I feel like I am living in one of those old-time horror movies like The Body Snatchers or The Day of the Triffids. People are dropping dead around me, or getting weirdly sick, and everyone, or most, are just looking the other way and coming up with insanely inane excuses. What’s going on? I know I am like a broken record, but good lord, this gets more bizarre by the minute. I have colleagues who report to me occasionally about the tragedies they are noting in their patients’ lives. There are many horror stories I hear: mysterious family deaths, heart conditions in 35-year-old relatives, cancers returning with a vengeance or appearing ragefully out of nowhere in otherwise healthy individuals, dementia coming on in the elderly with a passion, strange AIDs type ailments. I see the same thing in my patients but admittedly in lower numbers, but that could just be because I don’t ask a lot of questions about family members. I have noticed weird stuff though, and more than in pre-vaccine times, but am I being overly sensitive? You know, like the story about buying a blue car then every third car you see on the road is blue.
I am blown out of my reverie of denial when these things show up in the news, even the mainstream news: athletes drop dead on the playing field, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, myocarditis rising in children, etc. This is real, and it is disturbing, and that’s a severe understatement. Of course, all these strange horror film events are swept under the rug, accompanied by comments like, “This has always been a problem, nothing unique about this, athletes have always died on the field, young adults often die in their sleep for no reason, children DO have strokes and heart attacks.” And one oddly common explanation: this is all caused by global warming. When I hear this one, I am reminded of the old Saturday Night Live skit with Jon Lovitz’ Pathological Liar, “Yeah, that’s the ticket, global warming, yeah, that’s it.” Only difference is everyone watching SNL and Lovitz’ hilarious character knew he was lying—it was rather obvious, so is this, but nobody is laughing.
The big event last week was the FDA’s unanimous decision to approve Covid vaccines for children aged 6 months to 5 years. The decision was made, and keep in mind it was unanimous, even though there is not a speck of evidence to support such a decision. Look up the numbers, they are clearly there, and again, even in the mainstream. Children simply do not get seriously ill from Covid, nor do they die. Yet this approval for the vaccines is based on “Emergency Use,” which means it can only be approved if there is an emergency. Where, in God’s name, is the emergency? The infection death rate for children 0-19 is .0027% There is no level of coercion or manipulation that is going to make me believe that such low risk of death from the disease the vaccine is supposed to prevent constitutes an emergency. Are we living in some alternate universe? How can anyone justify putting an experimental drug in the bodies of 18 million children (in the US alone) based on that minimal risk factor of dying from Covid?
Of course, one very plausible explanation is if Big Pharma can get this vaccine on the Childhood Vaccine Schedule during an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) then they can get it under the protection of the National Child Vaccine Protective act, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Zero liability, for all uses of the vaccine after the EUA is lifted, regardless of age. That is a pretty powerful incentive. But really, are people that evil? Yes, they can be, history has proven that. When you have a complacent and compliant populace, people in power can do anything.
Going back to the FDA decision to vaccinate children 6 months to 5 years. Part of the reason they voted to do so was due to the alleged benefit to kids if the vaccine protected them from being infected by Covid (even though it won’t). But what about the risks of the vaccine itself? Blood clots, heart issues, death, yes, maybe these factors are minimal in occurrence, but again, the official statistics show it is far more likely for children to suffer from adverse effects of the vaccine than they are to suffer from Covid. And it is a big assumption that the vaccine will even be effective in protecting a child from Covid, most children have already been infected by the virus, and thus have immunity to it. I am not even putting those statistics and numbers in this article because most are undisputed and are published in the mainstream. If you want to see them, you can easily find them. Alternate news sources indeed say these numbers are substantially higher (negative effects from the vaccine, and breakthrough Covid infection after vaccination, etc.) but even the staunchest mainstream news source acknowledges there is a problem with the vaccines, and that they are NOT “safe and effective.” So why do these officials keep saying they are? And not just saying it, but basing these monumental decisions on blatant untruths?
Yet the blind public saunters on by, and the grim reaper marches on. It was one of our favorite psychopaths, Joseph Goebbels, that infamously exclaimed, “If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Well, Goebbels may have been a psychopath, but he wasn’t stupid. We have seen his proclamation prove true again and again. “No one would tell a lie that big.” Right, ha ha.
The Winchester Star, the local paper in a midsize Virginia city, recently quoted a health official there:
Over the past year, we’ve seen vaccines have an enormous impact on the COVID pandemic, reducing both the frequency and severity of COVID cases and saving countless lives,” Feit (Dr. Jeffrey Feit) said Tuesday. “In addition, the vaccines have been incredibly safe, adding to the success of these efforts. We’re grateful that our youngest children will now have access to these vaccines and that the FDA has taken special efforts to ensure their safety and effectiveness in this group.
What planet is this guy from? Every statement he makes here is patently false. The “big” lie, not just one, but several of them. How can anyone even make these statements? “Vaccines have had an enormous impact on the Covid pandemic?” (I am assuming he means a positive impact!) “Vaccines have proven to be incredibly safe, [not just safe, but incredibly safe.]” Really? Every speck of information we are currently receiving claim the very opposite. Look at Portugal, Australia, Israel, and the UK. Severe Covid cases on the rise, deaths on the rise, most of them “breakthrough” re-infections from triple vaxxed individuals. Effective? VAERS has been reporting every day more and more dangerous side effects and deaths among the vaccinated, myocarditis among young people clearly acknowledged by the mainstream, and from doctors, and hospitals worldwide, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (although not acknowledged by the mainstream as a vaccine risk), on and on and on. Safe? I don’t think so.
All of us on this side of the fence have been continually screaming, “Stop!! This has got to stop!!” But it doesn’t stop. The grim reaper marches on, and if you believe anything the real scientists are saying, it is indeed the grim reaper. Death for many is on the horizon. Although it seems that we are impotent in our demands that people making these decisions wake up out of their stupor and reverse the juggernaut they have unleashed, we cannot stop screaming. Those of us capable of persuading friends and family to not jab their children with the reaper’s scythe, please continue your efforts. We may not be able to change the minds of the actual perpetrators, but we still may be able to convince the masses under Satan’s spell (metaphor or literal truth, you decide) to wake up. There is still hope for that conversion, at least for some of them.
I am as dismayed and perturbed as you & have been since mid 2020 when the messaging & emergency restrictions & mandates simply did not gel. For a full yr. + 1/2 , I knew NOT ONE covid sufferer. But literally everyone I knew was trembling with fear, eager to line up for the Jabs. They bragged about them & sneered at me for being a whack job who didn’t believe what was ‘obvious’ to them.
I sent articles that disputed the political , pharma narrative until most asked me to please stop. They got angry. Many had been friends for over 4 decades. A couple of old friendships vaporized.
THEN , once the vaxxines were rolled out way too hastily, test trials still not completed , the adverse effects began. Suddenly , we had vaxxed friends with antibody-dependent enhancement, nearly dying , then repeated covid infections , each one worse than the previous, brain fog, headaches, neurological mysteries, heart conditions etc. etc. . About 1/2 of our vast group of triple-vaxxed-friends have succumbed to what is clearly vaccine-related diseases. You listed many & I have seen most among these friends.
Trouble is: NOW those who are vaxxed are in a double bind and especially do not want to hear even a hint of truth nor acknowledge that any adverse events even exist. They CHOOSE to remain blind. And I note that nearly all of them are otherwise intelligent , successful Professionals, Business owners , Doctors for God’s sake !!! Their original FEARS have morphed into chronic hidden terror & increased their strident but ignorant views. They are blind & have ceased to think. It has changed their personalities & even their ability to love or be kind.
What this has done to society should be a crime against Humanity that punishes the actors promoting the Big Lies. BUT , I am convinced that NONE of it will be measured accurately & will instead be casually, mockingly blamed on any manner of unprovable things through constant deflection of facts , lying & this egregious demoralization of people’s minds.
The issue over vaccinating children sends me over the top. This is “a bridge too far” & should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back in 100% of the people. But sadly , SO SADLY , it will not be.
It has been a genius mind-control operation but it is EVIL through & through.
All we can do is keep trying to get the message out to those who may come to their senses.
All that said , I am happy to have come across this exceptional article and I thank you sincerely for it. I shall save it among my cache of 2000+ truth articles, studies etc. & share as widely as possible.
Sigh, I wish I could dispute some of what you said, but of course I can’t. The only shred of hope I can offer is to tell you about the thousands and thousands of people at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa there to welcome James Topp.. The truth is surfacing! Slowly but surely…
Thank you for this exceedingly well researched article.