ha! well i wasn't just asking you..... plus i've never been to Kansas. though i'm pretty sure i'd get sucked into buying a pair of boots and a large hat if i were to visit. the boots would then disappear into the black hole of my front door closet. buried beneath the 10 or 12 thousand pairs of tiny sketchers.
I wasn’t implying that YOU get out of Dodge…I was trying to be funny implying it was a solution to get the hell out of here and find some cave to live in (metaphor.)
My family on my dad’s side were cow farmers in Kansas….but I don’t remember being there that well (only visited a few times). Although after watching Yellowstone I do wonder if Montana would be an interesting place to live, where men are men and everyone is polite (or else get killed). Of course I would not do well anywhere where men have to be men…I would not survive…
I just bought a pair of slip on Sketchers…best shoes I have ever worn…
my mom's mom actually came up to Saskatchewan from somewhere in that area of the states. on a covered wagon no less. everyone's dead and the family bible was with my uncle but nobody knows what happened to it. so that's unfortunate. she was 3 when they, well maybe, got the hell outta dodge? lol. i have a friend in rural oregon where everyone carries. she says there's no road rage. no rude behavior at all. in fact she described a total donnybrook at a watering hole where everyone who was fighting was carrying. nobody even thought about shooting any one. i think when you grow up immersed in a gun world you can distinguish when and where the tool is used.
The Terminator movies seem like a warning about AI and high tech satellite bombardment across the sky watching everything we do. With a 5G or higher phone on our person and a bunch of Fauci crap injected in ones veins who knows how insane they might make one behave.
A lot of people would have avoided trouble if they had mistakenly left their phone at home on Jan 6th. Location can be turned off but 911 can't.
I watch Cosmic Disclosure on the GAIA channel and wonder how much is true.
Somebody or something is yanking our political and reality chain.
A Course In Miracles teaches Life and Time is all an illusion that we ALL can choose to escape and return to GOD. The longest and most fascinating book I have ever read.
Hard to imagine that someone is imagining the insanity that seemingly is rushing our way.
Cool that you've read the ACIM text, it is a behemoth. Yes, I believe it is all an "illusion" as well, but unlike ACIM, I believe this illusion has meaning and purpose. It is a training ground for the spirit. At least that is what I tell myself. But it IS a game of sorts...and fear has no part in it, what we fear simply becomes a challenge...and game move. Now, I don't live every second with this awareness, I am just as frightened of a speeding freight train as the next guy. But I try.
The only way they can keep up this fake vile is by giving people stuff.
As soon as all of this vaporware doesn't provide shit, the illusion collapses.
We're at the point where it's very easy to see the benefits of technology and what technology is absolute bollocks.
People are slow to realize this, but the whole con-vid mess blew the lid on the illusion.... As Frank Zappa said, the curtains will be gone and the people will see the brick wall behind it. That's what is happening today.
These wizards of oz only have a fancy pa system of PROPAGANDA, but they run out of useful tricks to keep us distracted.
The only real people control tech they have is psychology and they done buggered that up with their stupid rush over the last 3 years of idiocy.
All good points...we are given candy like children, and we take it and eat it and fuck up our teeth and get fat. Candy is everywhere, and it is all being handed out by the "powers that be" to entice us into the old abandoned house so they can rape us.
That's wild. I was just thinking about that film this morning and planned to see it again...it is a pretty perfect example of what this article is about!
or the damn thing is a simulation. or i'm imagining this whole world as i lay unconscious in my 'comfort pod'. other than those two possibilities i definitely prefer the real. i think most curious people prefer it as well. i think there is a growing market for the real. analog music. physical books. (well i got stung by a book as a child. my mom had a fantastic library and i would feel kinda in awe that someone's thoughts could be preserved in a book. on a shelf. the books even had a nice smell. i finished a great story called 'the count of monte cristo' to find a strange sentence. 'this is an abridged version'. i felt so ripped off that someone had stolen words from the author, from me. it taught me to double check for the evil abridgers lurking around every corner. thus i'm here now. lol)) more people have seen the fake during the scamdemic than any other time. they're planting herbs and peppers. they're outside. they're doing things. many were lured into the digital. now some are returning. feeling rice running through their hands before measuring it. wrasslin with the goofball pup in bed until scolding words waft upstairs. i wonder how many substackers will do physical mailings once the real censorship lands in our laps. like Mae Brussell used to? i'm holding on to the real. i have faith in the real. i'm keepin it real bro! or bruh. whatevs.
None of this accepting a false reality as true is a surprise. If you are surprised, you haven't been paying attention for decades.
Firstly, many of us are psychologically conditioned not to believe the evidence of our senses, as while living in gaslighting, dysfunctional homes (with addicts - to substances, to work, to 'entertainment', to sex, to internet - or addicts to addicts, etc.), we learn either to blame and/or shame someone else for our own inflexibilities and wrongdoings, or we are conditioned to feel comfortable - after mastering the 'arts' of repression and depression - living in a state that insists that what we think (see!) is happening, is not really happening at all.
Secondly, this has not come unannounced. Sci fi from the early 60's through to the early 80s predicted absolutely everything that has come to pass, picking up the baton from such as Kafke, Orwell, Burgess, Huxley. And major movies of this work have given it imaginal heft. Beyond simple predictive accuracy, the built and discursive environments in films is often uncanny, goosebump-raising: "V for Vendetta", "Idiocracy", "Bladerunner", "A Clockwork Orange", "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" and "The Matrix" come to mind off the top. The 'evil one' does not hesitate to test drive coups d'état through pop culture media first, then a more sophisticated, more deadly version in certain professional silos (like medicine, law, the academy, and so forth) prior to unleashing it in full force upon the now unsuspecting-because-literally-desensitized hoi polloi. And there are publications in the public domain that outline precisely what is coming - "Agenda 2030" and so forth.
Thirdly, and this is to my mind the most concerning aspect of all of it, the up and coming generations are conditioned, in a McLuhan-esque sense, not to get involved, not to care, not to see what isn't convenient, to cultivate a morbid sense of fascination with artificiality and the derealization of human existence through the PHYSIOLOGICAL effects of screen tech. I presented a paper in 2012 at the American Culture/Pop Culture Association conference in Boston (misplaced in the agenda, as it was put in the tech section but should have been included in the education or medicine sections) called "From the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Entitlement: Training our kids to be sociopaths", that linked bodily and cortical effects of screen watching with underdevelopment of empathy and confusion about identity, reality and ethical behaviour. It was not received kindly by the 20 somethings at the time!
I've been fascinated by the Mandela Effect, ever since the Dolly's braces disappeared in the Bond film Moonraker. So when a book on the Mandela Effect appeared on Amazon, I bought it. It was disappointing, having been written in a huge font and double-spaced, I powered through it in half an hour. But here's the thing...It was very repetitive and poorly written, and had an AI feel to it. I figured out that it was written by CHATGPT. Clearly the "author" had asked the AI a number of questions and then stitched the answers together into chapters. I checked my theory by asking CHATGPT a number of Mandela Effect questions, and the spewed-out answers closely resembled the book. I gave it one star, and exposed what the supposed author had done. But here's the thing: In a few months, we won't be able to tell whether a work was crafted by a human or generated by a moron with a computer. And worst of all, the idiots out there will thing it's a great thing, as they wait for Bill Shakespeare's latest and greatest play. The world has clearly lost its way.
The downside to self publishing, and as you describe, it will only get worse. Before, books had to go through SOME sort of scrutiny, and usually editing, to make them fit for publication. Now anyone can get someone up on Amazon that "looks real" but isn't necessary worth of publishing. Now with ChatGPT it will only get worse (well, maybe the writing will be BETTER!)
There has always been terrible literature - check out most of the 'for young readers' selections in high school libraries in our own province) it we now have the marvellous opportunity to read it and winnow through piles of detritus ourselves.
AI is just an extension of everything else that is fake. The difference being "old school" fakery is still accepted by the masses and they have built their entire reality off of it. Public school, academia, archaeology, media, clergy, all and sundry have done an excellent job of concocting the accepted created reality. Until the people of the land come to grips with everything, absolutely everything being a lie, agreed upon, then nothing will change. Pick a topic, its fake....history, science, maps, organized religion, popular culture, Christmas, Easter, and absolutely everything that is celebrated, touted, quoted, espoused and promulgated. Can't have it both ways, can't pick and choose which falsehood, which delusion, to cling to. You either reject it all or not. "Hot or cold, but not lukewarm."-Jesus
Indeed, but the remedy is just to study history. Comb the Library of Congress archives, the National Archives, Old books, old law books, and disconnect from the delusion. All Mighty God is not the author of confusion. There is a light, a real light at the end of the tunnel, and it exists in Love for what is real, to wit, The Creator, family, real friends, birds, trees, beautiful colors, sweet smells, pleasant sounds, laughter, children and grandchildren. We lament and we warn, but alas who listens?
In an ideal world children would be taught about the suffering of sentient beings and the root of the suffering. Instead they are taught about wonders of technology and the world of identity politics.
Not many are asking what is that carrot that we call "progress". Progress to what?
I am lucky enough to learn about the impermanence of everything. But how many there are who reflect on it daily?
The powers to be are not stupid. They know what moves us. Desire to avoid pain and seek happiness drives us to do some weird stuff and machines are the lie that we are sold. The panacea of happiness-- The machine!
P.S sometimes I feel like you read my mind :) You are so accurate in describing the current state of madness.
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you say what you said in your last sentence...that is truly validating because I am not so much interested in "telling people" what I think...I am interested in resonating with other people's experiences in order to show solidarity in our "fringe beliefs"...this then becomes psychological and emotional support. There is nothing more devastating for the human spirit than a sense, and despair, of isolation.
I feel the same way when reading all of these amazing comments...you are so right on with what you say here...thank you...
Perhaps I said that already but sometimes I feel that I am going insane, I feel that my perception of the reality is broken and I can't trust my own senses and then i read your work and the work of others. ( Too many to mention) And then I know, I am not the madman, there is the truth out there and the majority can't see it. Unfortunately the truth is not easing the pain :)
when I am in that state of questioning reality I remind myself Albert Camus quote-- " The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him. All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.
When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:) Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.
The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
(Sorry to reply here, substack’s face isn’t working right for me, so I can’t only comment on replies 😅)
There actually is a Project Blue Beam (I believe) that’s all about holographs. So your comment about airplanes crashing into buildings being indescribably false in real-life would fit right in with that.
Yes, I would be open to this possibility, although everyone else (sheep) would find it preposterous. I recently watched a docu claiming that the planes never crashed into the buildings and that all the eye witness accounts were not really eye witness accounts (are there even any?) and that ALL of the filmed evidence was faked...very compelling documentary.
discussion between corbett and broze.
Patrick Henningsen live on TNT radio from Bath. i think it's called the better way conference
Jame Corbett is there now too...
Patrick Henningsen live on
What? Me? Solutions? Get out of Dodge....
ha! well i wasn't just asking you..... plus i've never been to Kansas. though i'm pretty sure i'd get sucked into buying a pair of boots and a large hat if i were to visit. the boots would then disappear into the black hole of my front door closet. buried beneath the 10 or 12 thousand pairs of tiny sketchers.
I wasn’t implying that YOU get out of Dodge…I was trying to be funny implying it was a solution to get the hell out of here and find some cave to live in (metaphor.)
My family on my dad’s side were cow farmers in Kansas….but I don’t remember being there that well (only visited a few times). Although after watching Yellowstone I do wonder if Montana would be an interesting place to live, where men are men and everyone is polite (or else get killed). Of course I would not do well anywhere where men have to be men…I would not survive…
I just bought a pair of slip on Sketchers…best shoes I have ever worn…
my mom's mom actually came up to Saskatchewan from somewhere in that area of the states. on a covered wagon no less. everyone's dead and the family bible was with my uncle but nobody knows what happened to it. so that's unfortunate. she was 3 when they, well maybe, got the hell outta dodge? lol. i have a friend in rural oregon where everyone carries. she says there's no road rage. no rude behavior at all. in fact she described a total donnybrook at a watering hole where everyone who was fighting was carrying. nobody even thought about shooting any one. i think when you grow up immersed in a gun world you can distinguish when and where the tool is used.
The Terminator movies seem like a warning about AI and high tech satellite bombardment across the sky watching everything we do. With a 5G or higher phone on our person and a bunch of Fauci crap injected in ones veins who knows how insane they might make one behave.
A lot of people would have avoided trouble if they had mistakenly left their phone at home on Jan 6th. Location can be turned off but 911 can't.
I watch Cosmic Disclosure on the GAIA channel and wonder how much is true.
Somebody or something is yanking our political and reality chain.
A Course In Miracles teaches Life and Time is all an illusion that we ALL can choose to escape and return to GOD. The longest and most fascinating book I have ever read.
Hard to imagine that someone is imagining the insanity that seemingly is rushing our way.
Cool that you've read the ACIM text, it is a behemoth. Yes, I believe it is all an "illusion" as well, but unlike ACIM, I believe this illusion has meaning and purpose. It is a training ground for the spirit. At least that is what I tell myself. But it IS a game of sorts...and fear has no part in it, what we fear simply becomes a challenge...and game move. Now, I don't live every second with this awareness, I am just as frightened of a speeding freight train as the next guy. But I try.
Curious about "Cosmic Disclosure"...
The only way they can keep up this fake vile is by giving people stuff.
As soon as all of this vaporware doesn't provide shit, the illusion collapses.
We're at the point where it's very easy to see the benefits of technology and what technology is absolute bollocks.
People are slow to realize this, but the whole con-vid mess blew the lid on the illusion.... As Frank Zappa said, the curtains will be gone and the people will see the brick wall behind it. That's what is happening today.
These wizards of oz only have a fancy pa system of PROPAGANDA, but they run out of useful tricks to keep us distracted.
The only real people control tech they have is psychology and they done buggered that up with their stupid rush over the last 3 years of idiocy.
All good points...we are given candy like children, and we take it and eat it and fuck up our teeth and get fat. Candy is everywhere, and it is all being handed out by the "powers that be" to entice us into the old abandoned house so they can rape us.
Funny enough, there is just an article about the old Peter Weir film "The Truman Show" over at the BBC :
That's wild. I was just thinking about that film this morning and planned to see it again...it is a pretty perfect example of what this article is about!
or the damn thing is a simulation. or i'm imagining this whole world as i lay unconscious in my 'comfort pod'. other than those two possibilities i definitely prefer the real. i think most curious people prefer it as well. i think there is a growing market for the real. analog music. physical books. (well i got stung by a book as a child. my mom had a fantastic library and i would feel kinda in awe that someone's thoughts could be preserved in a book. on a shelf. the books even had a nice smell. i finished a great story called 'the count of monte cristo' to find a strange sentence. 'this is an abridged version'. i felt so ripped off that someone had stolen words from the author, from me. it taught me to double check for the evil abridgers lurking around every corner. thus i'm here now. lol)) more people have seen the fake during the scamdemic than any other time. they're planting herbs and peppers. they're outside. they're doing things. many were lured into the digital. now some are returning. feeling rice running through their hands before measuring it. wrasslin with the goofball pup in bed until scolding words waft upstairs. i wonder how many substackers will do physical mailings once the real censorship lands in our laps. like Mae Brussell used to? i'm holding on to the real. i have faith in the real. i'm keepin it real bro! or bruh. whatevs.
None of this accepting a false reality as true is a surprise. If you are surprised, you haven't been paying attention for decades.
Firstly, many of us are psychologically conditioned not to believe the evidence of our senses, as while living in gaslighting, dysfunctional homes (with addicts - to substances, to work, to 'entertainment', to sex, to internet - or addicts to addicts, etc.), we learn either to blame and/or shame someone else for our own inflexibilities and wrongdoings, or we are conditioned to feel comfortable - after mastering the 'arts' of repression and depression - living in a state that insists that what we think (see!) is happening, is not really happening at all.
Secondly, this has not come unannounced. Sci fi from the early 60's through to the early 80s predicted absolutely everything that has come to pass, picking up the baton from such as Kafke, Orwell, Burgess, Huxley. And major movies of this work have given it imaginal heft. Beyond simple predictive accuracy, the built and discursive environments in films is often uncanny, goosebump-raising: "V for Vendetta", "Idiocracy", "Bladerunner", "A Clockwork Orange", "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" and "The Matrix" come to mind off the top. The 'evil one' does not hesitate to test drive coups d'état through pop culture media first, then a more sophisticated, more deadly version in certain professional silos (like medicine, law, the academy, and so forth) prior to unleashing it in full force upon the now unsuspecting-because-literally-desensitized hoi polloi. And there are publications in the public domain that outline precisely what is coming - "Agenda 2030" and so forth.
Thirdly, and this is to my mind the most concerning aspect of all of it, the up and coming generations are conditioned, in a McLuhan-esque sense, not to get involved, not to care, not to see what isn't convenient, to cultivate a morbid sense of fascination with artificiality and the derealization of human existence through the PHYSIOLOGICAL effects of screen tech. I presented a paper in 2012 at the American Culture/Pop Culture Association conference in Boston (misplaced in the agenda, as it was put in the tech section but should have been included in the education or medicine sections) called "From the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Entitlement: Training our kids to be sociopaths", that linked bodily and cortical effects of screen watching with underdevelopment of empathy and confusion about identity, reality and ethical behaviour. It was not received kindly by the 20 somethings at the time!
I've been fascinated by the Mandela Effect, ever since the Dolly's braces disappeared in the Bond film Moonraker. So when a book on the Mandela Effect appeared on Amazon, I bought it. It was disappointing, having been written in a huge font and double-spaced, I powered through it in half an hour. But here's the thing...It was very repetitive and poorly written, and had an AI feel to it. I figured out that it was written by CHATGPT. Clearly the "author" had asked the AI a number of questions and then stitched the answers together into chapters. I checked my theory by asking CHATGPT a number of Mandela Effect questions, and the spewed-out answers closely resembled the book. I gave it one star, and exposed what the supposed author had done. But here's the thing: In a few months, we won't be able to tell whether a work was crafted by a human or generated by a moron with a computer. And worst of all, the idiots out there will thing it's a great thing, as they wait for Bill Shakespeare's latest and greatest play. The world has clearly lost its way.
The downside to self publishing, and as you describe, it will only get worse. Before, books had to go through SOME sort of scrutiny, and usually editing, to make them fit for publication. Now anyone can get someone up on Amazon that "looks real" but isn't necessary worth of publishing. Now with ChatGPT it will only get worse (well, maybe the writing will be BETTER!)
There has always been terrible literature - check out most of the 'for young readers' selections in high school libraries in our own province) it we now have the marvellous opportunity to read it and winnow through piles of detritus ourselves.
AI is just an extension of everything else that is fake. The difference being "old school" fakery is still accepted by the masses and they have built their entire reality off of it. Public school, academia, archaeology, media, clergy, all and sundry have done an excellent job of concocting the accepted created reality. Until the people of the land come to grips with everything, absolutely everything being a lie, agreed upon, then nothing will change. Pick a topic, its fake....history, science, maps, organized religion, popular culture, Christmas, Easter, and absolutely everything that is celebrated, touted, quoted, espoused and promulgated. Can't have it both ways, can't pick and choose which falsehood, which delusion, to cling to. You either reject it all or not. "Hot or cold, but not lukewarm."-Jesus
Pretty terrifying....
Indeed, but the remedy is just to study history. Comb the Library of Congress archives, the National Archives, Old books, old law books, and disconnect from the delusion. All Mighty God is not the author of confusion. There is a light, a real light at the end of the tunnel, and it exists in Love for what is real, to wit, The Creator, family, real friends, birds, trees, beautiful colors, sweet smells, pleasant sounds, laughter, children and grandchildren. We lament and we warn, but alas who listens?
Hear, hear....
yes. What else there is to say?
In an ideal world children would be taught about the suffering of sentient beings and the root of the suffering. Instead they are taught about wonders of technology and the world of identity politics.
Not many are asking what is that carrot that we call "progress". Progress to what?
I am lucky enough to learn about the impermanence of everything. But how many there are who reflect on it daily?
The powers to be are not stupid. They know what moves us. Desire to avoid pain and seek happiness drives us to do some weird stuff and machines are the lie that we are sold. The panacea of happiness-- The machine!
P.S sometimes I feel like you read my mind :) You are so accurate in describing the current state of madness.
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you say what you said in your last sentence...that is truly validating because I am not so much interested in "telling people" what I think...I am interested in resonating with other people's experiences in order to show solidarity in our "fringe beliefs"...this then becomes psychological and emotional support. There is nothing more devastating for the human spirit than a sense, and despair, of isolation.
I feel the same way when reading all of these amazing comments...you are so right on with what you say here...thank you...
Yes, your Substack-amongst others- is the home we come to and comfort each other in the assertion that we are not crazy. Thank you for being here.
Perhaps I said that already but sometimes I feel that I am going insane, I feel that my perception of the reality is broken and I can't trust my own senses and then i read your work and the work of others. ( Too many to mention) And then I know, I am not the madman, there is the truth out there and the majority can't see it. Unfortunately the truth is not easing the pain :)
when I am in that state of questioning reality I remind myself Albert Camus quote-- " The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him. All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.
When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:) Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.
The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Ecclesiastes, Ch 1-12, a brief summary.
What can I say? Thank you...
A few quotes come to mind after reading your excellent article:
1 John 5:19 ...the whole world lieth in wickedness.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." - Frank Herbert in Dune
(Sorry to reply here, substack’s face isn’t working right for me, so I can’t only comment on replies 😅)
There actually is a Project Blue Beam (I believe) that’s all about holographs. So your comment about airplanes crashing into buildings being indescribably false in real-life would fit right in with that.
Yes, I would be open to this possibility, although everyone else (sheep) would find it preposterous. I recently watched a docu claiming that the planes never crashed into the buildings and that all the eye witness accounts were not really eye witness accounts (are there even any?) and that ALL of the filmed evidence was faked...very compelling documentary.
Yeah, I remember the terrorist's passport that was miraculously found intact at ground zero. What wonderful luck!
Yep; and the more improbable the story, the more they will believe it. Where is the exit of the lunatic asylum? I want out NOW!