Simple solution... instead of sheep use the actual descriptor "Modern Moron Slaves/Irresponsible, Ignorant, Idiots" MMS/3i's!

And after reading some comments already posted on this artice... No doubt about that descriptor.

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Ooooo....I like that...MMS/3i

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No, I'd say "sheep" is pretty accurate.

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Yeah...I do too...

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The line between shrew and sheep cuts through the heart of every human being. Haven't we all acted at times as one, and at times as the other?

In this sense, your use of "sheep" is humanizing. Those who deny that humans can ever be described as sheep are the real dehumanizers. As if the vast majority of people were intrinsically critical thinkers, with self-serving groupthink limited to a handful of corrupt elites!

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Very good point...and yes, we are all sheep and shrew at times, as well as many other "descriptors"...I am continuously amazed at the offense people take with these sorts of things...

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Sheep is a perfect description, and by the way, I do enjoy being a shrew. Keep up your amazing work

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I love it that you are a shrew!!! Long live the shrews!!!!

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The sheep metaphor has been used for so long and in so many examples of popular culture that it’s silly to attempt to erase it now. (though that doesn’t seem to stop anybody in the current cultural climate) When Pink Floyd released Animals, we all understood the roles of Sheep, Dog and Pig from previous usage in Animal Farm and countless other examples. If the shoe fits... My favourite line from that album, “Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream “ gives me hope that one day the sheep will throw off their chains of obedience.

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Well, if they haven't yet, they probably never will. One of the truly clever aspects of authoritarianism is to keep your subjects at bay by continuously playing the good guy.

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Whatever we label them will seem harsh to some. Would non-critical thinkers be better? Order followers? Even if we called them misguided souls it would still sound patronizing. You can't put lipstick on this pig.

We can't wish away the divide and, I would argue, we didn't cause it. While I hate masks with a passion and would die before taking the injection, I respect everyone's right to be ignorant and wear a mask alone outside and take that tenth booster. The sheep needn't become shrews; all we ask is that they leave us the hell alone.

Labels are a fact of reality and we humans need them in order to make distinctions. Post-modernism messes with language to such an extent that people can no longer distinguish good from evil, right from wrong, and even male from female (non-binary anyone?). I'd argue there is a danger is NOT accurately labeling things and people -- like "minor attracted persons" instead of pedophiles. Sheep are sheep and if the shoe fits...

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100% correct, in my humble opinion.

Sometimes, though, we depend on the masses in order to be safe ourselves. I think we can say we grant them the right to do as they please as long as they leave us alone, but just that fact of them doing as they please will come to a point where we are affected by it indirectly. The sheep protect the perpetrators which gives them more power to make our lives miserable.

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Not a long time ago they were ready to put us into camps, today we are told that "mistakes were made".

We know that as soon as the next operation will commence they will be putting those who refuse to participate with their madness against the wall.

The scene from The Matrix where Neo was tricked by the girl in the red dress doesn't look that crazy, does it?

The evil and his minions are here and our task is to survive the onslaught.

Drag queens in schools, talk about aliens, sudden deaths of vaxxed, and the stupidity of the masses. How many more examples do they need to realize that something is a miss?

They can't be helped unless they will help themselves and stop pretending that everything is ok.

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All very well said. I think once you see it, you can't really be tricked...everything becomes very clear...once you see it, you can't unsee it. Of course there will come a time where we cannot wrench from the boot on our neck.

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Even the Bible speaks about sheep:

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, ‘For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.’ -Romans 8:35-36

All of Romans 8 is quite appropriate for what we are facing today!✝️😉

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Thanks to those of you that know the Bible so well and share it with me. I am astounded now of its truth.

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Sheep is the perfect word for so many today; no other animal quite so dumb and willing to blindly plod in compliance to its own slaughter.

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Yep...hard to deny.

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Good article as usual Todd which I will be linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I wouldn't be too concerned about using the description sheep, even in a negative way. If the shoe fits the 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑, let them wear it. Also liked your article on connecting the dots you did for Off Guardian. Linked that one as well!!

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Thank you so so so much!!!

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Why not change “sheep” to “goats”?

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Same problem😀.🐐🐐🐐🐐

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That’s what I often think too

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There’s no reason to insult goats!🤣

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As you suggest Todd, the issue is not following per se (as Bob Dylan rightly observed: ya' gotta serve someone) but rather who it is that one follows--who is one's ultimate source of authority.

The Biblical categories are sheep and goats. https://nasb.literalword.com/?q=matt+25%3A31-46

The two are alike in many respects. They eat similar stuff, at least some of the time. They do many of the same things, some of the time. They rub shoulders in the same proverbial pastures (nations, churches, universities, workplaces, even families). But one group follows the God of Creation, Master and Lord, Christ Jesus, becoming like the Lamb slain for sinners, whereas the other group continues on in their "natural" (from conception) cosmic rebellion--their steadfast refusal to follow Him and submit to what His Law-Word says about our need for His grace.

The goats may think they are following common sense, or "the science," or whatever society claims in the moment is more or less good and acceptable. But in reality they are following the first refusenik--the uber-goat who led all mankind astray with the simple idea: "Did God REALLY say...?"

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Very well put...

Are you suggesting I replace "sheep" with "goats"? I would like to, but I doubt if everyone would get the Biblical reference...just kidding..😀. 🐐 / 🐑

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Your substack; your party. Rabbits perhaps? ...but then, what to do with Alice, and the Red Queen? Not to mention those high-as-a-kite characters, the Mad Hatter and the caterpillar.

More seriously, it strikes me that *because* of Biblical ignorance--even as only a common cultural backdrop to draw from--the left-right divide is all we are left with: following elitist mandarins (trust us) vs. following self (trust no one... except maybe my hound dog, my gun, and, three weeks out of four, my wife).

Keeping the focus on that horizontal-humanistic divide suits the goat master just fine.

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Again...nice words of wisdom!!

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… I just watched “ancient apocalypse” by Graham Hancock, series on Netflix ( its great documentary/production and i recommend to see it) and he tries to proof great possibility re our/our planet ancient archeological history… and he is denied and ridiculed by other scientists in his fields of knowledge, and for some who watched or will watch this “show” his view will be very logical or weird…He said that we humans have this tendency to amnesia so we ca easily and quickly forget events/matters/behaviour etc … Im afraid that soon Covid event will be forgotten and sheeps will bleat allover us … But shrews have great noses and amazing crazy fast beating hearts (1500 beat/min) and are powerful terrestrial mammals… so “we” will know as much we will remember all lies and bulshit😁

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Wow!! That is amazing information about the shrew!! So cool.

I am a real Hancock fan...he was the first one to introduce me to the mysteries of Egypt (Egypt is my greatest research topic.) I can't believe I have not yet seen his series, you have reminded me to once again make time for it. What he has discovered, and spent his life trying to get others to see, is, in my opinion, 100% accurate. Like I said, I have spent an incredible amount of time researching ancient Egypt (been there four times) and there is no doubt in my mind that what conventional Egyptologists have been telling us is largely wrong...some of it is right, but not the fundamental part for sure is not.

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😊there are lies, borders, regulations i in every aspects of our life; on one hand authorities knowledgeable certified etc people matters the most with their expertise & experience…. and on another hand fellow colleagues declines colleagues ….We have to hold on tight, respect our senses and intuition 😊

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I guess it depends on the I tension when using the S word. If you are talking to someone with the hope of bringing them round to the shrew view, its probably counter productive to start with something they may perceive as an insult. However,if you are looking for a zoonotic analogy, there is none finer. If anyone is insulted by the term sheep, then ask then why they are insulted, I personally think sheep are wonderful creatures, so if they find it insulting it must be because sheep are seen as the sort to blindly follow the other without thought. So they must then justify why this does not define them and their behavior. Its either accurate, I which case, if they find it insulting,it's in their control to change, or its incorrect and they can prove that they do no behave that way. Simples

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Yes, definitely do not call someone a sheep if you are trying to reason with them!!

The complaint was not so much about the word "sheep" but was instead the divisive nature of the terminology. It is intended, in some regard, to be denigrating (sheep are foolishly blind and have no logic reasoning power)...so therefore it is separating us as "smart and stupid"...

I have been told that compromising by using the term "sheep like" in describing certain specific behaviour would be better...but that is just too complicated. Although I have resorted to that tactic on occasion.

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Yeah, but isn't that like, instead of saying that a chefs food is shit, its just "shit like" 🤣

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Despite the lies of the last three years , we are entitled to hold and express our POV in a manner that is authentic to us . Let’s remember that varying opinions, debate even vigorous and heated debate is crucial to freedom and growth ( on many levels ) Its okay to disagree . I suspect that the detractors of those terms are putting their own “ stuff “ into their interpretations. One of the ( many ) evils of the last three years is that many of us have started to question and doubt ourselves ( even shrews ) . We need to be on guard and know that this is part of the overall plan .

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Yes, and really, all these articles are aimed at shrews...and are, again, a bit humorous. As I have said, I don't typically call specific people "sheep."

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I suppose the critics take issue with lessons in Orwell's Animal Farm?

Or cautions about wolves in sheep clothing?

The critics are just as arrogant and condescending as those in power who think everyone else is stupid and needs to be shielded from harm.

Discernment. God gave us all the gift of discernment. Take the word, 'herd.' As in 'herd immunity.' Protection, safety in large numbers from predators. Or 'herd.' As in 'don't follow the herd off a cliff.' Protection, from a herd that's been spooked into harming itself. We get to discern which type of herd will protect us and which will harm us. Or flock.

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I feel that way too...this particular complainer definitely holds himself in high regard, and does not realize at all that he is "arrogant and condescending"...which really does make him the dangerous one...

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