Spot on!

This Voodoo is exactly the stuff of wizards. Strong's #5331: pharmakeia (pronounced far-mak-i'-ah) from 5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):--sorcery, witchcraft. Thayer's Greek Lexicon: pharmakeia 1) the use or the administering of drugs 2) poisoning 3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it 4) metaphorically the deceptions and seductions of idolatry.

I’ll let you read what the Bible says about pharmakeia on your own.

“Voodoo Vaccine” is a catchy title. However, I would argue that there is nothing on earth more superstitious than science. Spend six months reading medical journals and following their weak bullshit studies all the way to the funders of those studies. That will knock anyone off of their “Science is truth” high horse.

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Your favorite topic is, “Why oh why do the sheep live in denial?” My answer is, because it serves them to do so. They need not be sovereign over themselves when there are slave masters ready and willing to take that job. Once we are free and truly sovereign over our work and the fruits of our labor, there are no more excuses for us. This is why the Native Americans had to be slaughtered, they were sovereign over themselves, and they could not be enslaved. But that’s another discussion.

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But let’s get back to the talk about Magic. If you want to learn about Magic, I highly recommend tracking down James True on Odysee or ScrewTube and look for one of his podcasts about magic. He argues that this planet is chock-full of magic. He has a book called “The Technology of Belief” about this topic. I am shamelessly promoting this book although I have not yet read it so that you will read it and tell me what you discover. After following James True for a while, I have started to believe that all “medical” outcomes are just a reflection of our investment/belief in that witchcraft. James did a great show on Alfa Vedic recently.

But what I really want to say about this short commentary on the popular voodoo of the day is that this collective belief in magic, satisfies more than the need to quell fears of illness and death, it actually does way more than that. Vaccinations serve to fuel our collective need to surrender our sovereignty over to someone else and get free of that heavy responsibility. Humanity LOVES our slavery.

Slavery is the actual oldest profession. If that stings a bit, let me repeat it for you. All of humanity, that includes you and me, loves slavery. We enter into all sorts of contracts, including written contracts and unspoken contracts whereby we surrender ownership and responsibility of ourselves along with, our lives, our health, our children, and 40-60% of the fruits of our labor, in exchange for some form of insurance against the inherent risks, and responsibilities of being human. We love the illusion of “leaving it to the experts.” And they love creating this illusion for us in exchange for our work and our loosh. This free’s us up for more mental masturbation and other useless expenditures of time and energy.

Without this opportunity to offload our power we would have to own it. Holy Shit, no thanks. Who really wants to own their power? If you think you do, then why do you pay taxes to a country that has started a new undeclared war every 15 months since world war two? Why do you allow government schools and schools modeled after government schools to educate your children or even your neighbors children? And why do you trust “medical doctors,” with anything at all? Also, have you done the math lately on how much money you have paid into all forms of insurance over your lifetime?

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*I forgot the aside. Sometime in the 90s Frank Zappa said the following: "Just because 350 million Americans think it's so, don't make it true." He was talking about running for president of the United States at the time. I would have applied for citizenship, just so as to be able to vote for him if that had actually transpired.

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I used to not like Zappa because I, when young, was a conformist. My dad was in the military and in trying to be the "loved, but rejected, son" I tried to emulate his ultra conservative ways (back in the '60s/'70s). I think now he was actually more of a hippie than I then realized.

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With respect to "Screams and giggles. What is this crap?"

The worst of the worst (I am being sarcastic here, like J.P. Sears) among the so-called conspiracy theorists adhere to the notion that this entire scenario has been long in the coming. Part of the agenda, and a pivotal part, has been the cumulative infantilization of the entire adult population of the west, ergo the screeching cartwheels when one's friends are doing the same mindless thing altogether.

The absolute drivel that is coming out of boards of education with the backing of state and provincial bodies, e.g., as witnessed by heretofore deviant populations offering indoctrination sessions in elementary schools, is designed in concert with a lack of education in the enhancement of rational analysis to render adult individuals incapable of recognizing logical fallacies of any kind.

Many of the strategies to empty out meanings from words, words that used to be employed to describe the moral and rational underpinnings of the perceptions of a post-medieval thinker (words like "wrong", "good") are precisely those recognized by psychologists and the like as those used by narcissistic abusers to gaslight and manipulate their victims.

This means that acceptable "science" is founded now in the public mind on a platform of two fallacies: the "appeal to authority" and the "appeal to popularity". If the dude in a white coat funded by the legacy media arm of our government says it's so, it's so. And if everyone else agrees, then it's especially so.* Our 'experts' can make whatever idiotic interpretations of the data they like even when they produce the actual flawed substandard research to back up their statements, because the public is scientifically illiterate and innumerate. You have to understand statistics in order to interpret research meaningfully, and most people's eyeballs roll up in their heads when you point to the actual data.

So much so, in fact, that when data comes out that clearly falsifies former statements based on a lack of data, people are incapable of changing their position because of the very strong "sunk cost" fallacy upon which the government and its mouthpieces rely.

Now it is a commonly assumed view that teenagers are irrational, that that is a defining characteristic of their developmental phase. In some neuropsychological circles, this is put down to the immaturity of certain brain structures responsible for risk aversion and critical judgment being proportionately inhibited by other more active primitive structures associated with anger, fear and strong emotions.

Therefore, in an organism that has insufficiently developed rational executive capacity, whether by natural chronology or by educational training design - which has been the case since about 1995 when Foucauldian postmodernism replaced structural functionalism as the favourite intellectual paradigm in the universities - playing on anger and fear circuits will have an outsized effect. As will the interruption of those circuits with intermittent reward for acting on that anger and fear.

And here lies the origin of the adolescent gigglefest. It is a well known axiom of behaviorist theory that the best way to condition a response is to intermittently reward it. With respect to the sheep, the injections are the reward, in that they constitute a release from a constant condition of state-induced fear, something to be celebrated along with one's comrades.

And lastly, if you add addiction mechanism theory to the mix, what you get is a growing need, an actual craving, for more of that reward more often. And isn't that exactly what our government is pushing? More shots, with "new and improved" (although completely untested) effect, more often? So more frequent dopamine showers relieving the constant cortisol seep induced by quotidian media propaganda? And God help anyone who stands between the addict and his fix!!!

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Wow!! So intelligently expressed! This rounds out my article so well! Thank you!!

"Now it is a commonly assumed view that teenagers are irrational, that that is a defining characteristic of their developmental phase. In some neuropsychological circles, this is put down to the immaturity of certain brain structures responsible for risk aversion and critical judgment being proportionately inhibited by other more active primitive structures associated with anger, fear and strong emotions."

The above paragraph says it all...

I see a lot of people that fit what you say here perfectly...but then, see a lot that do not...people that seem to be so "with it" and not at all sucked in my this "infantilization"...where do they fit in?

Your comment on "intermittently rewarding" as conditioning a response is right on...BF Skinner for sure.

All we can do is sit back and watch. Bring on the popcorn...

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Another great read. Thanks. I don't think I will ever understand the mentality of the people who are so obsessed with getting these shots.... it is like they won the lottery!! Voodo Vaccine describes it well.... they are under it's spell.

As for any of their other vaccines or anything else they tell me I "should" take for the sake of my health ... I will be declining as they have shown their true colors and I have lost all faith in them --doctors and the stuff they peddle!! (Side note: I do trust the few doctors who are speaking up even though it costs them so much.... and I am incredibly thankful for them!)

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Yes, I have lost a ton of faith in doctors and the medical system. Although I know there are some evil doctors out there that are "in" on all this, the thing I don't trust anymore in general is their common sense...their ability to know what something is a Pharma hype...or whatever. They don't have to be on the agenda bandwagon to be mistrusted, their gut should tell them there is something seriously wrong here...but it seems the gut of most doctors is just not operating properly, and that is a scary thing.

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Yes, it is a scary thing…. However, what if it isn’t as simple as they just don’t have the gut feeling. I could maybe agree if this was prior to the last 2 years… but now? What if they are suppressing it. They must have seen something that sends all kinds of signals off. You cannot tell me that they are all so blind they haven’t seen something that makes them question what is going on or at least something that puts one little seed of doubt in their minds. They all just continue on ignoring everything. These are educated people!! People with brains, critical thinking skills and capabilities to do research. Were they not taught to use discernment and to question?? Soooooo many are going into the hospitals or doctor’s offices with vax injuries now (or the morgue in some cases). How can they simply just shrug all of that off? And IF they are just ignoring the facts in front of their faces… what else are they willing to overlook?? Could it be that their job is more important than truth or the health of people?? Now that is a disturbing thought

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Todd, just wondering: is the delay between your posts on off-guardian (where I actually noticed you originally) and your own substack deliberate? And if so, should it not be the other way around (substack first, og later)? As said, just wondering, no complaint.

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Yes, it is deliberate…I told OG I would give them exclusive articles, although they didn’t ask for that, and then just pop them on my stack a week or so later. I never publish a “paid” article on OG, before OR after stack publishing…that isn’t fair to my paid subscribers. I don’t think free subscribers mind that they can “preview” one new article on OG before they get it on the stack.

If you have other insight on this please share it. I may just start giving OG a unique article or start adding a third article a week on my stack…?? (Still publishing the OG article eventually here). Does it bother you at all I do it this way? My shrew club comes first!!!

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It does not bother me too much really. But since you ask, I think double-posting of articles can be confusing (at least it is for me, it sometimes takes me a couple of lines reading before I notice that I did read this particular piece already).

So I think it would be nice to simply have a linked intro to the re-posted article saying something like "This post was originally published on Off-Guardian". After all some partnership like you have with OG is about introducing people to the other partner, and OG certainly does have other content that is worth checking out.

A more commercial way of doing it would be to first do a paid-only post on substack and "recycle" it some days later on OG. No harm done that way, as it would still be exclusive for the public eye on OG, but maybe even more people sign up for your stack to get kind of an early access.

Or you could indeed give OG unique articles with no re-posting. In that case please drop an ultra-short post here in the stack with a link, just to make it easy to catch up on your thoughts.

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These are all great ideas...the only one, although not a bad one, I probably won't do is post a paid article later on OG...

The "This article was originally published on Off-Guardian" with a link is my favourite.

Doing the separate article on OG with no show on the stack is good too but it means more writing, and also that those who don't know OG will never see it...

Thanks for bringing this up!

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