Dec 11, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

ever wonder why there's no cure for the common cold? the seasonal flu?

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There is no cure for the body's natural detox process from toxins. We should be glad about that. The better question is, "Have you ever wondered why you are always directed to a medical doctor and a pharmacist when you are ill but you are never directed to a toxicologist?

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i can get crazier. lol. the nature haters have taken over. this country is unrecognizable. sick kids is euthanizing little ones. seriously. there's no logic to explain any of it.

'viruses' are dead. literally. my family doc told me this 30 years ago. no circulatory system. no digestive system. no respiratory system. so these dead things magically inter-react with our bodies? i know it sounds irrational. but read kennedy's book on THE SCIENCE. mr fauci himself. aids was not caused by HIV. the evidence is over whelming. examine polio. try to argue it wasn't pesticide. scurvy? yep used to be a virus. dig deep on spanish flu........ totally not where i was going.

the nature haters are large and in charge.

get outside. accept it. embrace it. smell it. this is you.


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Thank you...wise words...sometimes I find myself taking a more "reasonable" track...i.e., less sensational...but then spring back and accept again the fact that we are indeed in bizarro land...it truly makes no sense...none.

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i find it helpful to go through the pillars. money. public education. war. policing. government. law. philanthropy. dig deep. the columns, rotten to the core. we were fed a pack o lies. its hard to believe. until you honestly look. examine. question. you are not crazy, to be curious. you are blessed. take a second to think about the opposite....non-curious. horrifying. this might turn out super groovy. shrink it all back to your neighborhood. de-centralize. all the way. elect yourself boss. of you. build from there. peace and love groovy babies!

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i can get really over the edge as well. way back when the gals were all posting pics of bandaids on their arms, the wife spent a day in the car with her freshly jabbed sister and niece. next day over to a birthday party full of the freshly jabbed. that was sunday. tuesday morning she asks me about a spot on her face. looked like a rash. plus she said she was spotting. rash turned into shingles. her face is still slightly numb almost 2 years in. a few months ago she's sitting next to her aunt at a lunch. finds out she just got the booster the day before. starts spotting that night and lasted 2 weeks. obviously anecdotal, but i keep reading about these effects. very odd. well, i'm sure the star will get right on it....

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One of the dangers of all of this is interpreting EVERYTHING as a result of the vaccines...of course that may absolutely be true for a large percentage of things, but we all still have to realize that people are still going to get sick and it not be vaccine related...BUT...it will be impossible to tell what the vaccine has exacerbated, what it has intensified...meaning "if they hadn't gotten vaxxed maybe this (fill in the blank) would not have been so bad, or even happened"...if you are vaxxed, and you got the right batch, I really do believe you have been compromised, period, and every ailment from then on that you acquire will be adversely affected by the jab(s)....that is a big statement, but I think most shrew doctors would agree (chime in shrew doctors amongst us!!)

Now, there may be outliers I understand that...you can't say anything with 100% certainty, but an active Covid jab, or any sort of mRNA jab, will have some adverse affect on those jabbed for life...

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, this is a nice resource...sheep proof...

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

We need to take care not to fall into analysis paralysis, 9/11 taught that lesson.

Agenda2030 is the blueprint, a cybernetic centrally controlled digital system of dominance, akin to Bentham's panopticon.

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yep...good point...for those not familiar with Bentham's "perfect prison" check out this link...


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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In Poland the man was in his late 30's - he use to be managing our local pub. He went to bed one night (this was 2 months ago) and he never woke up. Wife and children are shocked but no one is saying 'cause' of death. Just had dinner with friends from Canada and their cleaning lady (who we all know) in her 50's the same thing. Went to bed and never woke up and they are saying 'what a mystery must have been Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'. SO that's one for Poland and one for Canada I know.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

On top of all the people I know that have had serious adverse reactions to the covid19 poison injected into their bodies. Family and friends I love... it makes me cry.

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Thank you for your contribution here...I could not make the survey more complex, and if I could have, I would have included questions about adverse affects, etc.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I voted "No" because the question was "died mysteriously". I do know two people that died "suddenly & unexpectedly", although there was a cause of death attributed.

One had chest pains during dinner, was rushed to the hospital & diagnosed with a torn aorta, but died before surgery. No prior history of anything and extremely health conscious.

Another died of an aggressive brain tumor. It was said that the time from diagnosis to death was a matter of weeks.

I believe their deaths were ultimately due to the vaccine, though I have no specific information on which one or how many.

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Yes, poor choice of words "mysteriously"...I wish you had voted "yes" I'm sure you know what I meant...all of US know it is not "mysterious."

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, I tried to change my vote right afterward, thinking I was perhaps being too literal, but it wouldn't allow a change. Will keep that in mind on the next poll. :-)

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Agree. My suspicions are strong, having read much about "side effects" (blood clots, turbo cancer, etc.,) but "mysteriously" is only in my mind. No one else thinks anything is mysterious.

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Yep...that's what I meant...mysterious to others, not us.

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Every single day I question this whole thing. I am not a researcher so I don't know if it is covid or the vaccine. Because the horrible stuff started happening after the vaccines doesn't necessarily mean it was the vaccines although highly suspect. I was at the hospital today for routine test and everyone in the waiting room was wearing their masks and one person, noticing me not wearing it above my nose told me to be careful because that particular hospital was a hotspot in the region and there were lots of isolation rooms in the ER and she was obviously very frightened. The people all nodded in agreement and I felt once again all by myself that sense of "am I sane" or am I a victim of propaganda? How can so many people be so afraid? Why aren't I afraid? WHo are these doctors who have risked their careers to "tell us the truth"? Are they sure? Are they sane? I believe covid exists. I think it was bioengineered. I think the vaccine is highly suspect. I'm ambivalent on depopulation. I am confused. Again. Today. Despite all i know and have researched, I doubt my knowledge. How can we know anything? My local paper is promoting a piece by a mask-the-children-and-everyone opinion piece. I have a friend who has had 5 shots, the flu shot and the shingles shot. She and her husband are fine. I don't know anyone who has passed personally but have heard of a few second hand. I just don't know today. I just don't know. This is all designed to make people who think quite insane with gaslighting and contradictions and confusions. Is it not better to not think? Well I'm not thinking for about two weeks I've decided.

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I am pretty much right with you on this Syl. If I was forced by gunpoint to make a stance, I do think I would say "nefarious, evil, attempt to lessen the population of the world"...that just seems more plausible and has more evidence to support it...although VERY extreme and over the top. As someone else has said here, if it IS just a mistake, they would have pulled out by now, but as I write this there is still major effort to continue vaccinating.

And yes too, I am not sure if the vaccine is the culprit or if it is the "virus" bioweapon, or both...we must always keep in mind that Covid is always a man made "device"...maybe its purpose was solely to bring in the vaccine...or maybe not, maybe BOTH attacks are deadly, ultimately...???

For the individual, at this point, it is probably "better" to "not think." If we have any sense of obligation to the human race as a whole, we should think, and think hard...what could be our role in standing for truth in order to save humanity?

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The thing that is infuriating is there are places in the world where covid is ancient history. They don't even think about it anymore. What makes us all so special? Are the only 6% vaccinated in Africa running around all worried and furious? This is why the WHO will win their bid to run the world's "health" because of the obvious discrepancies in how this is being handled. Feels orchestrated. Mind you, most things do these days.

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Yes, this is true, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the world is less brainwashed than North American...well, maybe a bit less. There are clearly very different attitudes in different parts of the world, Egypt for example, which I am a bit familiar with, comply to some degree, but they are not very trusting of their government in general. They don't REALLY believe what they are told, but they will comply to avoid trouble.

Other countries have different attitudes...I would guess that most of central and Western Europe is close to the attitude of Canada, US and UK. Although slightly different...for one thing, it seems they don't carry the wimpy fear attitude the US and Canada carry...but I would not be surprised if Germany, France, Italy, and the UK would snap right back into lockstep if their governments announced the return of restrictions...

I could be wrong....read some of Dr. Mark McDonald's (https://markmcdonaldmd.substack.com/?utm_source=recommendations_page&utm_campaign=831175) posts on his Substack to get more insight...he just came back from a European tour and has some things to say about the general lack of fear in Europe...but then read what CJ Hopkins (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/?utm_source=recommendations_page&utm_campaign=831175) has to say about Germany....

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

plus, i'd gladly throw ya a couple bucks in appreciation but i no longer have any faith in any platform that might protect my anonymity. throw out a different way to support. you may have. i'm new to the substack house.

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Thank you so much!! Well, the Ko-Fi donation requires a credit card, of course...so does subscribing...a BIG help would be SHARING SHARING SHARING!!!! On all social media...anywhere...get the shrew-word out! Any way you can! Emails...whatever...

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i answered no. but... haha the infamous but.

anyhoo, my wife's 2 best buddies in her field are interesting.

friend 1- husband gets blood clot in leg. gets surgery.

friend 2- husband just developed myocarditis. (sp)

completely oblivious to the whole world questioning whether or not blood clots and heart problems might be related to genetic therapy.

pretty striking

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Yes, striking indeed. I voted "no" too...knowing no one directly who has died...but I do know a few who have gotten sick...strangely...

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

4 'mysterious' deaths in under 60's in my small circle. Careless Big Pharma on the gravy train or depop? Not 100% sure but now leaning towards the depop ... 'too may people' is a constant narrative in the globalist media, particularly in the climate cult. If just a careless mistake or hasty money grab, the shots should have been halted by now, every safety trigger has gone off, the money has been made and yet almost every government is still pushing 'Safe and Effective' without a backward glance.

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Yes, I just mentioned your comment above...I agree...and the push to vaccinate children and babies is particularly sinister...

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I think they are achieving multiple goals here - compliance, perhaps testing some kind of new nanotech on the wider population (if you've seen the doctors putting blood under microscopes), furthering their control and surveillance agenda, stepping closer towards global government, installing a global adult vaccination protocol ... and if they knock off a percentage as they go - all the better for depopulation advocates like Gates, whose tentacled money is behind every step. Another 'tabletop exercise 'Catastrophic Contagion' was held in Oct 22, similar to Event 201... this is not going away anytime soon.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Like "ketchupgun" below, I am not convinced about the "depopulation agenda" theory. It is hard for me to envision this "Cabal" that wants to exterminate half of the world population. If that was the case, I would think that they want to depopulate the regions of the planet that are actually less likely to get "vaccinated". Also, why do something that complicated that will kill those who "obey" you (the sheep) and leave alive "the shrews"? I may be wrong.

On the other hand, I am certain that the "vaccines" are killing some people. In the past, every year 2-3 people I knew died... most of them were expected deaths - due to long illnesses - sometimes they were accidents, sometimes very old people. In the past year and a half, I have known too many people who have died unexpectedly. Many of them young people, others with unexpected heart attacks, strokes and cancers. All "vaccinated". A similar phenomenon... in the past, every year I would know about 2-3 acquaintances who received diagnoses of cancer. In the last year and a half, I know about one dozen people who were diagnosed with cancer or leukemia; too frequent to be "just coincidence"... all "vaccinated".

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I'm with you on all your reasons why you are not 100% buying the genocide angle....BUT...there are a lot of similar "reasonings" you can apply to the other choice...

There IS a possibility that both Covid AND the vaccine's purpose is eradication...the vaccine gets the sheep to drop, the "virus" gets the shrews to drop...or the shedding...or whatever. Dead is dead, sheep or shrew....But I also think of that...why set yourself up for constant opposition by killing off your allies leaving only your enemies? Unfortunately I think they have a plan for that too...

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I'm not really a fan of this polling system that Substack has set up...it seems very limiting...oh well. Still vote if you can...not really a vote...just let us know if you know anyone who has suddenly died for no real reason...it will give us an idea of these numbers...I will start a discussion thread about this...or you can all start one here...

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