I’m sure all of you have heard of the CDC web page about zombie preparedness. If not, here it is: ZOMBIE. This appeared on the CDC website some time ago (2011, way before Covid) and of course the CDC claims it has no correlation to Covid as well as it being intended as a fun, tongue in cheek, way to get people to pay attention to preparedness of any sort, including your virus infected neighbour who has turned into a zombie.
“All of you stupid, pathetic, dehumanizing cowards who hate truth are the real danger. Your insane, ignorant compliance to lying psychopaths has turned the world into a satanic digital iron cage of tyranny.”
I certainly agree with feeling uncomfortable around those who are still masking. I would not trust them with my life. If it gives you any consolation I’ve not seen anyone wearing masks outside here in the States where I live.
Thanks for the article. I did not know about this CDC-generated graphic and program. Yikes.
What I find most troubling lately is a new 'Zombie' has been created: the masked service worker. The big corporation or franchise has their minimum-wage or low-tiered worker continually masked for their shift nowadays. It looks good for business and shows "We Care"---whether it be for the cleaning staff, cab/Uber/DoorDash driver, waiter, or temporary-foreign worker serving you your ''Timmies".
But what it really does is further marginalize these people in our society by masking their faces and making them even more 'anonymous' in our communities.
This is what I would like to say to the zombies:
“All of you stupid, pathetic, dehumanizing cowards who hate truth are the real danger. Your insane, ignorant compliance to lying psychopaths has turned the world into a satanic digital iron cage of tyranny.”
I certainly agree with feeling uncomfortable around those who are still masking. I would not trust them with my life. If it gives you any consolation I’ve not seen anyone wearing masks outside here in the States where I live.
Thanks for the article. I did not know about this CDC-generated graphic and program. Yikes.
What I find most troubling lately is a new 'Zombie' has been created: the masked service worker. The big corporation or franchise has their minimum-wage or low-tiered worker continually masked for their shift nowadays. It looks good for business and shows "We Care"---whether it be for the cleaning staff, cab/Uber/DoorDash driver, waiter, or temporary-foreign worker serving you your ''Timmies".
But what it really does is further marginalize these people in our society by masking their faces and making them even more 'anonymous' in our communities.