Well here it is October ‘23, a year and a half after you wrote this and guess what? People are still wearing masks. Alone. Ina a car. Outside on a hot sunny day. Not wearing them ‘again’ but STILL. I have seen the same sheep in the same mask for the past 3+ years.

Zombies? Yup.

Too harsh an article? Not by a long shot.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

I loved your article. We need harsh reality right now. The ones that are still wearing the mask tell me that they are completely brainwashed. I am not sure what will wake them up but something needs to real quickly because we are all falling prey to this one world order and it doesn’t seem like it is slowing down. I believe that we the people have the power via collective consciousness to change this path. We all need to start reading more and turn off the TV, cell phones and the other distractions.

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I agree with you Alicia...the "dirt warrior" process may not yield the results we need, but prayer, holding love, unity conscious probably will...of course we can do both, the fighting--in courts, together in groups, writing like I do, reading and becoming more educated like you and others do...I think we need to continue that as well. Who knows what will break this...but truth will prevail. Hopefully before it all falls apart. Thanks for writing...

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May 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hey Todd, I read it this morning then my day got away from me. I was going to post a funny zombie apocalypse gif I saw from before covid with a bunch of people walking down the street staring at their phones but I couldn't find one like that where they were all wearing masks.

I knew right from the start that masks were bullshit. I heard faux-ci and that hideous Canadian health czar both saying masks were not needed for healthy people and then out comes the WHO with the new playbook and they both changed on a dime. And of course the crack reporters did not question anything about them doing a 180.

Here in downtown TO not much has changed. I have always used a neck gaiter so I could easily pull it up over my nose when I had to. But it still seems like most down here are still wearing masks. I can spot the ones who are doing it to spare the hassle of a confrontation vs those that are still afraid. The latter, in my opinion, have always been afraid of something and will continue to be for the rest of their lives. I feel a little sorry to be afflicted with that but I think we all have things in our lives to overcome and I don't feel pity for long for people that don't at least try to get past something that adversely affects their lives.

It's interesting. I had occasion to be waiting for pills at Shoppers this afternoon due to a mix up between my Doctor and the store. It gave me a chance to do what I love to do - observe people and situations. So what I noticed is that 75% of the customers had masks on. Of those, almost all steered clear of me and my naked face (I don't take it personally and I prefer to not have to deal with them anyway). Some non-mask observations were that the pharmacy seemed to be rather short staffed and short tempered. I also heard a senior staff member telling another to do some things to limit the amount of pills dispensed indicating possible supply issues. Also, they created this whole section for getting shots and tests and I was there over an hour and I did not see a single person in that area - staff or customers (good sign perhaps?). There was also an issue where the banking machines weren't working when I went to pay but luckily I had the cash to cover it. I have seen some rumblings out of the WEF crowd about possible "cyber attacks" so this might be something they are testing out. Or not. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean their not out to get me, right? :-)

So no, your article was not derisive and harsh. In my opinion it is long overdue for us all to take off the kid gloves.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Author

Hey....I would have liked that image you described. I was looking for "zombies in masks" and could not find any! Probably all censored.

Thanks for the comment!! I had not thought about employers making their employees wear masks at the job until you mentioned it in your comment. That certainly is true...and I think it is a big reason why people, no employees, follow suit...creatures of habit. Amazing...Bizarro World for sure...

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May 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's two months to the date that mask-mandates were lifted for most locales here in Alberta. It appears that urban areas have more continued mask-wearing than rural locales. Working in schools part-time I witness about 1/20 teachers still wearing masks, and about the same ratio for students here. Your observation of high school students still masking--but you're the professional-- has some teenage psychology involved. These students over the few years I've watched seem to like the notoriety of the mask--- you know, 'hiding oneself' at that age in that same fashion that many teens like to pull the 'hood' of the hoody over their head as a statement and to declare their anonymity and reap any associated 'benefits'. With adults and the elderly it's -- in my opinion--the continued message of fear coming from the MSM that will be hard to erase, unfortunately, and will keep the masks 'ready to roll' into the near new-normal future. Ugh.

p.s. Todd, I wrote a lengthy email to you about 2 weeks ago. I hope you received it. Thanks.

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That is a very insightful theory about the high school kids...I had not thought of that, and it does make perfect sense...thank you!

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May 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I do relate to the article. It does trouble me to see continued mask wearing…especially outdoors and young people wearing masks as they navigate through the world. I am grateful that in my community children are no longer required to wear masks in school. I just do not understand why. I am still seeing so many with masks.

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There seems to be an "underground" movement to defy the lifting of mandates. More and more people are "going back" to wearing masks, or never stopped wearing them. It seems from my anecdotal experience this trend is increasing.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Not too harsh, no. A pointy edge is needed. The ones I find most disturbing are all by themselves, driving, walking, or, as witnessed this beautiful Spring morning, a cyclist on the rural trail beside my house, pedaling earnestly, dutifully wearing a mask with no other human in sight.

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Yes, I agree. I know that most of these maskers think they are giving nothing up wearing them, "just to be safe" or "why not, what's the big deal?"...it is interesting to me how much of us on this side of the fence (shrews) know from our gut how wrong this is, how destructive to our well being it is. It isn't just a choice people are making to wear red socks...

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May 2, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I enjoyed this article and can very much relate. I find those who continue wearing masks very unpredictable. It actually makes me quite nervous. And I’m sure their view towards myself, being unmasked, is not so different. Ridding of these masks was just another attempt to divide, in my opinion

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Yes, that is interesting. Apparently there is a whole movement of people in opposition to the efforts to remove mandates, Twitter has the hashtag #CovidIsNotOver. These people seem to be quite militant about it...but I agree, I think all of this is part of the agenda. Look out for my article later in the week "The Silent War"...thanks for the comment!

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