Oct 25, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I laughed enough to wake the dog. This is a good article with some really good one-liners that I will be claiming as my own.

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that made my day

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Wonderful article as usual. I think you’re right in saying that there is little we can do for the sheep. Trying to convince anyone of my views in the last year has felt like screaming under the ocean. The best thing to do is work on keeping the peace and perhaps tabling this topic with the sheep until there is a greater shift in consciousness, which I pray is coming.

I think a shift can happen with those that are currently single. It’s important to find partners that are more aligned with views, specifically regarding this vaccine, that way values and shrewdness can be passed on to the next generation. The next step would be to build like minded communities so that our children can feel supported and encouraged in their curiosity and in their shrewdness. This is where I think the real change will occur. This makes it a long process, but what other choice do we have?

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What you outline above is certainly what will eventually need to happen, but as you say it will take a generation or two to really have a global impact. Within that community though it certainly could have great impact before a generation has passed! Are you familiar with "Freedom Cells" ...if not, check them out...

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I thank god every day that my husband is a shrew. I feel isolated from so many people now that I thought were kindreds, life would truly be unbearable if I also had to live with a sheep.

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Yes, be very thankful.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This hits home but the strategies you offer are very helpful Thankyou!

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Boy Todd! This is a hot topic... one more example of how the globalist agenda is wreaking havoc in people's lives! Good post!

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022Author

Thank you Barbara...I have been brought to tears reading some of these comments.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

When I am out in the world, like today when we attended a production of The Flying Dutchman at the opera, I feel like I am in an insane asylum. Especially when the people are wearing the masks that look like pig snouts. Their brains don't work. And the insanity in the orchestra pit. The woodwind and brass sections were maskless, but the string section and the conductor wore masks. Don't any of them have the guts to say that it's crazy? If I had to live day to day with a sheep spouse, I think the stress would shorten my life. Thank God for a shrew husband.

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Where are you? In Toronto? I know there is a Flying Dutchman production going on in Toronto...

Your description here is just the reason I have not been to the opera or orchestra concert since they so kindly allowed us back into the theatre. I just don't know if I could take it. I have developed a horrible distaste for seeing people in masks (particularly the pig snout variety) that is almost pathological. It stirs up a lot of hatred, distrust, frustration, and anger, I can barely control myself.

I remember recently, just within the past week, there was an announcement made in Hollywood that musicians did not have to wear masks during film score recording. When it was announced there was all sorts of grumbling that came out of the orchestras, and many of them opted to continue wearing them. Astonishing the world that these people are creating...

And yes, it is yet to be seen if my life will be shortened...I suspect it will be for a lot of reasons. I am beginning to wonder if any of us will be spared this genocide, with shedding, etc. that is going on...

Are you a musician? Do you like Wagner?

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We live in south west Scarborough, and it was the COC production. Not a musician, but a culture vulture. Love Wagner. The production was excellent and it was nice to see a live opera again. It seemed like about 50% of the audience was unmasked. Like you, I find myself frowning, scowling and shaking my head at the masked morons. I want to scream at them and shake them but I restrain myself. Going to Soulpepper next month to see the fabulous Mike Ross and the hybrid musical events he puts together. We have booked a few future events, like New Years Day brunch at the King Edward, but I know that the evilarchy has the power to cancel anything they want to, so I keep my expectations low so as not to be disappointed.

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I applaud you for getting out and facing all this...if you haven't already, read my article "Fading Away" https://www.shrewviews.com/p/fading-away

I can't seem to pull my life back into some semblance of "OK-ness"...that is my challenge, and you are inspiration! I am going on a cruise next week so that is a start! I wanted to see "The Flying Dutchman" as it is one of the few Wagner operas I have not seen...but the trip got in the way. At least I like to think that.

Keep up the good work...avoiding complacency is very important, as that is what "they" want...for all of us to become bedridden slugs.

I like the New Year's lunch at the King Edward idea...maybe I'll meet you there!

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I will be too preoccupied scarfing down beef wellington to have a meaningful conversation. But I like the idea of a shrew mingle. We should start a meet and greet sanity group. An Irish pub north of the city with good parking would be ideal.

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That would be a great idea...difficult for me in my situation...I have a hard enough time watching videos without a conflict.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've started to treat sheep as though dealing with a sickness, or something like drug abuse. My best friend and parents, if they start talking about the sagacity of the WHO or some other bs I just nod and smile like they are high and will soon get over it. But this method doesn't really help the pain. It just helps prevent throwing knives. I miss my best friend and my dad. It must be very similar to loved ones who are facing drug addiction problems. You still love them, but it's painful to watch.

When you see a loved one who is high, you think, gosh I need to be there for them when they get sober...it's gonna be ugly. I tend to think the same about sheep: shit's gonna get real when they start to wake up, just as it was for us.

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Funny you would say all this...I find it interesting how all of us seem to have such similar experiences...I was just telling my sister the other day how I feel like some strange sort of observer with all this...just as you have described it...like we are listening to a crazy person, or someone who is high on drugs. It can actually be fascinating at times to see how totally irrational they can be....I miss my best friend too...and dozens of others. I am fortunate to have one sister, and one old friend, who are on board with me...literally only two people from the "old days" that were really close. Lots of new friends...but almost no old friends are left.

Yes, still love them, but painful to watch...I am afraid of the next phase, if it indeed comes, where these people will be like zombies...dangerous in their irrationality, and their anger...let's hope that doesn't happen.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is a great idea Andy.

My niece is visiting from Germany so we went to my sister-in-law's to see them yesterday.

At one point it was my wife, my niece and me talking (well they were talking. I was biting my tongue). They talked about Ukrainian refugees and how my niece is donating all kinds of stuff to help out with that. Then they got into how evil Putin was and then my wife shocked me a bit. She wondered why someone can't just take Putin out, like that would solve the whole problem. Then my niece talked about how they are being told to only heat their homes to 18 celsius this winter and my wife commented that Germany shouldn't have depended on Russia so much for their oil and gas. Then they started speculating about how Russia blew up the pipeline. Their own pipeline! That they spent billions on!

I just about lost it at this point but I kept silent. No point talking to them when they were "high".

I just continue to be be amazed at what these people fall for and how they are so smug about it. I love my wife but she believes she is well educated on current events because she reads the New York Times, the Toronto Star and the Guardian. I would joke that it's easy to keep up on those three sources because they all publish the exact same nonsense. But it's not funny any more.

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Don't get me started on the Ukraine/Russia thing...wow...

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Aaaah God! It feels like were walking around with machetes plunged into our chests, and the handles bouncing painfully in the air as we wobble through our day.

I lived with my daughter for 14 months during this debacle. She had already been hospitalized with Covid in Feb of 2020, but INSISTED on getting the shots. At the age of 31, she was diagnosed with early bladder cancer between those 2 shots. I had to drive her to get them. Broke my bloody heart .

Despite the fact that I was a practicing medical professional for 20 years, and wrote my dissertation on pharmaceutical malfeasance after studying for 10 years, and sent them all kinds of data advising a precautionary attitude until such time as these bloody things were proven safe, they all went ahead and got jabbed, and two of them think I am so far down the "paranoid pipeline" that they simply can't discuss it with me. The worst fights I've ever had with my daughter occurred because of her opinion vs. my facts about covid. Damn the CBC to gell for all eternity! The other threatened to cut off all communication with me if I ever brought it up again.

My father, uncle and aunt and others occasionally said things like, "Just be reasonable and get the bloody shot", "

and when I answered their queries with data, fact and research, they just kept at it - "Why don't you think like everybody else? What's wrong with you?" My father fell into a coma 2 days after his booster, and died 5 weeks later of an 'undetected' brain hemorrhage and an aggressive infection in his artificial mitral valve that had been perfectly fine before the shots. Only one family member was allowed to see him for all that time, masked, gloved, gowned and face shielded.

Three doctors refused to report his death to VAERS, so I did (either they don't understand AT ALL how that kind of data collection is done, thinking they have to diagnose the problem as vaccine related, even when I explained to these dunderheads (2 geriatricians and an emerg doc) that the causation is traced back AFTER the reports come in (three perfect examples of why VAERS is underreported by factors if from 40 to 100 times) or they are too afraid of the repercussions for 'overreporting'..

And two of my own sons and their respective spouses are fully part of the cast of this theatre of the absurd, wearing their masks in their apartment (because they think they're at risk ... from ME! whereas I've got natural immunity - the only real immunity - thank you very much), in the elevators and lobbies, as we enter a restaurant, but then take them off to eat and drink (keeping them on to order!).


And the kicker, my brother just died in his home. He was 64, but had been sick with really dire cancer since he was 37. Four major surgeries, that went so unexpectedly well that his case was written up several times in the literature. But these last 3 years have been horrid, as he's been palliative the whole time.

And although he was palliative (the definition of which is to provide comfort, not curative or preventative, measures) he was double vaxxed. By that time he was already being fed and oxygenated by tube, so any exacerbation would not be noticeable.

What was truly horrible is that his two children and his daughter's fiance kept their stupid masks on beside his deathbed in his home!, not even doing him the courtesy of allowing him to see their faces as he died.

His daughter is a primary school teacher and should know better, and his son is not stupid, but obviously both of them are terrified.

But the ultimate irony, that makes me sick with fury, was that they removed their Goddamned masks after he died. What the fuck did they think they were doing - protecting him? Even the doctor didn't wear a mask.

Again I say, unbloodybelievable.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for your comment S. Ivory. The answer most of us "shrews" get when we try to refute any of this nonsense from the sheep is "are you a scientist?" "are you a medical professional?" Well, from your story, it doesn't seem to matter much. Even with your credentials, it didn't sway your family. I'm so sorry for that.

I was wondering if there is a resource anywhere to find a "shrew" family doctor in the Toronto area. My Doctor told me before covid that he was retiring from his practice and I needed to find a new Doctor but I don't want to just have another person my "sheep" wife can point to and say "see! do what they say!" I want to have a Doctor with a functioning brain, who isn't owned by big Pharma. Do you know anywhere that I can find these elusive creatures?

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Wow Madrigal-YYZ, you sound like you are having the exact same experience as I am! My doctor is also retiring...and he is in his 40s...retiring because this all is just too much...I had to find another doctor and I don't think he is a shrew. I am not sure if that was a big mistake. I would love to find another supershrew doctor like my previous one...

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You can try contacting Mark Trozzi, or the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, or Vaccine Choice Canada They might be able to recommend someone (or Dr Chris Shoemaker, the fellow who demonstrated outside Ontario parliament (CPSO?) for 10 days vs injecting children)

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This is astonishing. Such a perfect example of the angst a person goes through with family (and friends) who simply cannot see the truth and carries on in this insane manner...and there is nothing you can do "but drive them to get their shots." You have certainly seen the worst of it.

I often think how I will feel if anything horrible happens to anyone in my family. I am pretty sure I will be overrun with grief and guilt...guilt for not doing more to stop them from getting vaxxed...I do nothing now, nothing. At first I begged and pleaded, then after the third shot I became so numb to it all that I slipped into deep denial. I say nothing, and just listen as some macabre figure sitting in the corner watching all the people that I love slowly poison themselves. I honestly act as if they will all be fine, that they will be "passed over" for some miraculous reason...statistics? Maybe...whatever it is, I am in denial.

Would love to read your dissertation, is it available on Pro-Quest?

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am so sorry for all of your losses. You are a true hero and may your strength persist.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is really a heartbreaking story ... I'm so sorry for your losses - your dad and your brother, and in some ways, your children. Thanks for sharing sure a painful situation.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

just love in the time of Covid ...

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S. Ivory if there was anyone to listen to, it would be someone like you with that background. That's why I have become so interested in the phycological aspects of this now, what is going on in people's mind that they won't even listen to, or be curious and have some level of doubt about their beliefs, after someone with your credentials presents information.

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Interestingly, this ig-norihgvis not new I was kicked out of both professions, medicine and academia, long before it became fashionable, for telling precisely the same kinds of truths that are coming out now. I was talking about medical malfeasance because of profit since about 1984, the absorption of professions into the corporate/state/legal dominance syatem since around 1988 or so, the eradication of an honest research community since 1988, the elimination of sovereignty in the name of global 'health' since around 2004, and the demolition of individual rights and world wthics since 2009 or so. I was warning of the scenario we are seeing now as an adjunct orofessorcof Business Ethics, and was let go for being a "communist" ( apparently that's what both the right and the woje left call humanists!) . The price of seeing too far ahead!

Are you familiar with the Cassandra archetype? The seer who is never believed and eventually kills herself in despair - loved and cursed by the gods.

I always see things in 'long context' a la systems theory - that's when you add history to sociology, plus psychology with a very liberal dose of physiology and neuroscience. This perspective ALWAYS produces accurate predictions, that are sometimes tolerated but never believed if they require accepting ignorant and therefore evil people are ubiquitous.

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You are a true hero my friend...an honour that you are here!

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I know, right?

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Do you do any writing? I would love to read anything you've written. I am familiar with Cassandra, but I am glad you reminded me of her, an article is now in the works! She most definitely is showing up here in the frustration we all feel for not being taken seriously.

What is going on here psychologically has never been observed at such a high level. I thought I knew human nature before now, with a few oddities over history sprinkled in such as National Socialism in Germany, Marxism in Russia and China, Indochina...never did I think this aberration of human psychology was as prevalent, or could be as wide spread as what we are seeing now. But sure enough, here it is. Talk about zombies...what an accurate metaphor/archetype. Humans devoid of all human-ness.

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Thanks for this article Todd I am in a similar situation to you. When I first starting finding out about vaccines it was from a scientific/engineering background, I was curious, found some new bit of information and thought that's interesting, I didn't care whether vaccines were "good" or "bad" just interested and curious, as Tom Cowan says I have no skin in the game. That's what I don't understand about sheep they don't want to hear anything, not even curious. We have stopped talking about anything to do with Covid in our house, I do have bouts of resentment, how can you believe a lying politician over me who you have had a close relationship with for over 20 years. If we purchase any major new item, I will do a bit of research and come back with x is better than y for this reason and it is generally accepted and taken into account, I view vaccines as exactly the same just another product with marketing. If someone said I like this car (brand/model) better than this one no one would care. Does your partner read your articles?

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Todd, I have wondered how you cope living with a sheep. I have a hard enough time living with my unjabbed husband! I can't complain because so many have it far worse, but even though we're on the same page about the scamdemic and the gene therapy, we have coped very differently and it has caused a lot of friction in our marriage. I started down multiple rabbit holes almost immediately and he prefers to bury his head in the sand. I became obsessed with reading all I could, understanding the pseudoscience behind all of the NPIs and the gene therapy, forming a local group of like-minded people, making a list of local businesses that weren't checking apartheid passes, sending money to the truckers, etc. I had to stop talking Covid all the time and complaining about it all because it would literally give him palpitations. But having to self-censor all the time is not in my nature and so I was angry at feeling silenced. We also have different attitudes about vaxxed "friends" who thought medical apartheid was perfectly OK and who paused our friendship when it became clear we weren't ever getting vaxxed. I tolerate them now but won't ever trust them again.

I've made new friends and having people with whom to commiserate, vent, and compare notes on the agenda has been a lifesaver. Hubby and I are OK, but I'm not the same person I was before 2020 and I guess he isn't either. Coming to terms with the fact that most of what you thought you knew was a lie is bound to change one. He indulges me in some of my prepping but won't listen to talk of CBDCs and impending economic collapse. Can't have everything!

As tough as it must be living with sheep, at least there's no longer any temptation to talk Covid with them. It continues to be frustrating to live with someone who is neither a sheep nor a shrew.

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Yes canadasceptic I am also in a similar position to you, I am just interested and curious with an open mind and just enjoy talking openly about scientific findings, I enjoy going down rabbit holes and reading conjecture but even without that it is easy to have valid doubts.

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Thank God my husband & children & grandchildren are all anti Covid vaxx.

Unfortunately I have other family & friends that took the jabs and was injured or lost loved ones shortly after getting the jab & yet they blame Covid or ANYTHING else for their injury or loss of a loved one except the jab!

And our corrupt government is not doing enough autopsies on all the millions of deaths so most deaths are marked ‘heart attack’ or ‘stroke’ or blood clots, etc...

I don’t argue with family & friends that disagree, I do send them a lot of statistics & info from honest Scientists, Doctors, Nurses & real victims & let them decide for themselves.

Thank God I don’t have a child with a sheep who wanted to vaccinate because I’d do whatever I had to to stop my child from taking it!

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