Apr 27Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Modern Moron Slaves are just behaving as expected. So far the MAIN CODES aren't generating too much glitches so there is no real need for an UPGRADE.

Current tech is like the old tech... https://postimg.cc/D4VtsGQv

We are all part of this madness. We create it and we Sustain it. Clearly we don't want to CHANGE it.

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Excellent article—and much needed! As you pointed out, as we try to keep up with the craziness of the world, the industry keeps producing more and more alluring and tempting "things" such as phones, games, virtual reality, self-driving cars, computers, and appliances to keep the masses distracted and drunk on entertainment and primal satisfaction. Consequently, many of us remain absorbed (almost addicted) to short-term gratification without improving our critical thinking skills.

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Another great article, Todd, thank you - and everyone for your comments. As much as I despise the new technology I must admit I find solace in my smartphone because I can research anything I want easily and also feel connected to the likeminded people I find here. My husband and I are on the same page with everything but it’s still good to know others feel the way we do. The mainstream would have us believe we’re complete nutcases and in the minority, but I think there are a lot more of us critical thinkers than we realize, maybe a lot of us are just too timid to spew. Thanks for being here for us, it’s a comfort and a joy.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If the new technology was all-bad it would be easier to halt its encroachment into the human experience. But even those resisting can see beneficial uses of it for others, if not us, to adopt.

Take baby crib monitors. Surveillance systems left in cribs to monitor baby when parents are sleeping, or aren't tending, babysitters are interacting, has medical conditions. Provides a useful service. Similar product is Elf on the Shelf with hidden video cam to monitor children. For their health and safety.

Downside being an entire generation, two...three...being accustomed to round-the-clock surveillance, a safety and security state of being, no risk tolerance, stunted human development of autonomy, feeds helicopter parent phenomenon. Result is population horde of oversized children. Who require lifetime government parents. Who require authoritarianism.

Where the pursuit of progress leads.

If baby crib monitors, Elf's on Shelf spies, all of the same types of technological progress inventions that make our lives easier, safer, more efficient didn't work as advertised and had no rational basis to use them it would be much easier to walk away and reclaim our connection to the natural world as autonomous, healthy, strong, resilient and free people. But they do work. And then some. That then some is capitalized on and weaponized against the people by arrogant, smug rulers of men who never believed in human freedom, who say it's dangerous and foolish, who believe themselves benevolent rulers tending to their flocks. Just like King George III thought of himself when he angrily received the Declaration of Independence, "How dare they? They love me! I protect them lovingly!"


How do we control technology instead of it controlling us with this understanding of how insidious and poisonous it is for free peoples?

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My neighbor's great grand son who is 7, is getting a virtual reality headset for his birthday. They cost $500. She is very disturbed by it but the child's mother says all of his friends have one! Of course, they all have cell phones, tablets etc. One neighbor's 2.5 year old grandson is on his tablet playing games first thing in the morning while eating breakfast. I can't imagine what their adult world will be like. Thanks for this article. I completely agree.

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I must say, Todd, that this is one of the most excellent reads I have read in a long time by you or anyone else. Of course it could be because I am not a big cell phone fan. They haven't turned people into Walking Dead yet, but definitely has Zombified most users, or is that one and the same? Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd, you move to the head of the class again! All of this technology actually replaces the soul of a person, especially a child. There is little soul left. There is a near total absence of nature, poetry, and the like. Children have been targeted from infancy. My 2.5 year old granddaughter has a 'pretend' cell phone. Because the parents are often brainwashed and addicted to the beast (phones, social media platforms), so too will the children be given a pass on it. It is a monkey-see, monkey-do and it isn't pretty!

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done. Most of the "advances" should have never left the drawing board. People are sleepwalking into a totalitarian nightmare. You described it perfectly - "mind rotting apps".

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I hear that about Cell Phone‘s in media and all other text devices just indoctrinate children into this new world order.😡

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Apr 15Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This was an excellent article.

So many of my family and friends think everything is just normal and fine.

Like you say... just progress.

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