Mar 4Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"whether God existed at all. ..." ~ the debate about g-d. So we do not know. It starts with not-knowing.

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I'm not sure I follow you...I actually believe we do "know" something beyond ourselves exists. We can't put into words, and if we try, we end up describing what we now call God. Since we are "story creating" creatures, having a story about God makes it easier for us to relate to God. And there are a lot of stories. But none of them come close to describing the full reality of it...as you say here, "g-d"..."HaShem" "YHWH"...the name cannot be uttered...

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I am asking: What is the debate about --- and I am starting from there. I am starting from that scepticism. "Why should I believe in G-d?" is a traditional opening for Jewish thought. I dont care if it is "the name that cannot be uttered" or not. I was INSTRUCTED to not name it and I am simply following instructions. Jews traditionally have the right to ask question. And I am asking questions. Like "science" is supposed to do... I don't know that anything beyond myself exists. How would I know X thing? I start with skepticism, radical skepticism. Best for a democratic nation/society. Skepticism means an open mind; that's what we need today. For many people, having a story about science replaces having a story about some magical great spiritual figure (G-d), etc.

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Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The shedding question has interested me. After a family dinner almost a year ago with some close friends and their adult children (all of whom were jabbed in order to keep their jobs), I got a very bad case of the flu. I used natural remedies to get rid of it but after it was gone, I had a severe problem with dizziness that wouldn't go away. That had never happened with any previous bouts of flu, so I began to suspect shedding and after six months of no relief, I ordered Spike Support from The Wellness Company because it was recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough for reducing long covid symptoms (i.e. bioweapon symptoms). It has definitely decreased my dizziness from a 10 to around a 2 and hopefully it will continue to decrease to zero. Is shedding a reality? My personal experience leads me to believe it is.

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Wow! Sounds awful. Good that you’re getting some relief from the Wellness Company products. Just curious- have you been checked for fluid buildup related to your ears? An acquaintance who had Covid and also (sadly) the vax developed acute dizziness ever since and was diagnosed with Menieres Disease and was most recently told she had a buildup of fluid somewhere. Last I heard she was going to have some kind of a procedure to drain the fluid to see if it would help. Hope you get better soon.

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know how miserable it is. I saw several doctors none of whom could help, but they did determine that it was/is not vertigo. I have read that the spike protein can cross the blood-brain barrier so my guess is that is what has caused it, but it's just a guess. Your friend might get some help from the FLCCC, https://covid19criticalcare.com/ which is comprised of a group of courageous doctors who have developed protocols to help people recover from covid related and vaccine related health problems.

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The shedding phenomenon is one of the most mysterious things out there. The scientific evidence lies more in some specific situations, like menstruation. Yet we could apply the same theories to just about anything. With all of this stuff...even with a direct effect from the vaccine itself, we have to be careful assigning the vaccine, and shedding, to every ailment we experience, even if there is cause and effect evidence...you've heard, I am sure, the whole, "correlation does not imply causation" argument...

However, that being said, I have, through my own research, writing, etc. come to the conclusion that nearly everything we encounter these days, unless we have very firm evidence of its cause (for example, if you lose your finger, and you had an axe in your other hand, more than likely the axe chopped off your finger) it has indeed been caused, even if indirectly, by the vaccine, by shedding, and if not by those two, by any number of agenda intentions out there. We are slowly being killed, intentionally.

My primary criteria for making this determination is if the ailment is unusual, mysterious, a baffle to doctors, not appropriate for our age or health condition, unexpected, etc (similar things to these)---your story qualifies. I do know that there are bell-curve outliers and anomalies. For example, one of my closest friends just died from HIGHLY aggressive cancer...he was the most healthy person I have ever known and had no vaccines of any kind. Yet it took him. Why? There are still those that fit the above criteria but are not caused by vaccine or shedding (although the shedding mystery could hit ANYONE since we have all been around the vaccinated...)

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Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Helpful information, even if unsettling, thank you. Unfortunately, my experience has made me avoid those who have been jabbed even if I care about them. The shedding, if that's what it was, did not affect my spouse in that particular situation. Why does it affect some and not others? The powers-that-be are not shrews but they are certainly shrewd! Then again, maybe they are shrewd shrews..

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I think all of this, even the vaccines, "affect some and not others"...that keeps it interesting...and confusing.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

The Rise Of The BioCyborg: Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chimerism And Human Enhancement


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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Have any of your readers watched the many videos of Dr. Ana Mihalcea? She is on Substack. Self replicating nanotechnology is in the vaccines and also being sprayed in chemtrails since the early 2000's. Clifford Carnicom investigated morgellons disease and found that it is synthetic biology. All is being censored, better check it out before truth disappears. They are preparing for transhumanism and have been at it for at least 20 years. May God help us all, and thanks Todd for so many great articles.

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Yes, my report, as well as Jaxen's (mine is actually just an extension of the Highwire's report) is just at the surface of the rabbit hole. This is all public knowledge, even the ethical questions are mainstream questions (particularly regarding informed consent).

The stuff you talk of is a rung or two down the hole, and I don't doubt it for a second. Anything in the mainstream literature or "news" is only the tip of the iceberg meaning it's all been around for quite a while, and much more advanced than we are being told.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Eugenics. The Buck v. Bell practitioners, "three generations of imbeciles is enough" standing SCOTUS decision approving coerced/forced sterilization, leaned into for euthanasia and cited in recent court decisions upholding mask and "vaccine" mandates (along with Jacobson) and raised as defense by the Reich's eugenicist defendants at Nuremburg's crimes against humanity trials, the science of creating a master race, "you Americans said it was OK, what's the big deal?"

Eugenicists like Jeffrey Epstein and his black book of powerful, wealthy men, scientists and beautiful models and entertainers, their child "entertainers" devotees or conscripts into eugenics master race practices.

Eugenicists who are self-described atheists, though some prefer the more genteel term "humanist" when they care about appearances to the faithful.

Eugenicists who declare their practices ethical - as the Nuremberg defendants did - because their system of ethics, Utilitarianism, proclaims "for the greater good" as it's sole controlling determination. Stalin's "sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette" social engineering that broke tens of millions of eggs, meaning skulls, for a "greater good." As determined by those in power. Ethical.

Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady is the National Institute of Health's Chief Bioethicist. Utilitarian variety. And they are both atheists, though they still care about appearances so prefer the "humanist" moniker in public. They're "good without god." Note the article's lower case "g" as an intentional irreverence:


There's even entire religions that are "good without god," like the interfaith ones:


The Fauci's don't need God:


They, and all humanists, atheists, eugenicists don't need God - they believe they are god's. Who the unenlightened knuckle-dragging slack-jawed need to obey. For their own good. Or a greater good. That their enlightened betters, the gods of flesh declare is a greater good. Even if it's their own eggs - skulls - that need to be broken to make that omelette.

Evil springs from the hearts and minds where God has been evicted from. Even the "interfaith" humanist hearts and minds are godless. Filled with evil instead. Vacuums in the human heart and mind get filled with something. Science itself, physics proves the universe hates a vacuum.

When God fills the vacuum evil has no place to lurk and inflict itself on God's creations.

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All incredibly good points. Thank you.

God created life, the earth, and the universe, and expected it all to "work itself out"...babies born with no legs, people with low IQs, "inferior minds" that don't "fit the standard", illness, death, disease, it is all part of the game and part of the experience that God created for us.

Of course, humans have only created a more toxic environment for all of us to struggle through, but that also is part of the "game" (and we are now living the "end game" and are trying to do something positive about it.)

The concept of ridding the world of useless people who are a drain on society is created by a utopian ideal, "we humans can make this a better world—for everyone's better good"...meaning a more comfortable one with less suffering, less disease, etc. We just eliminate other humans that cramp the style of a chosen few...the elite, whatever you want to call them.

This obviously is not God's intention. And if God did intend for there to be less suffering, less toxic air, less evil, less cancer, less death, this world COULD have been created if humans didn't start thinking, as you say, that they were Gods, or THE God...

I actually don't think anyone actually THINKS they are GOD (well, SOME do I am sure) but they do think that God is an illusion, and if they have power, they can just do whatever they care to do and nothing will stand in their way...

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Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


It's quibbling over semantics for me to suggest that when man believes there is no God that man will deem himself as *a* god. Man as supreme over the natural world, not God, but acting as a god. Because they believe there is no higher sentience than man. And when you interact with medical professionals, physicians, you'll find many who develop god complexes. They are in the work of saving lives, a god-like role that precedes antiquity, "medicine men." Revered in every society, community, tribe they are in. Receiving tributes and adulation. Or scorn and hostility, depending on their outcomes. In the course of saving lives some are lost. The concept of medical triage, deciding who lives and who dies, a god-like role.

This is why over the course of human history the practice of medicine is the most effective means of transforming a society, its values, its priorities. God-like reengineering of man's relationship with other men, societal organization, man's relationship with the natural world. The mystical and unseen phenomenons become useful to the sorcerers employed by rulers of men. As they assume the role of gods. Some becoming so delusional that they do think they are GOD. Very, very dangerous men/women when they have the people under the spells of their sorcerers.

Like today's propagandists. Modern day sorcery comes out of televisions and computer screens. Employed by would-be gods. They are actually very good at their jobs, look around at the 70% of the population still largely under their spells. While some spells lose their power, others are spun, the masses move from believing one spell to the next, rarely stopping to question all of them.

And if they truly had God in their hearts and minds they would have the best immunity of all to the sorcerer's spells. Not falling for any of them.

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Exactly, agree 100%. I meant that I am not sure if many consciously believe they ARE God...I think to do that, you would have to believe in God in the first place in order to consciously replace Him. I do believe these people believe they are "supreme over the natural world"...and some with deep narcissistic tendencies, such as some doctors, believe they have incredible powers over the material world.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I watched the Jaxen Report and was overwhelmed in trying to comprehend it. Thanks Todd for summarizing it all in way that I can basically understand. And it is pretty chilling…the irresponsibility of brilliant scientists…the ego taking over good judgement.

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It is difficult to say exactly what is going on, and exactly what the potential is. Suffice it to say, ever since genetic engineering came on the scene, which was a while ago, it was merely a matter of time before this sort of thing, and worse, would come along.

There is so little regard (none, actually) for ethical consideration, and certainly no resistance to "play God" since no one out there even believes there IS a God (nowhere in the scientific community) they will, without a doubt, eventually be responsible for wiping us out.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This technology has been used for years to control the wild animal population. It might now be used to control the domestic animal population. I’ve been wondering if there was a limited rollout in these shots, which would explain the shedding

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You probably are right regarding the limited rollout...an experiment...and it would indeed explain the shedding. Do you have any links regarding the wild animal population control? I would be very curious to read about that...

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This guy is a little extreme. Read at your own risk-


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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think I saved some. Let me look…

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very good read, once again. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you!!

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"Scientists continued to pick over the working parts of nature, coming up with a perception of the universe that contained fewer and fewer reasons to require a supreme creator (although in my humble opinion, most of these conclusions came out of pure arrogance)."

I agree 100%, Todd. Scientists are people. They merely tinker with God's creation, like a backyard mechanic working on an old Dodge.

I haven't checked out the links in the article, but I will. I can't help but be skeptical of Del Bigtree. While he may be "censored" from the mainstream, he still manages to spread his message to a wide audience. And, that's reason enough (for me at least) to be skeptical. On the topic of "self-replicating vaccines", I wonder if it's not merely a psyop... to convince us that it's just as well to play along: Get vaccinated, and move on with our "free" lives.

I think psyops are everywhere, and have been going on for a very long time. I remember when I read 'Frankenstein' as part of a Bio-Medical Ethics course. (I found it fascinating that it was actually a moral horror story, and not simply one about a creepy monster; Dr. Frankenstein himself was the real monster. But, I digress...) I don't believe this story was written by an 18-year-old girl. Just too deep! I believe that it, too, was a psyop. Who knows? In any case, I bet Mary Shelley is up there laughing at us!

Very much enjoyed your article!

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

since science and medicine have yet to show 'viral transmission' between people, i am skeptical of this as well.

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Keep in mind though this is all synthetic. I don't doubt they are capable of making something like this transferrable from human to human even though that capability does not exist in nature.

However, you have a point, and someone else has commented that this is all part of the psyop to "scare" us...thus making us more likely to get vaccinated when asked to for whatever reason.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

my wife is still convinced she got 'shedded' on. so maybe the two are related. still, it would be a whole lot simpler to dump arsenic in the water........ said while looking up at the murky white/blue sky........ sigh

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In some situations, they may as well dumped arsenic in the water...I do think they are trying to hide their actions at least a tiny bit. They do know if we all turned on them at once they would be gobbled up rather quickly...

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Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

They sprayed us today here in New Jersey. Our beautiful clear blue morning sky turned milky white by late afternoon with each passing chemtrail. How any thinking person can deny this is happening is beyond me. But I do notice the same folks who swallowed the “safe and effective” lie don’t see chemtrails

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Oh...its for our own good, if they are spraying anything it has something to do with correcting global warming, feeding the starving, or whatever, they know what they are doing. Calm down...

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Yes, very little may exist out there that isn't part of the agenda's plan. But we have to have some footing on something. I think if we keep our minds open and not lock onto anyone one thing as the ultimate truth, we should be ok. I don't think we should reject everything, like Del, or Tucker, or even Malone, because we think EVERYTHING is tainted. Everything may be SUSPECT but not completely evil.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I would like to underline that I am speaking personally when I say what I am about to say, being fully aware that one cannot go from the particular to the general. I grew up in Roman Catholic Ireland in the forties and fifties, when the bible and all its stories were taught as fact, with no room for questions regarding interpretation. For me at age six (communion class), this belief came to an end, upon being taught that all non-Roman Catholics went to Hell; my background is Quaker and Presbyterian and I had many good upstanding beloved relatives of these persuasions, so I instinctively knew this to be false and said so (with dire consequences!!!). The result was that, as an adult, I did throw religion out the window, while retaining a sense of awe about the World and Nature. The problem was that I equated God with religion for many years, until I realised I could just substitute the word Divine for God. Science has many limitations, amongst them being only able to explain the seen; humans constitute a tangible body and an intangible soul/spirit, both part of one whole.

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I think it is very sad in general that organized religion has done what it has to alienate thinking and reasonable people. The sorts of things you describe here I think are man-made restrictions in what originally was more open and reasonable. Organized religion with its impenetrable dogma has made a mess of things and it is too bad because we end up throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

The word "God" is just a word, and it is used to describe a variety of attributes. That too is sad that we can't even use that word because of what you describe...hopefully, you can read "through" it and understand what I am really meaning when I use it.

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

From your writings, I believe I "know" you well enough to understand that your use of the word God has an all encompassing meaning and does not signify dogmatism ...

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Thank you!!

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I wish these so-called inventors would stop trying to play God. Ultimately, they may succeed in destroying us and life as we know it. Sadly, many people today do not believe in a higher power. They actually think they are the creators.

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They play God because they don't believe there is a "universal creator" that most people call God. They think all this around us came to us as a preassembled erector set and they are free to do with it what they will. Most other people, the masses, also do not believe in a universal creator (thanks to Darwin for the most part) so they think whatever the scientists can do to "improve things" is perfectly fine. We will pay dearly for that...at least temporarily, after a couple of gazillion years go by, it will all start over and maybe at that time we will have more sense about it.

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So true. Just look at the lack of reaction of so many people in regards to all the church burnings and assaults on the Christian churches. It tells us so much. :(

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Feb 26Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Even though I won't be around, I love to think good will come out of our present-day awfulness and that humans will have evolved into more sensible moral/spiritual beings

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IMHO I think what comes of this will be closer to truth than it is now....at one time in the human experience human beings were closer to truth...so it can be done...we just strayed off course.

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Feb 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I hope you’re right

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