Another Good Read about surprises!

MUST NOT READ: Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination


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This is very good. I am tempted to send it to my scientist brother in law...but he is a die hard sheep and I am sure will find something to invalidate it as robust scientific research...

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If I may, I'd also like to ask what other think about the movement that in essence claims that virology got it completely wrong and that viruses are not pathogenic particles, but exosomes - debris from disintegrating cells. The result of diseases, as opposed to the cause. This notion is promoted by people like Stefan Lanka, Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, and many others. They mostly use reasoning to disprove the virology methodology, as opposed to actual research, even though Lanka has done some experiments (they say that funding is not available for research liable to disprove the viral theory).

Now, allopathic medicine is clearly full of holes and suffers from 1,000+1 problems, and what the abovementioned say makes good sense (even though what virologists say makes good sense too and I don't have the biological knowledge to determine whether one holds more water than the other), but are these efforts legit? Or is it another cul-de-sac issue, something tossed to people to forever mull over, to distract them?

What are your thoughts?

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Here goes another try…

Imagine the following event. You are sitting down near an Wi-Fi router and you’ve your smart”brain” even nearer to you (of course!) and sometimes you’re holding the device in your hand! These simple actions of modern daily existence lasts for about 2 hours.

During these 2 yours the radiation causes the disintegration of many DNA and RNA pieces. These pieces of “bad” DNA and RNA are detected by your Immune System (yes you have one of those also, and without the need of the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew covidius jab) and the cells that keep the Organism clean from debris and crap start to work!

Do you label those pieces of DNA and RNA a “virus”?

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You're preaching to the choir; I'm more than willing to accept any explanation of any phenomena, including the alleged viral contagion.

The hypothesis you're proposing, however simplistically, is interesting, plausible if not probable. Now, for me to fully embrace, for instance, the fact that a respiratory disease is caused by ... (enter whatever cause you propose), I'd have to see the reproducible results of scientific experiments. An exact description of the mechanism how things take place.

Until then, I'll keep considering respiratory disease the consequence of cold, a fact corroborated by the statistical analyses outlined here https://nouveau-monde.ca/le-mythe-de-la-contamination-epidemique/.

Anyway, I didn't want to get into this discussion. What I was wondering is whether the sudden emergence of anti-germ-theory crusaders is part of the psy-op, or fifth generation warfare as somebody suggested.

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If one looks carefully enough one can classify pretty much everything as a psy-op!

One thing we have a really hard time accepting is that we'll never understand Nature. So we've been inventing billions of theories... It's just a way our Thought developed in order to FEEL safe and secure.

If we provide our Organism the necessary tools (vitamins and minerals*) for it to keep a Balanced State not even cold by itself can cause a "respiratory disease"!

*Not those daily recommend doses.

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Not everything can be explained through a material paradigm. Personally I feel that the demand that any phenomenon (such as how and why you get sick...germ or terrain) go through the scientific method to prove its veracity is a mistake. But how else would you do it? Got me. There is more to nature than particles and billiard balls.

We already recognize that with mind/body medicine and few people would argue these days that "attitude" during illness (and health) has a compelling factor in why you get sick and why you get well.

The fact we have been told that this "virus" can kill us if we get too close to someone, don't wear a mask, come in contact with people if you have been exposed, is bound to create manifestation of disease in quite a few people—regardless if a virus is actually involved. The masks and other demands on our behaviour to avoid disease may be the only thing that actually is perpetuating the disease, "your reality is what you think and reflects what you believe"...there is more to that statement than new age blather.

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Without the proper nutrients the Organism colapses... You don't need any science and even less a college debt degree to observe this simple Reality. And no matter the amount of "attitude" can fix that. We're a biological organism after all.

Indeed a balanced state of mind helps keeping the Overall balance of the Organism, because you can provide it the necessary nutrients and if the mind is always working in an unbalanced state this resonates to the rest of the Organism and eventually the unbalance will manifest itself.

As for OPERATION COVIDIUS since the start of it I was never preoccupied... never stopped kissing or shake hands with those that were/are at the same level of awareness as myself, and never wore a mask, never played the PCR kit and above all NO m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jab.

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Funny you would say this...I was just thinking last night if I should write an article about "how the world was meant to be"...no man made anything that interferes with the natural world (if that is even possible) and how if we could create that world and live in it there would be very little disease.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Frankly, saying that we'll never understand Nature is a pretty much meaningless statement. It can mean and imply just about anything. Is that to suggest that humans should somehow rid themselves of the ability to think in abstract terms?

What's a "balanced state"? How does one determine that?

What voza0db is saying - which I'd sum up as everything is everything and nothing is nothing or there is no reality and everything is a bunch of crap - is precisely what I was wondering about above. Is putting into question the very basic tenets of how people perceive reality a conscious effort to deprive them of a firm footing, to put them into a sort of fluid state, or is it that the general perception of reality is that much skewed and the dissenters are onto something, having been prompted by the covidian hoax to come forward?

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If I really go out on a limb I would say that someone or something is using magic to push the rest of us off course...the magic being whatever tool being used to push us off course regarding our perception of reality...we are moving into a perception that, in my opinion, is not a natural evolution...I call it "magic" because it is not wholly material (Satan?)...it is either metaphysical, or psychological (which is clearly magic).

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Personally I am on the fence. When my first wife was dying of cancer 20 years ago I got deeply into Rife therapy, which also investigates the Germ/Terrain theory...I knew a lot more about it then, and definitely was leaning toward Terrain...at least the idea the viruses are not what we think they are...

I have forgotten most since and quite frankly have not done a deep dive into all that presently. As I said, I definitely think what we are operating under now is not the full truth, and maybe not much truth at all. Certainly not the way they have used it regarding Covid...

Would love to hear from those out there with more informed opinions about all this!!

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On the personal level, I'm all terrain insofar as I consider disease to be pretty much the result of my actions or lifestyle. That doesn't necessarily negate the germ theory, though. I hear both sides, and I keep my options open. The simplistic equation virus/pathogen = disease is simply wrong, there's much more to it, for sure.

My question was more about whether all the people who are now vehemently opposing virology are legit or whether that's another way of getting people tangled up in a debate that's impossible to resolve one way or another. Kinda like, is there god or not. For this covidian cultism is not unlike a modern-day incarnation of religion and the pseudo-savant discussions about its various aspects.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I should also add that apart from being confronted from the biology side, the virus-equals-disease theory has been disproved by mathematical means. Work done by the mathematician Pierre Chaillot is impressive - I strongly suggest to those who understand French to check out the following, including the embedded links https://nouveau-monde.ca/coup-de-froid-pour-la-doxa/

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Good stuff...thanks!!!

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

"Is the vaccine a conscious effort to kill a large portion of the population? "

During the past two years, I've been forced to investigate stuff I never would have, and I've heard claims that seem preposterous in view of the conventional knowledge. Viruses don't exist in the sense of being pathogenic particles. The germ theory is fallacious. Contagion does not take place. Plus, man's never been on the Moon and a whole bunch of other things.

I remember reading the novel Nonstop by Brian Aldiss when I was a kid. An interesting story depicting how the perception of reality can be completely distorted. Is our reality twisted, the original sense of purpose lost, are humans on a trajectory far from what it somehow meant to be? Or are people grossly manipulated, is what constitutes the basis of our knowledge corrupted, are we intentionally indoctrinated with rubbish that's meant to keep us in a cage implanted in our psyches - kinda as per George Carlin's "smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork"? That probably applies without question. Anyway, anything goes as far as I'm concerned, including an effort by a group of would-be elitists to kill a large portion of the population. Just because something appears outrageously absurd, it doesn't mean that it can't be happening. Likewise, just because something didn't happen in the past, it doesn't mean that it can't happen in the future. Deriving knowledge about the future from the past is very limited.

The question I ask is why would "they" want to kill off a large portion of the population. One reason could be the forthcoming scarcity of energy. What spins the wheels of today's world is the availability of cheap energy - coal, crude oil, natural gas. That's what has driven the technological advances in the past few centuries, the rise in living standard, the luxury we have (the Occident also benefits greatly from exploiting the rest of the world, but that's a different issue).

It could be that sources of cheap energy are running out, and if they're not, they sooner or later will be. And even if the supply of energy is renewable, as per, for example, the abiotic theory, there is a threshold beyond which more energy will be extracted than replenished, resulting in an eventual economic collapse. Be that as it may, the economic model based on continuing growth and continuing need for energy is not sustainable. At some point, there simply won't be enough energy to cover the production of goods, food, etc. There are only two solutions to that - reducing consumption and reducing population size. Interesting thoughts on this subject are here - https://ourfiniteworld.com/author/gailtheactuary/

Now, huge efforts are taking place to reduce production and consumption. Is the other factor in the equation - population reduction - also in the plan? Is it taking place? Suppose that humankind really were faced with a situation where reducing the population, rather quickly, would be the only solution to an economic predicament liable to destroy humankind one way or another, such as due to famine, war, total implosion of institutions? Regardless of whether such a threat were real or only perceived by a bunch of psychopathic "elitists"? Would this be how "they'd" go about solving it? Would they kill people indiscriminately? That doesn't make sense - some people are more valuable than others in terms of being able to "run the machines and do the paperwork". Who would they want to get rid of? Probably Westerners - they're the most bothersome from their viewpoint. They're used to relative freedom, luxury, self-governance. Much less obedient than for instance the Chinese. But the Chinese are jabbed as much as people in the West, if not more. It doesn't make sense.

On the other hand, why did, or do, they want to inject everybody?

Anyway, I think Stew Peters is a shill. The guy is not genuine. It could be that they made one half of the population scared of the virus and the other of the vaccine. Everybody is scared of something, preoccupied, and they can go ahead with their technocratic revolution. And where the virus/vaccine is yesterday's news, which is pretty much the case where I live, they've got the war, nukes, and Putler.

It's probably unquestionable that the shots are having adverse effects, but they appear to be the same kind of psy-op as the virus.

My two cents.

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If the only proof you've about the uman animals on the Moon are the videos from 1960's, well...

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


Here is an interesting article that suggests that the population is shrinking naturally. Food for thought - why would they go to such lengths to kill off people if the reproduction rate is declining all by itself? The movers and shakers behind all the stuff that's going on aren't stupid. They might not be particularly creative, but they're proficient in the technocratic sense.


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I have often thought that the real point of the vaccines could be birth control, which is yet to be seen on a wide scale...sterilization, pregnancy complications, stillbirths...and all the other side effects, death, spike issues, etc are just a side show and not really the intention. There are lots of things that don't make sense about this idea now that more information is coming forth about the vaccines and what they do, but I thought if I wanted to bring about population reduction, I would go about it slowly and have its effect take time and not affect every single person. I.e., Dan Brown's book "Inferno"...(NOT the movie! Which they changed radically from the book.)

But actually nothing truly makes sense. It is like we are all so desperate to make a viable story out of what we are experiencing...which is the number one priority of the human mind...to make stories that make sense out of chaos.

I would say addressing your above comment about the population already declining...that probably isn't happening fast enough. We they rendered even 30% child bearing age people infertile, they have made a huge impact on population...but again, same questions...why everyone?

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It's bewildering. In March 2020, with the first lockdown in the UK, I thought, "This is WW3." I admitted to myself that perhaps I was indulging in hyperbole. But then I'd read about 5th Generation Warfare and what happened over the last three years fitted that model.

I believe what we are seeing is 5GW. But that doesn't give us answers. We don't know who is fighting who, though we can speculate that, unlike previous wars, the combatants aren't all soldiers. Can be corporations, institutions... Some will not even know they are at war.

The war fronts are more clear. Twitter, MSM, hospitals and medical authorities, academia, etc.

This is a good video on 5GW.


One of the books cited, edited by Daniel Abbot, is hugely worth reading. We don't get answers. 5GW isn't black and white and there may never be answers. But the book gives a thorough overview of the utterly weird warfare that is 5GW.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Exactly - we're trying to make a viable story, but there is also the possibility that as much as it appears to be a plot, scheme, it isn't one. And even if it is, it's been piggybacked on by various opportunists pushing their agendas on the one hand and propagated by conformists.

Frankly, the idea of killing off a large portion of the population makes no sense. It would result in untold havoc, probably a violent backlash once people realized how they've been had, widespread destruction. Screwing up fertility, as you say, makes much more sense.

Since we're (kinda) Canadians, I'd also like to propose this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF6ayzoKxsI). A peek into the future of Canada. In a nutshell, it proposes a way of transforming Canada into a superpower by increasing its population to roughly 100 million, which might be possible, for example if climate change (warming) is real - that would make additional land in Kanukstan habitable. Again, reducing population makes zero sense. And even if the energy-related premises outlined under the above-referenced link are true, Canada certainly is not a country that would suffer from a lack of energy. On the contrary. Tons of oil and gas. Tons of hydro power electricity. Unless, of course, the Canadian government has been completely hijacked by the globalists ... :-D ...

Anyway, as regards the question whether the shots are meant to kill or intentionally harm, it makes so little sense that I don't believe it. It's a psy-op.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I assume you’ve seen the Bill Gates interview with Stephen Colbert where Gates refers to part of his plan as “the final solution”. Colbert jokingly corrects him and they both have a good guffaw along with the audience(or laugh track). History will hopefully recognize the evil inherent in this exchange. Hopefully history is just around the corner.

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Billy G is an awesome degenerate uman animal!


OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is a very well planned operation which achieve a huge level of success. Many years in the making!

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If that Colbert/Gates interview was a while back, yes, I did see it. I can't decide who is more evil, Gates or Fauci.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Some comments related to your questions. They are not based on any “hard data” or evidence. Just my opinions, based on (maybe) common sense, my observations, and some past medical experience:

1 – We don’t expect everyone to respond the same way to any intervention. There is a lot of variability and idiosyncrasies. Some people will have a full hypotensive (low blood pressure) response with just a single pill of blood pressure medication; others will take maximum doses of the same medication and continue with high blood pressure. I believe the “vaccine” will kill some, harm others, and cause no problems in still others.

2- So far, it seems like only the “vaccinated” are getting these serious adverse effects. During 2020, before the “vaccines”, we did not see any of the problems we are seeing with the “vaccinated” in individuals who had covid.

3 – Anything is possible, but unfortunately, I believe that many of the people who are promoting these other theories have issues with credibility. Also, it is difficult for me to explain some of the things that are claimed. For example, it is hard for me to explain how spoons will magnetically attach to your body, from the amount of graphene that could be diluted in 0.5 cc of “vaccine”, especially if distributed throughout the body.

4 – We have discussed this in another article. I there is a “cabal” trying to kill the population, they seem to be killing the wrong people (the sheep, and those living in “developed” - less populated – countries). I may be wrong.

5 – I think the answer is yes. As I have mentioned elsewhere, in the past I used to know maybe 1-3 persons every year with a new diagnosis of cancer. This last year I know dozens. Also I have seen too many (a lot more than in the past) people with herpes, elevated liver enzymes, abnormal uterine bleeding… all “coincidentally” after the “vaccine”.

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Excellent! It is always wonder to have a real medical doctor chime in! Thank you so much for taking the time here...I know there were some technical difficulty in doing so...sorry.

I love your logic regarding killing sheep, and not shrews...but the shrews are indeed the best "thinking folk" to be left with...they will herd us up when we are all that is left and although difficult I am sure will manage to get chains and shackles on us.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A large part of the Ryan Cole interview (the big reveal) is that no graphene could be found in any of the samples he sent to over 100 scientists overseas.

As for the Died Suddenly film: IMHO it's an obvious clowning operation. The film starts with images of BigFoot, etc that are sure to send sheep running for the hills. Cui bono? Certainly not shrews who are trying to wake up sheep. My theory is that the subject of horrendous blood clots is such a colossal threat to the establishment that Stew Peters (who himself has caused serious damage to the covid shrew community by taking pot shots at Malone), has helped to sabotage the entire clot narrative. We don't need any more straw men. My money's on Malone and Cole.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Author

Good points. Agree about Peters' messy presentation. Definitely could be considered "controlled opposition" but I doubt if Stew is controlled by anyone. Strange he would put such obvious anti-sheep images in his film...

Cole did say the clots are something to look into. And yes, no graphene oxide, although others are still holding onto that.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Doc, I just wondered if you saw this yet. I thought it was really interesting:


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No, I had not seen it, and it is a doozie...it is quite fascinating how many people are apparently in on this.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I just watched "The Big Reset" (recommended by SheilaB). This is a MUST-SEE documentary. Btw, I also watched "Died Suddenly" and in my opinion, this one is much, much better.


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Thank you...will check it out...

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Generally it seems the categories of side effects are blood clotting, neurological issues, inflammatory issues (inflammation of the heart and other parts of the body), and immune system dysregulation & autoimmunity. I think it's going to be so hard, probably impossible, to parse out what is what without a larger percentage of the population focused on it. These problems are still newly arising in the people around me, including my family. Quite a few sick, one possible pulmonary emboli, one possible blood clot in the foot, vertigo, worsening rheumatoid arthritis to the point where a friend needs to move away to warmer ground, and severe anxiety.

Since there's so much uncertainty around the covid vaccine injection and covid policies, my efforts are developing a happy and healthy community. This necessitates psychological, emotional and physical health.

Everyone needs to find a community in their area, and my primary concern is for the unvaccinted people who don't have a solid community in their area. These communities of course can include vaccinated people, but there are still significant psychological barriers to many vaccinated people recognizing vaccine side effects. With only 12% of Americans taking the bivalent booster, there may be more than I know outside of my liberal Bay area California. I have the unjabbed people I will be in the trenches with, and I have vaccinated immediate family, including two stepsons and their families, that did not reject me for being pure blood.

Thanks for the high wire link, I will watch that now. Dr Cole did a great interview on American Thought Leaders and a little earlier on Dr Drew. He's giving these great broad interviews that are perfect for newbies. He's great; he's always so professional and calm in these interviews.

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Very well put about the communities...that is a must. It is difficult when you live with the "other side" and your life is entangled in that paradigm.

Is Dr. Cole new on the scene? The interview I saw with he and Del is the first I have heard of him...it is great seeing new scientists come on the scene...I'm sure he has been around, but just not as visible maybe.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Ryan Cole has been speaking out for some time - he gave a lecture a long time ago (maybe mid-2021 but I can't remember exactly) showing histopathology slides from vaxxed and unvaxxed people's blood. However it was a little later that he began to be included in panels and hearings. He took part in at least one of Senator Johnson's first two hearings back in Dec 21/Feb 22).

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1. Clearly, most vaxxed people aren't seeing the worst consequences, even 2 years on. That doesn't mean they won't in the coming years - it will be years before we really know and the authorities will do their best to make it even harder to share information. (They will doubtless get brutal, with psychiatric (or terrorist) diagnoses for the 'hesitant' and dissident.) Just from anecdotal evidence from family/friends, I know that people are suffering from random things like fatigue (including extreme chronic fatigue), brain fog, a variety of infections (some of them very serious), memory problems, tinnitus, which it would never occur to them to link to the vaxxes. Despite having taken two jabs early on, before anything much was known about adverse events, I'm pretty much fine (jabs in Feb and May 21) but I take nothing for granted. Nor do I engage in wishful thinking. I found out what is going on too late for me, but in time to warn my daughters. Despite not totally disbelieving what I told them, they went ahead and took the jabs anyway, for their own reasons. I was devastated and worry all the time for them, especially as I can't see either of them holding out against the extreme pressure that will doubtless come in the future (with CBDCs/social credit and whatnot). As for my grandson, his future is my nightmare.

2. It would seem that those getting covid but not getting early treatment are the ones who suffer from long covid (as well as the serious short-term risks and death). Graphene molecules have been found in the unvaxxed, though, which is nothing to do with covid and more likely to be due to shedding and/or said molecules being introduced into people in other ways, e.g via food, water and spraying.

3. Growing evidence suggests self-assembling graphene oxide nano-particles are definitely in there (and are turning up also in the unvaxxed). I don't know about parasites. I have heard it said that the nanotech (possibly nano-transmitters and -receivers) doesn't stay functioning forever AND that it can be disabled with Chlorine Dioxide (this from Todd Callender, but there is a PDF on Dr Lee Merritt's Substack [Medical Rebel?] on how to prepare it). It seems to have other benefits too. The fact that they endlessly push boosters suggests to me that it's not 'one and done' in terms of killing people, but that's speculation, as is so much.

4. Absolutely deliberate. The only thing that isn't clear is how many people who are links in the chain perhaps don't know what they've been part of. That includes an unknown percentage of doctors and nurses.

5. Yes, there is evidence of all these harms.

I've seen Died Suddenly. I agree that Stew Peters' approach would put some people off - I would never recommend the film to a 'newbie'. I think the Spanish film 'The Big Reset' (English narrative version) is way better. Thanks for the link to Dr Cole's interview.

Sorry this is a bit long!

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Long is fine! I am very happy you got to say all you said!!

Look at Dr. Cole's interview on Highwire (link at the end of the article I posted). He says nothing like graphene oxide in the 200 vials he examined...but who knows...I don't fully believe anyone...

So you say that people will be suffering for years out? This is one of the questions I have continued to ask. It seems so many people who are jabbed (my wife, her kids, my sister and husband) who show no ill effects...are they clear now? Or will they suffer later? If so, does that mean there is no truth to the batch issues...i.e., some, many, batches have NO bad stuff in them?

Of course we are flying by the seat of our pants is no autopsies are performed and no investigations made regarding these things...anyone's guess then becomes as good as anyone else's.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In terms of long-term harm to those who have no obvious effects so far, I think the only valid answer is that we simply don't know. I'm sure you've heard the same dire predictions that I have. We do know that about a third of one's innate immune system is suppressed with each shot. Re the graphene oxide, have you seen Professor Campra's observations (University of Almeria) - he also features in the film I mentioned, The Big Reset. The film also shows a Spanish doctor and then a multidisciplinary team of researchers checking vaxxed and unvaxxed people - in the deep countryside to avoid 'pollution' - and observing that a percentage of the vaxxed emit hexadecimal MAC codes, like an electronic device.

https://odysee.com/@thebigreset:1/ENGLISH:bb (that bit is in the last third).

Also re the graphene oxide, there's a 2.5-hour session with Reiner Fuellmich and Mike Yeadon chairing a discussion with Karen Kingston, Dr David Nixon, Dr Ana Mihalcea and an Israeli electronics engineer whose name I forget. Lots of footage of strange nano-particles. Mike Yeadon remains skeptical purely because he hasn't the expertise to know what he's looking at, but the others are all convinced. It is on Reiner Fuellmich's new ICIC site. Easy to find because there aren't that many sessions on there yet.

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Great info! Thank you...I will be checking it out.

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Likewise I am listening to the Highwire episode, thanks.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The biggest "tell" that the authorities had no idea what they were doing throughout this entire Covid response and vaccination mess has been their refusal/unwillingness to address or debate any of the many learned, often renowned, doctors and scientists who identified concerns about pandemic management, from vaccines to masks to lockdowns and more. That was enough for me to know I wanted to stay as far away from these con-artists and autocrats as I could. After all, they had all of the resources of taxpayer money to hire the best experts around to debunk what they insisted was disinformation but instead they just persisted in the fear mongering and Police State bullying. All of my life I have avoided anyone, and refused to be dictated by, anyone who told me I had no right to question their demands. I have remained unvaccinated and it is becoming more and more apparent every day that I made the right decision. It has cost me in terms of travel, relationships (close and casual), general well being, but I have not regretted my decision for one minute. Thank you to all who have provided the "science" that helped me understand better what I needed to know to make the right decision.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Author

Yes, there is no doubt at all that avoiding the vaccine was clearly the right decision, and in my mind it was pretty clearly evident even at the beginning that it was the wise choice to "lay low, Br'er Rabbit, lay low"...only now it is beginning to become truly evidential that the vaccine was definitely bad news. Before the decision to avoid it was informed and intelligent speculation.

There is also no doubt in my mind that there is something VERY rotten in Denmark. I won't repeat what you say here, but you say it all very well. None of this would be going down the way it has gone down if there is even a speck of truth in what "our side" has been saying since day one. Certainly there would have been a debate, all the experts, as you say, defending their position to promote the vaccine...but instead, not a damn thing.

I have noticed this since the beginning...almost hoping that the "powers that be" squashed all the shrew-conspiracy talk...this was when I still had hope that our government wasn't ALL bad...that certainly has changed for me. Any "ruling body" that would do what we have seen world-wide doesn't hold an iota of credibility to me...there is not a single thing I would believe now coming from that higher echelon. Nothing.

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Personally I'm no fan of Stew Peters. I think his sensationalism takes away credibility.

https://open.substack.com/pub/jessica5b3/p/this-is-absolutely-unacceptable?r=8ztdu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web This video from a vaxx injured woman should be on the news.

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Yes, agreed...sheep in particular will throw the whole thing out if even one aspect he presents as truth is proved to be inaccurate.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The issue is the extent to which any and all deaths deemed "sudden" become death by injection. It begins to sound like all those crazy "COVID" death counts.

I do think experimental treatments given to hundreds of millions or several billion people with no known ingredients and preconditions of the subjects would more than likely lead to countless deaths and long term health harm.

Beyond that if the intent is to drive fear away from this experiment, there's that benefit, but until we can do pathological postmortems samplings and examinations to more accurately determine living effects, our only real sense comes from detailed analysis of the all-cause-mortality comparisons, timelines by age.

Given what we do know these are harmful injections and should have been stopped within the first month of the campaign. Not to have done so reinforces the notion that this a psychological operation with no interest in health.

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Precisely!! Why didn't they stop this, that certainly is a pointing finger. And I agree, deja vu here with all the craziness...reminiscent of the early days of covid.

Also, if they really did want to kill off half of the world, they really aren't doing a very good job of it. Of course, the BIG kill off may be yet to come...even if you knocked the life expectancy down overall by a few years, or stopped new births by a small percentage, you would be doing pretty well as a global murderer.

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I agree, if there were more honest people these injections would have been stopped long ago. I do keep in mind that many people in healthcare and medical science are vulnerable to propaganda. In addition, some have been trained by repeated pandemic exercises to ignore information counter to governments. Some of them may be getting false "inside information". Then there's some people in positions of authority who know what's going on but lack moral courage. We've all experienced how it hasn't fun to be in the minority, but it sure has built up the strength and resilience to stand in one's values and principles.

Despite all this, the thing that can't be explained by these above influences, for me, was when these injections were cleared by the FDA to give to children and babies. You can't fake that data, and it was quite shocking. There is indeed something very rotten.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Regarding the children/baby approval by FDA. First it's all under EUA. Second once all ages, particularly the young, get this injection they can put it on their schedule and mandate once the EUA expires.

That's the only rationale I've heard so far.

I think much of the medical cabal is strongly influenced by $$$. Procedures and medications bring in the loot. The deaths in NYC in 2020, for instance, seem concentrated in hospitals where needless and harmful ventilators were applied - calling it "COVID" meant $$$, putting them on ventilators (and killing most) meant even more $$$$.

Frequently we'll see surgeries across the medical realm as if it was decided to operate to do a biopsy which meant anesthesia and surgical services and overnight stays. Huge $$$$$.

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When it is all said and done and the dust settles it very well might be all attributed to money...as boring as that is. No evil plot to kill the world...just money and power. The dying will be attributed to crappy technology that always was unsafe, untested, and a quick way to make a buck.

I still think it is more sinister than that...but usually these things end up being quite undramatic.

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The only thing that granted it possible legitimate anchor in my mind was the presence of Looney, whom I consider 'sincere' by his prolonged persistence and determination. But, who knows?

I think the whole point of this panoptic psyop is to create a condition of complete uncertainty as to what is true and what is false, no matter how irrational and absurd, to the extent that under other circumstances no one would even consider reasonable to contemplate, to completely confuse and cloud the public mind into atomized, paranoid,, omni-mistrustful, psychotic hyper-vigilant, withdrawn, amnesiacal impotence, while the controlled demolition of the economy and it's globally reorganized, authoritarian management structure and readminstration is gradually implemented and replaces what existed before Friday, March 13, MMXX.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for your appreciation.

It's a heads up, to me.

Keep a close eye.

And, no, I won't spread enemy propaganda, it does it well and fast enough itself.

Take the womb factory parody that appeared on YouTube a day ago, that I then saw, and this morning heard a South African radio show host discussing in a live conversation interview with a guy from Toronto, before 24hrs elapsed from it's posting.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think possibly all of the above but also add ( irrespective of the vax ) the hopelessness

( depression?) felt by many ….much more on this re substance abuse not following up on med issues etc ……..meaning to raise the mental affects of the suppression worse than the vax itself

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There are a lot of things going on psychologically that have nothing directly to do with the contents of the vax. That is a whole other topic, and a big one I do write about!

There is indeed some real speculation that the actual ingredients of the vax are causing mental issues such as depression, change of personality, dementia, etc. Based on physical attributes of the vaccine's ingredients...these things, particularly the nano encased mRNA, were designed to cross the brain/blood barrier...which in and of itself is insane considering the developers of mRNA technology knew this all along, and for the purposes of "treating covid" there is no reason to cross the brain/blood barrier.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks, Todd, for kicking off the topic and discussion, I have my doubts about the doc, seems to me there's an element of voyeuristic carnival peep show necrophilia involved, as a 'sequel' to snake venom.

Thanks also, since I argue enough with myself!

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Unfortunately Peters commits the cardinal sin of documentary making if you are trying to present alternative insight. You have to be so careful not to "over do" ANYTHING...because if you do, the REAL things you are presenting will be thrown out with the bathwater. The clotting, the WEIRD clotting (not normal post mortem clotting) is real...I believe that you can be sure of.

If you have not seen the Bigtree interview with Ryan Cole, make sure you watch it...it is the most "unsensationalized" look at these clots I have seen.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

By now some of you are doubtless aware of the day old news report of the "sequel" to the pandemic simulation ""Event 201" by the same people who preceded the pandemic declaration and ongoing psyoperation.

I am not going to repeat it, it's out there, you are SURE AS THE SUNRISES to hear of it if you haven't, within hours.

What it tells me is this

I don't think Gates is a clairvoyant visionary, I think he's a snake oil salesmen and false prophet, who specializes in engineering and superimposing self-fulfilling prophecy, resulting in the imposition of enslavement by slight-of-tongue, perceived as voluntary choice implemented for the benefit of humanity he is a multi billionaire charlatan with moobs playing table-top generalissimo and declaring his sadistic, misanthropic intentions right before everyone's eyes as clearly as Mister Hister wrote Mine Kampf.

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I can't argue with you man...you are right.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Good questions. I can answer #4. If it were actually an error, we'd be seeing msm attempts to explain, justify, and government and medical establish attempts to rectify. We are seeing none of this, so no chance it is "just" an error.

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Yes...if I ever stray into "only listen to direct evidence" I am quickly jerked back into the "if this WAS just a bunch of mistakes, why aren't they doing...." Or, "if this WAS just a bunch of mistakes, they WOULDN'T be doing...." I'm not sure we can call that evidence this is all planned and nefarious, but it sure does support it. You can't be blind to this stuff...it makes no sense...

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

From the very start of this event, it appears that they knew the very best things to do, to minimise risk and ensure public safety.

Which they then dismissed and chose to do the exact opposite.

Maximising the potential for medical, mental and financial harm to everyone, except their chosen groups.

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All this is true...but it still doesn't answer questions of detail...like is the design of the vaccine to kill billions, is it designed to kill over a long period of time, are the deaths attributed to the vaccines just collateral damage and the real purpose of the vaccines is to sterilize....is the covid/vaccine campaign only a "test" vehicle for what is yet to come?

Are all the vaccines effective or did only a small portion of the vials sent out equipped to accomplish their goals? Was that intentional, if so, or was it an error? Blah blah blah...

I think the answers lie between "all the bad effects of the vaccines was just a bunch of mistakes and intentional" and "they set out to kill every person who got jabbed, and they keep pushing the jab until everyone has as many as they can stick in them in order to kill as many people as they can kill"....???

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