These sheep folk are really nasty. Wow. I got into an argument with a very close friend about all this and by the time it was over I was covered in spittle. Good lord dude, get a grip. Why so much anger?
It’s like the Karen syndrome, only everywhere and everyone, crazy beet-red sheep—spitting. It’s also like road rage, only in your face, and about something that is nowhere near as personal as someone invading your own little piece of freeway.
I remember a few years ago people getting really angry about Trump. Folks really hated that guy. They would cringe if they were forced to listen to him talk. And yeah, people would get angry if they got into a brawl with a Trumpster. But it was different, really different. An anti Trump person might have a burst of anger toward someone extolling the great virtues of The Donald, but if the argument went further than that it was usually the Trumpster who would get spitty. The anti-Trumper would get rather silent, not quite sure what to do.
I know up here in Canada Trudeau is the one to leash anger onto. He is so arrogant, if you don’t like him you can easily be ready to spit on him, it just seems like the right thing to want to do. But most people of that persuasion don’t spit; it is the defenders of Trudeau who spit.
People, namely sheep, seem to be in a very precious little club. If anyone threatens that club they tend to have a hissy fit. I am reminded of certain groups in high school. These were groups like the Honor Society, or some other prim and proper outfit that only the well-dressed kids with neat hair got into. There was a lot of moral signaling in these groups. I remember that if you got in, due to your stellar social status (and high grade point average too, of course) they would come to your classroom while class was in session and just walk up to where you were sitting, like some angel apparition or something, and hand you a white rose. The whole class froze, as well as the instructor. Talk about hooty tooty. The “other side of the tracks” kids would snicker, or maybe do something else a bit more invasive, and the honor entourage would have a hissy fit. “How dare you ne’er do wells ruin our special exclusory fun. Heathens.” Shrews are ragtag heathens messing up the little perfect party.
Sheep form the perfect little society party. All the middle class or “sort of rich” folks who like everything in perfect order—their government, their health, their community consciousness, their selflessness—just follow the rules, just like the Honor Society elites did (now, for all those with a pressed white rose in their year book, take a moment to laugh at yourself, and don’t get too offended, I am using this as a metaphor). These kids all had perfect records; none of them were ever caught smoking in the bathroom that’s for sure. The sheep like to think of themselves that way. In Canada they have a nice little mamby pamby pretty boy leader with nice hair that they elected. In the US it is the old Uncle Joe they put in office, with the white teeth…and perfect hair…
No one is allowed to mess that up, and if they do, tears of rage and spit blast away. This is their stability; it is what makes them all feel safe. When an emergency hits, they all gather around the television and listen for instructions, instructions that keep them all in line, all clean, all as safe as a bug in a rug.
Real science is dirty. It is at best confusing, unstable. It won’t stay still either and moves around way too much. Honor Sheep Society members don’t want instability, they are afraid of change, they want to work for their grades, wear their nice clothes, keep their hair neat, and get their white rose. Everything in their lives proceeds as planned, as long as nothing messes it up. If a problem arises, they get instructions from their authority handlers and they follow them and all stays in order.
If some heathen shrew comes along and says, “Look at the real science, this is not as it looks, this is not really happening the way you think, your handlers are crooks, your instructions are faulty, take heed fellow humans, you are being led astray!!” Oh right, they are going to listen to that? No way. “Oh dirty shrew, you don’t have a white rose, you are not in our high caliber club, go away, you disgust me, you are a weirdo conspiracy theorist, a science denier, we don’t want to listen to you, we want to listen to the man (or woman) with the nice hair.”
And then they spit.
This structure that they have built around them is quite delicate (non-real structures built on lies and fantasy are usually pretty delicate). Nearly any puff of shrew breath will threaten its integrity. The rose carrying sheep are more concerned about the STRUCTURE of their reality than whether it is real (true/factual) or not. Their ivory tower leaders, authorities (health officials and pharma bribed doctors) cannot come down, or their whole world collapses. So they fight, they fight like there is no tomorrow, but they don’t fight with facts, truths, or science. In fact, they don’t fight WITH anything of any substance. It is why they get so angry. Have you ever gotten in a fight with a cult member trying to defend his or her reasons for sucking up to some megalomaniacal leader? It’s like arguing with an opponent clutching a tissue paper shield, and has at the ready a mouthful of spit.
Our current herd of sheep have something else going for them the cult member in a small cult doesn’t have, and that’s numbers. They also have the consensual society backing them (sheep ARE the make up of the primary culture) AND they have the press. How can they be wrong? Their honor society world has a lot of strength in numbers and media coverage. However, they don’t typically act that way, they act as if the argument you have with them does indeed have the power to tear their entire world apart. Truth can do that. So they typically kick and scream like you are cutting their head off with a dull butter knife. Their response certainly can be terrifying, and the spittle can be messy—try to stay out of range.
Reasonable dialogue ended years ago. The only thing the thinking, logical, articulate people get in response to their efforts to educate the deluded, is inarticulate rage.
So right on! And, as their cancers re-emerge or their hearts begins to fail, and they know - we know they really know - in their shallow hearts of hearts, they choose suffer in silence or remorseful angst; the victims of which they really see themselves, refusing to admit their “White Rose Club” authority figure could have been wrong. They’ll die, miserably and alone, defending the cause, virtue signaling and blaming the uneducated, conspiracy-following heathens for destroying their illusory utopia of self-imposed ignorance and false allegiance to “the science”.