Oct 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This was a very enlightening article, thank you! Never heard of this concept before, but it makes a lot of sense and for me basically explains the core functioning of all religions. I did try to read the book by Mark Stavish, but it is far too much on the non-logical occult side of things for me. Apart from Desmet's theory, is there any other work that tries to explain this concept with logical reasoning or in philosophical / historical terms?

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Since metaphysics operates with such a different set of criteria than materialist science, it is difficult to find literature and research that does not use a lot of metaphor and "non-logical" presentations. It is the nature of metaphysics to be non linear, illogical, and certainly non-materialist.

You might be interested in approaching all of this in a rather broad way from a quantum physics perspective...quantum mechanics seems to be the bridge between the material world and the non material world. Check out Amit Goswami's work, such as "The Self Aware Universe" or Fred Alan Wolf's "The Spiritual Universe" and "Bridging Science and Spirit" also Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe"..Rupert Sheldrake's work on morphic resonance and his book "Science Set Free" has one foot in material science and one in metaphysics...

None of these books will tak directly about egregores!! But they will open the door to a realm of science that would allow for such a phenomenon.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks Todd, will check those out. My days need more hours dedicated to reading it seems ...

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Ha! You and me both!! If I had one personal wish I will wish that I could read ten times faster than I do...or have magical powers where by just picking up a book all of its contents would automatically transfer to my brain...but that would make me a transhuman wouldn't it? Maybe Elon is working on that particular brain chip right now, although I doubt if it would make him much money...nobody cares about reading...

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hmm.....interesting article as I had never heard of the Egregore before. Getting some neurons firing at 6am!!! It's such a struggle to find a belief system that helps to make sense of the current situation. I do believe that the sheep are under a spell of some sort, especially the scientists/doctors who are not seeing what's happening here and continue to lead their patients to the death chambers. These are the critical thinkers who are supposed to live by the philosophy of the science never being settled. What happened to them? So I do believe there is an energy that is influencing the average person into seeing and doing things in ways that are in opposition to their true divine nature. Thanks for the thought provoking article Todd. Always love reading them. Maybe not so early in the morning though!!!

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The concept of the egregore is only one explanation for a truly perplexing situation..."spell" is indeed the right word...

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Much of this is over my head, but I might contribute a few relevant questions:

I've seen the number 666 since opening my mind to such things as "evil" and "luciferian." Jared Kushner's address is 666 Fifth Ave.

Also, wasn't it HR 6666 that authorized the Minister of Health to conduct diagnostic testing for covid?

Wasn't "Lucifer" derived from the goddess of Light (ie Venus, or first bright planet to rise in the morning..." I always wondered if the Statue of Liberty was luciferian and was intentionally replacing the Virgin Mother. It was donated to America when France was in its atheist/ communist phase of the 1800's.

It would make sense that the Illuminati follows this Lucifer ideology as "illumination" or Enlightenment.

Apologies if this is all completely wrong or so basic as to be wasting space on this comment section.

Fascinating stuff, though.

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All very interesting observations. I know there are MANY out there who believe much of what is happening is due to Satanists...the whole Q Anon movement believes all these folks running this show are all pedophiles and worship the devil very actively...even the Pope!! They are always looking for signs, like you have mentioned here, and have very elaborate theories and evidence.

I am not sure where I stand with all that, but I leave everything open for consideration. What we are experiencing now in the world is so bizarre, I will believe anything at this point.

This article was not really intended to be about Luciferians, Satan, or devil worshipping...it is about thought forms created by a like minded group of people...a thought form that can establish its own autonomy, and it typically evil. The difference between this and Satan worshipping, is that the egregore is not consciously made, whereas conjuring the devil is intentionally brought about. The egregore has similarities (I suppose a group of people could intentionally try to form an egregore, that is in fact what Dion Fortune was trying to do to battle Hitler's egregore) but it doesn't need that sort of conscious intention to come about...

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

More thoughts on the current negative egregorian process...

”Nearly all the institutions of modern Western Civilization are holding back humanity from progress, truth, liberty and happiness. Almost without exception, every Western institution -- government, media, entertainment, sports, education, finance, tech, science, medicine and more -- has been overtaken by anti-human, luciferian forces that push policies rooted in pure evil.

The more you understand the level of pure satanic evil that has infested the governments and institutions of Western Civilization, the easier it is to realize that their collapse is a necessary step for humanity to ever be free from their reign of evil.

The coming collapse of Western Europe's demonic governments (and fake fiat currencies) is actually a blessing for the world. That doesn't mean there won't be suffering, because there most certainly will be. But the demise of this luciferian global control cartel is absolutely necessary for the re-founding and rebuilding of human societies rooted in Christian principles, family values and honest money.” ~ Mike Adams

Watch today’s podcast: https://www.brighteon.com/09cc39c7-41d8-4b03-a21c-c49eb1eda357

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Wow!!! Right on!! Says it all…I can only take other’s words on it about the luciferian connection…but certainly “un-human” I buy entirely.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Mike Adams, a scientist among other interests, seemingly has evidence that a chemical used in the VX is a substance called luciferase (sp) and is connected with other “luciferian” references noted by independent (conspiracy theory) journalists who try to expose the satanic, cabalistic, pedophile, etc, activities attributed to the evil globalists, weary of a regular world. I’m not sold on it but there has been interesting reporting by credible sources. Even without buying into any of the truly fringe theories, I can believe the evil lives among us. I also believe our call from divine light is to be the positive egregore and light up the darkness. The truth and the light.

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Right on Cyn...this is all so cognitively dissonant to me, I am one speck away from buying the whole evil Kabal narrative hook line and sinker. I guess I resist believing all that because it is so radical what we are then up against I am afraid I will get swallowed up into all and just disintegrate. So maybe approaching in small increments is the best for me...but I am close...

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The divorce between intent and effect also undermines legal discourse, very apparently in all woke change agendas, by substituting intent for action, as evidenced in the current attempts to codify thought crime, where it is intent that is criminaluzed and punished, not action.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The notion of egregore ought to be combined with the classic notion of projection. When a free mind confronts a sheep mind with the nature and implication of the evil that they are supporting, the sheep mind immediately accuses the free mind of subscribing to conspiracy theory, that THEY are delusional in seeing what is right in front of their eyes. So a classic Pee Wee Herman response that could be enunciated by both parties: "I know you are, but what am I?"

It appears that the projection of the very conspiracy that the sheep mind is supporting onto someone else somehow derives from the sheep's confusion as to the difference between intent and effect. Because the sheep mind cannot bear the thought of doing evil or of evil being deliberate, it separates intent from effect and will only recognize the reality of intent, a "mens rea" orientation. In this way the sheep relies more and more heavily upon a magical thinking approach, wherein what is real is ONLY what is consciously thought, expressed and intended. This has been bolstered by 4 decades of postmodernist thinking wherin text (i.e. what is consciously expressed with intent) constitutes the substrate of reality.

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Hmmm...I think you are smarter with this one than I am. I follow the projection part...the separation of evil within and projecting it onto another party (shrews) to be rid of it...we saw this rather obviously in the projection of "selfishness" onto those who did not get jabbed while the "real" selfishness was in the projector.

The part I lose you on is the intent/effect part...I find it fascinating but I can't quite wrap my head around it. If what is "real" is NOT what is consciously thought, expressed, and intended, then what IS real?

And when you say "text" what do you mean? Literature? This is fascinating and I would like to learn more about what you are saying.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Apologies, but I react as I read...

”but most importantly it can add it’s own independent conclusions, rationale, and formulations. When this really sinks in, and if it is true, it is quite frightening.”

Could this be used to train AI? Now, THAT is truly frightening!!!

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Not sure what you mean by "react as I read."...love your comments!

You know, the idea of AI becoming conscious is a common theme..."West World" is a good example and of course many other books and movies...I have always thought if the machinery were sophisticated enough it could become conscious...and depending on what you believe, everything, even a rock, has a degree of consciousness...pantheism...God is in everything. This idea is what kept me from becoming crazy over the push toward a more and more technologically enhanced human being. Now I am adamantly against trans humanism....as I see it as a destruction of the soul and humanity. Big topic, as there are, as usual, lots of paradoxes in all that...

I do not think it is a stretch though to believe AI will become "autonomous"...but it will (is) an artificial autonomy. Artificial or not, that autonomy will be able to make decisions "on its own"...but, I believe, will not have have a certain nuance to it that humans have...look at the film "I, Robot"...it deals with this concept a bit (a robot making a certain objective decision through data that the Will Smith character should be saved rather than a 14 year old girl). The movie is stupid, and falls short, in my opinion, the robots essentially win in the end..

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And, I do not believe AI could ever develop to the degree, as you speculate, to make accurately guided, soul-driven decisions when it comes to the serious stuff (though “human” decisions aren’t always soul-driven either, except given the egregore’s soul, perhaps they are!) but the terrifying thought is that given the authority awarded Big Tech by the ruling elite, how we will ever know when they completely remove the “humanness” from some of the critical decisions? Think about the past two years; if AI were substituted, without our knowledge or consent, for actual humans putting out information on pandemics. Would the “sheep egregore” blindly accept and follow, completely unaware of what is truly generating the information? Is this perhaps already happening and other unknowing egregores are simply talking heads?

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Yes, I would say what you describe is already happening in some strange way...that the sheep are blindly accepting and following, completely unaware of information that may be generated from a non human source...that non human force may be embodied by living flesh and blood, but the source is not human...now, we can say that humans possess the shadow, and this is coming from wholesale shadow...this is a huge topic of discussion, which has been going about for quite some time.

I believe Carl Jung was one of the first prominent thinkers to suggest that access to evil, or Satan, we access through the shadow within all of us, therefore is completely human. I am not so sure of that these days, although you COULD very intelligently explain what is happening from that perspective...Desmet does in his book...and someone here on this substack has been commenting on this idea of "intent and expression" which sounds very interesting.

The evil that we see being manifest in the world today I believe needs a deeper explanation than just power and money as an incentive...it is darker than that in my opinion...regardless of where it is coming from, it needs to be fought with every speck of strength we can muster

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In answer to the question about my impulsive reactions, I tend to follow the current thought and respond or follow the provided link, etc. This results in my having 20 or so new tabs open as I wind through the web of interesting topics! Sometimes I completely lose myself in the exploration and find it challenging to pick my way back to where I started! So, in short, I had to respond to my referenced comment before I finished the entire article, which is amazing!

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Excellent article, as usual, Todd. As you mention in the article, we are more concerned about malevolent egregores. Also as you suggest, we could explain the same phenomenon in more scientific, less "occult" manners, like Desmet's theory. When I think about the current malevolent egregore that is kept alive by sheep, it is my hope that a critical mass of shrews could create a "benevolent egregore" (we may call it thoughtform) - a la Dion Fortune - that could contribute to dissipate the evil. Thank you so much for mentioning me. I feel privileged.

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Thank you my friend...and thank you for the inspiration and for your excellent information on the topic...also for your excellent proofreading!

The "objective" analysis (as per Desmet) does work to a point...but falls short on some essential details. Unfortunately if we continue to only look at all this objectively and "scientifically" it could quite literally eat us alive...

Yes, I am all for the "shrew egregore" which I actually do believe is forming...the reason I don't focus on that benevolent "thought form" is because I believe that to be God in general, or less "religiously" to be described as love. Love is omnipresent, and I don't believe requires a formative "energy" to exist...it is already there, and the only negative possibility is for it to be covered up with fear or unawareness. The egregore, as evil, must be created...just as the biblical devil is a cast out angel...

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