Think for a moment about what you really care about. Let’s say you are an average working Joe or a partnered mother with three kids. You have a family, a medium-sized house, two cars. One for your husband to go to work in, the other for you to do your family errands—or the other way around, although not as common, let’s say you bring in the majority of the income, and your husband “works” the homestead. Let’s say you both work, hard, and relentlessly, and when Christmas comes, if you celebrate it, it is a struggle to provide what you feel will make your kids happy, joyous, and excited.
Let’s say things aren’t even that good. Let’s say you struggle all of the time to make ends meet. Let’s say you are really poor by our modern, western standards. Or, the opposite, you are pretty well off. Maybe your combined income is over $200,000 a year. But, of course, less than the millions it takes to be a member of the elite. Maybe you have a pretty high-powered job, with lots of responsibility and lots of fancy perks. Not too much, mind you, because if too much, you may be close to possessing the mentality, demeanour, and worldview of the special class. If you are up that high, you don’t fit into what I am describing here. And, of course, I would doubt seriously if you were reading this substack.
So, let’s say you fit my rather broad category of “person in the world” I have described here. What do you care about?
Let me guess. First and foremost, if you have children, you care about them. You care about their physical health and their mental health. You care about their comfort, their schooling, their friends, or if they are ever in harm’s way. Unless you have some serious personal problems of your own, that is probably your first concern—your children. Then, of course, your family comes next. Your partner, your home, and yourself as an integral part of your family. You are concerned and care about your neighbours and your community. You typically care about your extended family, your parents, your siblings and their kids and their comforts.
Once those cares are taken into consideration, you may give some thought to the city you live in, the people you call your tribe, and the country you call home. Then you may care something about the world in general. Whether there is enough water and food for other people’s children. Whether there is killing and destruction out there, and how safe you and your family might be in the world. You may even extend your care to the planet itself, to the health of the ecosystem, and whether the climate is out of control and may pose a threat to you and your family within the next couple of decades. You do care about your children’s children, and even the children their children’s children will bear long after you are gone.
And here comes the killer. You trust. You trust that the people in the world who have the power to take care of the things you care about also care about the same things.
They don’t.
Yeah, sure, they care about their own children (maybe, but I have my doubts) they care about the water they drink, the food they eat, and the safety of the bed they sleep in under the roof of the house they live in. But they don’t care about you. Not one single iota do they care about you. In fact, they would just as soon throw you and your babies in an incinerator if it helped them achieve their own goals in the world. They don’t care.
So, what do they want, and what do they care about?
They want power, they want money, they want to rule the world and make it what they want it to be, and maybe they want to serve the devil. I am not so sure about that one, but it would not surprise me because I can’t get it through my naive head how people could be so evil, cruel, and uncaringly calculated to do the things they do and not be aligned with some sort of evil entity that has no soul. That’s why it wouldn’t surprise me. But usually, I just can’t get my head around it. Maybe I am just naive, and a bit stupid, in insisting that every human being can be in touch with his soul if he or she makes the effort. But maybe not.
The most important thing we must get into our collective head is this fact—they don’t care. Sure, there are some up there that do care. I do not mean to say that everyone past a certain income level is evil and uncaring. In fact, there are people in government who care, there are billionaires who care. I am certain of this. But anyone who reaches these unimaginable heights is more susceptible to being pulled into the clutches of the elite, and thus will sell their soul to the agenda. I cannot tell you why this has happened, I only know it has indeed happened, and the last three years are a testament to that fact. Yes, this was going on far before 2020, but starting in 2020 it became so clear and so obvious only those with gouged-out eyes could not see it. Fauci, Biden, Walensky, Bourla, Johnson, Morrison, Merkel, and scads more. They don’t care. Their world, their agenda, their concerns, their wants, and their visions, are so radically different from ours that they don’t have an inkling of what actually is important for the world. Maybe I am wrong; prove it to me.
So why is the agenda good for them and not for us? —because it serves an inhuman worldview. It supports eugenics, transhumanism, and genocide, among other inhuman schemas. It believes that the only way to keep the planet intact, and thus keep the resources intact that they need for their elite, and comparatively small, group, is to eliminate a large number of useless eaters (genocide) who really only excessively consume resources, pollute the planet with their waste, and contribute nothing that will create their utopian world. Read Huxley’s Brave New World and even Orwell’s 1984, and Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, to get a better picture of this global intention. All this hoopla about climate change, pandemics, inequality, racism, etc. is a distraction to get us to look the other way while the distributor is yanked out of our car so it won’t run anymore.
I am sure some of you think I am crazy, like David Vincent in The Invaders, Dr. Bennell in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, like Sarah Conner in Terminator, and countless other warnings through media over the years. Throughout history, those who had legitimate insight into what was coming in the future were considered crazy by most, until what they were yammering about became reality.
I just read an article about a speech by the UK’s King Charles. This took place at the recent gathering of climate change fanatics—the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28), convened by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The leader of the Commonwealth chattered on about how important it was to stop the oncoming tsunami of climate revulsion, lest the world be destroyed while we all slumbered in our apathy and indifference. Really? What does he care?
First of all, the last people on the planet who will immediately suffer from the alleged “human-created” slow rise in temperatures they blab about will be them. We are supposed to believe that they are really concerned about something they don’t give a gnat’s ass hair of effort to curtail themselves? —with their fancy billion-dollar mansions, fleets of expensive cars and private jets. They don’t lift a blessed finger themselves to stop the thing they are going on and on about that they claim is destroying the world—and that is only one glaring reason why it is clear they don’t care.
They’ve got all of us shaking in our boots about it, thinking we might not be able to buy a bottle of milk for our starving babies in a few months if we don’t stop driving our evil gas-guzzling Toyotas to the market every day. Where, in the meantime, these very people are doing their darndest to destroy farms and farm production in most of the world—among a whole slew of other outrageous atrocities.
They don’t care, people, they don’t care. As I have said before, we are ants to them, and since there are so many of us, they have to try to control the masses, so we don’t swarm over them and leave behind a glistening pile of sun-bleached bones, which we are capable of doing in a heartbeat. They apparently do care about that, but everything else they claim they care about, they don’t.
LISTEN! —They don’t care.
Bingo. As soon as I truly, deeply realized the fact that TPTB don't care and actually mean us harm was the day all the craziness made sense... a sick psychopathic sense, but sense nonetheless.
PM Blackface's policies make no sense until one looks at them with the purpose of ruining our country and stomping on it's citizens. His contempt for the common Canadian is palpable every time he opens his mealy mouth. And now he and his enabler Sellout Singh are trying to change electoral rules prior to the next election which they justifiably should lose in an avalanche.
They hate us, despise us and don't give a rat's ass about us. Rip that bandage off and accept the fact there are NO HEROES. We must ALL stand up for ourselves in whatever way we can and say NO MORE.
Nailed it! Why do people not see the glaring hypocrisy? Or do they believe these wind bags and Woke Communist talking heads somehow deserve to live differently/better than the rest of us due to their “royal or self-appointed” status? The sheep all tune in or take off work to attend the blatant misuse of millions of their tax dollars wasted on the elegant pomp and circumstance paraded down their streets and this glaring discrepancy is simply missed? And applauded? This is centuries-old brainwashing of the finest kind! The mass sheep population here in the U.S. owns no property, barely keeps a beater running and fueled and feed their kids processed food from their weekly entertainment trip to Wally World, but gleefully trade their smart phone on the annual update plan, keeping them tethered to the ongoing contract for the puppet masters to further brainwash them with them greater access to videos and games, easily distracting them from the increased surveillance and control for which it was actually designed and updated regularly; all completely unnoticed or cared about. Foreign nationals are rapidly replacing the western country’s citizenry, assuring the puppet masters are kept in place and if needed, they have a ready army at hand. The NWO Plan, implemented decades ago, is working splendidly! Soon they’ll convince the “community” that self defense is unnecessary as the government will protect them and provide all they need and desire; “you’ll own nothing and be happy”, eating whatever the government lab puts out because it’s cheaper, and shipped right to your door, FREE, via the latest online delivery service, leaving you more time and digital credits for more games and porn! The continuous push for “health protection”, via more “vaccines” to protect you from ever-increasing, more dangerous, lab-developed pathogens, will kill off even more of the useless eaters, with the entire scamdemic a bygone, unmentioned, unaccounted for period, best forgotten. For those of us who still think for ourselves, object and do not comply, we’ve already been located and marked, and will have “Sudden Death by Accidents” (now an accepted end) or will simply be locked out of the new system. We’ll be shunned by the sheep for “not caring about the greater good” and will have to move off grid, into like-minded tribes, shut out and shut down by our own electronics until the last, critically thinking generation dies off, leaving the Communists in full control. Mission accomplished!