So why isn’t anything that is going on in the world having any impact on the masses? Why are all the reports of excess deaths not affecting anyone one iota except for the families experiencing the mysterious losses, and even they, for the most part, do not get it? It is all ?\”business as usual” in the neighbourhood. No one seems to have a clue that the world is quickly melting down . . . Or is it? Are we all crazy?
Let’s hear some commentary about this idea. Is it all really as bad as we all know it is? Or does it take millions dropping dead left and right to wake everyone up to the very real problem we are facing? Or is the number of vaccine deaths easily, at this rate, absorbable? It is all just what is to be expected to save the rest of the world from the killer virus?
The answer might be in the human nature itself... All I know is that human beings have been brainwashed, conditioned, manipulated for centuries. It got worse after WWII and it goes on nowadays. So, people unconsciously believe what they have been told all their lives. Parents passed it to their children for generations. What we have now is a huge mass of people who gave up thinking by their own. People who took for granted everything they were told and assumed that was all there is to know about life.
Very few people are born with that curiosity factor that stimulates the thirst for knowledge. Very few have a true desire of answers and explanations. The fundamental questions – Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? – are no longer attractive. Passivity and obedience to the rules are the way of life almost everybody choses. And, obviously, where there is no curiosity, no desire for knowledge, no interest about what life really is, there is no critical thinking, there are no doubts, there is no spur for knowledge and life is merely a “do what others do”, a blind “obedience”. We cannot expect people like this to act differently regarding deaths caused by deadly “vaccines, can we? Did they complain, or even pondered, about the killings in, for example, Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria wars? No, they didn’t. For them, brainwashed as they are, killings in wars are as natural as killings due to a disease, it’s a matter of accepting fate…
In short, two motives for this zombified behavior: human nature (lack of natural inquisitiveness) and continuous manipulation.
P.S. – Dr. Hayen, I love your writings!
I apologize for possible grammar and orthographic mistakes (I’m Portuguese).
There are stories about towners dancing nonstop for days , somewhere in Europe in the middle ages. I don't know whether the stories are true or not. However it feels like the mad dancers are here but they are not dancers anymore but people with amnesia.
There is a scene at the end of Donny Darko where all the characters wake up in the middle of the night and the viewer can see the confusion on their faces, they can't understand whether they dreamed or it was a reality.
The same with the majority of people at the moment. They look like the people who don't know whether they are dreaming or it's real. The only escape they have is ignorance but that ignorance is keeping them awake at night.
We live in the beginning of digital totalitarianism that affects the minds of the jabbed.
Perhaps it sound out there but I have no other explanation to the phenomena of hell on earth.
There system (whatever it is) is designed to make people stop believing in anything, even themselves.
Only one voice must be believed in, the official voice of talking heads on the screens of official media.
I live in South Africa with an 8 to 13% vaccination rate, depending on who one believes. In my quite small circle of friends I have one almost definite (to be vax related) death, two most likely deaths and a couple of severe injuries. Only one of those injured suspects the vaccination. In my experience the most likely to believe in Covid and the vax were those who had doctors or veterinarians in the family, were themselves qualified in some form of medicine, or had high IQs and a good deal of education. My gardener, who has a Grade 9, understands that it's all BS and refused to take the shot, even though he had to give up playing rugby for his club. I sincerely hope it's not as bad as it looks, because some of my family have taken the shot, but my opinion is that this attrition will continue. Here there is no longer any demand for the vaccine - we're sitting with 30 million doses steadily going out of date. And, just as an aside, apparently the 7 million Pfizer shots which expired in March have been granted a three-month extension by the corrupt Pfizerians. Huh? Maybe there'll be another three month reprieve ...
I have some chicken in the fridge due to expire tomorrow, but my wife always gives such things an extension. I'm not dead yet. The only reason there is an expiry date on drugs is (for most drugs) so you buy them again. That might not be true, but ya gotta wonder.
I agree with the wisdom of the grade niner. People of the earth, who work with their hands, and deal with "the man" day in and day out develop a well worn patina of scepticism. They can tell who to trust by a handshake and whether his shirts are made of pure cotton or not. Most people have lost this sixth sense. A shame.
I hate to say it... but I’ve come to the conclusion that after decades of childhood vaccinations, fluoride & chemicals in our water, fake food, pharmaceutical assaults.. people have become fucking stupid. Some of us, somehow, escaped the contagion.
Yeah, it makes you wonder why. I have taken in all that crap myself, and are one of those that seemed to escape. I guess there are always outliers, for mysterious reasons.
People disappear under dictatorial regimes all the time. Unless it was a neighbor or someone shares the disappearance (death) with you, it goes largely unnoticed. Some people of course are keenly aware, the ones aggragating the data for example... Unfortunately m, for the average Joe, unless they start having to step over bodies, it's all rainbows and unicorns....
Yep...this is usually the reason I contemplate when wondering why these deaths are not mainstream news. Think of the holodomor which allegedly killed millions in Ukraine...yet the world knew nothing of it. I wrote about this in my article "A Closed System."
John Michael Greer wrote an essay about how societies collapse. Society will break down a bit, then stabilize at a lower level of complexity for a while, until the next breakdown. The theory is called Catabolic Collapse
Well Todd, I was hoping you were going to have the answer to this question which I was going to send to a family member who believes it’s the “opioid crisis”.. such lots of interesting responses from your readers though!
So why isn’t anything that is going on in the world having any impact on the masses? Why are all the reports of excess deaths not affecting anyone one iota except for the families experiencing the mysterious losses, and even they, for the most part, do not get it?
Ah, yes, that was the question I asked, so I wasn't able to answer, and you were hoping someone in the comments would answer it...well, I think there have been some ideas here...but most are things most of us have already thought of (with all due respect to the commenters.) I like hearing again things I have already thought of because it adds veracity to the theory. There have been some things here that I have not really thought of as well. Of course nothing sheep would twitch a nose to...
No one I know is making the correlation that the jab has destroyed their immune system even when they keep getting covid over and over again. When gently suggesting it could be the shot(s) they are immediately triggered. They refuse to believe the government could be so evil. And how do you then take it to the next step and introduce the Cabal. The One World Order. The depopulation agenda. Turbo cancer. Died suddenly. I always thought the jabs would be the thing that would wake up the sheep. Or the pedophilia and child sex trafficking.
As my high IQ nephew said recently... “if it doesn’t affect me, I just don’t care”.
So it will probably be the collapse of the financial system which will effect everyone.
Ha...yes...!! I get that "I just don't care" attitude as well from a lot of people. I think I wrote an article about that, or it is in the works...
I am not seeing a lot of evidence of immune systems being shot...all the jabbed people I know are pretty healthy, and if the immune system was really shot they would be perpetually sick...of SOMETHING...I'm not seeing that.
I don't see the deaths either, although I don't doubt that is happening. I am curious to know how and when the general immune breakdown will be, ala AIDS, it doesn't seem to be imminent.
It is all very confusing. Of course I don't want everyone I love to die!! Or even to get sick! But I too thought this would be the final blow...when lots were getting sick. As I said in another comment...I think this is slow poison, and slow enough that by the time it actually starts to make a difference it will be impossible for people to connect the dots.
Sadly, I am definitely starting to see the effects. In my (rather diminished) inner circle there have been three deaths in the past month have occurred. All unexplained and sudden. One was a beautiful 28 year old healthy and vibrant woman. I see covid infections reoccurring every few months in some. Those with preexisting autoimmune disorders are declining. My 40 year old nephew and 42 year old stepson both have heart issues now.
I do believe as you do that this is a slow acting poison as to not wake up the masses. And it’s clear, at least to me, some batches were more “effective “ than others. Many who were jabbed 4-5-6 times seem to be far worse than those who stopped at 1.
I turn 67 this year and when I think back to what people were like when I was a kid, they didn't seem as stupid and fragile and indifferent as they do today. I find it difficult to find people who are sane and kind except on these forums. that insane society we DO appear insane, but how do we look to ourselves, or each other?? One of my favorite George Orwell quotes is: "Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, does not make you mad. There is truth, and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth even against the whole world, you are not mad."
The world I am experiencing is largely peopled with infants -- adult humans who are emotionally and intellectually retarded vastly below their chronological age. They have no scope of perception beyond the moment, and no capacity to understand more than their own immediate needs. It grieves me. Is it Their fault? I don't believe so. Almost everybody in my realm of acquaintance (from PhDs to laborers) has had their retardation handed to them and force-fed and otherwise required. Perhaps I simply swallowed a "Black Pill"? I actually DO find joy and bliss in my life. But so far I have not experienced anything that would lead me to believe that even humans (and other beings) dying -- right, left, and center -- would grow the infants up. At one point I was very hopeful of the reverse.
If we are crazy …. I think many lost their mind from fear which was spread from the day of announcement of this “bat virus from china market” through days and weeks of panic when there was no medication than some old people died, than places of work and entertainment got locked, weird vaccination offers and must vaccination mandates; deaths after etc etc plus lack of toilet paper( sorry to mix this in tragic facts )…. Current Society cannot take the stress from small children to adults …. As long as we have roof above our heads and food and no one will see dead bodies on a sidewalk in time of such sickness …. Life must go on …. “Three “wise” monkeys: see no evil hear no evil speak no evil” in such matters ….. and crazy person never admits its sickness …. so looks like stupidity is unshakable
Interesting.... in the 2010s people were already afraid of financial woes, loss of status and control. Perhaps Covid was the way we sold ourselves the partial collapse of Western society.
There are much more people out there driven by intense fear than I realize. I do not mingle with many people, even clients, who are overwhelmed with FEAR...they are the other type of sheep...the ones that will not go against authority, or will not listen to anything but MSM...etc.
The really FEARFUL ones are the ones continually wearing masks, and at the risk of sounding like a bigot, many of these people are the elderly, the poor, the destitute, or belong to some cultural group that seem to be much more likely to be afraid of their own shadow. There ARE a lot of people that are devastated with fear.
I think it is a confluence of several issues. 1) There are so many highly vaccinated people that don’t want to hear the truth. 2) The media most people get information from does not report the excess death occurrences. And 3, The medical community has been compromised by money and threat is license removal if they speak up .
The evil forces in our world have been intentionally dumbing down the masses for many generations. Fluoride in the water causes massive lowering of IQ. There are all kinds of toxic chemicals in food and other products. The education system from kindergarten through university is purposefully designed to make people blindly obey authority instead of thinking for themselves. The entertainment industry also has a big part in brainwashing people to think and behave in certain ways. Unfortunately, the cabal has been disturbingly successful in their goal to create a race of mindless, self absorbed zombies. But why are some of us resistant or "immune" to the brainwashing and poisoning? That's my question.
I asked myself a version of the same question while writing my PhD thesis. I wanted to uncover why some professionals blew the whistle, and some seem to refuse to even recognize there was a need to do so. After much delving into people's tales around this, primarily within the field of pharmaceutical research and practice, the only explanation I could arrive at was that the instinct to blow the whistle appeared to be transpersonal, that is, the individual and their attributes didn't seem to make any difference at all. Instead, if we posit a global intelligence, a Gaia mind so to speak, then what appeared to be operating and seems to be doing so more and more now, is a global tendency to counter the materialist, destructive aspects of the enlightenment narrative. It seems to simply erupt in people, whether they want it to or not. The only common denominator amongst all the whistleblowers was this feeling that they had to act, they had no choice but to speak out, and this imperative, regardless of the situation or their position in it, overrode all concern for their own well-being, or even that of their families, in favor of a wider concern for the well-being of people in general.
If history is a guide, most will deny, deny, deny, deny. Right up until they are forced to get their hands dirty burying the bodies. And even then, many will deny it until their last breath, decades later, preferring to blame "others" for framing them with responsibility for the deaths.
The human mind can't fathom that it is responsible for turning a blind eye to horrors happening all around them. The glimpse of self into the mirror after such a realization becomes unfathomable.
I frequently said in 2020 that it would take a "bury the bodies" moment to shake most people out of the hypnosis. Nothing has happened since to change my mind.
Clearly people are in denial, and what WILL it take to shake them out of it?
I did believe at one time a year or so ago, fairly strongly, that we could lose millions in a very short time. Now I am not so sure. Although the sudden strange deaths are frequent enough for all of US to know what has happened, it is obvious that the sheep are not in the least stunned by it, and CERTAINLY do not correlate it with the vaccine...even if it is in the mainstream news. My wife, who is a super sheep, dismisses all of these deaths as "shrew propaganda" and literally believes in none of it. And she has a very high IQ!! 😃
I am not so certain now that the lethal effects of the vaccine will be as quick as originally thought. We MAY have a reduction of population that is formidable in the next 20 years or so, and of course if that happens no one will probably be concerned blaming it on natural evolution due to climate change, toxins in general, and long covid (and whatever else "infectious disease" they will throw at us, and there will be plenty.)
We just had a 10k Marathon here in Toronto...I believe about 16,000 people participated...most probably under 50 years old. Alt news says death rate of under 50 year olds has increased by 27%...yet no one that I know of succumbed during this run. I do find that surprising. And maybe the media can block that information. No idea.
I know a woman who lost 2 brothers in 2020 because there was “no approved treatment”, after shots her son developed a “rare and aggressive” cancer and died quickly in 2021, and after shots her mother sank into dementia and died in 2022. She and her husband had the shots and are fine. As far as they know the brothers died from the deadly pandemic disease, the son had bad luck, and her mother was old. No clue. Why would they have? The people in charge say it’s just life
Again, it is astonishing how easy it is to hoodwink people. It is a trust factor, which I think has never been as intense as it is today. People trust anything at all that they hear from people who they have given that trust to (for no real solid reason). No one scratches their head and says "hmmmm" anymore. If these people told these sheep to jump off a bridge, there would be a line to the bridge.
And I know you said you had no experience in your circle of sudden deaths, but I do. If I let myself count them, there would probably be a dozen or more
It helps me to hear that. I trust you of course, therefore I believe without question that what you say is true. I have a few colleagues who tell me the same thing about many clients dying or family members of clients dying. My sister has experienced similar things in her friend group. Maybe I am just lucky. Although I do have a few shrew friends who have not experienced such things.
Not having this direct experience does not waver my belief it is happening, nor does it waver the belief as to WHY it is happening, but I feel if I have no direct experience, many sheep will not either, and I think it will take that direct experience, and in odd ways (dying of a stroke at 80, or cancer at 70, probably won't provoke any chin scratching) before some light bulbs will light up.
Yes. And I think that lot distribution might be the determining factor. I read that there was no logistical way to fulfill the number of doses required by the contracts, so some lots were filled with saline and shipped. Which would explain why some people had no discernible response to the shot. And the quality control is so bad that the dose varies from lot to lot. Russian roulette by injection
Life is always crazy. A bolting horse with a rider hanging on for dear life. People limit there focus to maintaining an equilibrium. If it works out in your favour you continue if it doesn't you don't.
Thanks Todd. I think your question as i understand it is of the utmost importance. We asked why people followed national socialism. And now are asking this again of our own time with everything that's going on. I think the answer is elusive and multifaceted. Many don't see opposing power as a viable option. The importance of people in shaping the trajectory of the world escapes them. Those who do are enlightened but carry with them a burden of consciousness. That is tempered or relieved through actions of liberation.
There are days that I feel like we must be the crazy ones but I do actually believe it is as bad as we know it is. I don't think that "they" will wake up as they seem to see life as "back to normal". In my circle, despite the deaths or health issues, there is never any reason to suspect the shots -- everything is now due to effects of having had covid, getting up in age, recurring cancers., etc. (Ya, ok.) I always find myself wondering if they would still be alive or not dealing with their health issues if they hadn't had the shots and, of course, I still worry about my son and daughter in law.
Yes, it is difficult to tell what is what. Anytime ANYONE gets sick with ANYTHING I suspect the vaccine. And if I discover they had any shots, I definitely blame the jab. BUT, I have been surprised by a few cases of unvaxxed folks falling ill to some odd ailment, and it is puzzling. Of course with all of the other ways mRNA is getting into our bloodstreams, shedding, EMF, and chemtrails, on and on, I don't necessarily think us shrews are going to get out of this alive ourselves.
I personally have not had any tragedies in my immediate family and friend circle. I keep my fingers crossed, but also am perplexed as to why there isn't anything going on with them health wise. I hope there never is, but if this IS as "bad as we know it is" I am not sure if any of us will be spared tragedy.
"Are we all crazy ?" — Yes, i think that is a good explanation. The people who have done it and their supporters are crazy, the people who blindly follow them are crazy, and we end up crazy too if we think to much about it, its just amatter of time, and a matter of the type of craziness.
As many of us have realized we are unable to wake up the sheep with statistics or other arguments, maybe only highly emotional news can get them to think, like military trucks in Bergamo carrying away the dead. But i have my doubt, its the same problem with war. Every "normal" human being should be against war, no matter who starts it, no matter who is running it. And that diplomacy is the only way to solve those problems. But in the reality a lot of sheeps support a war, they just need a dumb and simple storyline to accept the war.
On the other hand i believe that people doing the right thing can slowly wake others up, not by convincing them direct, but by showing them that there is another way to talk and to live, a more friendly way.
What you say about war I have thought about often. I am an archetypal psychologist, and attribute the largely unconscious state of archetypes in our culture for these sort of "persuasions"...i.e., the persuasion to accept war. Of course the war mongers do a good job of brainwashing all of us to think war is necessary and even a noble thing.
Yes, good will prevail, in my humble opinion. We must all stay diligent in our effort to make this world the world it was intended to be. We may not see much change for the better in our lifetime, but eventually it will come to be.
MSM influences what people believe and what they think. Until the truth is reported via MSM then I don’t think the vast majority will pay any attention .
When I visited Eastern Europe before Communism fell, the newspapers were full of lies, but nobody believed them. So it's at least possible that the MSM will keep lying but the majority of people will become aware of it. In fact, polls in the USA indicate this has already happened.
My thought is that most people live day to day and don't have a philosophical bone in their bodies to wonder about the meaning of things, origins, intentions, consequences.
Oooo...this is a good one..."not a philosophical bone in their body"...I think you nailed it. I have called this "curiosity"...and to be philosophical you have to be curious. This answers the question as to why really intelligent people fall for this crap...because they do not "wonder about the meaning of things, origins, intentions, consequences"...very well put, and in my opinion, right on.
As flippant as it is to say, I think most people are just so caught up in living the surface life all they have time for is figuring out how the new cell phone works...and if that is too much of a hassle, they don't bother with that either.
When one's vision is confined to a small black rectangle and one's quality of life is determined by the "likes" one gets on social media, the mind becomes so narrowly focused and unable to expand that the questions discussed in this thread are most unlikely to ever arise in that hypnotized and lobotomized person's mind... If, God forbid, one happened to float to the surface, there is always the ready answer of the brain-dead, shot from the hip: "conspiracy theory!".
50% of US population has a double digit IQ, and therefore, not capable of figuring it out. Most everyone follows the crowd, so never gonna be retribution for the Covid crimes committed against humanity.
I agree that lower IQ, at a certain level, could be responsible for dependence on authority and MSM. But I also agree that high IQ folks seem to be just as stupid as the low IQ folks...
I can discuss the actual state of the world with my taxi driver, and even learn something in the process! But try as I may, I am unable to penetrate the glaze of indifference and the wall of indoctrination of my supposedly high IQ clients and (mostly former) friends. Not to mention family member. All I get to hear is the parroting of the MSM talking points of the day. It's infuriating and discouraging. But I have reached the point where I prefer the company of so-called lower IQ folks. At least not all of them have lost their common sense and their connection to some sort of reality that is rooted in actuality. Give me the salt of the earth types rather than those with Trump and Putin-derangement syndrome. Who also happen to be the quadruple-jabbed.
Actually, it's the high IQ person who is most likely to believe the most absurd lies. As long as they come from another credentialed source a lie will have more credibility than common sense. You'll find those with the highest IQ's to be the biggest zealots, advocates of The Lie and the strictest enforcers of The Lie.
The lower IQ people are more likely to just go along with the herd, finding safety in it. Not confident enough in their own common sense understanding of The Lie to stand up and declare "it's a lie." But not convinced believers of it, like the high IQ people are. A much larger percentage of the low IQ people have figured it out and their common sense is finding a way to navigate around The Lie without becoming a target of it by standing against it. Those of us with high IQ's who've figured it out, but lack the common sense to not become a target of it are driven to a greater purpose beyond ourselves.
How do we convince enough of the lower IQ people who have figured it out that taking on the risk that comes with being driven to a greater purpose beyond themselves is our challenge. There aren't enough high IQ people remaining open to figuring it out and convince-able to take on the risk to make a difference. Our freedom and restoration of our humanity will come with lower IQ people at our sides. It's best not to look down our noses at them and dismiss how important their high Common Sense Quotient is to the optimal human condition.
This comment: "The lower IQ people are more likely to just go along with the herd, finding safety in it. Not confident enough in their own common sense understanding of The Lie to stand up and declare "it's a lie." But not convinced believers of it, like the high IQ people are." I believe is right on.
Also, a lot of "high IQ" people are the perpetrators! They chose which team they wanted to be associated with...for fun and profit!!
Or they choose which team to be associated with along the lines of what CS Lewis described in his famous "tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims" quote. To "cure" others against their will.
And/or the arrogance of many "high IQ" people who declare that "you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs" as Walter Duranty wrote of Stalin's farm collectivization Holodomor that murdered millions.
And the "high IQ" minders of the Pulitzer board to this day state that Duranty's prize-winning reports weren't deceptive, and never revoked the awards upon discovery they were Big Lies. Remaining that convinced the lies were well-intentioned. The type of intellectual gymnastics only high IQ people are capable of. Lacking any common sense found in lower IQ people.
Most definitely we are under the tyranny of tyrants who believe they are doing what is best for us...although I am not convinced that they are consciously doing any rate we do fall into being "classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."
The technocrats can probably convince themselves that they want the best for us. Of course they would have to define "us".
A nice chunk of the tyrants are good old sadists, no better than SS officers, who enjoy seeing "us" scared, squirming and suffering, whether it be from being locked up in our homes for months or losing our jobs because of non-compliance with illegal and unlawful "mandates". I am pretty sure a whole bunch of them also enjoyed killing the elderly and those who tested "positive" in their hospitals... Perhaps also selling some organs on the side and generally making a nice chunk in the process. (As you can guess, I have lost faith in humanity. Hanging out with our dogs is a lot more uplifting. And I am a coach and therapist of people, not dogs...)
If you have the time and the stomach for it, here's 225-pages of insight into the minds of these arrogant, self-righteous, self-proclaimed "good stewards" of humanity. They follow a set of ethics to assuage their own consciences. Ethics that have proven to be VERY negotiable.
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is funded jointly by the Medical Research Council, the Nuffield Foundation and the Wellcome Trust [Glaxo-Wellcome, Big Pharma]
It goes into how they decide what is ethical government policy. Areas mentioned are Infectious Disease, Obesity, Alcohol and Tobacco, Fluoridation of Water. They claim to balance the competing interests of individual free choices and collective public health. Pronouncing their King Solomon-like wisdom as "good stewardship." Never mind that they give short shrift to individual free choices and worship collective public health policies. Never mind that they dispose of the same ethical considerations they determine are necessary as the policies they describe are applied. It's a mental masturbatory exercise in "see how wonderful and benevolent we are" with grand pronouncements they routinely ignore in the same document.
This is precisely how these people think. This is a source document for many public policy analysts and decision makers in the UK, US and western liberal democracies. Cited and referred to in open and closed-door hearings and roundtables. Convincing themselves they are protecting freedom by applying collectivist authoritarianism. Or rather, rationalizing and justifying authoritarianism to help make that bitter pill go down the throats of free people a little easier. Imagining themselves our more sophisticated betters, themselves as the adults, us as infants, imbeciles and domestic animals. Good stewards of, and all their self-congratulations.
Christine Grady is Anthony Fauci's wife. Director of the National Institutes of Health Bioethics Department. And a co-author of this and many other bioethical pronouncements like the Nuffield Council proclaims:
The ethics of encouraging employees to get the COVID‑19 vaccination
Sadly, I know many who have high IQ levels but fell for the narrative. -- people I thought would have seen right through it all and who would have spoken out against the vaccines.. But nope :(
13.2 “The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is”
(This book is a blueprint to transforming a nation of free, democratic people into a totalitarian collectivist globalist community, using fear of an infectious disease. Even the Communists in China knew how easy it is to fool the high IQ and highly educated people who've been separated from their common sense. And we're just in the opening chapters of the blueprint. Find more at:
Why we don't "follow the experts" or "follow the science" that 'experts' direct us to. They're intelligent idiots. Who learn more and more about less and less. Until they know nothing outside of tiny areas of study. Literally nothing else. Myopic. Useful, intelligent idiots for totalitarians to rule over all others. 2020-2023 a preview of coming attractions?
I know, it seems like educated people fell for it and then double down because they don’t want to think that a tin-foil hatter could ever have been smarter than them. My whole entire (Democrat) family think I’m the paranoid nut case for not taking the jab.
I think most people will never make the connection as more time passes - unless people died within hours or days of the shot, most people won't attribute the deaths to the shot. They don't understand about long term effects. If it isn't instantaneous, it isn't connected. The government, media and pharma have done a tremendous job at that messaging.
They don't seem to even be able to correlate a death to the shot if it happens within minutes...they ignore that too for the most part. But you are right, as time goes by nothing will correlate...and will be blamed on long Covid or some other stupid thing.
I am wondering what will happen when the birth rate plummets...assuming it does...maybe it won't.
There’s a huge signal in childhood shots with SIDS. Majority of deaths are within the first couple of days. People don’t see it because they’ve been told there’s nothing to see.
But you’re right about the time interval disconnect when it comes to long-term effects.
There are an awful lot of people living in denial. The frog in the pot is real. I don’t understand why so few people are concerned about the massive changes taking place. None of it makes sense
Yes, none of it makes sense...that is for sure. And has been said here several times, no one will listen to anything (especially their own common sense) until they hear it in MSM...or government authority. The big question: why is the media, journalists, etc so much in the pocket of this horrible agenda to destroy humanity??
For one, we have project Mockingbird that never ended.
But I also wonder if the talking heads really belong to human beings... I have a sense many of them are remote-controlled/possessed, or already transhuman, or cloned. Same with politicians. For the life of me I can't detect any soul or spirit in them.
They've called it television programming for a reason: they're telling us what they're doing. It's a perverse sort of ethics they follow. All's fair as long as they disclose it. We choose to ignore the disclosures at our peril.
It’s a very deep pocket, constructed decades ago. I think it’s just their business model now, to support the new thing. I can’t imagine any thought goes into it. You go to work and say or do whatever your assignment is today. I don’t think they’re being forced. I think they continually gather those of each generation who will follow orders without thinking about it
I heard about you on Jerm Warfare. I look forward to reading your past posts.
I’m amazed at how well numbers can be manipulated. Very small numbers of “Covid” deaths caused hysteria. Massive numbers of vaccine deaths haven’t had hardly any effect...
So far the numbers are easily absorbable. By the time they no longer are I think there will be another explanation/distraction.
On a side note, the number of deaths each year due to doctor error is enormous. It’s hard to get accurate numbers but it seems that iatrogenic deaths per year are higher than the total C-19 vaccine deaths. But we never hear about it those deaths get absorbed as bad luck.
Well, I am relatively new to being woke...I have always been curious, and went through the cancer gauntlet with my ill wife 20 years ago, so THAT woke me up quite a bit to the whole cancer fiasco. But now I know there is nothing that isn't screwed up. Especially with medicine, doctor care, pharm, and hospitals. It's not just cancer care.
Of course people's attention is totally dependent on mainstream media and political/government authorities. If either says yay or nay that is what goes, no matter what the empirical evidence says. And if the experience is too overwhelming, such as half of your neighbourhood dropping dead, everyone will turn to media and government for answers, and undoubtedly all they will get are lies.
Welcome!!! So glad you are here!! Hope you enjoy the articles as well as the commentary!!
My husband ended up in a CICU overseen by a bad hospitalist. They’re dead before you hear about the doctor’s reputation. I don’t consider it bad luck. It’s criminal negligence by the hospital admin
The hospital system has always been even more so. People frequent hospitals like they brush their teeth. Such a common phrase these days, "I had to go to the ER yesterday"...panic attack, stomach problem, dizzy, high blood pressure, whatever.
People are just stupid. (It's a relief to have somwhere I can say that!) Intelligence IS the ability to adjust sanely, effectively to a changing environment So if you can't see it/change your behaviour accordingly, by definition you are stupid.
I've noticed a lot of masks around as well...and in particularly stupid places like single people in cars, on bicycles, walking in the woods. Even though all of this crap is supposed to be officially over I still see on buses "masks recommended"...and of course in doctor's offices and hospitals people are still wearing them en masse.
The lack of oxygen is bound to kill off the few remaining brain cells. While the excess CO2 poisons the rest of the system as well. Not to mention the bacteria that were meant to be exhaled, not cultivated on the face nappy and then be inhaled en masse...
The answer might be in the human nature itself... All I know is that human beings have been brainwashed, conditioned, manipulated for centuries. It got worse after WWII and it goes on nowadays. So, people unconsciously believe what they have been told all their lives. Parents passed it to their children for generations. What we have now is a huge mass of people who gave up thinking by their own. People who took for granted everything they were told and assumed that was all there is to know about life.
Very few people are born with that curiosity factor that stimulates the thirst for knowledge. Very few have a true desire of answers and explanations. The fundamental questions – Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? – are no longer attractive. Passivity and obedience to the rules are the way of life almost everybody choses. And, obviously, where there is no curiosity, no desire for knowledge, no interest about what life really is, there is no critical thinking, there are no doubts, there is no spur for knowledge and life is merely a “do what others do”, a blind “obedience”. We cannot expect people like this to act differently regarding deaths caused by deadly “vaccines, can we? Did they complain, or even pondered, about the killings in, for example, Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria wars? No, they didn’t. For them, brainwashed as they are, killings in wars are as natural as killings due to a disease, it’s a matter of accepting fate…
In short, two motives for this zombified behavior: human nature (lack of natural inquisitiveness) and continuous manipulation.
P.S. – Dr. Hayen, I love your writings!
I apologize for possible grammar and orthographic mistakes (I’m Portuguese).
There are stories about towners dancing nonstop for days , somewhere in Europe in the middle ages. I don't know whether the stories are true or not. However it feels like the mad dancers are here but they are not dancers anymore but people with amnesia.
There is a scene at the end of Donny Darko where all the characters wake up in the middle of the night and the viewer can see the confusion on their faces, they can't understand whether they dreamed or it was a reality.
The same with the majority of people at the moment. They look like the people who don't know whether they are dreaming or it's real. The only escape they have is ignorance but that ignorance is keeping them awake at night.
We live in the beginning of digital totalitarianism that affects the minds of the jabbed.
Perhaps it sound out there but I have no other explanation to the phenomena of hell on earth.
There system (whatever it is) is designed to make people stop believing in anything, even themselves.
Only one voice must be believed in, the official voice of talking heads on the screens of official media.
I live in South Africa with an 8 to 13% vaccination rate, depending on who one believes. In my quite small circle of friends I have one almost definite (to be vax related) death, two most likely deaths and a couple of severe injuries. Only one of those injured suspects the vaccination. In my experience the most likely to believe in Covid and the vax were those who had doctors or veterinarians in the family, were themselves qualified in some form of medicine, or had high IQs and a good deal of education. My gardener, who has a Grade 9, understands that it's all BS and refused to take the shot, even though he had to give up playing rugby for his club. I sincerely hope it's not as bad as it looks, because some of my family have taken the shot, but my opinion is that this attrition will continue. Here there is no longer any demand for the vaccine - we're sitting with 30 million doses steadily going out of date. And, just as an aside, apparently the 7 million Pfizer shots which expired in March have been granted a three-month extension by the corrupt Pfizerians. Huh? Maybe there'll be another three month reprieve ...
I have some chicken in the fridge due to expire tomorrow, but my wife always gives such things an extension. I'm not dead yet. The only reason there is an expiry date on drugs is (for most drugs) so you buy them again. That might not be true, but ya gotta wonder.
I agree with the wisdom of the grade niner. People of the earth, who work with their hands, and deal with "the man" day in and day out develop a well worn patina of scepticism. They can tell who to trust by a handshake and whether his shirts are made of pure cotton or not. Most people have lost this sixth sense. A shame.
I hate to say it... but I’ve come to the conclusion that after decades of childhood vaccinations, fluoride & chemicals in our water, fake food, pharmaceutical assaults.. people have become fucking stupid. Some of us, somehow, escaped the contagion.
Yeah, it makes you wonder why. I have taken in all that crap myself, and are one of those that seemed to escape. I guess there are always outliers, for mysterious reasons.
People disappear under dictatorial regimes all the time. Unless it was a neighbor or someone shares the disappearance (death) with you, it goes largely unnoticed. Some people of course are keenly aware, the ones aggragating the data for example... Unfortunately m, for the average Joe, unless they start having to step over bodies, it's all rainbows and unicorns....
Yep...this is usually the reason I contemplate when wondering why these deaths are not mainstream news. Think of the holodomor which allegedly killed millions in Ukraine...yet the world knew nothing of it. I wrote about this in my article "A Closed System."
John Michael Greer wrote an essay about how societies collapse. Society will break down a bit, then stabilize at a lower level of complexity for a while, until the next breakdown. The theory is called Catabolic Collapse
This is good, thanks for the link, I will definitely read it...sounds exactly like what is happening.
The litmus test is love of truth, not IQ. Love of truth requires acceptance of suffering. It’s spiritual IQ, if you like, that makes the difference.
Yes...most of the sheep I know roll their eyes when anything about "truth" is "who cares"...
Well Todd, I was hoping you were going to have the answer to this question which I was going to send to a family member who believes it’s the “opioid crisis”.. such lots of interesting responses from your readers though!
Which question? There are lots of them!
Your family member believes people are suddenly dying because of the opioid crises?
So why isn’t anything that is going on in the world having any impact on the masses? Why are all the reports of excess deaths not affecting anyone one iota except for the families experiencing the mysterious losses, and even they, for the most part, do not get it?
Ah, yes, that was the question I asked, so I wasn't able to answer, and you were hoping someone in the comments would answer it...well, I think there have been some ideas here...but most are things most of us have already thought of (with all due respect to the commenters.) I like hearing again things I have already thought of because it adds veracity to the theory. There have been some things here that I have not really thought of as well. Of course nothing sheep would twitch a nose to...
No one I know is making the correlation that the jab has destroyed their immune system even when they keep getting covid over and over again. When gently suggesting it could be the shot(s) they are immediately triggered. They refuse to believe the government could be so evil. And how do you then take it to the next step and introduce the Cabal. The One World Order. The depopulation agenda. Turbo cancer. Died suddenly. I always thought the jabs would be the thing that would wake up the sheep. Or the pedophilia and child sex trafficking.
As my high IQ nephew said recently... “if it doesn’t affect me, I just don’t care”.
So it will probably be the collapse of the financial system which will effect everyone.
Ha...yes...!! I get that "I just don't care" attitude as well from a lot of people. I think I wrote an article about that, or it is in the works...
I am not seeing a lot of evidence of immune systems being shot...all the jabbed people I know are pretty healthy, and if the immune system was really shot they would be perpetually sick...of SOMETHING...I'm not seeing that.
I don't see the deaths either, although I don't doubt that is happening. I am curious to know how and when the general immune breakdown will be, ala AIDS, it doesn't seem to be imminent.
It is all very confusing. Of course I don't want everyone I love to die!! Or even to get sick! But I too thought this would be the final blow...when lots were getting sick. As I said in another comment...I think this is slow poison, and slow enough that by the time it actually starts to make a difference it will be impossible for people to connect the dots.
Sadly, I am definitely starting to see the effects. In my (rather diminished) inner circle there have been three deaths in the past month have occurred. All unexplained and sudden. One was a beautiful 28 year old healthy and vibrant woman. I see covid infections reoccurring every few months in some. Those with preexisting autoimmune disorders are declining. My 40 year old nephew and 42 year old stepson both have heart issues now.
I do believe as you do that this is a slow acting poison as to not wake up the masses. And it’s clear, at least to me, some batches were more “effective “ than others. Many who were jabbed 4-5-6 times seem to be far worse than those who stopped at 1.
Bless you, brother.
Happy Memorial Day.
I turn 67 this year and when I think back to what people were like when I was a kid, they didn't seem as stupid and fragile and indifferent as they do today. I find it difficult to find people who are sane and kind except on these forums.
When my grandfather was 75 he said the same thing. The decline has been in progress for a while!
I turn 68 next month, and I agree 100% with your experience.
“A sane man, to an insane society, must appear insane.”
Says it all. that insane society we DO appear insane, but how do we look to ourselves, or each other?? One of my favorite George Orwell quotes is: "Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, does not make you mad. There is truth, and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth even against the whole world, you are not mad."
The world I am experiencing is largely peopled with infants -- adult humans who are emotionally and intellectually retarded vastly below their chronological age. They have no scope of perception beyond the moment, and no capacity to understand more than their own immediate needs. It grieves me. Is it Their fault? I don't believe so. Almost everybody in my realm of acquaintance (from PhDs to laborers) has had their retardation handed to them and force-fed and otherwise required. Perhaps I simply swallowed a "Black Pill"? I actually DO find joy and bliss in my life. But so far I have not experienced anything that would lead me to believe that even humans (and other beings) dying -- right, left, and center -- would grow the infants up. At one point I was very hopeful of the reverse.
I am there with you on this...
If we are crazy …. I think many lost their mind from fear which was spread from the day of announcement of this “bat virus from china market” through days and weeks of panic when there was no medication than some old people died, than places of work and entertainment got locked, weird vaccination offers and must vaccination mandates; deaths after etc etc plus lack of toilet paper( sorry to mix this in tragic facts )…. Current Society cannot take the stress from small children to adults …. As long as we have roof above our heads and food and no one will see dead bodies on a sidewalk in time of such sickness …. Life must go on …. “Three “wise” monkeys: see no evil hear no evil speak no evil” in such matters ….. and crazy person never admits its sickness …. so looks like stupidity is unshakable
Interesting.... in the 2010s people were already afraid of financial woes, loss of status and control. Perhaps Covid was the way we sold ourselves the partial collapse of Western society.
There are much more people out there driven by intense fear than I realize. I do not mingle with many people, even clients, who are overwhelmed with FEAR...they are the other type of sheep...the ones that will not go against authority, or will not listen to anything but MSM...etc.
The really FEARFUL ones are the ones continually wearing masks, and at the risk of sounding like a bigot, many of these people are the elderly, the poor, the destitute, or belong to some cultural group that seem to be much more likely to be afraid of their own shadow. There ARE a lot of people that are devastated with fear.
I think it is a confluence of several issues. 1) There are so many highly vaccinated people that don’t want to hear the truth. 2) The media most people get information from does not report the excess death occurrences. And 3, The medical community has been compromised by money and threat is license removal if they speak up .
I certainly would not argue with any of this...
The evil forces in our world have been intentionally dumbing down the masses for many generations. Fluoride in the water causes massive lowering of IQ. There are all kinds of toxic chemicals in food and other products. The education system from kindergarten through university is purposefully designed to make people blindly obey authority instead of thinking for themselves. The entertainment industry also has a big part in brainwashing people to think and behave in certain ways. Unfortunately, the cabal has been disturbingly successful in their goal to create a race of mindless, self absorbed zombies. But why are some of us resistant or "immune" to the brainwashing and poisoning? That's my question.
Yes, I have the same "question." Read my "Hand Picked" article...
I asked myself a version of the same question while writing my PhD thesis. I wanted to uncover why some professionals blew the whistle, and some seem to refuse to even recognize there was a need to do so. After much delving into people's tales around this, primarily within the field of pharmaceutical research and practice, the only explanation I could arrive at was that the instinct to blow the whistle appeared to be transpersonal, that is, the individual and their attributes didn't seem to make any difference at all. Instead, if we posit a global intelligence, a Gaia mind so to speak, then what appeared to be operating and seems to be doing so more and more now, is a global tendency to counter the materialist, destructive aspects of the enlightenment narrative. It seems to simply erupt in people, whether they want it to or not. The only common denominator amongst all the whistleblowers was this feeling that they had to act, they had no choice but to speak out, and this imperative, regardless of the situation or their position in it, overrode all concern for their own well-being, or even that of their families, in favor of a wider concern for the well-being of people in general.
Great dissertation!!
So you are one of the smart ones, high IQ, that chose the shrew club!! Yay!!!
If history is a guide, most will deny, deny, deny, deny. Right up until they are forced to get their hands dirty burying the bodies. And even then, many will deny it until their last breath, decades later, preferring to blame "others" for framing them with responsibility for the deaths.
The human mind can't fathom that it is responsible for turning a blind eye to horrors happening all around them. The glimpse of self into the mirror after such a realization becomes unfathomable.
I frequently said in 2020 that it would take a "bury the bodies" moment to shake most people out of the hypnosis. Nothing has happened since to change my mind.
Clearly people are in denial, and what WILL it take to shake them out of it?
I did believe at one time a year or so ago, fairly strongly, that we could lose millions in a very short time. Now I am not so sure. Although the sudden strange deaths are frequent enough for all of US to know what has happened, it is obvious that the sheep are not in the least stunned by it, and CERTAINLY do not correlate it with the vaccine...even if it is in the mainstream news. My wife, who is a super sheep, dismisses all of these deaths as "shrew propaganda" and literally believes in none of it. And she has a very high IQ!! 😃
I am not so certain now that the lethal effects of the vaccine will be as quick as originally thought. We MAY have a reduction of population that is formidable in the next 20 years or so, and of course if that happens no one will probably be concerned blaming it on natural evolution due to climate change, toxins in general, and long covid (and whatever else "infectious disease" they will throw at us, and there will be plenty.)
We just had a 10k Marathon here in Toronto...I believe about 16,000 people participated...most probably under 50 years old. Alt news says death rate of under 50 year olds has increased by 27%...yet no one that I know of succumbed during this run. I do find that surprising. And maybe the media can block that information. No idea.
I know a woman who lost 2 brothers in 2020 because there was “no approved treatment”, after shots her son developed a “rare and aggressive” cancer and died quickly in 2021, and after shots her mother sank into dementia and died in 2022. She and her husband had the shots and are fine. As far as they know the brothers died from the deadly pandemic disease, the son had bad luck, and her mother was old. No clue. Why would they have? The people in charge say it’s just life
Again, it is astonishing how easy it is to hoodwink people. It is a trust factor, which I think has never been as intense as it is today. People trust anything at all that they hear from people who they have given that trust to (for no real solid reason). No one scratches their head and says "hmmmm" anymore. If these people told these sheep to jump off a bridge, there would be a line to the bridge.
And I know you said you had no experience in your circle of sudden deaths, but I do. If I let myself count them, there would probably be a dozen or more
It helps me to hear that. I trust you of course, therefore I believe without question that what you say is true. I have a few colleagues who tell me the same thing about many clients dying or family members of clients dying. My sister has experienced similar things in her friend group. Maybe I am just lucky. Although I do have a few shrew friends who have not experienced such things.
Not having this direct experience does not waver my belief it is happening, nor does it waver the belief as to WHY it is happening, but I feel if I have no direct experience, many sheep will not either, and I think it will take that direct experience, and in odd ways (dying of a stroke at 80, or cancer at 70, probably won't provoke any chin scratching) before some light bulbs will light up.
Yes. And I think that lot distribution might be the determining factor. I read that there was no logistical way to fulfill the number of doses required by the contracts, so some lots were filled with saline and shipped. Which would explain why some people had no discernible response to the shot. And the quality control is so bad that the dose varies from lot to lot. Russian roulette by injection
Life is always crazy. A bolting horse with a rider hanging on for dear life. People limit there focus to maintaining an equilibrium. If it works out in your favour you continue if it doesn't you don't.
This is a very astute observation.
Thanks Todd. I think your question as i understand it is of the utmost importance. We asked why people followed national socialism. And now are asking this again of our own time with everything that's going on. I think the answer is elusive and multifaceted. Many don't see opposing power as a viable option. The importance of people in shaping the trajectory of the world escapes them. Those who do are enlightened but carry with them a burden of consciousness. That is tempered or relieved through actions of liberation.
There are days that I feel like we must be the crazy ones but I do actually believe it is as bad as we know it is. I don't think that "they" will wake up as they seem to see life as "back to normal". In my circle, despite the deaths or health issues, there is never any reason to suspect the shots -- everything is now due to effects of having had covid, getting up in age, recurring cancers., etc. (Ya, ok.) I always find myself wondering if they would still be alive or not dealing with their health issues if they hadn't had the shots and, of course, I still worry about my son and daughter in law.
Yes, it is difficult to tell what is what. Anytime ANYONE gets sick with ANYTHING I suspect the vaccine. And if I discover they had any shots, I definitely blame the jab. BUT, I have been surprised by a few cases of unvaxxed folks falling ill to some odd ailment, and it is puzzling. Of course with all of the other ways mRNA is getting into our bloodstreams, shedding, EMF, and chemtrails, on and on, I don't necessarily think us shrews are going to get out of this alive ourselves.
I personally have not had any tragedies in my immediate family and friend circle. I keep my fingers crossed, but also am perplexed as to why there isn't anything going on with them health wise. I hope there never is, but if this IS as "bad as we know it is" I am not sure if any of us will be spared tragedy.
"Are we all crazy ?" — Yes, i think that is a good explanation. The people who have done it and their supporters are crazy, the people who blindly follow them are crazy, and we end up crazy too if we think to much about it, its just amatter of time, and a matter of the type of craziness.
As many of us have realized we are unable to wake up the sheep with statistics or other arguments, maybe only highly emotional news can get them to think, like military trucks in Bergamo carrying away the dead. But i have my doubt, its the same problem with war. Every "normal" human being should be against war, no matter who starts it, no matter who is running it. And that diplomacy is the only way to solve those problems. But in the reality a lot of sheeps support a war, they just need a dumb and simple storyline to accept the war.
On the other hand i believe that people doing the right thing can slowly wake others up, not by convincing them direct, but by showing them that there is another way to talk and to live, a more friendly way.
What you say about war I have thought about often. I am an archetypal psychologist, and attribute the largely unconscious state of archetypes in our culture for these sort of "persuasions"...i.e., the persuasion to accept war. Of course the war mongers do a good job of brainwashing all of us to think war is necessary and even a noble thing.
Yes, good will prevail, in my humble opinion. We must all stay diligent in our effort to make this world the world it was intended to be. We may not see much change for the better in our lifetime, but eventually it will come to be.
MSM influences what people believe and what they think. Until the truth is reported via MSM then I don’t think the vast majority will pay any attention .
When I visited Eastern Europe before Communism fell, the newspapers were full of lies, but nobody believed them. So it's at least possible that the MSM will keep lying but the majority of people will become aware of it. In fact, polls in the USA indicate this has already happened.
You are 100% correct.
Maybe this sums it up:
This was in today's UNBEKOMING post:
My thought is that most people live day to day and don't have a philosophical bone in their bodies to wonder about the meaning of things, origins, intentions, consequences.
Oooo...this is a good one..."not a philosophical bone in their body"...I think you nailed it. I have called this "curiosity"...and to be philosophical you have to be curious. This answers the question as to why really intelligent people fall for this crap...because they do not "wonder about the meaning of things, origins, intentions, consequences"...very well put, and in my opinion, right on.
And they are, for the most part, happy to have someone else do their thinking
If you are not curious you HAVE to rely on other people to tell you what's good, bad, important, meaningful, etc.
Yes. I don’t understand not wondering why. How do you learn and grow if you don’t investigate what you don’t understand?
As flippant as it is to say, I think most people are just so caught up in living the surface life all they have time for is figuring out how the new cell phone works...and if that is too much of a hassle, they don't bother with that either.
When one's vision is confined to a small black rectangle and one's quality of life is determined by the "likes" one gets on social media, the mind becomes so narrowly focused and unable to expand that the questions discussed in this thread are most unlikely to ever arise in that hypnotized and lobotomized person's mind... If, God forbid, one happened to float to the surface, there is always the ready answer of the brain-dead, shot from the hip: "conspiracy theory!".
50% of US population has a double digit IQ, and therefore, not capable of figuring it out. Most everyone follows the crowd, so never gonna be retribution for the Covid crimes committed against humanity.
I agree that lower IQ, at a certain level, could be responsible for dependence on authority and MSM. But I also agree that high IQ folks seem to be just as stupid as the low IQ folks...
I can discuss the actual state of the world with my taxi driver, and even learn something in the process! But try as I may, I am unable to penetrate the glaze of indifference and the wall of indoctrination of my supposedly high IQ clients and (mostly former) friends. Not to mention family member. All I get to hear is the parroting of the MSM talking points of the day. It's infuriating and discouraging. But I have reached the point where I prefer the company of so-called lower IQ folks. At least not all of them have lost their common sense and their connection to some sort of reality that is rooted in actuality. Give me the salt of the earth types rather than those with Trump and Putin-derangement syndrome. Who also happen to be the quadruple-jabbed.
Actually, it's the high IQ person who is most likely to believe the most absurd lies. As long as they come from another credentialed source a lie will have more credibility than common sense. You'll find those with the highest IQ's to be the biggest zealots, advocates of The Lie and the strictest enforcers of The Lie.
The lower IQ people are more likely to just go along with the herd, finding safety in it. Not confident enough in their own common sense understanding of The Lie to stand up and declare "it's a lie." But not convinced believers of it, like the high IQ people are. A much larger percentage of the low IQ people have figured it out and their common sense is finding a way to navigate around The Lie without becoming a target of it by standing against it. Those of us with high IQ's who've figured it out, but lack the common sense to not become a target of it are driven to a greater purpose beyond ourselves.
How do we convince enough of the lower IQ people who have figured it out that taking on the risk that comes with being driven to a greater purpose beyond themselves is our challenge. There aren't enough high IQ people remaining open to figuring it out and convince-able to take on the risk to make a difference. Our freedom and restoration of our humanity will come with lower IQ people at our sides. It's best not to look down our noses at them and dismiss how important their high Common Sense Quotient is to the optimal human condition.
This comment: "The lower IQ people are more likely to just go along with the herd, finding safety in it. Not confident enough in their own common sense understanding of The Lie to stand up and declare "it's a lie." But not convinced believers of it, like the high IQ people are." I believe is right on.
Also, a lot of "high IQ" people are the perpetrators! They chose which team they wanted to be associated with...for fun and profit!!
Or they choose which team to be associated with along the lines of what CS Lewis described in his famous "tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims" quote. To "cure" others against their will.
And/or the arrogance of many "high IQ" people who declare that "you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs" as Walter Duranty wrote of Stalin's farm collectivization Holodomor that murdered millions.
And the "high IQ" minders of the Pulitzer board to this day state that Duranty's prize-winning reports weren't deceptive, and never revoked the awards upon discovery they were Big Lies. Remaining that convinced the lies were well-intentioned. The type of intellectual gymnastics only high IQ people are capable of. Lacking any common sense found in lower IQ people.
Most definitely we are under the tyranny of tyrants who believe they are doing what is best for us...although I am not convinced that they are consciously doing any rate we do fall into being "classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."
The technocrats can probably convince themselves that they want the best for us. Of course they would have to define "us".
A nice chunk of the tyrants are good old sadists, no better than SS officers, who enjoy seeing "us" scared, squirming and suffering, whether it be from being locked up in our homes for months or losing our jobs because of non-compliance with illegal and unlawful "mandates". I am pretty sure a whole bunch of them also enjoyed killing the elderly and those who tested "positive" in their hospitals... Perhaps also selling some organs on the side and generally making a nice chunk in the process. (As you can guess, I have lost faith in humanity. Hanging out with our dogs is a lot more uplifting. And I am a coach and therapist of people, not dogs...)
If you have the time and the stomach for it, here's 225-pages of insight into the minds of these arrogant, self-righteous, self-proclaimed "good stewards" of humanity. They follow a set of ethics to assuage their own consciences. Ethics that have proven to be VERY negotiable.
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Public health: ethical issues
November, 2007
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is funded jointly by the Medical Research Council, the Nuffield Foundation and the Wellcome Trust [Glaxo-Wellcome, Big Pharma]
It goes into how they decide what is ethical government policy. Areas mentioned are Infectious Disease, Obesity, Alcohol and Tobacco, Fluoridation of Water. They claim to balance the competing interests of individual free choices and collective public health. Pronouncing their King Solomon-like wisdom as "good stewardship." Never mind that they give short shrift to individual free choices and worship collective public health policies. Never mind that they dispose of the same ethical considerations they determine are necessary as the policies they describe are applied. It's a mental masturbatory exercise in "see how wonderful and benevolent we are" with grand pronouncements they routinely ignore in the same document.
This is precisely how these people think. This is a source document for many public policy analysts and decision makers in the UK, US and western liberal democracies. Cited and referred to in open and closed-door hearings and roundtables. Convincing themselves they are protecting freedom by applying collectivist authoritarianism. Or rather, rationalizing and justifying authoritarianism to help make that bitter pill go down the throats of free people a little easier. Imagining themselves our more sophisticated betters, themselves as the adults, us as infants, imbeciles and domestic animals. Good stewards of, and all their self-congratulations.
On the subject of Bioethics...
Christine Grady is Anthony Fauci's wife. Director of the National Institutes of Health Bioethics Department. And a co-author of this and many other bioethical pronouncements like the Nuffield Council proclaims:
The ethics of encouraging employees to get the COVID‑19 vaccination
Journal of Public Health Policy, March 30, 2022
Nothing to see here, folks. Perfectly ethical. How dare you question their ethical benevolence?!?!
Sadly, I know many who have high IQ levels but fell for the narrative. -- people I thought would have seen right through it all and who would have spoken out against the vaccines.. But nope :(
Harvard Faculty to Hear Houdini's Proof of Boston Medium 'Margery' as Fake
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 21, 1924
“The more highly educated a man is along certain lines, the easier he is to dupe.”
“It takes a flim-flammer to catch a flim-flammer.”
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Springerr-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
('GET' .pdf download)
13.2 “The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is”
(This book is a blueprint to transforming a nation of free, democratic people into a totalitarian collectivist globalist community, using fear of an infectious disease. Even the Communists in China knew how easy it is to fool the high IQ and highly educated people who've been separated from their common sense. And we're just in the opening chapters of the blueprint. Find more at:
and in comment section)
Why we don't "follow the experts" or "follow the science" that 'experts' direct us to. They're intelligent idiots. Who learn more and more about less and less. Until they know nothing outside of tiny areas of study. Literally nothing else. Myopic. Useful, intelligent idiots for totalitarians to rule over all others. 2020-2023 a preview of coming attractions?
I know, it seems like educated people fell for it and then double down because they don’t want to think that a tin-foil hatter could ever have been smarter than them. My whole entire (Democrat) family think I’m the paranoid nut case for not taking the jab.
Unfortunately, I think you’re right
I think most people will never make the connection as more time passes - unless people died within hours or days of the shot, most people won't attribute the deaths to the shot. They don't understand about long term effects. If it isn't instantaneous, it isn't connected. The government, media and pharma have done a tremendous job at that messaging.
They don't seem to even be able to correlate a death to the shot if it happens within minutes...they ignore that too for the most part. But you are right, as time goes by nothing will correlate...and will be blamed on long Covid or some other stupid thing.
I am wondering what will happen when the birth rate plummets...assuming it does...maybe it won't.
My mother's partner had a stroke shortly after his first shot. "Oh, he was predisposed."
Another friend had a heart attack less than a week after the first shot. "Oh, he is old."
I have clients who lost two family members after the shot, while two more landed in the hospital. "You really think it's from the jab?!" Etc. etc...
There’s a huge signal in childhood shots with SIDS. Majority of deaths are within the first couple of days. People don’t see it because they’ve been told there’s nothing to see.
But you’re right about the time interval disconnect when it comes to long-term effects.
There are an awful lot of people living in denial. The frog in the pot is real. I don’t understand why so few people are concerned about the massive changes taking place. None of it makes sense
Yes, none of it makes sense...that is for sure. And has been said here several times, no one will listen to anything (especially their own common sense) until they hear it in MSM...or government authority. The big question: why is the media, journalists, etc so much in the pocket of this horrible agenda to destroy humanity??
For one, we have project Mockingbird that never ended.
But I also wonder if the talking heads really belong to human beings... I have a sense many of them are remote-controlled/possessed, or already transhuman, or cloned. Same with politicians. For the life of me I can't detect any soul or spirit in them.
They've called it television programming for a reason: they're telling us what they're doing. It's a perverse sort of ethics they follow. All's fair as long as they disclose it. We choose to ignore the disclosures at our peril.
It’s a very deep pocket, constructed decades ago. I think it’s just their business model now, to support the new thing. I can’t imagine any thought goes into it. You go to work and say or do whatever your assignment is today. I don’t think they’re being forced. I think they continually gather those of each generation who will follow orders without thinking about it
If Dr Denis Rancourt’s presentation to the National Citizen’s Inquiry was on the CBC/CTV maybe there would be some discussion
I heard about you on Jerm Warfare. I look forward to reading your past posts.
I’m amazed at how well numbers can be manipulated. Very small numbers of “Covid” deaths caused hysteria. Massive numbers of vaccine deaths haven’t had hardly any effect...
So far the numbers are easily absorbable. By the time they no longer are I think there will be another explanation/distraction.
On a side note, the number of deaths each year due to doctor error is enormous. It’s hard to get accurate numbers but it seems that iatrogenic deaths per year are higher than the total C-19 vaccine deaths. But we never hear about it those deaths get absorbed as bad luck.
Well, I am relatively new to being woke...I have always been curious, and went through the cancer gauntlet with my ill wife 20 years ago, so THAT woke me up quite a bit to the whole cancer fiasco. But now I know there is nothing that isn't screwed up. Especially with medicine, doctor care, pharm, and hospitals. It's not just cancer care.
Of course people's attention is totally dependent on mainstream media and political/government authorities. If either says yay or nay that is what goes, no matter what the empirical evidence says. And if the experience is too overwhelming, such as half of your neighbourhood dropping dead, everyone will turn to media and government for answers, and undoubtedly all they will get are lies.
Welcome!!! So glad you are here!! Hope you enjoy the articles as well as the commentary!!
My husband ended up in a CICU overseen by a bad hospitalist. They’re dead before you hear about the doctor’s reputation. I don’t consider it bad luck. It’s criminal negligence by the hospital admin
The hospital system has always been even more so. People frequent hospitals like they brush their teeth. Such a common phrase these days, "I had to go to the ER yesterday"...panic attack, stomach problem, dizzy, high blood pressure, whatever.
I agree. It’s not bad luck. But I think bad outcomes get chalked up to bad luck with the illness rather than criminal negligence.
It’s simply not on their radar. I’m on my way home from Montreal on the train and there are still people masking FFS 🤦🏻♀️
I think that anybody wearing a mask now is actually mentally ill.
FFS That's a new one ... love it!
People are just stupid. (It's a relief to have somwhere I can say that!) Intelligence IS the ability to adjust sanely, effectively to a changing environment So if you can't see it/change your behaviour accordingly, by definition you are stupid.
I've noticed a lot of masks around as well...and in particularly stupid places like single people in cars, on bicycles, walking in the woods. Even though all of this crap is supposed to be officially over I still see on buses "masks recommended"...and of course in doctor's offices and hospitals people are still wearing them en masse.
The lack of oxygen is bound to kill off the few remaining brain cells. While the excess CO2 poisons the rest of the system as well. Not to mention the bacteria that were meant to be exhaled, not cultivated on the face nappy and then be inhaled en masse...