else, Covid itself, climate change, Putin, Trump, and maybe even a few mushroom clouds thrown in for good measure—and to provide another scapegoat—“the high radiation levels are causing more cancer cases to show up…”
Yadda yadda. You get the gist of it.
This idea seems to be the most plausible and explains most of the actions we see taking place in the world today. The vaccine push is still going strong, with Trudeau’s (Canada’s Herr Klaus minion) recent “threat” speech: “vaccinate or else.” We see the empty vaccine threat still being hammered into insanely compliant sheep (yes, sheep) around the world. They don’t even need the fear base anymore. Just like Skinner’s behaviorally modified pigeons and rats, they just keep on pecking even with no food rewarded or shock administered.
Why still the Covid vaccine? Well, the more vaccinated the more they are ensured a success with the plan. Not everyone will die, again, that would not be prudent. So a very high percentage need to be jabbed to cover the death count that would make it worth their while—over time. That is one reason why it is important to continue the booster campaign. They also want to ensure not too many babies can be born so another creation of useless eaters don’t hit the ground warming up the planet again (oh, right, a warming planet is just part of the fear base).
Pretty brilliant, eh?
With less people on the planet the remaining small number will be rather compliant due to the heavy brainwashing they have experienced. Survival of the fittest sheep so to speak. These folks will be carrying around digital IDs, no money they have control of, and no bodily autonomy. Super sheep. Easy peasy.
Seems like this plan is foolproof. Only one rather glaring fault sticks out, which I cannot believe they have not accounted for. That’s us. A rather large portion of the population that is left will be made up of dissidents and rebels—smart people who will not buy into these crazy shenanigans at any price—AND, they will be able to breed! What will they do with us? It doesn’t take too much of an imagination to figure that out. But maybe we are indeed smart enough to not fall for that either. Let’s hope so.
Eat your s’mores and go to bed, storytime is over.
I love it that you are so honest about your thought processes during these times. I intend to print some of your articles to give to my family members who STILL only listen to mainstream media if they will ever allow me to voice my opinions about this. Unfortunately, I have been following alternative sources since 9/11, so they all reject me as THE conspiracy theorist. Anyway, I always feel better after reading your thoughts but especially because I see that you actually read comments and reply to people! NO ONE does that!!! You help me cope - I don't feel so alone. But, I can see the plans already in the works with the WHO and it taking total control over all our freedoms. I am not sure how to fight this. Anyway, Thanks for writing your thoughts.
Still on point. As you say, our malevolent overlords must have known the rebels and dissidents wouldn't take the vaxxes and would still be alive and kicking - quite possibly a lot of kicking going on too. The depop thing is pretty compelling given the apparent inability to cover pensions and retirement payments in the Western world... basically purloined. You either come clean or get rid of a fair level of the population.