
fake lines drawn on magical paper. (the US, Canada, UK, etc). much like the 'rights'. every country seems to have. many issues with rights. first and foremost, they are participatory. ie. if you get shot in the face you have no rights. second, they would be global. not unique to each state. see bastiat, the law. https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/bastiat/TheLaw.htm.

see paines https://www.gutenberg.org/files/31270/31270-h/31270-h.htm (read some and try to tell me he didn't wright the declaration of independence.) specifically Common Sense (ONE OF THOSE WORDS THAT INCREASINGLY LOOKS MORE WRONG THE LONGER STARED AT.) whoops. all caps were on. im refusing to start over. lame. anyhoo. then i'd suggest spooner. https://freedom-school.com/the-constitution-of-no-authority-by-lysanser-spooner-boston-1870.pdf.

having quick peeks at the sources gives me wee chills remembering reading them.

whatever. best to ignore. binkies are good, pulled hard up, and over your face when frightened. at least here in the slumping suburbs of the great white north. do you find it hard to relate to music, that you've learned about the band's views?........ the polarization has been realized.

last note. 'the law' has been translated to english. i can't imagine the resonance in french.

as always


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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

fantastic. here's another i wish i wrote. https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/22/false-profits/.

i remember telling the gal i wasn't going. anywhere. Solzhenitsyn's words. in my ear. if the knock comes to the door.... pretty glum remembering. then she said, 'I'm not going anywhere'. good god. a tiny little warrior. whatever will come. i have a partner.

peace and love groovy babies.

happy Christmas.

no matter how fragmented family and friends have become. i love all the warriors. the curious. the passive, backs against the wall. this actually may go the other way. towards human maturity.


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Thank you...I definitely think when it is all settled and we shrews start rebuilding the world, we will be in a much better place. I know that many of us who came to this game relatively late are most definitely better off for it. The jig is up, so to speak. Never again will I be complacent about what is happening in the world and just assume "we are the good guys (the US, Canada, UK, etc), we know what we are doing, it will all end up well." Once you know there is a weasel in the hen house, there is no going back.

Happy Christmas to you too!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

To Wayne Jones: What in the heck? How rude of you. Todd’s articles are insightful, bright and often inspiring to me. These articles have helped me navigate this difficult time…and combined with the wonderful comments of other shrews…perfection. You do not have to like what he writes for heavens sakes but give some respect to his efforts and work…criticize with respect!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I appreciate the uplifting message.

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I appreciate your comment, thank you...

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I find It very helpful to remind myself that this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.

The UN Agenda2030 is eight years distant and currently has seventeen goals, the 'Health' aspect is just one of them: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

We will need open hearts and open minds in order to inspire others that there is another possible outcome by 2030.

We don't need 51% , just a critical mass, so every interaction matters that we speak our Truth in a manner that inspires.

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Personally, I'm trying to catch my breath. In addition to covid I have had distressing family issues to deal with since January 2017 (and earlier if truth be told). Now that both my parents have passed and estate issues are all essentially wrapped up I can let the awfulness of fighting with a sibling go (and it was definitely made worse by him and his entire family being vaxxed sheep). My husband (and fellow shrew) and I can finally unburden and recover in our new home in the country, far from the crazies in Toronto. I still read substacks daily, but trying not to over my morning coffee. Decreasing my time on Twitter (although why the Twitter Files aren't headline news is just more indication of capture of the media by Gov), and spending more time on Ravelry (knitters' paradise).

For now, I'm going to stay informed, try to meet like minded folks in my new neighbourhood (hard at the best of times). At least it's easy to spot the ones I won't want to get to know... masks come in handy for some things after all. And I'm going to take care of my health first and foremost in order to be ready for whatever comes next. I have a few new friends who are awake and I will nurture these friendships but anyone from BC (before covid... not the province) has to apologize and express regret or I won't waste my time with them. I don't need to convince but I need to be able to live truthfully and I can't just pretend nothing has happened. I also look forward to the next Federal election and the end of Trudeau Tyranny.

Hang in there Todd. It's ok to take a breather and gather your strength.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Author

Very wise words...and your plan sounds inspiring...!!

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It is now clear, given the recent totalitarian actions and the revelations of deep state criminality in all of our countries, including the Covid crimes, the January 6 roundups to Gulags, the free speech theft, confiscation of private property, political assassinations (Kennedy), coups against other presidents and leaders, and election-fixing that we are in a state of war with our governments. We must fight the revolution peacefully, using all means at our disposal to eliminate these totalitarians. Peaceful non-compliance, community organizing, non-participation, must be used and we must up the ante.

Good men need to begin organizing non-violent militias as we create parallel systems for mutual support. We also need national leaders in politics and media to establish coalition leadership.

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I experienced a pocket of the rabid insanity yesterday when I was ordered out of a store for refusing to wear a mask. I needed to buy something so I told them I would not leave, but he just kept getting angrier and angrier and called me a bitch. This was my fourth trip to this particular store (I'm doing some nest feathering and they have the items I want) and it was only on the fourth trip that the guy freaked out. The other guy who works there was much more calm so I put on my "This Mask is Useless" mask and bought the rug. When I realized another colour was better suited for the area, I went back to exchange it. Feeling sorry for the fear driven guy, I apologized for being rude and he thanked me. I explained that because we can go to restaurants without a mask, I found it confusing that he was still insisting I wear one. Even though I didn't need to apologize, I felt it was the better thing to do to try to be more loving. But, it is difficult to love the deranged, so I just keep a fairly light attitude about their particular delusions, and thank God that I am not one of them.

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Thank you so very much for this. I brought a lot of peace to my heart and was just what I needed to face the future.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

What a wonderful article, thankyou for the tools provided in the final paragraph !

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The conundrum; we’re safe in our faith of assured victory so why waste our energy trying to convince the sheep who will not hear. Live and let live. And I know our command is to try and save anyone if we can, so I suppose this is our challenge to prove our commitment to the divine message. But it sure feels like a lot of wasted effort most days. Can this truly be our only purpose? I empathize with trying to live within the close relationships with those that don’t seem to align with what we see right in front of us. And perhaps it’s a good reminder of what’s important. It’s such an internal conflict; trying to alert others, battle the evil, all while risking creating pariahs of ourselves in doing so. I agree; what to do?

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Yes, it certainly is the human conundrum, much like if God forgives all in the end, why not have an evilly good time until the final moments. Some of us are not called to be "dirt warriors" and instead are called to hold the peace of love in their hearts and focus on the "end" where God and good prevail. But those called to get into the trenches and "fight" are also part of the cause, and without them who knows what would actually happen...maybe it just makes the good stuff come quicker...when any one says God prevails in the end, that end could take a million years, or could take 100.

Also, our calling may not be to awaken those who remain asleep, but also to support those in the trenches...it is holding truth with no expectation...i.e., no goal to awaken....just hold truth....in whatever way that comes to you...writing, speaking, thinking, creating groups so like minded people can gather and talk, taking care of children...teaching...whatever. The "fight" does not have to have the goal of convincing someone who is blind to see...but only to hold the consciousness of truth.

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It is what it is my friend, if you don't like it, move on.

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