Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is great Todd, my brain likes 'categories' and you've broken them down brilliantly.

I've never really been a 'super-anything' before, but now I find I am a Super Shrew and I love it! I did know this latest dystopian hoax was happening before it actually happened - I did not know exactly what was coming, but I knew this was 'their' latest big move and life as we knew it would never be the same.

I have to admit I have not been a Super Shrew my whole life, but I have always been Shew-ish, and have always doubted the story the public was fed about the major events that have unfolded during my lifetime. Perhaps becoming a full fledged Super Shrew takes a lifetime, maybe even a long lifetime (like mine) - it's a different path for everyone of course, but whatever it takes to get there - it is worth every step of the journey.

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Yea Janet the Super Shrew!!! It seems many people here are super shrews...I may be one now, but I wasn't when all this started...I was a shrew for sure, but not a super shrew. They tricked me, for about a week or so. Congratulations!

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But only for a week or so Todd, I would think that should still qualify you for Super Shrewness! (Especially when you consider all the work you are doing now!!)

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A while back you wrote something about "how far will you go when you say you won't comply", which had me think and also fits in with this topic.

I'm definitely a tier 2 shrew since the pandemic (i.e. sceptical of many things pre-pandemic but absolutely open-eyed since mid-2020 or so).

However, I will comply with mask mandates, not because I think they make any sense but because I hate being told off (which apparently also makes me a magnet for being told off...I've had other people, mainly men, waltz into spaces sans mask, whereas I get turned back at the door).

But maybe you are talking in Tier 3 about people who sort of think masks don't work but comply because they think maybe they do a little? Because I can think of many reasons why even a super-shrew might concede to following along with some of the crazy rules due to external pressures, such as access to food, elderly relatives, etc.

I'm also not sure how useful a tier system is in general but it has made me think and wondered whether, when round 2 comes in, I need to grow a backbone and do some assertiveness training ;)

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I feel like I’m somewhere between 1 and 2, if only because of a lack of attention to history and politics. Interestingly, before reports even came out about the “strange sickness spreading” in early 2020, in winter 2019 I’d been saying “I feel like they’re spraying the flu”. I said this, not because I knew about chemtrails (I didn’t then), but because nearly everyone I knew - didn’t matter the state or the country - got the flu that winter. And 2, because I did know that in the 1960s our military experimented with spraying flu viruses around apartment complexes in St. Louis, Mo. Historical precedence (well, I guess I did know some history). I was already on the “anti-Vaccine” wagon (or “pro-independently-functioning-immune-system” as I like to call my stance), so, knowing only a little of what California had been doing in recent years with SB270(? Or some other number? 😬) I knew this would lead to vaccine mandates, and, because of the history of the African “tetanus” shots laced with HCG, I knew the jabs were going to affect fertility. I couldn’t have spouted any knowledge to mRNA, LNPs, etc leading to fertility issues as I could now. I did not believe in masking, because I felt masks went against what I believed and knew about immunity - namely that immunity is good, and we have modern medicine for a reason. I was also concerned that people avoiding other people for too long would cause decreased immune function and cause an increase in things like shingles (because frequent contact with certain viruses is necessary to keep them dormant, as in the case with varicella). However, and this is totally where I lose super shrew points, ha!, I masked. I even masked my children. Not because I felt they were right in anyway at all, but I was concerned that my extremely firmly held bias could, in fact, be wrong. Maybe that’s humility, maybe it was fear of bucking against what everyone else was doing - though I never even considered not masking, honestly. I even sewed over 100 masks (and I did a good job too!). I did quit wearing them when I developed an inflammatory chest condition, and shortly thereafter I woke all the way up. I knew the jab trials would be rigged the same way HIV trials defending circumcision in Africa were rigged (my niche crunchy parenting interests really came in handy here!). In fact, after reading The Real Anthony Fauci (I was so removed from politics of any kind, I literally didn’t know who he was until mid-late 2021), I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Fauci had conducted the trials I’d read about, they were totally his style 🙄

Though I’m not sure the categories really help, it’s a moment of fun. I have thrown my masks away though, so, next go ‘round, I do intend to not comply. I’m sure there’ll still be caveats, maybe that makes me weak, but if it comes to - I don’t know - my selectively-mute child getting hospitalized for some reason .... that’s a situation in which to bend, I think.

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It is fascinating how everyone's story is slightly different, but all end up pretty much in the same place.

I think the only reason I was not a "partial sheep" is because I have been a history buff since in my '20s. And particularly interested in alternative history...Kennedy's assassination was the first major "conspiracy" to intrigue me. Then just about everything else that happened after that.

Even conventional world history taught me quite a bit about corrupt governments and the like. I have an avid interest in Russian/Soviet history, as well as an interest in National Socialism (NAZI). So I think I am pretty aware of what governments, and the people brainwashed by them, can do...and are likely to do. But I have to admit...I did not apply a lot of that to our modern North American governments...I did a litte, but not enough.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Author

I doubt if much that I write about is "useful"...interestng maybe, a different angle, hopefully sometimes, but I have no idea what is "useful"! 😀

I know I will probably be bitch slapped for saying this, but I think we all may be a bit over the top and obsessed with ideology for saying things like "I'll burn in hell before I wear a mask!!!" I DO admire that stance, but there are many reasons why one true shrew would say that and another would not.

I do believe there will come a time where mask wearing will literally be the mark of a compliant slave, and if you succumb to it, you will be making a huge mistake for yourself and for humanity. I DID write an article titled "Every Mask is Another Nail in the Coffin of Humanity"...and I meant it.

You also have to remember: masks do NOTHING, not even a little bit. I suppose you could make the argument if someone had you pinned to the ground and was drooling into your mouth a mask might be useful. But you would have to settle on a few things as being "true."

1. The person drooling actually had a disease that could be passed through his or her drool.

2. And if that disease was a "virus" you would have to believe that viruses are even real.

3. Unless you took in a lot of drool, the chances of you getting sick is probably about the same as it was if that person just breathed on you...with or without a mask.

Two major lies and one "the jury's out" lie. 1. An asymptomatic person is capable of spreading anything. 2. The person with possible infected drool doesn't have to have a spreadable disease in his/her body (same as above). The "jury is out" lie is that viruses actually exist. Some of you of course feel very strongly that the jury is definitely in on that one.

I always say as well: "Live to fight another day"...wearing a mask is a simple compliance to keep us under the radar, well fed, and out of trouble. The vaccine? Now, that is a different sort of compliance.

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Absolutely no bitch-slapping necessary! High-handed ideology serves no one.

And the use of your tier system has just demonstrated itself - I am again thinking about mask wearing (which I never did believing it served any purpose except allowing me to access certain services and locations without a battle!) and the effect my (reluctant) compliance has and might have in the future. :)

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I became a Tier 1 shrew when my brother, who worked for the U.N., said “it’s about a pipeline” about the Iraq war. The rabbit hole journeys have never stopped.

I love when you share your thoughts. Keep them coming.

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So kind of you to say, thank you.

Your comment reminds me how utterly complicated the world is, and has been. The masses know practically nothing, and most, if not all, of that "nothing" are lies, deceits and fabrications.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As I’ve aged I have become more of a Tier 1 Shrew. I’ve learned not to trust which has been difficult and since I’m retired I won’t hesitate to very nicely say go f yourself! At this age what does a life sentence really mean?

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I think I have graduated to a Tier 1 Shrew as well...I wasn't at first, but I am now. I recently told a manager of a restaurant to go f himself because he refused to seat me in a booth I wanted...3 other people in the restaurant, and the booth I wanted was five steps away from where he was seating me (along with my two sisters). "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!"

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In my opinion, formed from experience (aged 65 years), the best possible action anyone can take, at any time, is to contemplate his/her death and the meaning/value of his/her life.

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Goes without saying. I have a lot of 20 something clients who get really uncomfortable when I talk about death so casually.

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That’s so strange to me. But then, I’m a poet who adores Autumn and Winter, so I write about death all the time (especially at this time of year). My mother died unexpectedly (blood clot) when I was 12, so death is very real to me and something I think about a lot. Not obsessively, to be clear 😅 I am a doula as well, so birth is the other thing I think about all the time! Opposite sides of the same coin, birth and death.

Do 20-somethings even have time to think on such things with all their TikToks? It was always strange to me how much more obsessed with social media my peers just 2-3 years younger than me were/are.

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Chelles, being a doula seems like a wonderful calling -- something that, once time, family/tribal matriarchs would supply, but really has been 'done away with' in allopathy.

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I began contemplating death and dying in childhood. Not obsessively, either, btw. However, I learned quickly that it is not a socially approved topic for discussion. But it I've heard it said: "Contemplating death is fertilizer for the life process." To me it is not at all 'morbid'. Birth (or hatching, germination, procreation) is the other end of the spectrum and also is fascinating . 'Life' certainly begins before these processes, and I contemplate the power. Plus death and (re)creation has occurred for me many times within my own current lifespan. Endless fodder for rumination, eh? All my best to you Chelles <3

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Indeed. As we begin the aging out process our thoughts/focus tends to shift. That’s understandable and is as it should be. My children certainly don’t have the same focus I do I understand that. I think it’s another reason that I write and post on substack. At some point they have a repository of what Dad was thinking before he left! I’m 69 and my kids are 33, 26 and 26. All I can do is document my aging butt for them to discover. At 26 for me it was weed, sex and rock n roll. I’m ok with that.

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Sounds like you've had a memorable 69 years! I am 68, right behind you brother! Where in the south did you grow up?

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Once upon a time, many years ago...I was conceived as a 'Shrew', genetic memory aside. But when I issued from my mother's womb the 'sheepherders' and 'sheepdogs' started working on me. Most were mostly ignorant of being sheepherders and sheepdogs. My parents, for instance. My school teachers. Almost every human in society. But the ubiquitous sheep ranch owners had a sheep-creation plan that has been in operation since Authority was invented. A far-reaching, over-arching plan.

For some unknown reason, the 'Shrew-reason' in me refused to be completely sheepified. Was it my enthusiasm for and observation of Nature? Whatever it was, it still took many years -- plus much suffering, questioning, psychotherapy, research, practice, etc -- for me to recover the better part of my natural 'shrewdom'. Still working on it, because the sheep-creation is so thorough, and leaves many invisible scars. And the sheep-creators are also still working on their plan.

So, is this a sub-category? I don't know. I just know that most neonates don't 'choose'. They just know what they need. And when their needs are not met, they begin to get bent and twisted. Ba-a-a-h. But go and observe Nature-made sheep (like Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Mouflon, etc) and you'll see something entirely different than the domesticated, man-made examples, bred to be 'of utility'. Much love to all.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you!!! I already placed my coworkers”I can’t be more middle of the road” in their category. Like my husband reminds me .. When you stay in the middle of the road, you get run over… Everyone have a great Sunday!

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I like that about being in the middle of the road. So true.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think it's very useful to do what you did here. I consider myself in category 1, but in my view your first sentence describing this category is a bit off - "knew what was happening before it even happened". Someone that sentence applies to thinks they know things they don't, which a super-shrew should never do. Suspect what was happening, yes, but know? I didn't know beyond a shadow of a doubt, after all, it's within the realm of possibility a virulent and highly communicable pathogen could emerge. As a math person who understands the value of statistics and probability theory PROPERLY APPLIED, I always try to translate a situation like the early COVID reports from China into probabilities, like perhaps 20% this is as it's presented, 20% it's real but being misunderstood and over-hyped, 60% an orchestrated scam. But the information isn't available to be sure of anything at that point. At least I wasn't aware of enough information, some might have been. The assessment one can make of probabilities is of course subject to constant revision and it's simply the best one can do with what he knows after applying past experience and logic. Other shrews would assess the probabilities differently of course. A shrew knows his limitations.

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Yes, point well taken. You are right...I think I used that more as a figure of speech than an objective reality.

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I tend to take things literally to a fault, can't help it.

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Good read as usual and will be linking once again @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you!!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have been a level 1 super shrew as far back as I can remember but except for my wife, am surrounded by 2s that won't admit to OOPS out loud. They regret the jab but have big egos that can't admit the fact that they were hoaxed. They WON'T take a booster but still line up for flu shots. When they get the flu anyway, or the CIA Covert disease they still can't admit being swindled.

The major excuse was protecting Grandma or momma that are younger than me.

I have a hazardous chemical gas mask that I will wear (for protection of sheep) in Walmart and elsewhere if they start this mask up to shop BS again.

I still have relatives that are fanatic pincushions by the way. The needle still let them catch it but they still won't refuse being sheep.

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Yes, I am seeing this you describe a lot as well. This kind of mamby pamby "admission" that things "were not done right in a few circumstances"...honest mistakes I guess. But that is still a sheep. Maybe not as hard core as others, but still sheep.

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“Dolts botching shit” is wearing exceedingly thin... latest victim is Rota

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

They don't care about any kind of compliance...... “Permanent Pandemics and Vaccines”. Michel Chossudovsky

“This declaration aims to form a global pandemic authority that has a range of disturbing powers, such as the ability to enforce lockdowns, push for universal vaccination and censor what it deems “misinformation.”


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Ultimately this is indeed what it comes to. There are all sorts of screws to tighten with this garbage, we may not even be able to imagine what is in store for us.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And some possible new material I just discovered for the Super Shrews. The Great Lie & The Antidote. https://x.com/unifydtv/status/1707929691447873737?

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I love my new title, SUPER SHREW! Thank you for so eloquently defining the human population. I believe we know folks in every category and unfortunately, we Super Shrews find ourselves the most isolated, ridiculed and put down for our views. No one from the other tiers really wants to keep hearing from us. But we are clear and confident in our calling. We’re on the side of critical thinking, the second most powerful characteristic graced us by God. The most important one; we love others and only want to help them break free of their self-imposed chains. Thank you for being that much needed reminder to keep the faith.🙏🏻

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Very well put Cyn!! Thank you!

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Since you mentioned being isolated, ridiculed, and put down for your views, you might find solace in Eugyppius' recent posting about "midwits". I didn't suffer that way, partly through choosing with whom to engage, but mostly luck, I think.

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Because one of my sisters is a super sheep, and so is my wife, I really have not be able to "stay away" from all that. At first I was running around like Chicken Little trying to get all the sheep to see that the sky was falling. But I have for the most part given up on that. I still get into little tifs with my sister, but I think that also has come to an end.

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So sorry for your bad luck. Often that's all it comes down to.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you!

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Yes - valid catagorization. The variations could also relate to dopamine levels and suggestibility. Placebo/nocebo and hypnotic tendencies seem based on dopamine level in part - COMT gene alleles.

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Specifically what COMT gene alleles?

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Oh yes, there are all kinds of "reasons" for all this...but much of it is still jaw dropping for me.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Excellent categorization. Maybe I would call it something else... like "levels of shrewness-sheepness". What someone thinks may not necessarily relate to their decision about "compliance". In my case, I don't mean to brag, but I would consider myself on category 1. At least with covid, I did not believe anything "they" were saying since day one. On the other hand, as I have mentioned elsewhere, I am not much of a "troublemaker". Therefore, I have chosen to "comply" on particular situations, like wearing a mask on a doctor's office, or having a pcr test to get a medical procedure.

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Very good point Ivan. Yes, I should have done it that way...but alas, did not.

I think it is so cool you knew this was nonsense from the very start. I didn't. I actually believed it for about 2 weeks I think. Maybe less. I didn't slip into the fear thing...I actually was fascinated with what was going on. But I did think at first there was a killer virus out there that would kill us all if we didn't do something about it.

Part of the reason I became a shrew was my gut feeling about Fauci...I just didn't trust the little weasel.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I agree that it can get complicated. For example, I can imagine a level-1 who had worked his whole life to get in a professional position they love and pays well making an assessment like "these shots are bullshit and dangerous. But I don't know how dangerous and people aren't falling dead around me from them. OTOH if I don't get jabbed it appears certain everything I've worked for will be lost, and my family will suffer as well. So I'm rolling the dice and taking the jab." Seems reasonable enough to me, although personally I think looking to falsify one's jab status makes more sense. You certainly don't owe any honesty to a system that's being so dishonest and disrespectful to you. It was easy for my wife and I, being self-employed so we didn't face the dilemma.

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Even when I flipped I still wasn't aware the vax was what it was. I was not tuned into the eugenics thing yet. I just didn't think it made sense to get a vax that wasn't tested, etc. I have never gotten the flu shot. It just wasn't characteristic of me to get some weird shot. I didn't see the dead people around me, etc. I do wonder sometimes what I would have done if they right at the start said I would lose my job if I didn't get vaxxed. I am pretty sure I would have fought that, but I am not sure.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

Never a flu shot? Able to admit you aren't sure, rather than state as so many do "what I would have done!". Nothing so off-putting as when people say that, or "if they did that to me, I would....". Yeah, sure they would have. You gotta be at least a 1.5.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Agree with your reasoning, SteelJ. In my case, as I said, I consider myself to be a "level 1", but I was willing to "comply" in some situations, like wearing a mask in order to go to a place where I HAD to be. My limit was the jab; I am not willing to comply with that. I lost my job of >34 years because I refused to get "vaccinated".

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Jeesh. Brave man...all of you who sacrificed to avoid the jab I really admire. I do believe if I was in that position when they started to implement the "get jabbed or lose your job" I would have refused.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Wow, sorry. Employers who did that are horrible human beings, ignorance is no excuse for screwing their employees like they did. I hope at some point you have legal recourse and it's made up to you. I admire your commitment and good sense. Some people just don't want to do something like faking jab status and either choice makes sense to me. We all come from different places.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very fair categorization.

I fall into Cat1, as I am, a skeptic.

I have some close friends that fall into Cat2.

The majority, are Cat3, and Cat4...

These are the ones whom I have simply stopped trying to convince that they may be mistaken, and should do some non-MSM research.

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I am beginning to find that even 3's are impossible to bring over these days. Maybe they have a better chance doing so on their own. But trying to convince them of anything more than just a foot or so down the rabbit hole is nearly impossible.

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If they haven’t seen yet, they ain’t gonna

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A very good outline of the main categories! I see myself as a 2 ( have been all my life ) my circle is mostly 3s and 4s , fortunately I have learned to adapt to this disparity. The only 1s I have known are the folks in my life from Eastern Europe, they rolled their eyes at the nonsense from the beginning. The common denominators in this group are that they were born to rely on “self “ first , trust their instincts and be sceptical of government / media / authority.

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Alas I am 2 as well. I am impressed so many people here identify as 1's. That's amazing.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for sharing your experience. Very worth noting. It's been striking to me how many Eastern Europeans with heavy accents, often speaking their native language, are out enjoying some of the outdoor activities I like, rather than lounging in front of screens. There's been quite a degradation of our native-born population IMO.

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Eastern Europeans, particularly Russians, have always found personal interaction, discussions, art, music, poetry, to be more rewarding. They are a very soulful people...although at times rather dark.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You've explained it much better than I have...

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