Let’s say you were offered a choice from a reliable source—reliable from the perspective you knew they would deliver on their promises. Pick one of the two: One million dollars or make a starving child’s life wonderful. And if you take the mil, the child will die.
What is “wonderful” you might ask? Nothing too fancy: all the food and clean water they want, clothes to wear, health care, good education, clean living. Let’s throw in for good measure that their whole family benefited from this deal.
Which would you pick?
I would think most of you would pick taking care of the child. I would. But would you fork over $10k a year to assure the child’s friends also got to live a decent life? $100k for the whole neighborhood? Probably not, I know I wouldn’t. And we are good people, why not? Well, there are lots of reasons, but the most compelling is that it becomes a matter of “human nature” to avoid extreme altruism—we’ve got too many other things to deal with, like our own families and communities. Some of us will push through this resistance and really sacrifice to help others, but most of us will not.
And we are the good guys. We are the ones closer to those starving children and can actually empathize with their plight—”there go I, but for the grace of God.” What about the people who actually could make a difference in the lives of so many unfortunate ones? —and we need not limit this issue to starving children, we can include anything that benefits the lives of common people: clean water, safe city streets, ample food to eat, safe and effective medicine, structurally sound roads and bridges, on and on. What would they choose if that question about 1 million bucks or make the life of a child happy and secure was presented to them? Ha. They choose day in and day out, and we all know what they choose. I’m not talking about rich people sharing their wealth. I’m talking about government officials who are elected to govern all of us—for our benefit.
But these people, the ones we have given money and power to run our world, are not ordinary people. Most of them are downright criminals, most of them are downright evil, and if I didn’t know better (ha ha) I would say most of them are in league with Satan himself.
Keep in mind, the dichotomy present between regular human beings and those creatures the likes of presidents and monarchs is similar to the dichotomy present between ants and the humans that step on them without giving it a second thought. Face it folks, this is pretty close to the truth.
Now, maybe some of them would not step on us if they could avoid it. But I doubt if there are many of that ilk. The complexities of “their” world are so far beyond anything that we can comprehend, it is difficult to see this any other way. The masses are for the most part in their way and are a nuisance in their global game of Monopoly. We are like invading ants ruining their picnic. Nothing but an annoyance.
Why not just get rid of us? Spray some Raid down that ant hole and be done with it. Hmmm. I have a niggling feeling that is exactly what they are doing. According to them there are just too many of us. Sure, a few “eaters” out there is essential to keeping the whole shebang running. But quite a few of these masses are useless eaters, so see ya later alligator—except there is no later.
Now, realistically, I am sure there are a few good men and women amongst these elite who squeak by and find themselves in the snake pit surrounded by vipers. There are always outliers and anomalies in every situation. I, for one, believe that John F. Kennedy was a good man (albeit with some troublesome personal faults!) and thus a good American president. But he was probably the last, considering the literal criminals that followed him. The government of the United States has been spiraling down ever since the first World War (and probably before that) and reached a pinnacle of ugliness when JFK was murdered by the ruling class of mobsters, corrupt power-hungry politicians, the CIA, and the entire swarm of evil businessmen benefitting from the country’s war machine (and cocaine distribution machine.
But let’s not dwell on that for now. I only mention it because it is important to know that there is a way out of this, as each of these “good guy” outliers are like a drop of clean water dripping into a jar of dirty water—there is a chance, if we continue to get those people in power—that the water will eventually get cleared up. Unfortunately, being the doomsayer I am, I am not going to hold my breath. It’s also easier to just say everyone in power is bad and be done with it. Especially since that seems to be the truth.
So, back to the ants and the can of Raid. It is rather astonishing that anyone still thinks that the government actually functions to make our lives better—that that thought is even a glimmer in their brains. It isn’t. And it hasn’t been for quite some time. Think about it, really think about it. If it were true that our government gave a rat’s ass about the people who elected them, do you really think things would be as mucked up as they are? The US government found it possible to send more than 75 billion dollars to Ukraine so that corrupt government could kill more of Russia’s young men and women. And they soon will be sending untold billions to Israel (so far, before this current incident with Hamas, they have given Israel 150 billion in military aid) so that corrupt government can kill Palestinian women, children, and whomever else they can manage to wipe out. Is that action for you? For us? Will it help build a better country for us??? I don’t think so. And don’t you dare say, “they are taking this action to ensure a safer world.” If you still believe that nonsense, you may as well get sprayed with that can of Raid.
Of course, these world governments have to pretend they do everything for us, lest we revolt or take some other silly action to knock them off of their pedestals. They probably are quite annoyed at all the time and money they have to feed into their propaganda machine to keep us complacent. Always keep in mind a swarm of ants with a purpose can destroy just about anything in their path. These criminals have been working hard to relieve that potential problem with their psyops and brainwashing efforts. And you have to give them credit for their success in this regard. It has taken them years to get us to the point where most of us will believe just about anything they say, and of course, the majority of us will comply with anything they tell us to do.
We may not be able to change the world overnight, but the first step must be in understanding that our relationship with our government is toxic at best, and lethal at its worst. Unfortunately, this is a very sad way to live, to be constantly looking over our shoulders, and to trust nothing that we see and hear. We have better things to do. We have children to raise, money to make, cars and houses to buy. But who ever said it was a good idea to just leave our government to run on its own like the sprinkler system that waters our lawn. No one did. The government has a huge impact (an understatement) on the quality of our lives. In fact, it determines our very survival. And again, the first step we must take is the realization that they are running a game for their own benefit, not for ours. And if we are going to live the lives we were intended to live, we have to stop that, and stop it as soon as possible.
100% right on target! Thank you, Todd!
Now each of us must do our part, and if we do nothing more, we must at least share this far and wide. Silence and doing nothing is our true death sentence. The real test is watching how many, who know this truth, will remain silent, either out of fear of offending someone in their lives, or out of apathy, assuming ‘someone else’ will save them!
We must make our own personal choice to resist, protect, defend and rid the world of this evil that we’ve allowed to grow and take control. Yes, it’s only here because good men allowed it. We cannot pass the buck. But, we have the best defense team, the most powerful force in the universe backing us. God. Who can defeat us if we believe in Him, claim His truth and utilize His power within us?!
Or, we can do nothing and be systematically eliminated along with the useless eaters. If we haven’t clearly seen evil’s true agenda over these last few years, there is little hope for humanity.
I intend to live for hope. I intend to fight for truth that overcomes evil. I choose God. What do you intend to do? Are you brave enough to share Todd’s post on your social media pages? That’s the first step; being vulnerable. Face the fear of rejection, head on. Be compassionate and be respectful, but take a stand. You might be surprised; you might be just the one someone else in your life actually “hears the truth from. You may spark the thought process in another. Be the answer to their growing doubt. We all have credibility with someone.
But, you are either with God’s soldiers, marching forward into the light of truth or you are against us; there’s no middle ground. Trust me, standing up against evil will empower you. If God is with us, who can be against us; only useless eaters.
Happy New Year! Have hope, keep the faith, pray without ceasing, and join God’s army in defeating evil, one mind, one heart at a time.🙏🏻🇺🇸
HAPPY NEW YEAR to us all.
I think most of us would choose to help the child.
Most governments today would more likely wonder if they killed off a few million kids, could they use the money on a pork election project.
I am on a limited income at almost 77 years of age. A friend I knew since we were kids on neighboring ranches asked if I was retired and I said, "No, just tired!"
Most of my life I was self employed in the horse, cattle, and leather business. Much of that income or business in various times was destroyed in some way by government or people with far more money than they needed that bought huge ranches to use for hunting.
A neighbor lady that was living on one of these ranches where her husband was a guide told me it cost about $60,000 there in total for a trophy elk hunt. They mostly hunt for the head to decorate their man cave. I have poorer friends begging to hunt for meat that can't find a hunting place they can afford. A cattle rancher uncle of mine used to let them hunt for $5.
Our State just wasted 12.5 million on building two roundabouts to solve a traffic problemccreated by a WalMart that could have been solved fo $20,000 and two signs.
I smell a rat of who lined their pockets here.
I truthfully think that there is a regular soon to happen Earth changing cataclysmic event coming and the top secret bunch know WHAT but not for sure WHEN.
The Trillions of dollars they waste won't ever need to be paid back. Meanwhile the elected Bohemian Grove Satanic bribed, and the unelected initialized Satanic appointees get to stuff their pockets to afford blowing $60,000 for a trophy elk hunt, or even to fly to someplace like Epstein Island and molest instead of feed a child.
I just read an interesting post on GLOBAL INTEL HUB speaking of how the deep state is crashing and the role Trump, Musk, and UFO disclosure play in it.
According to much of other things I have read (Theory???) our U S Navy has space ships high above us that were built in a huge remote underground facility that dwarf our Aircraft Carriers. THAT is where much of the disappearing Trillions were spent on black budget logistics and manufacturing. According to other stories we already have an underground base on the Moon and Mars. We also have the story of the Planet Serbo exchange over 70 years ago. The money sure went someplace other than even in the movie AMERICAN MADE.