I like to describe what we have been going through since Covid struck the public psyche in early 2020 as three different wars or war fronts. I believe they overlap in time and context and that the third war, the one I am writing about here, has been running silently under the first two during the entire duration. In my view it is the most dangerous war, the most destructive, and it might not even qualify as a war, as in a real war there are two opposing forces. This silent war seems to have no opposition.
The first war is the most objective and clearly seen war. It is the initial Covid terror, the disease, the deaths and illnesses and the lockdowns, social distancing, masks and other draconian responses the governments around the world and the global all seeing “doctor in the sky” WHO have implemented. After the initial attack, the warp speed drive to develop a vaccine got underway and culminated in some strange experimental gene therapy concoction that was promised to eliminate the disease and create a sort of synthetic herd immunity designed to stop the disease in its tracks. Various officials, Fauci and the president of the United States Joe Biden among them, promised us that if we take this vaccine we “will not get Covid” and that the vaccine was “safe and effective.” The war escalated with vaccine mandates, the loss of jobs, and the insane segregation and division of those vaccinated and those not. The citizenry of nations around the world became divided—for and against the vaccine. Thus this first war become more complicated, then including a faction of civil unrest and turmoil mixed in with the general war we were all up until then united together in fighting. We were facing the common terror of the invisible enemy—an enemy of the sort we had never seen before, or so we were told—sure to destroy us if we didn’t comply with the parental guidance of those who claimed to be the only authority, the only wisdom, and the only science we were allowed to listen to.
Once the land was carpet bombed with Covid terror, including the aforementioned wanton destruction of any social and economic structure, the disease began to wane. More than likely this dissipation of the efficacy of killing power the disease supposedly possessed, with its endless variants and seemingly magical ability to be everywhere and anywhere and thus infect everyone with no sign of illness at all, was all part of the plan. We then slowly glided into the second war. This second assault is still rather material based, meaning it still has similar structure to the first war but it is purposefully kept more under cover and hidden from view. Although mask mandates have been supposedly lifted in many situations, masks in Canada, for example, are still required on planes, buses, etc. as well as in hospitals, dentist offices and most other health establishments. These radical compliance rules have not been eased at all. Body temperatures are still taken, masks still required, hand sanitizer still administered—all as if nothing at all has changed. We are told the deaths are down, the disease is under control, and that we can relax, but many of these ridiculous sanctions are still in place, and enforced with a vengeance. In Canada no one unvaccinated can get on a plane, a bus, a boat, or any sort of public transport, all during a time where it has been shown through various scientific studies that the unvaccinated show no increased capacity to transmit the virus.
Freedoms around the world are also still restricted (see Edward Slavsquat’s excellent article for what is going on in Russia and Israel and other countries) focus is still on total compliance, complete obedience to the authoritarian rule, digital IDs and Social Credit systems are still being planned and implemented, countries are still restricting travel and entry. I could list dozens of examples. Although the mainstream media is no longer inundating the public with news of cases, deaths, and new variants, many of the efforts to bring in more boosters, limit travel and normalcy, and keep a certain level of fear that “at any moment this could all return” is ubiquitous in our day-to-day experience. This is the second war, and although not as obvious as the first, this war is continually raging.
Now we come to the silent war. As I said earlier, the third war has been ever present at the foundational level running alongside the first two, but the focus on the effects of this war has only now become more obvious. This is the psychological and spiritual war, the war on humanity, the war on the essence of being human, the war on the soul. It is the war that threatens our future. It threatens our ability to form sound and functional social structure. It threatens our capacity to thrive, to love, and to, quite frankly, be human. The foundations for this war have been set from the very beginning, but like anything the human psyche has to deal with in life, at the beginning there was a clear enemy, and although fabricated and essentially untrue, there was a plan for avoiding suffering, disease, and death. Even if fabricated, humans do better with a plan and a solution, and the first war offered both—wear a mask and you will be safe, stay away from other people and you will be safe, shut down your business and stay home and you will be safe, take the vaccine and you will be safe—on and on with plans and solutions. Of course most, if not all, of these plans and solutions were false and part of the agenda, but at least they gave us something to do—“we are in this together.” Until we realized, for the most part, they were ineffective. People still got sick (many were only told they were sick, but some people actually did get sick, of exactly what is still a question). Suffice it to say that a feeling of betrayal started to sneak in, a feeling that we really didn’t have a way to protect ourselves from what is largely a fabricated enemy. Unfortunately the betrayal was not aimed at the correct betrayer—it was aimed at the disease. The real perpetrators were the authority figures—the agenda. Most people still do not see this.
And the onslaught of scare tactic information continues. Even though the mask mandate has been eased in many situations, people still continue to wear masks. As I sat in the Tim Horton’s parking lot having my breakfast the other day I noticed maybe one out of every ten cars that drove by, the driver, alone, was wearing a mask. I noticed that when the local high school let the kids out for lunch that nine out of ten kids, if not more, were wearing masks walking down the street. About 30% of people I observed around me were wearing masks. In the local grocery store about 90% of the shoppers had masks. Those employed by the store were all masked. The fear persists. The assumption that life is relatively safe, which has been one of the hallmarks of being a human being on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years, has been nearly entirely eroded. It is no longer safe to just be human. We seem to have lost our understanding that we are relatively safe existing in our environment. We no longer understand and accept that as we go through life it is normal to be faced with many dangers (life is innately a dangerous proposition!) and we will then experience our share of suffering. Again we seem to have lost a general understanding that we can go through our day-to-day, hour-by-hour, existence and still experience joy, fulfillment, pleasure, and a sense of general safety. This natural awareness, acceptance, and understanding is nearly all gone, and if the powers that be have their way, it will only get worse.
That is the silent war. It is silent because most people don’t seem to know it is going on, and certainly do not choose to fight it. Most people seem to think it is the new normal, and it is just the way things are going to be from now on.
Who out there realizes the damage that this war is causing? Who, other than those of us who are more awake, realizes that the generation of children of all age groups are growing up in a world they have falsely been told is so dangerous they can’t touch another human being, breath the air freely, or gather in social settings? Apparently these lies have been so well inserted in the human psyche it doesn’t matter if the message over the loudspeakers of mainstream media stops blasting it out to the masses—the masses still comply, they have been convinced that these sanctions are necessary in order to survive and live, as limited as that living is now to be. One day they won’t even know why they wear masks, or don’t shake hands, or hug.
And I am not talking about sanctions and restrictions like not being allowed to have a cell phone, or to be told we can never eat peaches again, or any number of similar things that if we had a rational objective reason to restrict would make little difference in our experience of being human. I am talking about the bedrock foundation of being a human being. Easy access to other humans, to touch, expressions of love, gathering, seeing faces, smiles, knowing the air is safe to breathe, responding to normal illness when experienced in a normal way. And then there are social restrictions as an individual and as a group which is often described as freedoms—freedom of free speech, freedom to travel, freedom to express ourselves as we see fit within normal, God given, moral limitations, all of these, and many more, if restricted thwart the human spirit and dull us off into quivering masses of depressed and defeated human beings—and we don’t even have to be aware it is happening. The effect is silent.
I am a psychotherapist, I see many patients and I speak to other therapists, we are seeing an epidemic of depression, confusion, malaise, anxiety, as well as suicide and drug and alcohol abuse. This is not even including the number of physical ailments showing up due to what many believe to be the vaccines. Cancers, heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, VAIDS, and deaths, are all increasing in numbers. There is a pall of darkness falling on the world community, and again, most of us are not even aware of its cause.
What can we do? First of all we must become tuned into what is happening. We have to stop wandering around wondering why we feel so badly. Once we realize what is affecting us, we have to stop it. If someone is poisoning us slowly, and secretly, the first order of business is to realize we are being poisoned and where the poison is coming from, and stop thinking the way we feel is a mystery. Once we know, we stop the person from poisoning us, we see who and what and why we are sick. And we stop the source of that sickness. Only after it stops can we begin to heal from the assault, not only from the poison itself, but also from the deep betrayal we will experience realizing those we trusted to always have our best interests in mind, have actually betrayed us. The government has betrayed us, our doctors have betrayed us, our loved ones (maybe unintentionally) have betrayed us. In a sense it would even seem that life and God has betrayed us. Our trust has been shattered. And from this we must make every effort to heal. But let us first come to an awareness and a realization that we are indeed intentionally being poisoned. Let us identify the culprit, stop the poisoning and expose the perpetrator. Let us do that first. Then we can start the long road to healing this betrayal through love, community, and compassion.
In my opinion, the shrews pretty much know all this and I don't see it convincing any sheep to awaken. We are dealing with evil people who have all the power and financial resources at their disposal. Not only that but they have no problem crossing lines that many of us would never consider. They have decades of research into what has worked and what hasn't and have fine tuned their approach. They have enacted plans that have been going on undetected for multiple generations, like the dumbing down of society and dividing us over so many things. For most of us we either need to find a way to fight or flee. Because being a frog in this pot, it is starting to get uncomfortably warm in here. Just my 2 cents Todd. And since we no longer use pennies, it amounts to nothing. :-)
Wow, i hadn't realized you live in the belly of the beast up there and are still under shock and awe.
I live in Columbus ohio, only a few miles from Ohio State Univ. Things here are pretty much back to normal. Even in the most liberal areas very few masks. I think the perps try to get kids to mask in schools but more up to parents at this point.
I understand how people can believe that God is letting us down but I don't. So far, things are going to script with Biblical End Times prophecy. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that these things must pass.
Columbus has 1.5 million people and have to drive 45 mins away to find a church that teaches/ preaches exactly what the Bible says (fundamentalist Baptist) and even that pastor gets some things wrong. The point is that the Bible says that in End Times the churches will fall away.
My best advice for people trying to make sense of this is in connection to God is to read gospel of John, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2 and the two letters from Peter first. That's maybe 90 minutes of reading. Psalm 2 is very good too (12 verses).
My perspective is that God is testing us and the Bible promised he would. This life is but a vapor. From a Biblical point of view, its all about eternity. Jesus said getting saved is as easy as drinking a glass of water (and never being thirsty again). A five year old can understand the Bible Way to Heaven. It's all about faith and accepting the free gift of grace. And then hope kicks in no matter what happens. Sadly most people won't accept the Bible Way to Heaven verses or even listen 10 minutes because of pride or whatnot.
Hang in there and think big. Question everything and humbly seek the truth. For me it's the King James Bible. I was atheist just two years ago. God works in mysterious ways. Peace