For each and every single sustainable development goal, I can cite how the wealthy “elites” have created, caused, violated or don’t live up to their own standards. So, why should we expect them to honor any of their “promises”? You are exactly right; it’s all a lie and a trap to give them complete and total control of our lives and our minds! These people are pure evil.
Agree 100%...and you know, their job of convincing the masses they all have good intentions is pretty easy...they don't do much to hide their true intentions, but no one still seems to see them
As with all political statements, the one question they will not answer with any coherence is “how?”. Get them to answer that truthfully and even the densest sheep would start to understand.
I do it with sheep around me when they spout off about how great sustainable this or that would be and how we should do yadayadayada... I ask them how. They have no idea because they’re just parroting what they hear. And they hear it from those that won’t say how for fear we would catch on to their diabolical plots.
We’ve met with some local level councillors and focus groups all spewing their platforms of change. And they cannot explain the “how”. Ever.
It’s all just talking points with no substance unless they explain the how. With the WEF/WHO etc they also don’t explain how, expecting (and getting) people to just nod and say yes - just like you said.
This whole global as well as local fiasco has always been hinged on the answer to that question, "how?" And yes, no one asks it. Humans have always loved idealistic leaders, leaders that set high lofty goals and have no idea how in hell they will accomplish them. I think at one time these idealistic thinkers actually believed they could accomplish what they set out to accomplish. Today, and specifically with the UN SD goals, they are clearly aware they are "pie in the sky" targets. They are liars.
Definitely not a sheep, maybe a ram? I truly do not know where I am on the spectrum of having an accurate 'forest' view of the seismic shifts in human history taking place. I absolutely recognize vividly the darkness of it though. The predatory nature of this beast which seeks to entrap us, foul our souls, break our spirits and defile us.
Well summarised Todd, Agenda 2030 is evil. It is alarming seeing the way the wind is blowing in sheep land regarding their embracement of some of Agenda 2030 goals. In the past few weeks I've had the following responses in conversation.
On GMO food:
"I would argue that it is superior to organic food, the yield is greater, and it is an efficient way to grow mass food production. Organic food is literally grown in shit and will make you sick."
"I don't see it as an us vs them situation, digital currency is more convenient and governments have an incentive to support population growth."
On c19 injection injury and death:
"All vaccines have side effects and of course some people were going to get injured and die after injecting billions of doses. The greater good risk benefit is still worthwhile."
On personal vehicle transport:
"We should be slashing the tires of people's cars, especially when we see one person driving a SUV. They are killing the planet."
On their quiet nod to approving of overall depopulation without explicitly acknowledging the c19 injections:
"The world is overpopulated, not everyone can have the same standard of living as you and I. There are not enough resources on the planet. We would be better off with less people."
Here is a piece I wrote on sustainability as technocracy, citing the UN's sustainable development goals and the work done by Patrick Wood:
Great article, I tried to leave a comment and subscribe, but whenever I clicked the subscribe button nothing happened. Here is my comment...
"Excellent!! Yes, technocracy and transhumanism and sustainable development are all different shades of the same horse. Thank you for the history...I only went back to the formation of the trilateral commission in the '70s in my article...but knew there was detail of its origins in the '30s....thanks for filling that out!! Great work!!"
It had to be said. The goals are not only unattainable, the situations presented as a danger to the world are based on made up data, i.e. climate crisis and endangered elephants, tigers, polar bears, etc. None of it is real. But most people don’t look to see if what they’re being told is true.
Yes, there is a lot of pollution. Yes, some animals are being abused or pushed out of their natural habitat and dying as a result. That won’t change with global restrictions. People will do what they want as long as they can. Laws don’t stop selfish behavior. CAFOs abuse and pollute, but are protected by gov’t. Bug farms WILL abuse and pollute, and will be protected by gov’t. Unless and until people go back to ignoring governments and providing for themselves, there is no way to stop what’s coming in human governance.
Health and humanity only flourish when people care for their food-raising, gathering, catching, whatever-and procure it themselves. The population is now so insulated?/isolated? from the action of providing for their own needs that they cannot see the cruelty and waste created by the actions of those appointed to do the providing. Myself included. It’s been many years since I raised a substantial percentage of my food, so I’m also guilty of encouraging the system. So we have no right to be indignant about what they have planned for us if we haven’t made or are not willing to make those changes in ourselves. We can’t rise up and push off the oppressors without already being ready and capable of going it alone.
Like children, we want our parents to be kind and generous and think of what’s best for us. Why are we allowing ourselves to be parented?
Yes, I agree. But I also believe that we CAN become more responsible based on true information rather than just relying on big daddy to tell us what is happening and what we must do about it. That may be a bigger task than all of us procuring our own food through our own farming etc. Although you are absolutely right, that would create a more conscious awareness regarding what is really happening in the world.
It’s definitely a mess, and hard to negotiate through. As Tim Taylor would say, a pair of ducks. We have to do something, and we have to have accurate information to know what to do. But we have to do something whether or not we get the accurate information 🤷🏼
It's time to bowdlerize Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part II. Change it from "The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers" to "The first thing we do is, let's kill all the bureaucrats."
Excellent. This needs repeating until more citizens understand the real dangers of magical thinking. Otherwise intelligent, educated people repeat the SDG fantasies as if it’s virtuous to do so. They’re inviting their own enslavement cloaked in utopian corporate spin.
You mention "corporate", and that's the thing, it is through allowing corporate to enrich themselves to unprecedented levels of wealth (by tolerating and/or legalizing monopolies), which leads to the accumulation of enormous amounts of influence, which in itself results in power (mostly ability to bribe, but also, ability to invest in the best PR to not only make themselves look good and virtuous, but also to use this large investment in the best PR to convince the masses).
I'd always thought of myself as a political Liberal (in the old sense, before the last decade or two) in as much as I always believed in the necessity of controlling/regulating business or industry so as to protect the common good by keeping greed and expediency in check.
The 80s and 90s saw the likes of Regan, Thatcher, etc. talking people into the idea that business was being stifled by regulations, resulting in loss of economic opportunities and growth.
Winning this fight to unshackle themselves and freed to pursue unbridled profit and growth at the expense, or without any consideration for the good of society, and with the help and support of the alphabet soup government agencies, bankers, the political leaders of militaries, and the budding world government agencies that were increasingly being funded by corporate/industrial profits, helped to bring us to where we are now.
The old Left/Right, Lib/Con, Dem/Rep labels won't work anymore since Democrats nowadays are more Fascistic in thinking than most hardcore Republicans. They have become so corrupted by privilege and money that they believe that if they can bring about a global Marxist/Socialist totalitarian regime, they believe that they will continue to enjoy privileged positions of power, or even more privileged positions of power and influence under this new system, not once considering that when the new system is instituted, their former treasonous roles will no longer be required, leading to their liquidation or their being bumped back down to the level of the common, now destitute plebs.
Historical study of totalitarian governments will clearly demonstrate how the sycophantic functionaries are regularly purged and replaced by by new batches of amoral order-followers.
This will all end very badly for those who help to bring about this "Utopia".
Well said and 100% accurate. Considering how the U.S. public has been voting for their own destruction for decades with the results clear for all to see, and they keep on doing it, I'm not optimistic. We do have better access to accurate information than ever, at least for the moment. But only for those who seek it out. OTOH, people seem dumber, with worsening education, decades of fluoride, vaccines, environmental chemicals, pathetic diet, so there's that which plays into their hands - a dumber, sicker, more dependent populace.
This is why I tend to be hopeless about turning the sheep, en masse, around. I think we are not only dealing with psychological damage, but possibly physiological brain damage as well...and I don't see a way to "fix" that.
The only hope we have, IMHO, is to stay together (shrews) and try to carve out a world within this world that will survive all this, raise children without the indoctrination, and hope we get a little help from God along the way.
But along with that, we have to keep fighting, and keep hoping the sheep flip. They MIGHT, miracles do happen. But if we fail at that task, we must not slip into despair.
Yes indeed. I wish I had shrews to stay together with! My wife and only child think just fine, which makes me a lucky guy. But, I don't know anyone else on their level. I'm lucky that the people I deal with aren't woke jerks, at all. I like them, they just don't see the things they should see.
When I referred to the U.S. public I was thinking UK and the continent are, as you say exactly the same! Not a coincidence, most people are just too easily manipulated.
For each and every single sustainable development goal, I can cite how the wealthy “elites” have created, caused, violated or don’t live up to their own standards. So, why should we expect them to honor any of their “promises”? You are exactly right; it’s all a lie and a trap to give them complete and total control of our lives and our minds! These people are pure evil.
Agree 100%...and you know, their job of convincing the masses they all have good intentions is pretty easy...they don't do much to hide their true intentions, but no one still seems to see them
As with all political statements, the one question they will not answer with any coherence is “how?”. Get them to answer that truthfully and even the densest sheep would start to understand.
I do it with sheep around me when they spout off about how great sustainable this or that would be and how we should do yadayadayada... I ask them how. They have no idea because they’re just parroting what they hear. And they hear it from those that won’t say how for fear we would catch on to their diabolical plots.
We’ve met with some local level councillors and focus groups all spewing their platforms of change. And they cannot explain the “how”. Ever.
It’s all just talking points with no substance unless they explain the how. With the WEF/WHO etc they also don’t explain how, expecting (and getting) people to just nod and say yes - just like you said.
This whole global as well as local fiasco has always been hinged on the answer to that question, "how?" And yes, no one asks it. Humans have always loved idealistic leaders, leaders that set high lofty goals and have no idea how in hell they will accomplish them. I think at one time these idealistic thinkers actually believed they could accomplish what they set out to accomplish. Today, and specifically with the UN SD goals, they are clearly aware they are "pie in the sky" targets. They are liars.
Definitely not a sheep, maybe a ram? I truly do not know where I am on the spectrum of having an accurate 'forest' view of the seismic shifts in human history taking place. I absolutely recognize vividly the darkness of it though. The predatory nature of this beast which seeks to entrap us, foul our souls, break our spirits and defile us.
Beyond that it's turtles all the way down....
Sounds like a shrew to me. And yes, it is indeed turtles all the way down.
Well summarised Todd, Agenda 2030 is evil. It is alarming seeing the way the wind is blowing in sheep land regarding their embracement of some of Agenda 2030 goals. In the past few weeks I've had the following responses in conversation.
On GMO food:
"I would argue that it is superior to organic food, the yield is greater, and it is an efficient way to grow mass food production. Organic food is literally grown in shit and will make you sick."
"I don't see it as an us vs them situation, digital currency is more convenient and governments have an incentive to support population growth."
On c19 injection injury and death:
"All vaccines have side effects and of course some people were going to get injured and die after injecting billions of doses. The greater good risk benefit is still worthwhile."
On personal vehicle transport:
"We should be slashing the tires of people's cars, especially when we see one person driving a SUV. They are killing the planet."
On their quiet nod to approving of overall depopulation without explicitly acknowledging the c19 injections:
"The world is overpopulated, not everyone can have the same standard of living as you and I. There are not enough resources on the planet. We would be better off with less people."
Here is a piece I wrote on sustainability as technocracy, citing the UN's sustainable development goals and the work done by Patrick Wood:
Great article, I tried to leave a comment and subscribe, but whenever I clicked the subscribe button nothing happened. Here is my comment...
"Excellent!! Yes, technocracy and transhumanism and sustainable development are all different shades of the same horse. Thank you for the history...I only went back to the formation of the trilateral commission in the '70s in my article...but knew there was detail of its origins in the '30s....thanks for filling that out!! Great work!!"
It had to be said. The goals are not only unattainable, the situations presented as a danger to the world are based on made up data, i.e. climate crisis and endangered elephants, tigers, polar bears, etc. None of it is real. But most people don’t look to see if what they’re being told is true.
Yes, there is a lot of pollution. Yes, some animals are being abused or pushed out of their natural habitat and dying as a result. That won’t change with global restrictions. People will do what they want as long as they can. Laws don’t stop selfish behavior. CAFOs abuse and pollute, but are protected by gov’t. Bug farms WILL abuse and pollute, and will be protected by gov’t. Unless and until people go back to ignoring governments and providing for themselves, there is no way to stop what’s coming in human governance.
Health and humanity only flourish when people care for their food-raising, gathering, catching, whatever-and procure it themselves. The population is now so insulated?/isolated? from the action of providing for their own needs that they cannot see the cruelty and waste created by the actions of those appointed to do the providing. Myself included. It’s been many years since I raised a substantial percentage of my food, so I’m also guilty of encouraging the system. So we have no right to be indignant about what they have planned for us if we haven’t made or are not willing to make those changes in ourselves. We can’t rise up and push off the oppressors without already being ready and capable of going it alone.
Like children, we want our parents to be kind and generous and think of what’s best for us. Why are we allowing ourselves to be parented?
Yes, I agree. But I also believe that we CAN become more responsible based on true information rather than just relying on big daddy to tell us what is happening and what we must do about it. That may be a bigger task than all of us procuring our own food through our own farming etc. Although you are absolutely right, that would create a more conscious awareness regarding what is really happening in the world.
It’s definitely a mess, and hard to negotiate through. As Tim Taylor would say, a pair of ducks. We have to do something, and we have to have accurate information to know what to do. But we have to do something whether or not we get the accurate information 🤷🏼
Oh yes, most definitely. We have enough information to know what to do now.
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton
Very accurate comment about these goals being “sugar coated arsenic”
Love that description...thank you Todd, appreciate your writing!
The goals are sugar-coated arsenic. Good read as usual. Linking today @
Yes, sugar-coated for sure.
Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....
Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today
How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.
So true...
It's time to bowdlerize Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part II. Change it from "The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers" to "The first thing we do is, let's kill all the bureaucrats."
Agreed, but not quite sure if that would solve it.
But what a good start!
Excellent. This needs repeating until more citizens understand the real dangers of magical thinking. Otherwise intelligent, educated people repeat the SDG fantasies as if it’s virtuous to do so. They’re inviting their own enslavement cloaked in utopian corporate spin.
You mention "corporate", and that's the thing, it is through allowing corporate to enrich themselves to unprecedented levels of wealth (by tolerating and/or legalizing monopolies), which leads to the accumulation of enormous amounts of influence, which in itself results in power (mostly ability to bribe, but also, ability to invest in the best PR to not only make themselves look good and virtuous, but also to use this large investment in the best PR to convince the masses).
I'd always thought of myself as a political Liberal (in the old sense, before the last decade or two) in as much as I always believed in the necessity of controlling/regulating business or industry so as to protect the common good by keeping greed and expediency in check.
The 80s and 90s saw the likes of Regan, Thatcher, etc. talking people into the idea that business was being stifled by regulations, resulting in loss of economic opportunities and growth.
Winning this fight to unshackle themselves and freed to pursue unbridled profit and growth at the expense, or without any consideration for the good of society, and with the help and support of the alphabet soup government agencies, bankers, the political leaders of militaries, and the budding world government agencies that were increasingly being funded by corporate/industrial profits, helped to bring us to where we are now.
The old Left/Right, Lib/Con, Dem/Rep labels won't work anymore since Democrats nowadays are more Fascistic in thinking than most hardcore Republicans. They have become so corrupted by privilege and money that they believe that if they can bring about a global Marxist/Socialist totalitarian regime, they believe that they will continue to enjoy privileged positions of power, or even more privileged positions of power and influence under this new system, not once considering that when the new system is instituted, their former treasonous roles will no longer be required, leading to their liquidation or their being bumped back down to the level of the common, now destitute plebs.
Historical study of totalitarian governments will clearly demonstrate how the sycophantic functionaries are regularly purged and replaced by by new batches of amoral order-followers.
This will all end very badly for those who help to bring about this "Utopia".
Very well put...and yes, very "magical thinking"
Well said and 100% accurate. Considering how the U.S. public has been voting for their own destruction for decades with the results clear for all to see, and they keep on doing it, I'm not optimistic. We do have better access to accurate information than ever, at least for the moment. But only for those who seek it out. OTOH, people seem dumber, with worsening education, decades of fluoride, vaccines, environmental chemicals, pathetic diet, so there's that which plays into their hands - a dumber, sicker, more dependent populace.
This is why I tend to be hopeless about turning the sheep, en masse, around. I think we are not only dealing with psychological damage, but possibly physiological brain damage as well...and I don't see a way to "fix" that.
The only hope we have, IMHO, is to stay together (shrews) and try to carve out a world within this world that will survive all this, raise children without the indoctrination, and hope we get a little help from God along the way.
But along with that, we have to keep fighting, and keep hoping the sheep flip. They MIGHT, miracles do happen. But if we fail at that task, we must not slip into despair.
Yes indeed. I wish I had shrews to stay together with! My wife and only child think just fine, which makes me a lucky guy. But, I don't know anyone else on their level. I'm lucky that the people I deal with aren't woke jerks, at all. I like them, they just don't see the things they should see.
Exactly the same here in the UK. Coincidence?
When I referred to the U.S. public I was thinking UK and the continent are, as you say exactly the same! Not a coincidence, most people are just too easily manipulated.