Maybe you are tired of being called a sheep. Or maybe you have been on the fence since the beginning of this nonsense but just didn’t want to join the weirdos in the “conspiracy theory” camp. You think they are all Trump supporters, gun advocates, Republicans (ptah!), hillbillies, among other deplorables…really? Look again. There are many different types here, and the common denominator amongst them is that they are all looking for one thing—truth.
Well, I think the first thing for a new shrew to realize is that people are going to slap that “conspiracy theorist” moniker on you whether you like it or not. No one knows what a shrew is except my little shrew club (yea to all the members out there!) so don’t expect to be called a shrew—you will be a “conspiracy theorist.” If you think about it, no one knows what a “conspiracy theorist” is either. That is another low blow socked to us by the agenda. No one bothers to look up the real definition, and maybe it has been changed already like so many other words that now have new official definitions.
Also, if you want to be a shrew you will have to start thinking. Now, don’t get offended, I know most of you can think. Many of you are incredibly intelligent, and can think up a storm. When I say “think” I mean to critically think, and maybe you already know how to do that about a lot of things, like when buying a house or a car, or investing your savings, or when you are trying to decide what model phone to get, etc. A critical thinker questions and thinks seriously about things that people in suits and ties tell you. You know, the folks “over 30.” The ones that want to tell you what you should think, and what you have to do. These people usually have fancy titles like “President of the United States” or “Premiere of Canada,” or people in uppity positions, assigned to them by the people with fancy titles, people with tons of power and money, like the leaders of the WHO, CDC, NIAID, NIH, the CEOs of big powerful corporations like Pfizer and Moderna, just a few sampled here out of many. Of course they are not always wrong (well, some people think they are) but just by their nature they should never be fully trusted. They need to be scrutinized. Most sheep don’t seem to be very skilled at doing this. When you are a shrew, you will be better at it.
Sheep don’t really trust anyone unless they meet the above criteria. Even if you have a lot of letters after your name, or are world renowned doctors or epidemiologists at Harvard or Oxford, or have 30 years of research experience. If they don’t have a high-level government job, or are a CEO of a big pharmaceutical company, sheep tend to think these folks are quacks and charlatans when they speak out against the narrative. If they have letters after their names they have to also be one of the above, a person with a secure position with a large institution, a secure position with a powerful government, and have lots of power (or money). For some reason sheep do not really trust education alone, or a lot of experience, there are just too many geek type doctors, scientists etc. that don’t agree with the power types above. I mean, really, how did those high position folks get to those high positions anyway? Isn’t it because they are the smartest? When you are a shrew you will know that simply is not true.
To be a shrew you have to question everyone. You have to vet them in a different way than sheep do. Sheep put too much weight in the value of power and position. A shrew cannot not act like a five year old listening to their parents (well, not all five year olds listen to their parents), be like the one who doesn’t, the one who has some rebel in him, some wild man or wild girl.
When information does not hit a shrew the right way, then he or she twists their little elephant nose and says, “hmmm, does that make sense?” He or she starts to think. He or she trusts his or her own intuition, own knowledge of things to make decisions, or knows where to look for the information that will best inform him or her. The shrew does not take authority to mean, “knows best”…in fact, with most shrews authority means just the opposite because they know how that person attained that level of authority, and typically, that isn’t a pretty and trustworthy picture. When you think with your own volition you begin to connect dots with no real bias (other than a desire to find the truth) and you often come up with ideas that don’t match the babble you are hearing. So to be a shrew, that is one thing you will have to do.
You probably will have to accept the fact that you will become a rebel. You will no longer mix and mingle only with the kids from the “right” side of the track. You will have to nurture your “bad boy/girl” self—the wild side of you. You probably have always hated these types, the ones that never followed the rules, who got in trouble for smoking in the bathroom in high school, or defied authority any time they could. Not all shrews walk on the wild side, but it seems that many of them do. The culture doesn’t typically like this type, they are harder to herd into nice pat little groups (it is easy to do this with sheep), and thus harder to control. Even though the culture treats these types so poorly, they have persevered (although there are far less of them these days than in the past). To be a true shrew you do not have to be wild. It is just one characteristic of a free thinker. In fact, it is better that you retain some of your previous qualities, that gives more strength to the movement. We don’t want all shrews to be alike, except in their ability to be creative thinkers, and autonomous human beings and not pushed around by authority, and love truth and freedom more than just about anything else.
You will have to, most likely, give up on this idea that you can get through life without suffering from disease, and certainly give up the idea that you can get through it without dying. This may seem like a “distant idea” but it really isn’t. Way too much energy in life is spent on attempting to be “zero risk” safe. Sheep have easily fallen into the mainstream narrative precisely because they think they can avoid death and disease—at least with Covid (they were actually taught to be that way by the powers that be). Of course it makes sense that we should have a healthy avoidance of death and harm. And if it had ever been true that masks, or social distancing, or lockdowns, or whatever, would statistically avert serious illness and death, then sure, avoid walking right into all that if you can would be a prudent idea—at least for a while. But that never was the case. At first most of us believed it was, but quickly, if you were thinking, it became pretty clear that it WASN’T.
Most sheep were mortified. Most sheep didn’t look at it all for themselves and thus did not discover that something truly WAS rotten in Denmark. Part of the reason sheep didn’t do this is because they were terrified of getting sick (largely because they were told to be), even when it came down to only just that, getting sick, even a little sick. Forget it. Destroy everything that makes us human (do I need to list them here?) to avoid a cold. I know many of you don’t believe this, and still believe the earth is flat and beyond the edge of the ocean “here there be dragons.” As harsh as it is to say, you are simply wrong. (No offence intended for those of you reading that believe the earth really IS flat—I’m using this as a metaphor.) That is something else you have to give up to be a shrew. Considering you are even considering being a shrew, you probably don’t have a problem with this.
The other thing most shrews seem to have in common, and to join them you may have to think about this, is living a meaningful life. How is that done? Well, it is different for most people, and that is for another article.
So in reality it really doesn’t take much to be a shrew. In fact, it is THE natural thing to do. If you were not indoctrinated by the “powers that be” to cast off your natural critical thinking, cast off your natural belief that the world is a benevolent place for a human animal to live, cast off your natural distrust for con-men and people trying to coerce you to believe something that they have made up, cast off your natural trust of your own ability to think and take care of yourself and be healthy, etc. then you would already be a natural shrew—out of the box everyone was born a shrew. So, get to work, and join the club of natural humans. At least as a shrew you are assured to be on the right side of history—that alone makes it worth it to switch. Welcome.
New Shrew here - loved the article, thank you. Well, I was a sort of half-breed shroop or something until the summer of 21. Always cared about the truth BUT allowed myself to be convinced for a while that I was in particular danger from the new plague because of my age and a couple of risk factors. But I didn't think lockdown was OK or sensible, especially for young people and even more especially schools, and I absolutely opposed vaxx passes, which I refused to have even after being dumb enough to take two doses of the genetic goop. Those of us who got it early were slightly disadvantaged, in that, by the time it was offered to younger folks (which I thought was ridiculous anyway but have long since realised was utterly evil, and that's before you start on kids) there was more information out there.
Anyway, it is what it is. I can't undo it. I have a triple-jabbed friend who is no longer here, as so many of us have, and, in the same small friendship group (6 people), if you include their families there have been 4 deaths in the months following the first booster and one heart attack a couple of months after the second jab, which would certainly have been fatal if the ambulance crew hadn't already been there when she arrested. But are any of them joining dots? Not one. Not even curious, and that's after me warning them before the boosters in September 21 and being told that says they're safe and effective so we don't want to hear any more, thank you. For mentioning the biometric control, Gates-y side of things I was advised to see my GP because my mental health didn't seem to be as it should be.
Anyway, re your subsequent post about materialism and spirituality, I'm with Mark Crispin Miller in thinking that you often can't get people to see what's going on, no matter the evidence, if they don't recognise that our institutions aren't just incompetent, but actively malevolent. They don't want to see that. And materialists don't really have any understanding of malevolence. We were told for decades that bad people weren't really bad - they were just unfortunate in their upbringing and experiences. People need to reacquaint themselves with the notion of pure, unadulterated evil (looking at you, Klaus, Billy and Fauci, but not just you).
Apologies for the long post.
I got a t-shirt recently that says, "Tested Positive for Critical Thinking." Some people scowl at it lol. Why? Well, some people say, "My grandfather died from Covid!" Well, ok. ....but really...died *from* Covid? maybe, in which case I'm sorry. But he probably didn't die from covid. How dare you?! and so on.
Regarding the deplorables, myself included, it's funny that some of the top activists in the vax-free movement are all lifelong democrats: RFKJ (obviously), Naomi Wolf (obviously), Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Pierre Cory, Michael Yeadon (Labour), Mark Crispin Miller...all lifelong dems, some of whom are regularly on Steve Bannon's War Room! Strange times. The two-party system is a relic of the corrupt French (color) Revolution. It's a great way to divide and conquer.