The documentary linked there https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/from-jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich?r=1imvfb&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post explains what we are facing (and if what is exposed is the truth about JFK, I understand why they can’t ever release the classified information around his death... WOW!). In this endless dystopia, I think the best we can do is to cling to our humanity. For example, someone decided to cancel their organ donor pledge when they heard that unvaxxed were denied transplants. I don’t think it’s the right answer: my organs could also go to a victim of the jab... or to someone who was coerced. So I didn’t change my pledge and still an organ donor.

I also make it a point to listen to testimonies from victims and let my heart bleed and my eyes cry (and yes, the anger soon follows).

I think surviving the next few years is going to be exponentially difficult; if I don’t make it, I keep reminding myself that dying will be coming home. I am listening to near death experience testimonies and finding comfort there.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

anyone know how to force the substack app onto a mac? i don't run email through the spymachine. so it won't work. i just don't like doing much on the fondleslab at all. i'm quite poor techiewise so i'd need instructions. anyhoo just wondering.

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Don't know if the substack app is worth it. It is pretty lame. Anyone like it?

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ok. was just wondering if the chat was a bonus. hope the weekend is going swimmingly!


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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

After asking many questions, and getting few answers since March of 2020, I came across a documentary on public television called 'The Dictator's Playbook'(you can probably still find it online.) Although it examined historical dictatorships in each episode, I was amazed at how many of the 11 steps that a dictator uses to gain and establish control were being used in my own country of Canada and around the world. These steps are just as relevant today as 3 years ago, and I'll share all 11 from the documentary with you and allow you to draw your own conclusions:

1. Creating a Culture of Fear 2. Propaganda 3. Gaining Consent 4. Learning from the Masters

5. Use the Cult of Personality 6. Control the Police 7. Create an Enemy 8. The Carrot and Stick

9. The Use of Violence 10. Control the Elites 11. Create Terror

Thanks for this forum and for your writing, Todd---- Also, thanks for all the great comments from readers.

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Wow...this is right on. Before all this happened I was a student of the revolution in Russia, as well as the Nazi oddity. I have been an avid reader of these subjects and have learned quite a bit...then Covid hit...and all that I learned lit up like a Christmas tree...old history had the vibrancy of happening right now!! If it weren't so horrifying it would be incredibly exciting and interesting!!

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Great summary Todd of so much we see going on around us.. just to offer a ray of hope.. remember the tens of thousands of Canadians waving flags at overpasses and in Ottawa for the truckers and James Topp. I hope there are enough who simply will not comply with these agendas. A bit discouraging about how many city councils have accepted the $$ bribes to become “smart” 15 minute cities though.. I guess the elected officials weren’t the flag wavers!

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I too am curious to know what all the fellow shrews will do in response to the next assault. I suspect that with the relatively innocuous stuff going on now with masks and pressures to comply with jabs, our numbers are holding firm.

For me, they will have to arrest me before they jab me…with ANY jab. But I wonder if they release a REAL pathogen and people are literally dropping in the street, what will people do then??

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Maybe those "elites" behind the scenes, pulling the strings during WW1 and WW2, are also invested in Ukraine and the last three years of murderous criminality from every puppet government, globally.

History is rarely as black and white as we are told.

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Oh very definitely, that's not a "maybe"!!! Watch "Reds"...the movie...regarding WWI and the Bolshevik revolution...still not entirely accurate, but John Reed did see a lot of the real issue with the "elites" pushing the world into WWI for their own gain.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

All clearly stated…as always things that were running round in my head get organized and clarified when I read a Todd article. I am depressed but happy that more of this stuff makes sense to me!

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Thank you Ms Shrew...!!!

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Well, Dr. Todd, You have finally put the dreaded scenario into clear words. I keep trying to deny this in my conscious mind and try to make solutions that are big enough and real enough to not allow this to happen. I grab onto any essay or podcast that voices people who are aware of this situation and say it won't happen and that Schwab is a clown, but it KEEPS HAPPENING ANYWAY. I am still not allowed to talk to my adult children about any of this. Sigh...............???????

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I believe a lot of that we are hearing re "Schwab is a clown" and implying there are enough of us fighting this fight and making great progress is part of the agenda....intending that people just brush it off and say "they've got it covered, I really don't have to make any effort...its in the bag"....

Most things in our history depended on that sort of "don't worry about it, it will sort itself out"...and then of course, it doesn't. Yes, shrews ARE making some headway....but not enough. It isn't over until the fat lady sings, as they say, and she hasn't even cleared her throat yet...

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"The World is Ending"... WE are not that lucky!

The Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires are having a blast... Maybe if Their lifestyle or life itself was threatened They would end the World. But since we, herds of modern moron slaves, are way too meek and cowards to do anything about Them, we're in for PLENTY of OPERATION COVIDIUS like parties in the Future.

Presently They are having FUN increasing the interest rates they COLLECT (and so increasing Their Wealth) on the DEBT we so much love and adore... Sanctions on cheap energy and many other goods are also being deployed... After all 2030 is right around the corner and THEY do want to CHANGE THEIR CIVILIZATION (this change requires a reduction of the size of the herds of MMS/3i's).


So don't even bother to buckle up... no need for that!

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Oh yeah, I know what you mean...my main intent was to say the world "as we know it" is ending...but it won't actually end as in kaput....I think their goal is to kill a whole whack of useless eaters, but that could take a generation...killing ALL the people is not their primary goal, they can be slow about it. And yes, you are right, they are all having a grand old time....

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Their plan to cull the herd was publicly announce many years ago...


Notice that it is always the same Billionaire doing the announcements! As usual the herds of modern moron slaves clapped and just kept of grazing(slaving!)...

They probably still want to reach that 2010 final number!

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Very good article today, Todd. Will probably be my lead link in The Big Picture News today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

May reuse one of my old images about buckling up for my Image For Today as well!!!

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THANK YOU!!! The more exposure the better, so when they come for me they won't have a hard time finding me!!

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You won't be the only. You will be in good company and maybe that's a good thing!!!

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"It of course supports the idea that genocide is an actual end goal. "

Not in the short-term, they would not be building 15min cities & all this surveillance if that was the case.

Their goal right now is to acquire massive amounts of biological & psychological data, just think how much data 'event-virus' & a triggering 'headline' produces in order to perfect the predictive behavior simulation and ultimately their Singularity moment.

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As I said above, scraping off the top crust will be good enough for now...maybe the first phase is half a billion, then another billion within 10 years...then a bit more here and there. I do think they feel the population of the world would be best for them if settled out at about half of what it is now...that's still a lot of useless eaters. Not sure if they could get want they really want with only 500 million (as the stones said) but maybe in about 200 years that would be a nice number...

There are a lot of people out there, and to even cull it a tiny bit would be rather noticeable and intense....so all the other fun still will be implemented way before the genocide is complete...fun times ahead.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Have you read The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee IG 300? It was published in 1991. You’d probably find it very interesting. Some of this crap goes back to the 60s, even the 1800s.

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Not read it, just ordered it...I am reading "The Evil Twins Technocracy and Transhumanism"...great...and yes, goes way back

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To get the full force of the treachery, we must go all the way back to when the heretic was crucified. His teachings crossed with the narratives of the power structures, the royal bloodlines and the money holders were already wielding global power to secure that power for generations to come. We live it today as it was set up then and continues to govern with little resistance.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe it’s been happening since Adam and Eve walked out of Eden. “Knowledge” bloomed in the ego, convincing man he had the power of God, while rejecting God. “For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.”

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Well put. Free will got us into a lot of trouble too...so did that Golden Calf

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Oh, of course. There is nothing new under the sun (reading Ecclesiastes with my children right now - oh how it fits!). But, even though their typings and cycles, there are still flesh and blood happenings. Tyrants will come and tyrants will go, until the end of all things and all is Made New with a Christmas at the helm!

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I have read many parts of the Bible, but have never read it like a "book"...cover to cover...I may start that endeavor soon....

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Committee of* 300

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The only one who will "end" the world is the One True eternal Creator God who uniquely revealed Himself in His unchanging Word: Christ Jesus, the God-man, whom the Scriptures of the Old and New testaments explain. And He will do it on His terms. That is, it will end in un-appealable judgment, a.k.a., sorting into two categories: those trusting wholly in Christ, and those trusting in something else.

As such, I find it remarkable that analyses like this--which in the here-and-now are spot-on insightful; yes the Nazi parallels are real this time, not tired, shrill boy-cries-wolf appeals--fail to deal with anything beyond psychological and political explanations as to why this juggernaut of awfulness is so relentless.

There is no human D-Day for this one; no Allied army liberating Paris and then the camps. God uses wicked men and women to carry out His judgments on sinful nations... which would be, all of them.

The only route out of this brakes-off descent into hell is the oft-mocked signboard nut-bag recipe which John the Baptist brought to apostate Israel, and which Jesus echoed in the very first words of His ministry: repent. And believe. Wait another six months if you like, or a year, or two, or three. I am not a prophet. But whether the end is global this time, or merely the life of any one reader, the one real D-Day offer still stands. Flee to Christ. He alone is risen. No one else but Him is risen.

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Yep, good point.

And I don't think the earth will end, but humanity might...but of course not enough that it can't start up again. Think Noah and his ark...now, today, maybe more as a metaphor...enough humans left to rebuild humanity from the ground up. That COULD be a lot...but will have to be different...more in alignment with what Christ, and God, have been telling us since the beginning. Even the ancient Egyptians before "as above, so below" believing our purpose in life was to reflect the divine in manifest earth.

Read the Gospel according to Mary to get some very interesting insights on Jesus' view of material matter and how it is in reality on eath. That guy knew some stuff!

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"...knew some stuff," like... everything.

"God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high..." Hebrews 1:1-3

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I agree we should be in desperation/activation mode but people do not know what to do. Also, in the United States, the Deep State and the Democrat Party have used their Reichstag fire (Jan 6 "insurrection") and other effective control Psyops to thwart legitimate opposition. People need leadership and action plans. I am asking resistance leaders to form or join national nonprofits to put together visions and action plans to overthrow the international leaders, corporations, and governments that are creating the demise. In other words we need a coordinated revolutionary council. The council would arrange social action, legal action, and cultural secession to stop the Democide and the destruction.

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This is good stuff...I agree...there IS a place for "Conscious Kingdom #4"..."everything is achieved

by "doing""

Please give us a link to your book...it is excellent and people should read it.

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Thank you. I am launching something in Western Maine in April to try to create a local groundswell. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKS8W281

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Thanks Todd, i was trying to have a positive day today ;-). I guess the title gave the content away to be fair, so i should have known better. Still, I couldnt agree more with every word. How do we know we are right? This is always the question. I think this is so hard to answer because to those like us, its just so fucking clear and obvious that to explain it is like trying to explain to someone how I know water is wet. WATER IS JUST FUCKING WET, WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!!!. Anyway, i'll try not to let the truth drag me down, and enjoy what I can out of whats left. I know some people are convinced their plan is failling. I dont see it failing, its on a tragectory now that only a violent global revolution will shift. But then they'll only use that their advantage.

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I agree...it is not yet time to believe their plan is failing...it is FAR from failing...in fact, in my opinion, everything we see that makes us THINK they are failing is part of what their plan IS. That is why I am continuously frustrated by all these comments like (not from here, but elsewhere) "we are winning, we are winning!!" I do know that people need encouragement for moral, but we must be careful not to relax.

Yes, we know we are right because it is obvious they are wrong.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, excellent writing as always. Reality is becoming a daily fear-fest. How we deal with the truth is the challenge! Many are going back to religious roots as it's seeming that our power in human form has been taken away or maybe it was always an illusion. The importance of "community" has never been as important as it is now. I don't know how that is going to look like in the near future but I am grateful to have like-minded shrews to discuss those possibilities and not feel alone and powerless!

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Yes, yes, yes...everything you say here is SO important...I am so pleased that you have a shrew-base i your life...I wish I could immerse myself in that as well, but I have made the decision to stick with my wife and support her if need be in the future...of course right at the moment the sheep think everything has gone back to "normal" and all is fine...ha ha

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