
Thanks to everybody that commented here!! I was hoping for more comments from my subscribers....but the ones that did comment the comments were wonderful and insightful...thank you! Please comment on other posts as well! My goal here is to have a community of like minded people in discussion. Something (discussion) I think we all miss!!

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Here are some quick observations. Just things I've noticed. Doesn't necessarily mean they will lead to anything.

- I've noticed over the last few months there has been massive advertising for the new Samsung and Apple 5G phones, often citing plans to get them for free. Makes you wonder why they want these things out there so quickly.

- We know these people are sick, twisted and evil and have pretty much unlimited resources. But ultimately they really didn't know at the outset how these vaccines were going to affect the general population. So they probably erred on the side of caution to not spook people. But that doesn't mean they didn't make certain lots with different payloads as someone referred to above. These sheep knew this stuff was untested and came from untrustworthy sources so they pretty much agreed to be experimented on.

- I believe that affecting fertility is definitely a goal of theirs. It will take some time to see the reduction in numbers and I'm sure they will have a cover story ready to go.

- I have seen some documents outlining goals in trying to make human brains be able to interface with computer networks. I'm sure a lot of their experiments revolve around this.

- I think the whole booster approach is to allow them to refine their experiments going forward. So expect each future booster to come with more coercion and more adverse affects.

So I guess what I'm saying is it could be a mixed bag. They could be putting slow acting medical problems for a certain demographic (and hey, it increases their revenue for treatments!). They could be putting in "kill switches" controlled by 5G. They seem to definitely be messing with fertility. And for those who remain, wouldn't it be ideal to be able to control their thoughts and actions from centrally controlled computers?

Or maybe I just watch and read too much sci-fi. :-)

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Unfortunately they don’t need brain machine interfaces to control the thoughts or put thoughts in our heads. This has been around for some time and used by our government and their contractors usually against political opposition, whistleblowers or ex employees that don’t agree with their agenda. You can do some research on V2K voice to skull technology or the voice of god. The gentleman that created it has now come out against it & they are actually using it against him. I can’t remember his name but if I do I will update my message.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Alicia. From your comments I sense you are a kindred spirit - something I am sorely lacking in my day to day existence. So it's so wonderful for you to share your thoughts.

I am aware of many examples of their sick, twisted experiments on people. It's amazing (appalling) where one can go when you release the shackles of morals, kindness and love.

In the case you cite, wouldn't it be so much easier for them to have the population's brains all networked and then you could easily roll out "events" to rile up the sheep. I think that's what they are going for. The recent James Bond movie was an eye opener because of the targeting of the gas based on genetics. It's kind of like they wanted to tease us thinking people on what kind's of fun they have in store for the world.

Ah to be blissfully ignorant of all this! I guess not. I'm not wired that way. I suspect you aren't either Alicia. I hope to hear more from you in the future.

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I think everything you say here is definitely plausible, and probably pretty probable as time goes on. It is interesting how for decades we have seen articles in Time, Scientific American, Wired, Popular Science about the advancements of technology, AI, robotics, implants, on and on. I remember a time when I was so naive it never crossed my mind that all these advancements could possibly wind up in the wrong hands. Once that fantasy bubble is burst suddenly the evil prospects of advanced AI and technology is very frightening indeed. Now pretty much anything goes.

I think part of my naiveté was that nothing evil could really be implemented on such a global scale without people seeing through the manipulation and stopping it...then Covid came along and TPTB were able to convince billions of people that it was fine to inject god knows what into their bodies. The technology certainly is there to wreak havoc on a "time bomb" basis (if they were injecting cyanide and you died within seconds, every single person getting the jab, then I think they would not succeed in injecting billions of people before the jig was up (I hope so at least).)

Now it is clear 1. we have the technology, and 2. there really is evil out there that would like to control the world, and 3. people are stupid enough to get in line to the gas chamber...there is really nothing implausible about what you say, or worse. In fact, it would be implausible for all this to be innocent and "for everyone's better good." I think we're screwed.

Thanks for your contribution here...

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I always wondered how Hitler gained control & got people to commit such acts against their fellow human beings. Now I know exactly how he did it… it makes me wonder if it is the same group of people controlling this thing trying to create the one world government that they couldn’t back then. I mean after all it isn’t a far stretch if you look into operation paper clip. The US & Other countries took in the most brilliant Nazis and gave them new identities and they had pretty high positions within the US government. Who’s to say their agenda changed and they aren’t still trying to achieve the one world government & eugenics using these fake vaccines. The history channel recently did a documentary on this and boy was it an eye opener for me. No wonder Russia doesn’t want anything to do with NATO. They have been vilifying Russia for decades and I often wondered why. I grew up just knowing we as Americans just disliked Russia. It has been drilled into our head. Yet they are calling out our crazy government for getting rid of religion in schools, for having more than 2 genders & for all the GMO crap our government is feeding us! Maybe Snowden new something that he didn’t tell us… the narrative about Russia is fake & a ploy to get the American people to dislike them. Why? Maybe they are going to leave Putin no other choice but world war 3. God, I hope not. I know more & more people are waking up & there will come a day each one of us knows when we have to unite & stand up against this tyranny. It doesn’t matter! Red or Blue they are BOTH two sides of the SAME coin! Corruption doesn’t pick sides… it slowly infiltrated all branches of government. That is how they gain ultimate power all the while they divide the people so we are too busy fighting stupid stuff & each other to realize we are no longer the greatest Country in the world! We can’t let that happen.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

…how many will die…. its not about number….but People - will die- in the name of health and “better future”(its re this slogan “believe in science”bs) and for chosen ones (those who has incredible power very close to God’s, but not His) Sad is, that young ones will stop to have kids from the fear after what they will see soon….But there is still chance and always be, that Good will win over Evil….otherwise only to “get a sit and cry”😢 😉🌞

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I definitely believe that good will win over evil. But I doubt if that happens any time soon. The REAL storm clouds are forming, what we have already seen is just a “pre-storm” test. Yes, good will win. And I hold that truth in my heart, but I doubt if I will be around physically to see it.

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, if wont see it from here we will from above … Historically, many great kingdoms , empires, military powers etc fallen…. New cultures were created in pain vein blood troubles…. Some people adopted to it quickly, some later some never…. Same is now, but its scary, that we are intelligent and we know the cost of such adaptations….Never ever lose the faith & hope ☺️

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Yes, historically there have always been evil people trying to control everyone else. Only time we have technology to pull it off...we have the technology to kill everyone on the planet very passively (i.e,, not with a bomb, although we can still do that!) Humans have not had the capability to kill the entire planet in one fell swoop...now we do.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I’m fairly convinced that some lots were highly dangerous, while others were either placebos or had a greater percentage of saline. While the immediate short term effects are horrific, I foresee more downstream devastation, possibly in the form of sterility or diseases that manifest over the long term. If we look at what’s been done these last few decades in the name of the almighty dollar, we’ve been living in a slow motion apocalypse of genocide. They’ve just accelerated that agenda.

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I have to agree with your stance here...Although many people (including my own prediction based on Vander Bossche's work) think this genocide has a good chance of being swift and ugly. I think there is just as good of a chance it will be slow and under the radar...as we now see it currently playing out.

"They", until the Covid insanity, seem to be rather patient, as you have pointed out, taking their time for several decades. No reason why they can't continue to be patient with the genocide. I am surprised no one has brought up Dan Brown's book "Inferno"...seems the plot there, which turned out to be perfectly acceptable in the book (they actually changed the ending rather significantly in the movie) was sterility genocide...not a deadly virus that kills everyone as they thought it would be throughout the book...

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And there is a cure. It was all hidden from us, by TPTB. These are straight up psychopaths. Going to a hospital NOW, is definitely NOT the cure!

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