Jun 19, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I now have the book you are referring to and am waiting on the edge of my seat for your review of such...

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I didn't think the book was available yet...do you actually HAVE it?

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, I have only begun to delve into the heart of the book, but Dr. McCullough's praise for it sums up what I have read to this point...

“As I walk through the halls of a major US medical center, I see eyes that divert themselves away from me as I pass. When we engage in our usual discussions on patients, the topic of COVID-19 vaccination brings a halting response: ‘We don’t want to talk about it.’ I see fear, shame, and a never-ending cycle of groupthink that has been more contagious among physicians than aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 in a crowded elevator. Mattias Desmet, like a guided missile, has hit the target. The medical community is in mass formation and this led to a much larger penumbra that has enveloped the general population. In this book, Desmet has constructed an explanatory framework from which the cohesive fabric is suspended that clearly and concisely explains what is happening and what the next steps are that each and every one of us need to take to break the ‘spell’ and restore normalcy. A must read for our time.” —PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH; chief medical advisor, Truth for Health Foundation

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Thank you Deborah...I just saw this this morning, so sorry I have not responded until now.. Thank you for this, it is quite informative. Hope to see more of your comments!

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am so confused about what has been happening these last years. Good friends of mine…whom I have known for years and years are behaving so differently. They were the ones I connected with to discuss current happenings…and it was fun. All of sudden…no discussions, but a wall coming up when a certain subject was mentioned (ie. covid, lockdowns, masks and the vaccines). I do not think it is my business to try and convince anyone of anything…all I want is a friendly DISCUSSION. It feels like something unnatural has happened. It is very alarming. (I must quickly add that not all my friends have reacted this way, but many).

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe it began long before the plandemic/scamdemic ever appeared on the scene. I now know that the indoctrination began decades ago. I first noticed it when my stepson disconnected from us upon DJT's election. it was about then that It dawned on me that his college experience had programmed him to a socialist position. This is truly a sad state of affairs...

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Yes, I have realized the same thing...that all this started decades ago. When you realize that all the dots suddenly become connected. It is VERY sad.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is a non-psychology person comment --

Information is supposed to make us feel empowered. That is how we are conditioned from the day we are sent to school. It later transforms into getting information from media outlets etc. Identity, self=esteem and one's purpose of life flow from and are shaped by a great degree from this absorption of information.

Always, the control of this narrative has been in hands of powerful sponsors such as kings, rulers, or people who wish to shape the lives of others.

This is where our primeval desires, mentioned above, lose track of what is the objective of narrative flow.

The people in control of material world give the narrative an altruistic shade and the majority buys it.

This is the plain and simple modus operandi of the centers of power which results in "cult psychology" that is being examined.

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Excellent insight. What you say here is in fact, in my opinion, the foundation for what we see happening. I am not sure if that power of authority (kings, etc) has always been corrupt. The church, and thus the voices of the church (divinely appointed monarchs) can be corrupt, both consciously and unconsciously, But if a leader or ruler was following the divine authority of God, if he or she themselves were pure of heart, their leadership may also be as pure of heart as a consciously benevolent leader (source of information) could be. As bad a rap as God gets these days, the basic tenets of the Christian god, and other religious gods as well, has been built on love, compassion and empathy.

What I think happened, and what I think you are saying here, is that once the "true God" was removed by a secular culture, it was all left up to "man"...corruption was bred rampantly. I think if a person is very "God/spiritual" they would agree with this concept. If not, I think even an atheist can see that some sort of "higher than thou" moral "rightness" has been removed from our global culture (not entirely of course, but certainly from the most powerful countries). Whether this be God, or personal character, or an innate "knowingness" of what is right...it doesn't really matter. When this happens, information, as you say, becomes skewed with a ulterior purpose that is not in alignment with "the good of all"...then boom...we are in 2022.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, you are so correct. What is happening is people are attempting to undo God's work. I'll give you an example: we just purchased a home and there is a rose bush planted beneath a bedroom window. I noticed that it was only blooming on the very bottom of the plant. It is due to the fact that the prior owner was cutting the bush back each year to prevent it from climbing up to window height. I found this disturbing because God created rosebushes to climb naturally. I chose not to hinder a rose from doing what it does naturally, and put up a trellis for it to climb. Yes, it does block the window some, but I was not going to move and punish the plant. I think that this is an example of how man has gotten to the point that they think it appropriate to implant chips in the human brain to control them at will. If you can control plants and animals to serve mans purpose instead of God's intended purpose, why not God's ultimate creation, us? Do you agree?

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If I get idealistic on you I would have to agree...but that stance in the "transhuman" debate (which I define mostly as deviating from God's plan) would put us into the primal age...cavemen and all that. I am not sure if there is a time in human history where we did not "attempt to undo God's work"...we have been ripping apart God's work since we discovered fire. I would be interested to hear if you can identify a time when you thought human beings were not trimming rose bushes or something similar. Seriously.

To answer your question in one word, I would probably say "yes" I do agree. But I think it is all a bit complicated. Certainly we have been moving further and further away from any sort of balance, morality, and decency...THANK YOU for your contribution! Will look forward to hearing more from you.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Tom, not in my lifetime. The devil has had his hand in the fire (get it) from day one. People have always felt they were superior to God, and attempted to perfect his perfection. It has not been until recently that I felt it was getting to the point that we should become concerned. These 'shots' have shed a new light on what the elites have in store for us.

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I couldn't agree more...it is interesting how all of this that is going on with Covid and the restrictions of our rights plays right in with transhumanism and the arrogance humans have regarding creation.

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