What is one to do? We are living in an illusion, one that only shrews are aware of. The world seems to be humming along as it did before the Covid onslaught of lies and deceit (well, there really was no “before” that was not also filled with “lies and deceit”). How are we supposed to handle this illusion? Are we supposed to ignore the seeming calm and run through the streets with our swords drawn screaming, “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! We have not yet begun to fight!!” (I know, two nautical quotes from different sources, mashed together, forgive me.) Or are we supposed to have tea on the veranda with the other sheep, pretending to be one of them and just enjoy the end of the intolerable horror we have been experiencing for the past three years? Immersed in blissful ignorance, as babies die, and the scourge of tyranny marches on, just under the radar.
My, my, what to do, what to do.
This is a serious question, a question I do get asked often, and also ask myself often. What is a shrew to do?
I am sitting here staring off into the distance as I ponder that question myself for this article. I really don’t know. It was much easier when it was much more obvious. When Fauci was making his ludicrous statements, when people were terrified and were wearing masks everywhere, and keeping the magic three feet of distance from one another. It was easier to know what to do with our anger and frustration when we were barred from restaurants, sporting events, funerals, hospitals, and theatres due to our leper status of “unvaccinated.” Well, maybe it wasn’t all that clear what to DO, but at least it was clear we had a stance, a purpose in our anger and frustration.
Now that “everything has returned to normal” we are at a loss. It is relatively easy for many of us to momentarily forget what all the fuss was about, and go on with our daily lives blinded, almost like sheep, to the real issues we were so charged about just a few months ago. We know, if we look under the covers, that all those issues are still raging on. Now we have to make the effort to look, before it was all right in our face.
Complacency, or even partial complacency, is very easy to fall into. Most of us are not professional freedom fighters. Most of us have jobs, and have families, and have another life humming along. That life demands most, if not all, of our attention. It is so easy to feel relatively comfortable in the world, at least here in the opulent West. We don’t have to battle fleas, lice, rats, or other pestilence. We can stay warm easily in winter, and cool in summer. We don’t have to hunt down food sources. We can enjoy creature comforts without too much effort. At least for now. Oh, no, we don’t have it totally cushy, far from it. We have stressful jobs, kids headed into a world of formless, meaningless, delirium that we are continuously stressed out about. We have seemingly pointless relationships with partners who often seem brain dead due to the slowly eroding culture we have been born into. Not a pretty picture even at the best of times.
Three years ago we were suddenly awakened by the Covid agenda. Maybe you were already awake, or maybe this is the first time your eyes were fully open. Maybe you have left behind family and friends who decided to “walk the sheep/sleep walk.” Maybe you sprang into action when the rest of the world seemed to be going nuts.
But now? Not so much. Just as quickly as it all started, it all faded away…at least it seemed to. And that is the operative word—SEEMED. In reality nothing really has changed. The face of the agenda changed, but the agenda itself is still going strong. No doubt about that, and of course most of you know this, but do we really believe it?
Keep in mind that the “virus,” the lockdowns, the masks, the distancing, the isolation, all of it, was not real. It was all fabricated, and can be turned on and off with the flick of a switch. Which essentially is what happened. Covid was turned off. Testing was turned off. Deaths, infections, masks, distancing, and everything else, they just turned it all off (at least to a degree). The agenda didn’t need any of that anymore. It had all served its purpose, and it was time to paint on a different face. As much as we would like to believe that we, us shrews, had a serious hand in quelling all of this insanity, I believe we had very little impact. There is a chance that our strength was greater than expected, and there is a chance that some adjustment has been made due to our efforts, but there is no indication it has meant more to this agenda than a dog’s biting and nibbling means to a colony of fleas. It is to be expected. It is part of the way things go. The fleas prevail.
I don’t mean to be a downer. And I will fight to the death to keep that biting and nibbling as strong as ever. David DID indeed kill Goliath. Eventually we will win, even if we remain in small numbers. Good, and God, always wins. But we can’t back down. We can’t rest on our laurels and falsely believe “we have this in the bag” and thus continue on with our happy lives (as well as going on with our miserable lives, licking the wounds created by our assailants inflicted decades ago in their determination to kill our souls, which has been going on for quite some time).
So what to do?
I don’t think what we must do has to be colossal in action, but it has to be massive in intent, and filled with resolve from the mind and the heart. We have to hold the truth and be champions for that truth.
Follow your true calling. This could be nearly anything, as long as it is authentic and devoid of fear. This calling comes from source, and even if you do not believe in God or a higher power, you can consider the true driving force of your being as coming from source. Do what you must do. What you know in your heart is the thing to do. This could range from spending most of your time demonstrating in marches, writing for alt news, being intent on not complying, being vocal about avoiding vaccines, especially ones aimed at your children. Or, it could be just holding the truth of love in your heart as you tend to your children. It does not have to take the form of warrior, although it certainly can. It can also take the form of love in any capacity, whether it be in prayer, meditation, or following a spiritual practice. The most important criterion here is to remove fear as much as you are capable of removing it. Go forth with a glad heart knowing we have already won this spiritual battle before we see evidence of it, but do not become complacent or overly compliant, do not be tricked into thinking the danger has passed. Do not go blind with the sheep. Hold the truth. As Esther said before going into a righteous battle, “If I perish, I perish.” Go bravely and assuredly into this darkness until the darkness is no more. You have already won.
fake lines drawn on magical paper. (the US, Canada, UK, etc). much like the 'rights'. every country seems to have. many issues with rights. first and foremost, they are participatory. ie. if you get shot in the face you have no rights. second, they would be global. not unique to each state. see bastiat, the law. https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/bastiat/TheLaw.htm.
see paines https://www.gutenberg.org/files/31270/31270-h/31270-h.htm (read some and try to tell me he didn't wright the declaration of independence.) specifically Common Sense (ONE OF THOSE WORDS THAT INCREASINGLY LOOKS MORE WRONG THE LONGER STARED AT.) whoops. all caps were on. im refusing to start over. lame. anyhoo. then i'd suggest spooner. https://freedom-school.com/the-constitution-of-no-authority-by-lysanser-spooner-boston-1870.pdf.
having quick peeks at the sources gives me wee chills remembering reading them.
whatever. best to ignore. binkies are good, pulled hard up, and over your face when frightened. at least here in the slumping suburbs of the great white north. do you find it hard to relate to music, that you've learned about the band's views?........ the polarization has been realized.
last note. 'the law' has been translated to english. i can't imagine the resonance in french.
as always
fantastic. here's another i wish i wrote. https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/22/false-profits/.
i remember telling the gal i wasn't going. anywhere. Solzhenitsyn's words. in my ear. if the knock comes to the door.... pretty glum remembering. then she said, 'I'm not going anywhere'. good god. a tiny little warrior. whatever will come. i have a partner.
peace and love groovy babies.
happy Christmas.
no matter how fragmented family and friends have become. i love all the warriors. the curious. the passive, backs against the wall. this actually may go the other way. towards human maturity.