Nov 5, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've seen this wonderful cartoon by Bob Moran


and I want to do the same to all the modern moron slaves that embrace(d) and defende(d) the OPERATION COVIDIUS deployed and maintained the PCR kit scam and culling event by "experts" and PhD's and Regime Media workers and politicians and Billionaires and Owners.

Just a Good Desire!

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Yes, that must be in response to the Atlantic article. If you haven't read it, make sure you do...


Be prepared to be disgusted...

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've just read the title and nothing else... No need to waste time reading texts written by white-coat terrorists! Even though the writer is just a stupid economist.

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If you saw my previous comment, just ignore it. I am a bit edgy these days...yes, if you skip the Atlantic article, no loss. It is just an experience in incredulity.

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I did... no worries!

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I feel pretty stupid about it. I did not know you were referring to the Atlantic article, and thought you were referring to MY article, and couldn't make any sense of your comment...that's because I stupidly didn't look carefully and what you referring to! My sincere apologies...I think all of this is getting to me. Thanks for being here!!

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No need for both! The feeling and the apologies.

Once one realizes what OPERATION COVIDIUS actually is, we're no loger affected by it, and so there is no change this "gets to me".

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very good piece. I think there are many shrews in sheeps clothing ( I know that this is still sheepish) . I know a number of people who understand the “ facts “ but have an underlying desire ( maybe need ) to be PC therefore are silent on the issues at hand .and will not engage .

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Good for you to notice these folks...this has not been in my experience for some reason...I am yet to meet a quasi shrew...I wrote an article about this..."So Ya Wanna Be a Shrew"....https://www.shrewviews.com/p/so-ya-wanna-be-a-shrew

Check it out...

I certainly could see this as a possibility...people who do not want to leave their sheep tribe...but honestly, I have not met such a "sheep wanna be"...

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

ALL my friends and family (all 'vaccinated') still refuse to accept or even discuss what has now become obvious.

I'm still told that I'm not to raise anything to do with covid, 'vaccinations', heart attacks, cancer, SADS, NWO, The Great Reset, Agenda 30, climate change, weather, food shortages, energy, etc.

They STILL don't want to know! They continue to ignore my emails!

It make me feel sad, because I really want to help them.

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BmjT....what you say here is SO MUCH like my own experience...I have BEGGED these people to JUST LOOK...because I am thoroughly convinced if they did, they would see (I don't believe this anymore) but they simply refuse to even spend a half hour looking at irrefutable evidence...because they know they would have to change their minds, and they refuse to do that.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks Todd.

What a sad world we are now living in.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"These people cannot continue to ignore this reality".

But they will.

If they have been jabbed, it is unlikely that they will ever accept the truth from an evil pureblood.

To do so would mean that they have to confront the reality of what they have done.

To themselves and possibly their children.

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This is a very good point...and at first I didn't really believe it...but the more things that come out that still do not convince people of the mistake they've made to more I believe what you say here...I think of all of the people who lost so many loved ones during the Stalin era, directly from Stalin's hands, and did nothing to stop Stalin from continuing his deadly rampage...for them to admit that Stalin was evil and had no good reason to kill the people they loved would mean they would have to admit they had chosen the wrong "side." This was a very common phenomenon of that time.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"Many of these people have “come over” to this side of the debate. But many have not."

Appreciate your work. I feel that the reason most people have not "come over" despite "a valid argument" is the following..

The playing-field or theatre of operations has been carefully divided into two 'camps' with opposing views on how a 'potentially dangerous' situation was managed. When both camps agree on the fundamental premise that a 'novel danger' exists, they can be played off against each other as to which 'solution' is better, rather like two-party politics being two wings of the same predator bird.

The way to bring both 'camps' together is to realize that the original 'problem' does not exist, it's been a global psychological operation against the People. This will require that both 'camps' must admit that they were deceived, and move forward together.

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Very good points...but man, how in the world will the sheep camp ever see that this has all been a "global psychological operation against the people"...???

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I see that you agree that "the original problem does not exist".

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very good point. On the other hand, part of my rationale (and I am aware that many ""shrews" may think differently) is that there has never been a great "novel danger". COVID (or infecion with SARS-CoV-2 if we accept that there is a virus), is one more af an endless list of respiratory illnesses that have affected us for centuries. We did not have to respond as if there was any "grave novel danger". The response should have been the same as we have done for decades with respiratory disease epidemics. In our lifetime we have experienced many of those, and don't even remember anything like what we have gone through in the last 2+ years.

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Ivan...not a lot of people would have known what you say here..."one more of an endless list of respiratory illnesses that have affected us for centuries"...and of course, if Fauci said that fact doesn't matter at the onset of all of this, that is who everyone would believe. This has always been about "celebrity power"...

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There's no such thing as a pathogenic virus. Not one has ever been seen in tissues taken directly from its natural habitat, i.e. plant, animal or human. We can measure nano particles smaller than viruses and yet when it comes to viruses, there's conveniently "not enough to see" without first inoculating the sample cell (from the sick person) onto a foreign cell such as a monkey kidney cell, then submerging it in a Petri dish full of chemicals, antibiotics and fetal cows blood. Only then, after the cell breaks down and starts to disintegrate from being exposed to all the toxins, do the virologists claim those particles to be viruses! It's THAT absurd. I highly recommend reading Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht et al, The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan. If you like videos, there's an awesome one called The End of Germ Theory by Spacebusters (Steve Falconer). You can find it on Bitchute and Odysee.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, ShellQ, I am very aware of the argument against the existence of viruses as pathogenic agents. I have read most of the literature about the subject, and I am very open to the arguments, although not totally convinced, due to my background. My point is that it does not really matter. The response to "the covid pandemic" has been totally inappropriate irrespective of someone believes in viruses or not.

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YES...it does NOT really matter, and I am always afraid if you force people to believe something they are very likely not to believe, then you lose your chance to convince them of anything. It is much easier to flip a sheep if you tell them that Fauci et al are money hungry corrupt political figures and that all this was about money and power...and NOT about genocide, or the New World Order, even though that may very well be at the bottom of the whole thing and the ultimate truth. Same for trying to convince people that viruses do not exist, or Covid was a hoax...stick to the things people are more likely to believe to get them thinking...these details "do not matter" as you say...they can learn the whole truth once they cross the barrier from sheep to shrew...

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, the response to the pandemic is all a part of the agenda 2030 push for top-down totalitarian control and has nothing to do with an illness.

I would argue however, the belief in pathogenic viruses has everything to do with people's reactions. I was well indoctrinated into that belief system, having worked in both funeral services and veterinary medicine. My 1000+ hours of research have completely unindoctrinated me. Since you're still open to the arguments, I hope you'll continue to look into it!

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Of it has a lot to do with people's reactions and their willingness to believe the whole world could be wiped out by the deadly virus, or that masks work (although even germ theory believers should know masks don't protect against their mythological virus). The problem is they will NEVER flip if they have to believe something SO SO SO far from their current belief system.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Again, agree with you, mostly, but people have believed in pathogenic viruses for many years, and the response was never like this. Even in a system that assumes patógenos viruses exist, "the book" calls for principles of responding to a "pandemic" that are contrary to what has been done. Even in that system, we do not do tests on asymptomatic people, we do not call someone a "case" based only on a laboratory result. Masks are useless, even if there is a virus, and it is unethical to impose a mask on someone in the community... and of course, "vaccines" cannot be compulsory...

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As you say, Todd: It isn’t the disagreement that bothers me; it is the blind dismissal of clearly obvious facts...

That is why I cannot go with the idea that "early on, they may have had a point". Sorry, to me, since day 1, it was evident that everything they were doing as the "response to covid" was an absolute lack of common sense. It got worse with the "vaccine"...

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You are a medical doctor, my friend. And one that specialized in public health. Clearly you saw things that us peons took a while to figure out!! :-) I think every "thinking person" knows there is a possibility of a serious world epidemic (actually, I am not as afraid of that as I used to be, I think it has ALWAYS been hype.) So when this first hit, I did think for a moment it could be real. It took me about a month I think to figure it out...maybe two...I'll have to look back into my journals...

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The people ignoring this at this point in time are the ones who've had 4 or more injections and will likely run out and get a flu shot as well. They'll just keep getting sick as they load their bodies up with toxins and heavy metals and whatever else the psychos put in the vials. They're addicted to MSM fear porn and virtue signaling. *Sigh*

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Yes, I agree. Whatever it is that is compelling people to behave this way is eye rolling-ly bizarre. I believe more and more each day that the vaccine combined with 5G is destroying parts of people's brains...seriously...

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think many of us are experiencing what you’re experienced, and it’s frustrating. With the obnoxious “amnesty” publication in the Atlantic, we know that the broader culpable group knows the game is up. And like an unruly child, they’re testing the waters to see if they can get away with it. That op-ed backfired spectacularly. Every little crack in the dam can potentially help more people wake up. However it will be difficult for many to admit, not only that they were wrong, but to come to grips with the unthinkable: that they’ve precipitated their own demise & that of loved ones. It’s a horror beyond imagining.

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Oh my...don't get me started on that Atlantic article!!! I just read it yesterday, sent to me by someone who said it was an "apology"...steam almost starting coming out of my ears!!! I could not believe it!!! I was planning on writing article about it, but I see many people already are writing about it...see Kit Knightly's piece on Off-Guardian....

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My new book is out. My socio-political perspective is Common Sense Nationalism and my allegiance is to my people, the people of the historic American Nation and ultimately my forefathers in Europe. These folks find themselves in Canada, Australia, NZ, SA, and in smaller numbers throughout the rest of the world. They share a culture and a spirit.


I believe your focus on the sheep phenomenon, while observant, is misplaced because need to belong and even to conform is universal. The question is to which group do we affiliate and are those groups legitimate. Are they based on true ideas and enduring heritages? Are they life sustaining? Mass Formation implies the opposite.

The Covidians largely chose to affiliate with the dominant, globalist, media-reinforced community. I believe this community is illegitimate because it is based on lies and corruption, but I do not blame people for believing the lies and being manipulated by the corruption. Liberalism, as it is called, has dominated everything since 1945. The purveyors are expert. The myths are long-standing. The PSYOP is ingenious.

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Just got your book...very cool...I'll let you know after I've read it. Congrats again...I suggest everyone take a look at this from a fellow shrew...

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Just ordered your book my brother...I am very impressed and very excited to read it!!

Not sure what you mean by my "focus on the sheep phenomenon"...after reading why you think that is misplaced I don't really understand why you think what I say is out of order or "misplaced"...I believe what you say about our human need to "belong and conform" is normal. But I believe that compulsion is satisfied through an intelligent and "thought out" choice. Sheep are "blind"...they can easily be coerced through manipulation. I do not believe humans were "built" to be so stupid, for lack of a better word...

Anyway...looking forward to your book!!

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RemovedNov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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I will check out your links and your stack...thanks!

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