Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Although there's an element of human universality about it, I think you also need to consider the situational context.

I'm guessing from your profile photo you're a boomer, Todd.

I don't hold with the absurd overgeneralisations about generational cohorts, but I observe many of the people in my life who've had the greatest trouble coming to terms with covid etc are boomers.

My thesis is the boomer cohort grew up in a time of high affluence and high trust in media. Getting older now, adjusting to the idea these were temporary situational circumstances rather than universally applicable truths is a major barrier to grappling with present reality.

I'd add to that the deep introjection of the Buddhist/hippy outlook of universal peace and love.. now towards the end of their lives, a large number will fight tooth and nail against having their personal bliss bubbles burst.

Other generational cohorts have other situational challenges, but this is the one that affects our elders and seniors who should be the cultural repositories of knowledge

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Author

Interesting theory...and I certainly agree that boomers may be more likely to see truth and refuse to accept the psyop brainwashing (I am not sure if you are saying this, or that boomers are more apt to be sheep) but for different reasons. I think those of us who are older have lived during a time where creative thinking was actually encouraged. I would go out with friends every day and play and I had to figure out for myself if climbing that tree with rotten branches was a good idea or not—I fell out of enough of them, I learned fast. Although you are correct we grew up at a time where we trusted media, we also had rude awakenings, (the Vietnam war being the biggest) and if of the right age, we knew what protesting was all about and standing up for ideological tenets, like peace, love, racial and sexual equality, and no war, was something we could all do and was expected from our peers.

I am not sure I would say we are willing to fight tooth and nail against "having our personal bliss bubbles burst"...I did not grow up expecting the world to hand itself to me as today's generation seems to believe, and even the one before it. There is no "bliss bubble" in my growing up nor in my adult life. It was all pretty dirty and difficult and took hard work to make any sort of headway. I grew up in a household where there was food on the table, but not much else. Little technology, little creature comforts. I knew what it meant to be a human being.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Excellent response!

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I truly hope you enjoyed your time together with family, so needed these days. And I think you/we are all allowed to go to De-Nile once in awhile (yanno, sun sand warmth) even if just to get away from all this knowingness.

Your mileage may vary but I know I'm tired - oh so tired - of the fighting just to be my authentic self. It seems that is not allowed these days because I might kill granny or offend a tranny or other somesuch lame poetry. Even if I'm not vocal about it (which I'm not much anymore), just my obvious byline-noted "quiet, non-violent, non-compliance" is usually enough to set someone off on a sometimes truly vitriolic attack. If I counter back with any sort of logic, they double down. If I'm just silent (albeit usually smirking a wee tad) they'll find a different angle of attack. If I walk away, I have been followed with nastiness spewing all the way.

I'm tired of it all. Just defending my own autonomy is enough, having to have compassion for, and put up with, and try to wake up, the surrounding herd is just too much. I know they will be the ones that lead us down the reset path and, if I don't come along willingly, will berate me the whole way. The ones that are finally starting to see some light and slow their steps still won't fall back far enough, they're still trudging forward. I'm so tired of it I just plunked myself down and became an anchor; they'll have to drag me kicking and screaming.

Taking breaks now and again away from internet, news, conversation, anything that smacks of current events has got to be the sanest self-preservation tactic we have. Talking with the sheeples can lend us their sense of ease and comfort through just being surrounded by it. I do like sitting with a few sleeping friends and talking about camping and pets and fun times from childhood - absolutely nothing about the world as it is. It can renew me to fight another day.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Author

Oh my, you describe my life perfectly...particularly the last part about sitting and talking to sleeping friends about camping and pets and fun times from childhood...I miss that...but I also miss having interesting debates about politics, world news, science, history, literature, art...that is ALL gone...not only am I not one allowed into such conversations, they actually no longer go on amongst sheep...which I find very odd.

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I hear ya! I don't dare get into a conversation about politics, current events, science - none of it. Like you, I am not allowed - the group will actually change topic (quite obviously and uncomfortably) when I approach. There are a few shrews around I can have those conversations with but even they are still off my wavelength. So many are still stuck in the "the world sucks and it's all the cabal's fault" place...they went down the rabbitholes and got lost. None can venture even a tinge of feeling the good being done and how we just might come out of all this alive and well.

Which is why I spend time on substack, read books and walk the dog. Just away from people.

You keep doing you - we all love you for it!

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thank you so much...although I am one that does not have much hope in my lifetime...particularly considering what has happened in Israel

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Nailed it. The nature of the current enemies is covert, whereas the nature of ancient enemies was overt. In due time Humanity will overcome the current enemy. God has infinite time.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is good writing Todd, and a salve to my dagger-wound.

I often ask myself "why not abandon truth and just dive deep into the matrix with the happy sheep?" But we have been expelled from that system and we can never fully return.

I sometimes ask myself if this could be hell? Perhaps being here without being a sheep is the result of some huge karma debt that I cannot recall. These thoughts haunt me. Day and night I ask myself, "What reality will I reside in?"

Sometimes the light comes in at the perfect angle on my reality where I can see a choice to ignore the chemtrails, the fluoridated water, the children loaded onto yellow shipping containers and carted off to indoctrination camps to learn the slave life...

And instead, I can intentionally choose to believe that there is a sovereign loving God who has me here for some greater purpose, who intends to protect me until my purpose is carried out. Maybe I needn't worry about the poisonings and the efforts of the gods of this world because this is not my eternal home. Maybe I am just here to be useful to God and maybe He is the only reason that I wake up here every morning with food to eat and enough health to search for Him.

In the darkest hours of the night, it is impossible to see these things without being fully devoted to them during my waking hours. I am not good at it.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I do believe our shrew group is here for a sacred purpose. Thank you for the beautiful description above.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Once you have seen behind the curtain, you cannot unsee (as you can’t get unvaccinated ! Ah!). Like so many of you, I am in a lonely place with barely anyone I know willing to scratch any surface (much less digging any rabbit hole), and nevertheless happier to know what I know (and appreciate all that I don’t know) than live in denial or limited hangouts. Happy to have substackers as my virtual community ! Happy thanksgiving to all Canadians out there...

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Thank you so much Natalie...

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I really don't know if any of us are good at it. But I do know it is our calling to be at least witness to this "untruth" that is before us, and to hold the light of absolute Truth up against it no matter how powerful that darkness is. It is not our job to dispel the world of evil, but it is our job to hold good and love in our hearts and claim it as Truth. We may be snubbed out in an instant, but our stance raises the consciousness of the beings of God's creation engaged in this material endeavor—even if only by an infinitesimal degree. As difficult as it obviously is for us, we really have no choice. Embrace it with all the love, passion, and fury you can muster.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

So beautifully said.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The bottom line is that now that we have arrived at this awareness, we have no choice but to speak up. For me, staying silent would be no different than volunteering to swallow the poison.

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I agree...although I do think we all may have different callings...

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A COURSE IN MIRACLES, Quantum Physics, and The Matrix have a lot in common.

We are only Dreaming connected souls with non existent bodies in a non existent world.

Our continued drive for dreaming keeps us thinking we are reincarnating back so we keep having nightmares in this sort of hell.

It keeps us all out of our true return to Heaven remaining with a loving GOD.

ACIM is a long eye opening difficult read that explains over and over from different angles.

The basic is, "We are all one and when we find guilt and attack other we only attack ourselves"

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Well put summation. I have studied ACIM for a long time, but still find some of it confusing.

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Funny Coincidence is that I listened to Gary Renard's books on Audio and while on a cruise fo our 40th wedding anniversary, I saw him sitting at a Table.

My Wife said "Go talk to him." but I didn't want to bother him.

She went by and told him I liked his books.

Instead, he gets up and comes over to talk to me. For the next 2 days, he and his wife toured with us.

There are Prime ACIM videos with him on Amazon.

I have noticed that the GOD seems to send things and people we are interested in

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That is so cool you and Renard got to hang out! My sister would be so envious!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The family ( and I will include friends ) part of this piece has generally been an issue for me as I have never been a “group thinker” ( sic ) and therefore felt I could not be authentic in social situations. This has intensified over the last 3 years . I have learned of late to look for the pleasantries as well in these settings and no longer have expectations of meaningful exchanges. This adaptation has been helpful .

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Groupthink...so compelling...we are built to be attracted to it...but it goes against the prime directive of creativity.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes and individuality as well ….reading Gad Saads book the Parastic Mind

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Dear T.H., I often muse on the ‘bliss of ignorance’. But I cannot get beyond musing. Because even during the times when I did not identify what was causing my ‘suffering’, be it psychological or physical, I still suffered the effects of the cause. My ignorance of dietary requirements, ignorance of toxic effects of certain medications or food, ignorance of the mal-intent or the dangerous disregard of others, ignorance of road conditions or auto mechanics, and even the workings of my own mind — none of it ceased to exist simply because I chose not to take heed.

As I am want to do, I always refer to my most Natural companions in this world. Consider any tasty prey animal. A rabbit, for instance. Owls hunt rabbits. So do hawks, eagles, foxes, bobcats, mountain lions, and humans. Rabbit nests can be raided by skunks, ravens, jays, bear, mink, weasels, snakes and even chickens. I live where all of these creatures are present together. And their environment is such where fire, flood, heavy snow, and drought can present great hardship if not death.

I watch the rabbits. They scamper about, cavorting exuberantly in play. They stretch out and lounge in the cool grass, simply taking in a pleasant evening. They engage in lovemaking — not just copulation but displays of true affection and the comfort of society. The females industriously dig out nests in the ground for their babies, carefully line them with grass and insulate them with their own fur. Are they in denial that dangers are literally all around them? Nope. Do they ask themselves “What’s the point of all this? The world is a dangerous shit-hole and I’m probably gonna die soon.” Nope.

When danger is perceived rabbits react, fast as lightning. They exhibit caution and wariness. When a doe perceives her kits are in danger she will fight to protect them (growling, punching, scratching, biting) if she can. But their lives are not all about death and destruction. Of course rabbits still die. So do humans.

There is balance. Denial is NOT a survival mechanism. But neither is getting into a permanent state of fear, or depression, or defensiveness. We must take real joy and find our (healthy, life affirming) bliss whenever and wherever we can. Joy and bliss ARE survival mechanisms. Being prepared and being properly reactive to danger ARE survival mechanisms. We must do our best to not be anxiously trembling with adrenaline when the bear is not in the neighborhood, but at the same time aware that bears exist and can appear unexpectedly. For ‘Homo sapiens’, it seems achieving balance is a tall order. Don’t I know it!!! But I don’t think it’s impossible. All my best to you and every one herein!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for this…so inspiring and perfectly said.

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This is wonderful...such a beautiful explanation of the "way nature works, as God intended..."

Where this DOES not apply to our current situation is that the "ugly" things of the world that we are facing are man made, not "God made" as is the rabbit's dangerous world where the rabbits can afford to "deny" at times.

We are in the grips of a conscious evil intention, that could be traced back to a "Satan metaphor" but is still in the hands of men that allow it to manifest, with intention, and that intention may very well destroy humanity. Transhumanism is at its foundation, and thus eugenics is a pre-supposed necessity. This is not the natural cycle of God's nature, where the material is always subject to destruction, death follows life, and often suffering accompanies death. But, as you say, it is all in balance. There is no true threat that all rabbits will cease to exist in one fell swoop at the bidding of other evil rabbits. We are facing not only the destruction of mankind, at the HANDS of mankind, but the destruction of all of God's creation...

I'm sure, or am assuming, you would agree with this and what I am saying here is not meant as a criticism of your beautiful essay...

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, T.H. I agree that rabbits are not facing annihilation of all rabbitdom. But would it make a difference? I take my survival very personally. And that of all I care about. And as it is, humans need other humans...not just for procreation. We still must endeavor to keep ourselves from perpetual fear -- fear makes us stupid. And sick. It is essential to decompress, recharge our batteries, and gather rosebuds (often giving those buds to others) wherever, whenever we can. Under even the most hideous, dire circumstances our species has proven that 'spirit' can conquer, but only if it is nourished. If this is, in fact, a spiritual test, then we are getting very close to a final exam.

I live in an area that seems to be slated for 'resource' exploitation by the evil you describe. NW California. I can tell you that 3 out 4 of the ever increasing 'wild fires' show the hallmarks of Directed Energy Weapons. Homes reduced to white ash. Trees looking more like they were microwaved than burnt. Alternatively, a freak quake or a (plausibly denied) 'oops' regarding the ongoing deconstruction of 3 dams on the river could take out small communities for hundreds of miles. My impending death by evil intent is looking very real. And yet...I just went for a walk in what remains of the surrounding forest and enjoyed the mists and the quiet. I won't stop trying to throw wake-up pills around me. But we also need time to relax and to focus onwhat the heck it is we are trying to save -- what makes it worthwhile to be alive. Like a rabbit. Without that, we just become like the psychopaths. <3

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What I am meaning to convey is that "natural" organic "fear" is normal and healthy. Things put upon us by our fellow humans is not natural and organic, and possibly needs a different approach, i.e. a relentless push against it.

No, false fear is never productive...intense, unnatural, fear of pain or loss of the physical body. However, if the thing threatening us is REAL (real in the material sense) then whatever it is that we need to feel to fight it is necessary and healthy...I would not call that fear, not in the same way I would call the false fear of dying of a virus.

Not sure if I am making much sense.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You make sense. I think the best way to combat the Psychological Operations of the globalist evil is to not get triggered by them -- to refuse to give any energy to the fear mongering and the proffered carrots of 'security' -- all are false. All are weapons. All are a distractions from Truth. And the truth is that VERY real attacks on all aspects of life are planned and carried out systematically. Being carried out by puppets. Being directed by the psychopathic Puppet Masters. And, tragically, many of our friends and family are puppets -- dancing with fear or patriotism or false virtue or greed as their strings are being jerked by the False Flag covers of Pandemics, Climate Change, Terrorists, Wars, Debt, You Name it. How can we better communicate to our fellow men and women, who are the puppets, and without whose support and compliance none of this murderous domination is possible? What can we do but what you are doing, what most of are doing: Keep speaking out, sharing information to any one who is slightest bit receptive? Doing our best everyday, to pull the curtain back so others might see, in spite of being derided, baited, disowned, imprisoned or even murdered? What do you perceive or envision as another method of pushing back, T.H.? From the bottom of my heart, I'd surely love to adopt a moral tactic that is more effective than what I've been doing for the past 10 years. <3

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I think a person has to let their heart speak. What you are called to "do" could really be anything...or nothing. Sorry for such a vague answer to your question.

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It's a good answer.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You captured exactly what I feel about (this at times )overwhelming situation. Thank you!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, Tiny Shrew! I am 'heartened' <3

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I love this analogy. Well done.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, Vivian. It's from my heart.

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Again, it is beautiful.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, T.H. I learned about Denial in my 20's concerning my mother's alcoholism. Denial not just from her (to be expected) but from my father, grandmother, aunts, and friends of my parents. Even after she nearly died from hemorrhaging esophageal varices (cirrhosis). Pretending, avoiding and keeping secrets resumed after her brush with death and the doctors' diagnosis faded quickly out of their memory...or, at least, from their acknowledgement. My father became ill and died a year after from pancreatic cancer -- he just couldn't process ('digest') the truth. That was nearly 40 years ago, and marks when I first learned about full-blown, active Denial. I really do my best to have compassion for those who seem to need to use Denial to shield themselves from what they do not want to or cannot face. Over the years I've come to realize that the veiled insults, the disrespect and ignore-ance is not truly 'about me' (though the Deniers often want to make it so). So I do my utmost to not take it personally. But, honestly, it's quite a slog, requiring much energy to not slip into either rage or despair. It's often heart-breaking, and certainly crazy-making. The sense of isolation and conflict it creates is real. Grave consequences for all. Denial is never sweet. Not for the ones trying to break through, nor for the Deniers themselves. Much appreciation and gratitude, and all my best to you.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Author

In Science of Mind we are taught that all physical presentation is "appearance"...which is similar to what ACIM teaches...as well as a lot of other spiritual disciplines. The material world is illusion...our bodies are illusions or "appearances" these physical things are not real and nothing that threatens these physical things are any more real than they are (certainly physical unreal things can and are destroyed in the physical realm of illusion, but, as said, this is all illusion).

The first paragraph of the Course in Miracles is "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, therein lies the peace of God." In this context the word "real" is describing anything that truly has intrinsic value, NOT the material world, the material world is not real, therefore it CAN be threatened, obviously. The material world is a continual cycle of entropy/negentropy, death and rebirth, destruction and creativity. The non material world EXISTS, and is REAL, and cannot be threatened.

We can apply the word denial to this idea as well, and maybe that is what you are describing. We can "deny" the "reality" of the physical world...disease, suffering, death, because it is merely an "appearance" and is not "real"...what IS real is love, spirit, God (I should have left it at only "love" as "spirit and God" are simply synonyms.)

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for the reply. I'm not sure I understand it. Are you referring to a book(s) (i.e. "Science of Mind" and "The Course in Miracles")? I am familiar with concepts of multidimensional existence, and am always exploring. But if what you are saying is the truth, then should I not concern myself with 'Earth' (The Silent Planet!) and its inhabitants because they are not real?

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for this Todd... it's a relief to share ....my Thanksgiving dinner last night was the same - a mixture of my children/grandchildren and step kids, at my house. Not a big group, but all happily munching away, complaining about eating way too much (again!), and everything else was happy, happy (in that superficial sort of way, where nobody really says anything that's completely honest).

My husband and I have agreed, awhile ago, to keep these family gatherings in Clown land, where the sheep live in their pretty little bubbles. We've realized the bubbles are unbreakable, held firmly in place by fear, and I personally have decided it's not my job to try to puncture them. I've tried for over 3 long years and, for my trouble, have only suffered painfully long lectures and rants about my lunacy.

So now... and I noticed this, big time, yesterday... I have tossed their ship's line into the sea and let them drift away, into their own future, the one of their own making. That's always the way it is with our kids anyway.... we think we can help them shape their future, but we can't really... it's always been theirs and theirs alone. The result of this (mostly unconscious decision/choice) was that I didn't really enjoy our dinner last night - I pretended to. I think I presented myself as I always am, but underneath, I felt distant, alone, and as if I'd just lost the people who are most important to me. Which is exactly what has happened. I just can't hold them close as I used to. I thought I could, but I can't. They live in a world that doesn't exist, and maybe I do too... but it is not the same world and I can no longer reach them and it is heartbreaking ....

It seems everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, except me. It does make that Land of Denial look rather appealing, doesn't it?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

So beautifully expressed.

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I am so sad to hear this. I can't imagine what it would be like to have kids, even adult ones, that are on that side of the void. My "kids" are step kids, and I came into their life fumbling around mostly like a fool, yet a loving one, and they were too old and set in their ways to see me much more than just a nuisance.

You can't put the cat back in the bag once it is out. So I think I understand how you feel. Our enjoyment in these events is fleeting at best. I have lost one of my sisters in the way you describe. She and I used to be inseparable buddies, and although I still love her dearly, I simply feel too distant from her now to see much intimacy...she passes such judgement on me and what I know to be the truth.

God help us all.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes... God help us all.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Wow, this brings stinging tears to my eyes. I have lived this experience, but I will die enduring lonliness, loss and long lectures and rants about my lunacy before I will stop trying to bring my children out of the slave system.

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Good for you.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I know the feeling of feeling alone. But I couldn't choose ignorance and denial -- without a complete memory wipe, it would be impossible. And I've seen what damage denial and ignorance do just within family systems regarding addiction, abuse, etc. We are being abused -- tortured in many ways in the present tyranny of the 'globalists'. I can only take visits to the sheep pasture for a very limited time. Too long and I start to feel as though part of me is being suffocated.

My in-law family (my husband is deceased) graciously invited me to my nephew's upcoming wedding in Australia. They even offered to pay for my travel from the USA. I declined. It IS difficult for me to travel and find trustworthy care for pets/livestock and house in my absence. But even if I could magically solve those problems, I would decline. Every single relation there is drinking the Kool-Aid of ignorance. And two weeks of it would totally sink me. A single family dinner would be about the limit of my tolerance. And who knows what 'restrictions' or 'mandates' could be manufactured during such a trip. I won't mask, take a jab or -- heaven forbid -- enter quarantine. It saddens me, because they are all truly good people...apart from being stupid. But I can live with sad. I cannot live with stupid.

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This is a sad reality that comes with our lot. Not that this is a surprise, it does make sense, but it is sad we cannot turn our feelings on and off depending on the situation we are in. I seethe when I see or hear the ignorance...even if the worst crime is omission...it still drives me crazy, and like you, I can only maintain it for small spurts of time.

Even my outing the other night was filled with strange passive aggressive remarks from my way...passively shrouded in humor or some other off the wall metaphoric way...with my wife kicking me under the table, and our guests looking at me with that blank "I don't get it?" sort of stare..

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

That is very unhappy -- to be baited and mocked. That's just plainly unkind. I am not at all sure I could maintain even the appearance of zen-like composure in such a situation. But, then, you must have the ongoing maintenance of spousal relationship always in mind -- to help you keep 'a lid on'...? <3

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thank you...it is tough, and as much as I think I have a handle on it, I know it is eating away at me internally...

And my wife has not literally kicked me under the table! That is a metaphor...but it is very true if I DO say something overt about the jabs, or sudden deaths, or DEW's I DO get a very serious stare...I NEVER go that far, at first I may have, only to know the consequences...it IS difficult...

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If you look into Orwell's past in military intelligence in Asia, it looks like he wrote 1984 about his time.

The 50s and 60s were prosperous but still had the narrative of "we were always at war with .... " due to the cold war. It was not Brave New World.

But now we are at the end of 1984. The system no longer can keep working when the citizens are starting to question leadership. The response is more censorship and more war to keep people distracted.

Huxley's Brave New World is the next step that they will try to implement. I don't think it will be successful because they're too late and have been hammering us with fear. If they were more subtle and then hit us with a "great war", it would have shocked humanity into wanting a technocracy.

Covid was a "great world war" that I think was going to lead us into BNW but they messed that up by making the cure so dangerous. (Ive heard that it was planned for later but they rushed it in , explaining why they were so rash.)

As for soma, as long as big pharma, big profits has regulatory capture of agencies and governments, there won't be an incentive to create such a drug. Such a drug would cut into their profits of drugs that need other drugs, like we see with the horrible psychiatric drugs. That's why they still use SSRIs despite papers showing it's ineffectiveness...

We are in a limp dystopia now run by idiots who serve big money.

These aren't the eugenicists of the past who were very crafty and manipulative.

Look at how even the WEF is concerned about the loss of trust. Instead of realizing that they need to provide some good things in order to regain trust, they double down on propaganda and nudging.

Far from Brave New World 😂

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for articulating the hope that remains alive in me. I often ask myself if these globalists are really as stupid as their actions seem to imply, or if there are white hats deep within the cabal... I mean, calling it “sudden adult death syndrome”??? One of so many gaffes that I’ve lost count.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for sensing hope. I had little hope until seeing how stupid they have been trying to implement things. So far, despite having had bought up our politicians, they keep having to back track their plans because we're seeing how destructive and inconvenient it would be.

Lol at the SADS thing. They think we are that dumb, because well, we did believe in SIDS before 😂

In my reply to Todd's reply, I go a little deeper into how they could have used covid to usher us in, but they messed up by putting out a dangerous product at the start.

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The vaccine campaign certainly seemed to be a success though, hasn't it been? Most people still don't see it as dangerous...those who "seemed" to have flipped, really are only saying there is no point in it, not that it is potentially deadly.

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I think the people are still in a state of cognitive dissonance.

If they really thought it was safe, they would still get it, like they did flu shots and other useless treatments. Consciously, they act like it's safe but unconsciously they are avoiding it. Some may never wake up, like they're in PTSD and still think the war is going on.

I've heard childhood vaccinations decreased a lot in the last year.

There are many groups fighting the corruption of the FDA, CDC, etc. It's becoming cool to question big pharma.

Even the new CDC director had to bring up the issue with the loss of trust. If she said that we need to give some truth out to rebuild trust, I would have been scared. Nope, like the WEF she basically doubled down on propaganda! 😂

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True...I see what you mean. You are right about the flu jab, people are still taking it even though there isn't any real evidence it does anything. I guess they still think it does.

I agree that there are many out there working hard to pop this delusional bubble, and I am sure many shrews who were just too busy to think carefully about all this when it first came out have joined our "I'm mad as hell and am not going to take it anymore." BUT...I think we are far from having a landslide of awakened sheep.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes! I read through your back-and-forth and saw your comment on the jabs. Some wit commented elsewhere (on a similarly themed substack) that Billy needs to learn to kill us all on the first go, otherwise the rest of us will be coming for him. Too late Billy 😁

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That's funny...Billy...

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These are excellent points...and in fact make me more hopeful. I definitely have bought into the possible illusion that "they" really have a handle on all of this and are really unstoppable. That submission could also be part of the plan, of course. I felt that way reading 1984. I saw no hope at all in Winston's efforts to push against the machine...but maybe I was wrong.

I find it interesting how you have reversed my idea that BNW is now, and 1984 is later (is that what you are saying?) Or at least that BNW is what they are trying to usher in now, but are not quite successful in doing so.

Interesting take...thank you!

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I used to think they had a handle on things. Covid scared the hell outta me. They could have had us lining up for monthly shots, if they knew to make the first batches placebos. Imagine shrews trying to warn people about the shots without the shots having side effects!

And then later, some bad batches come out and they go "oopsie" and blame it on a new sickness or fess up and say it was a manufacturing error.

Things would be much different today. We would be confident in the biosecurity nanny state pathway leading to a BNW!

Yeah, the order is different. I too used to think 1984 was the end game. Why would the powerful be content with humans getting enough to eat and enough to play and enough to enjoy?

1984 has been since the world wars. The world was divided into a few factions.

We still have that with the Russia/China/(brics?) vs the western bloc vs the middle east.

Brave New World is the solution to stop endless wars. That society started after a great war and humanity's "evil" was blamed. That gave them the reason to implement social engineering that eclipses the idiocy we see today. In that story, humans became a well treated worker and the state kept the peace, instead of endless wars and conflicts.

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Very good insights. Yes, those of us who reference the two great dystopian novels have to always keep in mind what was happening at the time they were written...and which came first! I love to throw in "Fahrenheit 451" as well, as there are many similarities to our current situation with that one as well.

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Fahrenheit 451 indeed!

In that story, the fire fighters set fire to books, instead of fighting fires!

In our story, the anti disinfo censor truth, instead of stopping lies!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I would rather know than not know, but it does bring more psychological pain. It feels like my feet are straddling two worlds. I read about horrible things that brain dead people believe, and then I go out for a nice turkey dinner in a lovely restaurant. In the Matrix, it was either the red or blue pill. In real life, it seems some of us can take either one as required for the situation. All in all, it is a wounded and weary world.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It often seems like 'straddling', doesn't it, Gwaihir? But the truth, I think, is that we sometimes must deliberately open the gate and cross the fence to the sheep pasture. If we do this with awareness and for a short period I think it's actually healthy. We do need some 'creature comforts' of society/family. And sometimes by necessity. But it is (for me at least) impossible to dwell in the sheep pasture for long. Get what I need -- some family news, sharing laughter at a joke, celebrating a wedding, or condoling for a loss -- and then back through to gate again. Of course, this is all depending on what is 'required' of me to visit the pasture. Masks, vaxxes, etc. keep me on my side of the fence. <3

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Beautifully expressed. It’s exactly how I chose to live. Little forays into the distortion field and then the bullet train back to sanity land.

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LOL -- yes, sometimes a bullet train!!!

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I agree. But also easy to fall into the trap over there. Sometimes I still wonder if I am crazy to make such a big deal out of all of this...then I stop and think again for two minutes and it becomes very clear...

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

True. I try to stay mindful of never walking through a gate (or crossing a road) without looking both ways, plus up, down and forward LOL. And I keep an eye on my escape routes! But no life is without risk. The only way to avoid all risks is to not live at all. You're not crazy. It is a big deal. But don't waste any angst about coveting complaisance that is founded on denial. <3

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Thank you.

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Agreed..."straddling the fence" as they say is much more painful than picking one side or the other for both feet to be planted in.

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Happy Thanksgiving! Does your family know about your Substack? Don't they read it? I can't imagine my kids would be too happy with me if they knew I thought they were bamboozled by the current thing...

That being said, I have thought a lot recently about how to keep going knowing what I know and realizing most people haven't got a clue. It can certainly cause full on despair. But i think part of the point is that we are in despair, it gives them satisfaction. So I keep reading/watching/listening and at the same time I try (hate that word) to keep a positive mindset of what I want for myself and my family, small as that is these days. A good chunk of family has ghosted me for the past several years as I think truth about a lot of things was a little too hard for them to take but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I try (there it is again) to accept this as a good thing. I'd rather be honest than compromise the truth for what would have to be a very shallow relationship with people whom I should be close to. I've lost friends who believed all the Covid nonsense too, although if a difference of opinion about bodily autonomy is the straw that breaks a friendship... maybe they weren't such great friends to begin with.

I hope you had a good time despite it all. 🦃

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Oh my no, no one but my wife knows about ShrewViews...and she has not READ a single word of it (unless she secretly has visited). No one else even has a clue.

I have pretty much lost everyone. I used to have tons of old Hollywood/music friends on FB I kept up with. I would say about 95% of them are gone. I have two sisters, one is totally out, the other is totally in. So at least I have her. My wife is out, and of course her adult kids and their partners. I have zero friends in Canada...and any that could be friends are on that side of the fence.

All I have are you guys...and I do visit Druthers House occasionally and see actual physical humans there...so that is good. (www.druthers.net)

And yes, I DID have a good time at the sheep dinner. Like I said, all of these people are good people...they live in the world that has been provided for them without really questioning it. They are told by their handlers about things that happen across the globe, like wars in Europe and attacks in the Middle East, just to have something to blab about, if they even bother. They live in nice warm houses, eat good food, wear comfortable clothes, pursue careers and what appears to be the "American (or Canadian) dream"...all is good...or I should say "good enough"...the "good enough" part encroaches in on them, and they don't realize that the real things that bring meaning and purpose to their lives have been dwindling away for the past 200 years leaving only empty material objects.

I am sure we can go on like this for quite some time, as no one has noticed much at all being askew, and I would say we are about 90% of the way to complete oblivion. It isn't until the "creature comforts" are threatened that people will notice...when the "material objects" start to disappear...losing our soul has not seemed to have much impact.

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For us it was a relief to get out of Toronto... we lived downtown cheek by jowl with neighbours who, BC, I would have said we’re all very nice. AC, I was shocked how many were taken in my the mask propaganda, social distancing propaganda, gender ideology propaganda etc.. People would regurgitate headlines like “Twitter is so full of hate speech since Elon bought it” and of course there was the “which one did you get?” Questions. Much easier to make small talk with strangers.

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I got out of Toronto as well. We had just sold our house in midtown and moved to a condo in Leslieville so we could go down to one car and travel more easily. My husband was the head of the condo board and tried fighting the masking, but shortly after he lost the vote it was mandated for everyone anyway. We had already fled to our country home in May 2020 and by September 2020 decided communal living was not for us and sold the place. I found likeminded people up here where there is much more sanity and don't miss the city one bit!

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i had to deal with selling my mom's condo in 2020... bad enough then. Thankfully it was on the top floor so didn't have to wait for an empty elevator as only 2 people were allowed on. Have a friend who is still in a condo and she was treated horribly... I will. never live in a communal setting unless it's a group of us buying in together. No elevators, ground floor or walk up access only. And after all this, there is no way I'm going to end up in a retirement home where you need to be jacked up on all the latest shots so my plan is to get in the best physical shape possible and keep exercising and lifting weights until the day I die.

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Amen sister! Hubby and I feel very strongly about never ending up in a retirement facility. That's the most extreme form of communal living and you lose all control.

My BFF lives in a condo building in Yorkville and the condo board decreed that no unvaxxed people were allowed in the building -- even friends and family in people's individual units. I'm not sure what they would have done to me had I owned a unit there, but I can tell you I would have gone down to the lobby and personally escorted my visitors up to my condo and bypassed the front desk. My friend was not that brave.

I was only back in our condo a few times to pack it up and leave, but I refused to wear a mask. It made me sick to be there, but nobody hassled me. It was a low-rise building and we were on the second floor so we didn't really need the elevator anyway.

I'm still so angry about it all!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I listen to Alan Watt when I become to accustomed to the dagger in my back. And then I listen to Alan Watts when the pain of the dagger is too much to bear.

On a serious note, I waiting when the new system they are building for us will implode. Psychos can't build something that lasts. They have no human understanding of what really matters to a normal human being.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Darius, if you mean Alan Watts (with an 'S') who was philosopher and a self-described 'spiritual entertainer', then I share your medicinal listening. There was also an Alan Watt who was a writer/author.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I mean both of them, Alan Watt when I need a reminder how the system(created by psychopaths)works and Alan Watts when I need a reminder that not all is lost and it's just a play or it is just a God's dream.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for the clarification! I haven't read Watt...yet.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I don't think he wrote much or I have not read his writings. He was an old school truth seeker with a microphone and an internet connection.

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Oh! There must be yet another Alan Watt! Thank you for another clarification, Darius! The 'conspiracy realists' don't figure high on any search engine.

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What? Watt? Watts?....funny...

I like your comment: "Psychos can't build something that lasts"...it seems that soul and spirit are the glue that animates dead material, and thus makes it last. Psychos have none of that. Really good point.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If I stayed in the 'awake reality' for too long, I'd end up in a nice, soft room with one of those jackets that does up at the back!

Being a 'deep thinker' is a bastard. I do have to pull myself back from the brink of the rabbit hole sometimes, and just enjoy the now without analysing the analysis of the analysis. It's self protection.

No one would know or care if I drove myself mad with it.

I'm glad you had a nice evening.

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Thanks. It does seem that living in "non reality" ala the Truman Show, does eventually create insanity...even if you don't know it. Certainly living in the "real" world has its problems, but I speculate that the sort of anxiety it creates is not really insanity, it just feels that way. One very prominent archetype found throughout human history is strength displayed against all odds. People have always had the capacity to stand up to adversity, and survive. This may be a myth, but most myths have their hidden truths.

The rabbit hole is another story. One negative thing about our style of thinking is this sometimes nasty compulsion to "consider everything, believe nothing"...although this has its wise attributes, it is often very difficult to navigate. "What is true, tell me, tell me, do you think you know..." (Tower of Power ca 1973 substitute "true" for "hip")


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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"It crossed no one’s mind how much the world was in peril"

The world has always been in peril. Security has always been an illusion. It's just that modernity provides a very solid illusion, particularly to those who live at the centre of the Empire.

But now the Empire is collapsing, and those who live at the centre will shortly be joining those on the periphery, who have already collapsed and are living in ruins.

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Yes I agree...but I think, maybe naively, that there was, at one time, an easier way to see through the illusion. Maybe not.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

People never bought the illusion. They never expected that the state could or would save them. They assumed that whatever security there was, was created by themselves and their friends, family and neighbours.

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Who are these "people" you speak of? Of course, there ARE many who never bought it, but we would not be in the mess we are in if the majority didn't buy it.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I should have been clearer. When I say people never bought the illusion I mean our ancestors. People who lived largely self-reliant lives and rarely had occasion to tangle with agents of the state.

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Sorry...that's my fault, you were plenty clear. If I read it like we are having a conversation it reads well...makes sense.

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deletedOct 9, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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WOW!!! Thank you!!!

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