I know, or know of, many couples that are mismatched as shrew and sheep. It is bad enough to deal with this global ordeal as a united front with family, particularly a partner, on the same page. At the very least a shrew can then vent with a fellow shrew about what is going on outside within the privacy of their own shrew nest. But what if when you come home to that sanctuary you are met with a house full of sheep? Is that even survivable?
Human beings deal with a lot of junk flying at them constantly. Obvious junk like conflicts at work with unreasonable people, health issues that come hurled at them out of nowhere, financial issues that can keep a person up all night, crazy children, crazy partners, on and on. But there are a lot of things that fly in our face threatening to smash it in that are not seen. Some call this “toxic energy” others call it internal conflict with the unseen elements of the emotional environment. What could be worse than coming home to your refuge knowing that everyone in that supposed sanctuary disagrees with most things you believe in, are all vaccinated, and are all in agreement with the egregious tyranny being displayed beyond the doors of your abode?
It ain’t easy, that’s for sure.
Much of the turmoil I see in people’s lives who live in such an environment is due to this unseen, and unheard, bombardment. And for some it is not invisible, and is unquestionably seen and heard! It is not always a quiet killer, but rather a very loud and purposeful one.
I will begin this article with a comment about many shrews who have it much worse than simply a couple’s conflict—shrews married to sheep with children. I cannot even imagine a worse nightmare than having children of jab age (which today covers just about any child out of the womb) when one or the other partner wants them vaccinated and the other does not. This was a difficult enough situation back in the MMR days, but at least then, in most cases, some sort of reason prevailed. The argument was presented from both “sides” and there was an eventual agreement (this of course was not always the case, and knowing what I know now, if the choice was to vax with the MMR it was not altogether a reasonable conclusion).
What do these people do? I must say, with the few such couples I know, the consequences are not pleasant. In every one of these situations the parents are either now separated or divorced. In a few of the situations the children that avoided the poke are with the shrew parent and, up to this point in time, are safe (until the law steps in). In some cases with multiple children, there are, oddly enough, a few that did get jabbed and one or more that didn’t. Often this is due to age differences. If a child is older, he or she often “has a say,” and due to all the pressures at schools, many of these kids vote for the guillotine. This coercion in itself is a crime, “No participation in sports without a jab, no participation in just about anything extracurricular without the jab.” And on top of that, their choice is incentivised with an ice-cream cone or what not when they join the very popular Myocarditis Club.
I don’t know this from my own experience, but I can’t imagine this sort of thing happening without parents kidnapping their children to avoid the shot. Certainly I have heard of sheep parents sneaking their kids off to the willing “Doctors of Doom” for their “be safe” ritual. It stands to reason that some parents are also pulling their children away from the sheep parent to protect their kids from this unconscionable assault.
For those not facing this “what to do with the children” dilemma, things are not quite as difficult, but not easy as well. Many people live in a schizophrenic household, in some situations, as noted above, a partner does not push their love of the agenda, nor hatred for it, on the other. Best intentions pave the road to hell in situations where shrew and sheep keep their opinions to themselves. But I doubt, in these situations, if the ability to keep silent will last for long. If there IS a flare-up in these homes, it is insanely difficult. This sort of insanity is the hallmark of this situation. There seems to be absolutely no reasonable way to discuss it. It is not a matter of disagreement—it isn’t that easy. It seems to be a radical paradigm shift to move from one position to the other, which rarely happens.
What we as shrews believe is utterly untenable to sheep. The strange thing here is that what the sheep believe could be accepted by shrews if certain key issues were different—in other words we do not disagree with them simply because “we feel like it,” we disagree with them because what they believe in is not true. They do not disagree with us for that reason. They may say they do, but that isn’t the reason. For an example, lets say someone claims that the sun doesn’t cast light on the earth, and we claim it does. They claim what they believe is true, but it simply is not. We claim that the sun casts light on the earth because it is true—and sure enough, it is.
So when a conflict occurs in a divided house it can be very intense. A shrew may stupidly argue his or her point and the sheep may start spitting. Then they both start spitting, and that usually is the end of any intelligent discussion But, as arrogant as it sounds, what the shrew says is true, what the sheep says is not. Think of the sun analogy. This is how it goes.
Of course not everything we shrews believe is true, far from it, but the key points are…for example, the vaccine is not safe and effective. That is true. Doctors, scientists, and many others who speak against the mainstream narrative, are censored. That is true. Fauci, Walensky, Bourla, amongst many others have lied (whether intentionally or not). That is true. But, I could list just as many examples of what most shrews believe where the jury of truth is still out. But discussions with sheep don’t go that way. There is nothing a shrew can say that is taken in rationally. Nothing. Or at least that is my experience.
Once again I offer no clear solutions. I think this is the time where us shrews who are partnered with sheep can just lay low, like Br’er Rabbit, and choose which hills to die on. Do not try to flip your sheep, that just annoys them, and is a waste of your time. I know if I were alone (God forbid, I do love my wife immensely) I would be far more active than I am in this all-important cause, but as it is, I do manage to write a lot of articles, and offer financial and emotional support to others who are more active in this fight. I do believe the shrew in a divided house must find some way to express him/herself in this ordeal. If that effort starts to cause conflict, then something else must be done. You can never stop following your heart when your heart knows what is right. That would be killing your soul, and your soul is what is going to eventually win this, nothing else.
Thank God my husband & children & grandchildren are all anti Covid vaxx.
Unfortunately I have other family & friends that took the jabs and was injured or lost loved ones shortly after getting the jab & yet they blame Covid or ANYTHING else for their injury or loss of a loved one except the jab!
And our corrupt government is not doing enough autopsies on all the millions of deaths so most deaths are marked ‘heart attack’ or ‘stroke’ or blood clots, etc...
I don’t argue with family & friends that disagree, I do send them a lot of statistics & info from honest Scientists, Doctors, Nurses & real victims & let them decide for themselves.
Thank God I don’t have a child with a sheep who wanted to vaccinate because I’d do whatever I had to to stop my child from taking it!
I've started to treat sheep as though dealing with a sickness, or something like drug abuse. My best friend and parents, if they start talking about the sagacity of the WHO or some other bs I just nod and smile like they are high and will soon get over it. But this method doesn't really help the pain. It just helps prevent throwing knives. I miss my best friend and my dad. It must be very similar to loved ones who are facing drug addiction problems. You still love them, but it's painful to watch.
When you see a loved one who is high, you think, gosh I need to be there for them when they get sober...it's gonna be ugly. I tend to think the same about sheep: shit's gonna get real when they start to wake up, just as it was for us.