i'm gonna use a few days ago, the friday, as my scoring day. i prob spent about 40 minutes total throughout the day focused on masked people at work and then a busy 9km bike ride through downtown toronto for about 30 minutes.

10 public walkers on the street masked (50 pts)

3 cyclists masked up (60 pts)

1 person indoors at work i fought the urge to question about the mask all day (1 pt)

111/4- 27.75 pts

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Wow!! Excellent! I am happy to get a "city test"...and your one guy at work should count more than 1 pt...although that agrees with the scoring rubric. However, since your work doesn't require masks, right? Then I would give that at least 10 points...

The three cyclists is a gem. I guess the only thing better would be someone on a sailboat in the middle of Lake Ontario....

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It doesn't seem like too many people want to actually play this game!! I thought that might be the case...Anyway...I did today, and this is what I got:

3 car masks 75 pts

3 people walking on the street 15 pts

a bunch of people on a bus in masks, which doesn't count for anything, but thought I would mention it

A woman in a car with a mask not on her face, but tied around her neck ready for action (no points, but interesting)

And I am going to include the kid on the skateboard here that I captured last week just for yucks 20 pts

Since the skateboard masker was a separate event, I will add it into my 10 minute slot (I know that is cheating but what the hell).

All this took about 20 minutes, so divide by 2...110/2 = 55 pts total. Again, I am a cheater, but even if half that, it is a decent score. I am flabbergasted that I saw THREE people in cars in masks in 20 minutes....good lord.

If I ever have an hour with nothing to do (ha ha) I will sit in my car by a busy street and observe. I did this last week, but it was pouring rain. Maskers don't like to go out in the rain, terrified of pneumonia I guess, or waterborne bugs.

Come on folks...let's see some scores! And you can cheat a little if you like (for example, if you see a car go by on your way to get coffee with a masker, go ahead and count that in your total.)

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I went out today to play the game and was pretty unsuccessful due to the rain. No one was out walking, and I wonder if masked people do not like the rain for obvious reasons (unsafe, dangerous, etc.)

I did, within the first 20 minutes, snag TWO people with masks alone in their car. But since I sat in the same spot casually observing for another 20 minutes my points got watered down.

I will try again later to see how I do.

(What about people on buses with masks? I saw a lot of them...maybe we can add them for 10 points each...??)

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My report so far: in the last couple of days I have spent 6 ten-minute periods playing "the mask game" (I have spent considerable time out these last couple of days to allow me to do that). In that period of time I have counted 37 points for a score = 6.17 points per 10 minute period. The overwhelming majority of "sightings" have been "5 pointers" of people wearing masks while walking outdoors.

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Yay!!!! I am not going to be able to play until tomorrow. Looking forward to it as long as I get my good observation spot!! I am going to be making up convenient score sheets for people to print out and use...more on that later!!

This actually is an interesting experiment as well as a fun game...

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What I would do to gave him back! Would have been 18 years this Saturday if he was here. :( 💔😞

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My beloved and late hubby wanted me to wear a mask because he wanted to be protected from germs. I tried and I did that in stores and in school. Hard to do. When I didn’t wear one and he got sick, I felt bad. I still wonder at times if me not wearing one every time at school and then coming home or going to the hospital caused him to get sick and die. Like I brought him germs. When I was sick, I didn’t go to the hospital and it was torture not to be with him. When we both got covid before he took the poison, I would double glove, masks, lots of napkins, and no retouching to feed him. I slept in the other room or opposite him with a mask to try to help. Late 2020. He was a person who lived as a quadriplegic. What an amazing man!

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I don't know the details of your husband's illness, but I doubt seriously, very seriously, if you not wearing a mask had anything to do with his death. I am so sorry to hear this, you must have been through so much...

Was he diagnosed with Covid? Keep in mind that if so, he really was dealing with the flu, if even that. Many people do not believe in the germ theory, and believe viruses are concoctions made up by "science." All of this is very complicated. You putting blame on yourself for this is understandable, but is probably totally out of line with the truth...

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Like smokers to me shouldn’t be treated by pulmonologists. It’s a waste of money. They will keep smoking.

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What about eating junk food like McDonalds, for example? Shouldn't these people be treated? After all, junk food, processed food and cigarettes are advertised and government allows it knowing all those are bad for your health...

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You're getting into the weeds with this one! That follows the same logic as not treating people who are unvaccinated! (Not sure if you are saying they SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be treated.) Just as Dr. Iriarte says, everyone should be fairly treated regardless of how they got to the point of needing treatment. Remember forgiveness, a very divine act.

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Exactly. I don't know if someone is suggesting that we deny medical services to someone because they smoke, or eat junk foods, or use illicit IV drugs, or engage in unsafe sex... you could continue counting forever... We have never considered it ethical to deny someone health care because they "deserve what they got". It is a peposterous idea. As you say... then someone comes up with the idea of denying service to the "unvaccinated" or the "unmasked"... we need to be consistent with our arguments.

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I know someone who is being denied surgery here in Canada, for a condition that could be life threatening, because she smokes...the rationale being that smokers could encounter complications with healing.

She is told she has to stop smoking before the surgeon will operate. She claims she has tried to stop, but just can't...so has decided not the do the surgery, which means she may die of the condition. Is that ethical?

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That is a very different medicine from what I learned almost 50 years ago. We have always advised people about quitting smoking, and not drinking in excess, and eating healthy... but never denied a service because the patient engaged in any "unhealthy" behavior. Of course we do surgery on smokers, and treat the person who had a car collision while driving drunk, and treat the IV drug user who developed hepatitis, or endocarditis...

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Please forgive my ambiguity (I'm Portuguese and know very little of English). What I mean is that the assertion that people should not be treated if they smoke or if they refuse to get jabbed is totally absurd and biased.

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I thought that is what you meant...I just wanted to put in my two cents about that topic, and your comment made me think of it...thanks!

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d'ya think the following would reverse the march of the face diaper brigade...gellerreport.com /2023/05/study-reveals-most-peoples-lungs-now-riddled-with-microplastics-found-in-disposable-face-masks.html/

Study Reveals MOST People’s Lungs Now Riddled With Microplastics Found in Disposable Face Masks 5/19/2023

A shocking new study has revealed that most people have microplastics, commonly found in disposable masks, in all areas of their lungs. For those of us who refused the “vaccine” and the mask, it’s vindication but we continue to be punished by these toxic lemmings.

Also: Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associatedwith face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children andadolescents – A scoping review

There were 12 types of microplastic found in samples.

The 4 microplastics present in the most considerable quantities included:

polypropylene (PP): found in carpets, clothing, automotive plastics, and surgical masks

polyethylene terephthalate (PET): present in clothing, beverage, and food containers

resin: a constituent of protective coating and paints

polyethylene (PE): a component of food wrappers, milk containers, toys, and detergent bottles

In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9000 percent. Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks...'

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Yikes. But, as you know, this sort of thing is a hard sell to sheep. First, they don't believe it, and second, they think it is a desperate effort from shrews to grab at straws..."everything is potentially bad for you..." I do wonder if mask wearing DOES stop large pollutant particles from reaching your lungs and therefore is HEALTHIER to wear one out on the street....personally I do NOT believe this, but this would be the sort of argument a sheep would make.

I honestly believe that constant mask wearing (and considering the observation of people driving alone in their cars with a mask, I don't think it is unreasonable to believe these sorts wear the damn thing nearly 24/7) will eventually cause cognitive deterioration (brain damage). Add that to the respiratory damage (microplastics) there will ultimately be a rather huge price to pay. But again, that is like saying someone who smokes two packs a day will eventually succumb to lung cancer...that doesn't always happen...

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'if mask wearing DOES stop large pollutant particles from reaching your lungs' IMHO, as an ol'mechanic, a major concern would be all that rotting food in the mouth,millions of vast spectrums of bacteria, lodged between the teeth&in gums...a veritable volcano of toxins that are recycled &potentized when they hit that dam/n face diaper, wch being a moist&warm medium, from the cyclic act of breathing, becomes a factory of illnesses...What is better, Dr T, running an engine with a plugged air filter & having it stop running or removing the a/f & letting the motor breathe? no contest, eh?

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I agree...that is why, I suppose, people who have to stop particulants from invading their lungs for large parts of the day (8 hour work day) wear much more sophisticated filtering devices...not stupid masks. Masks, being what the are, are never to be worn for long periods...even if being used for something that they be effective.

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Agree with you... but, as expected, the authors of the study attribute their findings to other environmental exposures. If they had only suggested the possible connection between their findings and masks, their study would not have been published.

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I was wearing an N95 mask yesterday while sanding wood. -50 points.

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curse you! wearing a mask for what it was designed to do? heresy!!!!! -100.

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Oh my....so you are one of those science guys...

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Did you know that authorities started playing this game in 2020. By "game" I mean issuing fines and closing businesses that got too few points.

You know that authorities study us constantly, how to influence us, how we react to provocations, stimuli, techniques of psychological manipulation. It is the basis of the field of behaviorism, behavioral science. The study of our behavior is the science.

Take the example of masking. Having different approaches in the different states and cities to get people to wear them were experiments in and of themselves. That were studied in real time. Studying different types of controls and behavioral modification techniques

Did you know that many local jurisdictions hired observers to stand outside and inside supermarkets and other businesses to mark down the number of customers, if masked, type of facial covering, if worn above or below nose, etc, all of those data points were captured and reported back to authorities.

Authorities set compliance rates that business operators had to meet in the heavier-handed jurisdictions, commonly was set at 93% masked to avoid fines and penalties. It's why the larger businesses with hundreds of customers in an hour could be easier for unmasked customers to ignore the demands they mask than the smaller businesses, where just one unmasked customer out of ten that might walk in an hour would earn them a fine and penalty. Many of the large proprietors (like Walmart) invested in video monitoring cameras trained on detecting masked/unmasked faces, the data reported back to authorities without needing human observers.

Even states without mandates offered a control model for the behavioral scientists studying compliance rates. Without mandates, without risk of fine or penalty, no enforcement mechanisms whatsoever observing mask compliance rates informed them of the efficacy of messaging programs, television news, individual advice offered from "experts" in a community, pastors telling congregations to wear them as a kind, Godly act of service, billboards, movies, advertisements, sports, business managers, all of the points of influence on a society nudged people into compliance even without financial sanctions or criminal sanctions.

My observational experience in a "blue" authoritarian county in a "red" free state where all mask penalties were removed by executive order about 6-8 months into the pandemic was when it was mandated compliance was around 95%. When mandates were removed compliance slowly went down to about 70%. Compliance then fluctuated between 50-85% as new "variants" were reported on the news and then faded. All voluntarily. Induced by influencers like TV and those listed above. I would remark to my partner that the news must be dialing up the fear of a new variant each time I noticed more and more masked faces. It was like a fear volume dial on a stereo.

And my anecdotal observations were scientifically captured and reported by official observers back to authorities. A control group in "free states" that demonstrated how powerful influencers are on the public mind even without official enforcement regimens. Still ongoing. The dedicated maskers for life hold steady at about 15-20%. Goes up to about 30-40% based on news reports about Monkeypox or any other fear chatter that begins to make the rounds, before the fear chatter fades and drops back to that 15-20% maskers for life. It's sad to behold. Heartbreaking, actually, for those of us who love humanity and see people willingly shutting themselves out of human connection with masks. Heartbreaking, indeed.

So, the "free" states were a part of the scientific study of human behavior that behavioral scientists use to refine their applied control mechanisms and techniques. They study us as we study and learn about them. I have no illusion that Substack itself is either an intentional vehicle or opportunistic vehicle for capturing data on public sentiment, what influences we respond to, allowing authorities to craft targeted messaging appeals, influence campaigns on different audiences, targets for behavioral change. They have the resources. And are in it for the long term. Taking the time to get past us troublesome humans standing in their way. They are probably pretty satisfied with themselves.

The thing we have going for us is their satisfaction is their Achilles Heal. Arrogance is always what totalitarians, the "elite" trip over. Their egos. Pride. A deadly sin for a reason. They believe they are in control with all of the mechanisms of control they build and wield. Hubris. Man as God level arrogance. God knows better. We are his creation. And as we turn to him and away from "experts" he will protect us from their wicked intentions of human bondage.

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OMG....this is amazing information...thanks for sharing all this!!

What you say about egos and pride is indeed the Achilles heel...for these people to even think they are better than God, and make it a point to actually say that, they recognize God...which is not what they want us to think.

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i just saw a kid fly down the sidewalk on a skateboard...with a mask...

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20 points! I guess it is equivalent to a bicycle or motorcycle. 😅

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Yes, I originally had motorcycle or "any open air motorized vehicle" as higher points because I figure if you are moving through space faster there is less likelihood of someone breathing germs on you. But I wanted to keep it simple...

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I like the n95 mask on top of the cloth mask and paper mask and shield like your at the dentist. Like Austin/darth Vader

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here in canuckistan, ms A , some prefer to make a face-shun statement with a 5th diaper, aka, 'doily (also doiley, doilie, doyly, or doyley) is an ornamental mat, typically made of paper or fabric, and variously used for protecting surfaces or binding flowers, in food service presentation, or as a head covering or clothing ornamentation. It is characterized by openwork, which allows the surface of the underlying object to show through' -wikipedia...https://tinyurl.com/36hxdmym

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Like I have allergies, asthma but I’m still gonna smoke. I’m going to intake nicotine but I’m not ok w a “virus”.

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Dying from a virus is much more immediate than dying from lung cancer. Give any bad experience a bit of time and you can nearly extinguish its threat. Diabetes is a good example of that. A huge percentage of people do nothing about it since it has almost zero symptoms (until advanced) and kills you very slowly...then "what the hell"...Covid, allegedly, you can "catch" and then die a horrible death within days...now THAT'S something to fear!! Even if totally made up....

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At the allergy dr, there were smokers outside and I don’t understand how the drs are ok w treating them.

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You illustrate the absurdity that I have never understood. I am a medical doctor - although forcibly "semi-retired" (for refusing the "vaccine"). I can tell you, in >45 years of practice, doctors have NEVER denied a service to a patient because of any "unhealthy" behavior. We give care to smokers, ESPECIALLY if they get lung cancer or emphysema. If someone came with diabetes, we never asked if they ate too many birthday cakes. The person who came to the ER all broken after a car accident was probably driving drunk; he received the care he needed. And now, the same "doctors" are denying people care because they are not wearing a mask, or are not "vaccinated". I have become pissed at, and extremely disapponted in my profession.

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Thank you for your comment…I have sadly these last years become very distrustful of doctors because of the misinformation many support in their practices. Reading what you said above helps me to realize I should not place every medical professional in the same folder.

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I agree.

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I feel the same way about the child psychologists. Who are educated and trained to know what has been done to them in schools and daycare has caused a mental health crisis in the young society will experience the effects of for generations. Start with the surge in youth suicides, depression, lethargy, anti-socialization. Developmental disabilities, lower academic progress, lacking interpersonal skills. All things that were already happening slowly with the internet, smartphone generation of kids, accelerant poured on it. Youth crime waves, packs of youth without empathy or concern for consequences.

There was a study of masked faces and snakes published in 2009 that shows the same effect on our amygdala when we see a masked face as if we see snakes. Absent proper socialization at young ages that relies on facial expressions results in more violent conflicts across society. The largest difference in the evolution of brains sizes in primates has been in the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, humans the most developed to recognize facial cues. An evolutionary advantage for the species, reducing violence:


"The prefrontal link is important because it allows inhibitory modulation of the amygdala, thus promoting strategic cognitive control of the expression of fear"


"The prefrontal influence on facial as well as other channels of emotional expression helps to maintain conflicts at a symbolic level, where the relative strength of the combatants can be evaluated from more or less convincing displays of power and submissiveness, which prevents escalating the conflict into an actual fight that might result in injuries to the participants.


A substantial part of the signaling action in conflicts between individuals centers on the faces of the parties measuring their relative strength. As recognized by Darwin, the design of the face suggests that it has evolved as a means of communication. The facial muscles are unique in their function by primarily moving dermal tissue rather than body limbs, producing coordinated changes in the visual appearance of the face. The basic human facial displays are similar to those of other primates, but the human face has a more complex musculature than that of other primates, with a more versatile neural innervation, suggesting that the human ability to communicate by the face is better developed than that of our primate relatives"

Psychologists are supposed to know these things. Especially child psychologists. And they failed the population they serve by their silence, just like doctors. I have a family member in the field, who knows what happened, but also saw what happened to those who spoke up, same as doctors, attacked and run out of practice. Relegated to try to fix the damage afterwords instead of preventing it.

What happened to the "first do no harm" theory of care? People in the highest positions of trust for our physical and mental health were cowed into submission. And so were the clergy, those in positions of trust for our spiritual health. Sames. Failure across the board. This needs to be fixed, stat. Or it happens again. And again. And again.

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The Science (TM) var. Behavioral was tapped as pandemic Nonpharmaceutical Intervention (NPI). To scare us apart. Fear that those masks, proven like in the study of snakes and masks above, evoke.

You see, we "suffered" from "optimism bias" believing that the CV wasn't as dangerous as they were telling us it was. The masks were prescribed, the Rx of Fear to "cure" us of what ailed us, being too optimistic and all by amplifying our fear:


But, when you step outside of fancy words used by highly educated people who like to show each other how smart they are, "fear amplification" has another word for most everyone else. It's what normal people call "terrorize":



ter·ror·ize / ˈterəˌrīz/

• v. [tr.] create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror:

The Behavioral Science prescription, Rx, was Fear Amplification. To cure us of our optimism. By terrorizing us with masked faces everywhere we looked, which trigger the amygdala the same as if we saw snakes everywhere. We've been terrorized. By our own government. Government's the world over. Terrorized over biology. Weaponized or naturally occuring biology. What is Biology combined with terrorism: Bioterror.

Our own governments are responsible for a bioterror attack on their own people. Democide. When we cut through the fancy words and pseudosciences. And they enlisted most everyone - except for the disobedient - to become unwitting bioterrorists, made to believe they were being virtous, helpful, saving lives. When they were actually destroying lives and societal health.

Most of whom will never allow themselves to believe that's happened to them. Convinced of their virtue, no matter how ineffective telling themselves they were just trying to help. Their good intentions mattering more than their actual complicity with harm. The CS Lewis quote about tyranny being exercised for the good and all comes to mind:


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Thanks for the post. A lot of great information, in addition to your opinion, which I agree 💯%.

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One day I am coming to where you live (I won't say where in case you want your privacy preserved) just to meet you...you are a fine person...

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Thank you Todd. Yes, I value my privacy, but where I live is not part of it. I also look forward to one day you come to Puerto Rico, and give you a hug. It will be tough for me to travel to where you are.

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I have many reasons to return to the land of my childhood, and you are now at the top of the list. I am just not sure when that would be...if all this garbage takes longer to dump on us than I think, which it very well may, I will be there within a couple of years...hopefully we will both be operational!

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I saw the ups driver wearing a mask in his open air truck. And he drops off packages w his mask on

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I DO suspect that lots of folks wear the mask because they would fired if they didn't. We can't get TOO angry with them!!

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Loved it. I would give 50 points for the person driving alone, just because that is my favorite all-time version of idiocy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, I love seeing that also….at first…a great judgement opportunity….then I am depressed because of what that mask choice represents.

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Don't get depressed about it. They want people to be depressed, just another tool in the war against us. Stay positive, Tiny Shrew. That will only make us stronger than them!!!

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But what’s funnier, is they don’t know they’re a laughing stock.

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But it is only funny to us...their sheep buddies either think "they are just playing it safe, it IS dangerous to go maskless!" or, even worse in my opinion, "oh, it's a free country (really?) they can do whatever makes them happy."

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It’s “funny” that these same people threw freedom out the window in regard to me and my rights. I still stood up against these “lost” people. I got berated, refused service, job loss, etc. Now they want to pretend it never happened. Insane!

God protects me, and I look at these people, and realize they need help and they live in fear. It’s very sad.

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While I've been anti-COVID fraud since the beginning, I have appreciated liberals revealing their political and thinking proclivities via wearing a face diaper without even having to engage with them. Like zombies, it signaled that I should steer far clear of them. In that respect it will be sad if they eventually drop this and one will actually have to talk to these people and then be unpleasantly surprised when they reveal themselves as insane.

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I'm over it......I, or my family never played the mask game when it was "mandated." I never EVER wore one. I went to stores and wherever else I wanted and never was refused service or entry. I walked past cops, and firemen wearing masks and I laughed in their faces, because they were weak. I don't do "fantasy acting," and was not going to comply with "un-scientific" exhibitions of childlike foolishness. I refused to support the hoax. Never got sick, none of my family, and to this day I cannot grasp the utter stupidity of it all. The mask is a symbol of submission, and in fact during the middle ages in Europe the "commoners" has to wear masks in order to approach royals. Same today. I was, and am, willing to physically repel anyone, anywhere, at any time who tries to physically assault me, whether it be with a mask or a needle. Trust. Its an assault, that results in injury, just the same as a baseball bat, gun or knife.

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Very proud of you and others like you....thank you.

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YES!!!! Now when I see someone with a mask on, it actually triggers (I HATE THIS WORD) something. I can’t explain it...anyone else feel this way?

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100%...I don't like it either, as I have never been triggered this way by anything before...a sort of disgust, I would call it hatred but for me it isn't that strong...I feel like going up to them and saying "are you really this stupid? Do you know how utterly imbecilic this makes you look??"

I don't like this feeling because I believe that is part of the preferred response to the agenda.

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It is because the mask triggers your fight or flight system. The mask smothers the breath, the breath of life, and it activates your body physically. You want to defend against it, even though you are not physically wearing it. It triggers me in a different way. Where I come from, historically, people wearing masks also have guns, they shoot and they mean harm to others. When I see anyone approaching me wearing a mask I immediately start a "full scan" of their "chi," demeanor, hands and gird myself to respond to the threat accordingly as I have been trained to do. Crime has skyrocketed since the masks started, and I too hate them. They exemplify weakness and fear.

"You wear a mask because you are scared to get sick. You are scared to get sick because you are scared to die. You are scared to die because your heart is not right with All Mighty God. You are scared of All Mighty God because you haven't been living right."

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And makes me so dehydrated and can’t talk well. The poor kids in my class and in school who have speech issues but are told to wear a mask by the school or family.

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PERFECT!!!! Wow...I could not have said it better...this is EXACTLY WHY we get the response we get. Thank you...

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Great response! There’s so much going on unconsciously that we don’t even realize! God is what gets me through everyday. God is what got me through all of these lies. I lost my job. and I’d do it again!

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I am in the game, Todd. I will probably post my score in a couple of days, in order to have enough 10 minute periods to average out. I see a LOT of under the nose masks these days. I will count them as 1... or extra points as per the rubric you gave us.

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I am not sure how to make an addendum to the rules, but let's just say a person walking on the street with a mask under the nose counts as 10 points...I hope everyone sees this...

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I also see many "wearing" the mask like a bib, right below their chins. I don't know who should get the prize for the "ultimate moron": the one driving masked alone in her car... the "under the nose"... or "the bib"... They are all beyond help.

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Yes so funny

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I had to go to the Clinic one day and she put a thermometer to my forehead and handed me a mask I had to wear.

As I came out I offered it to her and said, "Do you want this for the next guy?"

She shook her head no and laughed and so did a guy sitting in a chair waiting for his wife.

I thought after, "I wonder what she would have done if I had put an ice pack on my forehead for a few minutes in my truck before I walked in with a 60 degree temperature?"

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I walked in from the freezing cold into the ER last winter and had a temp reader scan my forehead and ask me, 'Is 94 your usual temperature?' I said, 'Ninety-four is not a normal temperature for anyone. I just walked in from the cold and you're sitting by the door scanning the air'. She just stared and said nothing. Just waved a mask at me and I took it and put it in my pocket.

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I would have been tempted to say, "Yes, I am from "Mars and that is everyone's normal temperature! Didn't you know that?"

(Actually 97.6 is my normal temperature).

I hope that gal didn't have a medical degree! Many of the Covidiots in medicine today shouldn't be trusted with a pet rock and they can't jab it!

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That would have been funny. I was just perturbed and frankly I don't have a very quick wit. My guess is they use volunteers for that charade, but I don't know!

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I also don't have a quick wit in situations like that...I stew over it and come up with a lot of these "I should have said this!!" lines after the fact.

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Yes-one I did come up with much later was 'Yes. I'm dead'.

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She probably would have handed you a bottle of free sample pills and given you a prescription for more. Nothing a pill can't fix.

One of the great ironies, of many, is how these used masks are considered no biohazard at all...considering we suck in Covid infected air, that "supposedly" then get barred from entry into our lungs by the miracle of the mask...and we just throw the used mask in the trash? If all "they" say is true, wouldn't the used mask be rather toxic? One more bit of evidence that this whole thing has been a lie.

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please clarify. double points for 2 masks? or the ultimate..... 2 masks worn under the nose?

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I thought of this, but it makes it a bit too complicated...and how can you tell if someone is wearing a double mask? If you want to count it twice, that is fine, and under the nose as well having higher points...this game is dependent on the honor system, since those sightings will be rare, I doubt if it raises anyone's score unfairly.

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and we have been playing spot the mask while watching the jays. the older gal gave up on them this year but she rocked sequin encrusted bad boys last year.

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the wow factor is created by having the holy and blue n-95 tucked in behind the outer cloth diaper. it's the merger of effective medicine and effective voodooism. no invading hoards of dead, inanimate particles can possibly fly through that wall of science!

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Oh and the mask of ppl who are in drive thru w plexiglass too.

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Or smoking but then got the poison. I have a neighbor who put on a mask in his house to protect his dogs from the virus. No lie!

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Especially having a mask in the car.

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I don’t understand those who were so afraid of the “virus” but then smoke.

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Actually, the nicotine is suppose to HELP! Lmao! 🙃

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Oh totally. Nicotine is so much healthier than having a cold. I would wear a mask to not smell smoke.

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That's a good one...because Fauci, or some other moron, told them it was worse...

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I think I will start a T-shirt business. The first design will have this slogan emblazoned across the chest:


The first couple of thousand will be handed out free to the MM's (masked morons).

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I designed a T shirt in the summer of 2020 that had a big heart in the middle and in big letters above that HUG ME! ...under the heart was "I'm not afraid of you!" I didn't wear it in public (primarily because my wife thought it was mocking the seriousness of the situation)...but I should have.

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Thank you Todd! This will be fun! My bf is sick of me talking about it. Lol! I’m going to put my neurosis of 😷to good use!

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Love it.

The few times I was forced to wear a mask, I made sure they had subversive slogans. One said TYRANNY, another one said THIS MASK IS USELESS, another one had THIS IS BULLS**T.

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How about a mask that says: "YOU HAVE COVID!"

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That’s a fun game

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