Oct 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The key is recognizing that everybody and his/her dog wants to be a content creator that makes money. And that the sector is over-saturated; supply exceeds demand. It doesn't matter how good or creative a person is - not when the market is full to the brim. Excellent tools are there, such as Substack. But the tools don't bring you traffic, subscribers, not paid subscribers.

It's about marketing. What does a given demographic want in terms of content? Isolate that, then figure out a marketing budget, probably at least $1K a month for ads and PR. It could take a year or more to make a profit. Plus one needs to "fail fast" if the ads and PR doesn't bring subscribers to any degree.

Nowadays there is little or no discovery. SEO is dead and was hijacked by big money. So organic reach doesn't work.

Thus we are back in the old days - marketing and budgets.

Etsy is a prime example. Everybody and his/her hellhound wants to be arts and crafts people making cash. But very few even make minimum wage money.

Some might see this as grim. It's reality - and more importantly it's business and marketing.

I've been published by Random House, Orion, St Martin's Press and a fair few more. Yes, it helps to be a skilled writer; but the game was always about credibility and potential sales... I was okay due to being in national newspapers like The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, etc... Plus Loaded Magazine and The Sun.

Also, my pal at Discovery always says they check people's following... has to be a million or they won't even look at them. Again, I was okay, as I was seen as an expert in my field; or could be pitched that way.

So my advice is simply: isolate a "hungry" demographic and provide what they want. It's old school; but marketing is king. And you need a budget... that said, I managed it on less than $200... hosting and forms being the main expenses. But that was in the days when SEO worked. I would write a post and BBC news would be in touch in ten minutes.

Those days are gone... the internet was quite new.

At very least you need an ad budget... probably not for big tech like Twitter, TikTok, and Google Ads... they'll sell you ads but don't want visitors leaving their eco-system... or rather social media doesn't... Google Ads is more just hellish, or it was very good in the early days, then they played a fast game that doesn't generally benefit you.

I'd recommend booking ads directly on other sites relevant to your target demographic. Keep an eye on costs vs results. Again, you get through money testing ads. But that was always the case.

The internet is a luscious siren that lures unwary sailors into the thraldom of believing that organic reach can do it... that's luck, and very rare.

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This is AMAZING!!! Thanks so much Dok. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to write this...

I do like the idea of paid ads. I have done that with my practice, and have no problem with spending bucks to make bucks. Also going to start a real campaign to get other busy substacks to recommend me...and I appreciate your wonderful plug for ShrewViews...

I am curious to know how you have customized your substack as you have, with the menu at the top, linking to your website, etc. The Chat, Shop, etc...

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Ah yes, Substack has a lot of good functionality. The menus are created by tagging given posts. Drop me an email and we could set up a call... ideally via Telegram or Signal, as the quality is good, and I can run you through all the settings. Back in the day, 1990s, I used to code my websites, so I tend to fairly quickly sort out how a system works.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i refused to hit like on this article. i saw the email and had to skip my chronological reading to type this after reading it. If you do decide to give this up, please don't give up on writing, no matter the platform for your work. I've followed Shrew Views for a while now, and I've also read your personal work you've had published. From your more personal wild life story and anecdotal experience book, to your academic book, you have a flair for authoring that is rare. If i had to relate you to anyone in the self help/psychology field for talent in authoring, i would relate you to Robert Johnson. While your talents and style are unique and separate from his, your ability to make the reader feel personally involved and included for whatever content you're aiming to deliver, is unmatched. Keep up the good work, and i hope your fan base here continues to support it, even if it's off this platform.

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You are so kind, S, that is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me...

I definitely will keep writing...and am staying here on Shrew Views a while longer at least...going to try to get more subscribers...paid or otherwise. I don't think I can give it up just yet although it IS frustrating...

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A lot of comments after your decision, no doubt many people are reading your articles,you can't let us down now, the times are tough and we need your light among others to go on

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I'm still here. I only needed 10 new subscribes...I got a few (and to those folks, thank you very much!!!) but not 10...oh well. I am still at the grind...I've got to put this output somewhere...and all of you have been so appreciative and grateful, this is where it will go. Thank you Lugagne...and everyone else that chimed in. It has moved me greatly...

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I have no paid subscriptions at the moment as dictated by my circumstances. However, you are surely worth a paid subscription! Just a thought: why not postpone your charitable donations so as to keep writing in the short term? That way, everybody wins. Either way, I hope you keep writing!

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As a writer and researcher myself, I share the same problem.

I now focus on pleasing myself. Enjoy your retirement!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hello Todd, I write to you from France. Thank's for all your great work I passionaly read every paper you publish, I admire it. Have a beautiful life, and interesting projects. Be fine,


(I'm a storyteller)

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You are very sweet...merci beaucoup

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I support a few stacks including yours as well as Covenant House, True North and Open Media (they fight for internet freedom etc) and a subscription to Epoch Times and that’s a lot more than I realized 😂😂😂 I hope you keep at it, but you should really want to do it for your own sake I think. And if it becomes a burden let it go!

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Well, that would be nice...to do it for my own sake...but it takes a huge amount of time...time maybe I should be writing a book or something.

Thank you for the support...I am going to focus on getting more subscriptions...free or otherwise. If people feel that they want to support my work, they can...and will get something more for it...

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The other really good thing about writing your own Substack is finding like-minded people. I personally love being able to comment directly and have these conversations because there are so few Shrews out there in my own life. My side of our family no longer speaks to me, my husband’s does. But we never talk about “what happened”. Same with old friends. Whom I guess really aren’t so much. I find it’s still a pretty raw wound that no one has said sorry for what was done.

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Your story sounds like my story, and yes, that is definitely the "heartful" reason why I dedicate so much time to writing this substack. It IS a pretty raw wound...and certainly no one has said "sorry"...not only that, but no one on that side of things have even acknowledged the pain.

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I must say I appreciate so much all of these very constructive and useful comments. My "paid subscription campaign" however seems to have been a failure. I received one new paid subscription as a result (THANK YOU!!!) and about 10 unsubscribes from free subscribers.

I suppose begging never works, eh?

I understand a bit more now...even though true, as the tired mantra goes, "a subscription only costs 2 cups of coffee a month!!", it seems that many of you simply don't have those two cups of coffee to spare...and if you don't, most of the time it is because you are already subscribed to 10 other substacks!! Of course, then my response would be, "what makes them better than mine?" ...don't bother to answer that, I don't think I could take it.

Anyway...I love you all. And I am particularly appreciative of those of you who have been able to pay for a subscription. I much prefer the concept of "all free---but please donate!!" but I am not sure if that would get anywhere.

One thing I know for sure now, I really have to find a way to keep this going. In my previous comment I did mention my gracious and altruistic heart being willing to give most, if not all, of what I make on my substake to various other philanthropic causes. This is true, but it is also true I am going to do that anyway...just any extra dollars from anywhere makes that easier to do. It also feels creepy to me to use that as coercement.

Please keep supporting...even if you just think of it as a donation, it keeps the wheels greased. I love this community, and I will not let it go.

As Gwaihir says, "Please reconsider. Take a reverse mortgage. Die broke. Spend the step-kids inheritance on this Substack. Anything to keep this going."

I will find a way.

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I have been thinking about this and although I didn't want to bring this up originally because it feels like I am twisting your arm, but it is interesting how I have spent all money I've made on ShrewViews on charities and other substacks! Money is a funny thing, and when you allocate it like that, it is interesting to see what money goes where.

My income from my therapy work, my social security payments, my musician's pension, are enough for me to live on. I spent quite a bit last year on gifts to Druthers, a freedom focused Canadian paper, I spent about $5,000 (all that I have made so far from ShrewViews) to buy school supplies for poor kids in a small town in Egypt, and about $800 on substack subscriptions.

This is money I would spend no matter what...but just realized that the more I make on the Substack, the more I would probably give away!! Now, again, I hesitate saying this because I don't want to come off as some angel spreading his "wealth" around...but I just thought it was interesting that my desire to make more money is really to cover my other philanthropic pursuits. In fact, once I make a certain amount, that goes beyond what I would typically give away, I will say my intention would be to spend at least half of what I make in these pursuits...the other half will go to pay for my luxurious vacations in the South of France...but that's only after I hit 1,000,000 subscribers!!! HA. I doubt if I ever will make enough to anything like that, I will be happy to make enough to continue what I am already doing...

Now, doesn't that make ME a nice guy!!!??? Well, it is true. I really do love giving this money away to others that need it as well. It's fun, and makes me feel good!! So I don't know if that makes a difference. And of course, if I start to stave to death, and this is my only income, I can't promise I won't spend it on food. But that is unlikely to happen!

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Please keep going!! Everything you write resonates with me!! 💙🩵💜

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You are so, so, kind...that means an awful lot to me...

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Todd you have a gift and are a skillful writer. Shrew Views is a vital source of reference and information….I know we will find a way to make this work.

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Thank you....!! ❤️

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is such sad news. I love your writing and I appreciate your views on everything.. Your words and the words of so many of your subscribers were truly a help through the tough covid years... a God-send really. It was so nice to know that I was not alone and for so much insight. However, I cannot afford to pay for subscriptions to anything... that would be a luxury beyond my grasp. I WANT to so much but my income is non-existent and my husband's income covers our bills. I thank you so much for all you have given us and I do hope that things work out for you .... and for us shrews :) Wishing you all the best.

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Such a beautiful testimony. Thank you so much. I’m not going anywhere yet, so hang in there. This community is so important to me…

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I hope you keep up the good work. I try to share your blog with like minded friends.

There are only a few writers on here that I can afford to pay for and most of those others do not post a tenth of what you do.

Even though I can respond, comment and post notes on here myself, I have never been able to write and post blogs. I seem to be missing something.

Our world is going to hell because of the deep state lie peddling politicians and media so we really need good people like you!

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Thanks for the kind words and for your support...and yes, keep spreading the word!!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

That would be sad, sad, sad. The Shrews feel like a wonderful family, wholly unlike my real family of scapegoating morons.

I’m not on social media and I don’t have many friends who have taken the red pill so I won’t be any help spreading the word.

Please reconsider. Take a reverse mortgage. Die broke. Spend the step-kids inheritance on this Substack. Anything to keep this going.

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Thank you...I am working on trying to figure this out...it still does seem strange that out of thousands of free subscribers there are not a few more that would throw a few bucks at this...like I've said, it doesn't take much. That said, however, I am dedicated to all of you who ARE throwing some bucks this way...as well as to those who CANNOT afford it, yet read what I write and enjoy it and find it important....thank you.

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Noooooooooo! Just no.

We need you. You have a way of cracking through the bullshit layer to the nuggets of truth. And the “why”.

In the musical words of whoever-the-hell-it-was... Nobody Does It Better.

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You are so kind to say that...it really does make an impact. I'm trying to figure it out...I love you guys...

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Carly Simon.

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Thank you! Loved that song, loved her singing and had it going through my head whilst writing - but could not conjure up the name to save my soul.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

“We all need a little help from our friends”

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I would encourage you to think about how you could do other things for money and post some for the exposure. There are too many subscription services now. People can't afford to subscribe to all the Substacks they might want to. I looked at my list earlier this year and found I had subscribed to about 20 for pay, and I just can't afford for them all to renew automatically so I cancelled a bunch. I did recently become a paying subscriber for you but I am suggesting it isn't a realistic goal to pin financial need on, but is good outlet for letting people know what else you are up to.

I just encourage you to keep your Thinking Cap on a bit longer. Affiliate marketing is another way that a blog can help other income streams.

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I'm working on it...there are a lot of things to investigate. Thanks for any suggestions.

I actually don't think it is unrealistic...it is all a matter of numbers. The subscription fee is just not that much. (I also subscribe to a lot of substacks) I know it adds up, I experience the same thing...substack subscriptions adding up...if someone can afford 10 subscriptions, I would like to be one of those 10. If I had 10,000 FREE subscribers, there would be enough in there that had money and wanted to throw it this way. I wish there was a way to give it away free for people who really were financially strapped...and get the subscription paid by people who have a bit more money.

Again, what I need to make this work is not much at all...and there are MILLIONS of people out there who would like this substack...out of those millions (or even thousands) there are enough willing to pay that would support it. Or so it seems.

Yes, easier said than done. I'll keep trying to figure it out...

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

“I wish there was a way to give it away free for people who really were financially strapped...and get the subscription paid by people who have a bit more money.”

Is there a way for us to pay it forward for others? Gift certificate? Etc?

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I think this is the way to do that...


Let me know what that turns up. It is something different for me as substack knows who I am. Send me a screen shot if you have time...



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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Modern discontent wrote a great article on his substack writing experience, and it is similar to what you have written here. He encourages people to spend their subscription money on smaller accounts, rather than big accounts that are already bringing in a lot of money.


It takes a long time to write great articles regularly. I have appreciated your writing, I get off-guardian as well.

Unfortunately some(many...?) of us here are squeezed financially because of covid job loss. I lost half my income because I didn't want to be injected with this product, and had to leave my 23 year healthcare career. I wish sub stack had another option for supporting writers. It's difficult to support many writers at the yearly subscription rate.

I know you're not leaving right away, but I wish you well. 💕

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Thank you, and thanks for that link...almost exactly the same situation...

Your situation really does suck...I am really sorry, and it makes me feel like a shithead asking for money...jeesh.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for your kind words, and I don't mind anyone asking for money in exchange for some the time you put in. We all need to make a living and we are working it out. I have benefited greatly from the substack community at a time when I was quite alone. It was a very hard time in my life, so many of our stories are the similar, and this community helped get me and so many others through it. Now I have made dear unvaccinated friends where I live, but that took a while. Your intention - that you started the substack to create community - has been golden. It's been so important in so many of our lives, and some of us can only repay you in love and good vibes. 😍

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I love all that as well...and really thought that giving a little bit from each person (and it doesn't have to be a huge percentage) would make it work...I guess everyone is different (duh). How is your substack going?

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I started my substack to just post a couple things publicly. Two of them was to highlight JJ Couey's work, and help explain the basis of his work and simpler language. I didn't intend to regularly write. So I stopped at three substacks and have been spending my time working on several projects for the spiritual path I'm involved in. Spiritual teaching is the other half of my income (in addition to physical therapy, which I lost).

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I respect your view on this subject and would hate to see you go. Although I subscribe, I admit I am not a paid subscriber. For me, it's just not economically feasible. There are times where I wish I could pay as there are some writers who I can no longer link their articles because you have to be a paid subscriber to read them.

Not to pick on any one in partcular, but I have been a follower of Jon Rappaport for many years and have linked many of his fine articles over the life of my site. Since he has primarily moved eveything to a paid only Substack, I no longer link much of his work, although it's still just as good. To me, that's a loss for Jon. But then again, Jon is not getting any younger and he did his sites for free for many years, so I can't blame him for wanting to be compensated.

I do see some drawbacks in doing this, in the fact that many readers miss some very good articles simply because, like me, they can't afford to pay to see them. Consequently, I won't usually link any paid articles as I don't feel any one who follows my site should have to pay to view an article, I too spend a lot of time daily doing my site, several hours every day. I get nothing from this other than the fact that I am trying to get truth out to people as well as good opinions and views such as yours. Call it a calling, I guess. Hence my moniker "The Watchman". Will continue linking you @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ for as long as I can. Afterall, you are my favorite shrew 🐀!

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will be sad to see you go todd. take care. as someone who dumped cable tv 15 years ago, i was able to support independent media more easily and i now pay more on a monthly basis towards alternative sources than i did to corporate types. i believe that an actual free market makes the best outcomes, though sometimes, sad ones. you should keep writing though. i'm part way through your book on the ma at. and i'm enjoying it. (the f'n font is too small even with the old man specs on) i spend hours on photographs. sometimes hours on a photograph. nobody sees them but me. yet i continue..... think you should too.


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Todd, to keep Shrew News alive you could invite other writers to write. You could become a super Shrew overlooking the publication, an editor Shrew :)

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

OK, I'm in the same boat regarding subscriptions, as previous comments have indicated.

I'm retired a paid subscriber to 6 or 7 Substacks.

I've just added you to that list with the hope that you'll carry on...

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You are so kind...thank you so much...

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Regarding you last comment - I am a REAL free subscriber!

At the moment I only support OffGuardian (where I know you write). I don't support any Substack writers, and I guess part of it is that I'm sort of still in the "what is written on the internet is free" camp - I also don't pay any major news websites for content.

I do also write and in the current climate I would be happier with 1000 free subscribers creating a community than 10 paid. Getting the word out would rank higher for me than financial gain - with the belief that sending that positive energy out, financial security will also make its way back to me even if along a different route.

Since you mention that you are looking for community (and I assume many of us shrews feel desperately alone since 2020), I wonder whether it actually wouldn't be better to use Substack as a community hub, but focus your writing on paid publications. Because you could still post links to those articles on Substack and we could all still discuss and comment.

To finish, I do hope you find a way to make this work for you - I very very much enjoy your writing!

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Drat! I just inadvertently deleted my comment, but the jist of was I think many of us try to support those Substack writers who have lost their livelihood. For example, I think Steve Kirsch is doing excellent work, but he does not need my support. Whereas, Byron Bridle has been treated dismally by Universtiy of Guelph, and I always try to find some dollars to support his work.

Thanks for all you do!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think your articles are great, but realistically imo it’s a tough prospect for any Substack writer to monetize their work. Even if a significant generator of revenue for a writer, Substack could be shut down or the writer cancelled at a moment’s notice, if the winds of censorship and the elitists’ coercion blow a certain way. And we have seen that they can.

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I hear ya...it is actually a strange dilemma for me...if I had thousands of free subscribers, and I was all free, it might be fine because I would know my work is getting out there. Then again, if I had just a few more paid, I would have no problem writing for a small group of dedicated readers. I hate to dangle a carrot...i.e., say "no free articles!" just to get people to pay...but otherwise I will have to give it up...it just isn't efficient. I would not take much for me to continue...

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very sorry to hear this. Hope something works out to allow you to continue. I enjoy your thoughts

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Thank you Candy...I'm trying.

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Todd - thanks for all you do! I think one problem but you are up against is that many Substack writers have lost their livelihood through the horrors we have been through, and I expect many of us try to support those who may be having trouble paying their bills first. I know there are many excellent blogs, but if I know the writer it’s not hurting for money [Steve Kirsch, for example] I do not subscribe. However, Byron Bridle who has been treated so dismally by the Universtiy of Guelph, is one I find $$ to support.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I enjoy your articles and would be sad to see your blog expire.

Let me explain why I don't subscribe.....I already subscribe to a handful of stacks and the monthly payment mounts up. There are loads of writers I would love to subscribe to but I can't afford to support everybody.

Some kind of arrangement where we could pay a flat fee for 10 stacks and you could share the money would be really useful.

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I hear that many people have suggested such a thing to substack. No idea if they are implementing that or not.

It is ironic that I spend all of my subscription money (so far) on subscriptions to other substacks as well as to Druthers, a local paper...and I have charities in Egypt I support. Funny how what goes around, comes around. I wouldn't have it any other way! Few people "get rich" on substack subscriptions...

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I pay for at least 10 stacks, ranging from $5 to $50 per month. It can get expensive but the ones I keep matter to me. The magic is targeting the correct audience - it won’t be for everyone - but for those that get hooked on the quality of material (another key) and can’t risk missing it, they’ll pay. I go through my paid lust every other month or so and weed out those I’m not reading as I originally did. Times change, topics and interests change. I believe you, more than most, can capitalize on responding to those changes with valuable insight on how we as humans are being affected on a dal basis. It’s all in the tweaking and the critical use of the comments data for analysis of what needs addressing. You’ll need to follow other stacks, as I’m sure you do, to keep abreast of what’s on people’s minds. And key will be, IMHO, timely response to capitalize on the current emotional trend. Just from where I sit...

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The world needs your voice! Have you considered what some SubStack writers do; offer some Shrew View articles for free, but then offer others for paid subscribers only? I know I pay for Coffee & COVID News to get the “paid weekend bonuses”. This also lets you crank out shorter versions for unpaid, while spending more time of the more lucrative paid for articles. Market your “paid articles” with teasers in the free articles. Just a thought.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Another potential option is segmenting your article topics. You must derive some interesting ideas from your clinical practice; perspectives from which we could all benefit and then perhaps you could begin “chats” on SS, “for paid subscribers only”. You could reach more people with your insight on current universal issues affecting us all while creating a larger audience to spread the word. The reward of free months to “loyal spreaders of the word” is a great tool! And I believe with all that is happening, we need a balanced perspective on how it affects us psychologically and how to manage the tumultuous feelings created by what we take in daily. You are positioned to capitalize on this opportunity to do what you do so well; your calling.

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Good thoughts...it is very kind of you to suggest them. I do have a plan I will implement before throwing in the towel...

I have thought about a separate blog on more psychological issues...I have a TON to say about all that...that I think would be interesting because it is a bit off the beaten path (some of it). I had never thought of combining them.

I do want to implement the "chat" aspect...I love the community here...and feel that is the most important draw. What is SS? Substack? It seems the "notes" and the "chat" system here is rather dubious.

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Def keep the psychological articles. Those are the best imo. And yes, chat is fun ifn ya wanna go there. It seems you truly enjoy the interaction. You are more approachable than 99% of writers here - most just pump their stuff and disappear leaving the readers to harangue amongst themselves. Boooorrrring.

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I believe the psychological insights are the most important to help provide your training and expertise to. Our state of society is the direct result of the manufacturer of consent with sophisticated, coordinated mind farkery.

George Orwell and others wrote of how life was good for scientists and experts writing and sharing information in the Soviet Union under Stalin as long as they steered clear of psychology. Stalin and totalitarians know that if more people understand how they are being manipulated then the manipulation doesn't work. Sharing the sorcerer's secrets is a threat to their rule.

I found a resource out of the UK a few years ago I found helpful for me trying to explain the concepts with friends, families, neighbors. But it's a very dry, academic presentation of good information that most don't care to sit through.

Maybe you have a talent that can take the same information and make it more appealing? It would be invaluable to the cause of freedom. And maybe it has more value to monetize?


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SS = SubStack 😜

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Thank you Cyn...yes, I already do that. I have about an equal number of free articles to my paid only articles, send teasers out to my free subscribers...do all the things you suggest. I am not convinced that my free subscribers are even real (some of them are, of course, but it seems the majority of them do not even open the emails.)

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I often don't open the email. I just go to your post directly.

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Same here, Cyn. I toggled off the emails and look directly on substack. My world brightens a bunch when I see a Shrew Views in my ss inbox.

Todd, does this show up as either not being a paid sub or that I don’t read the email or ... ?

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I do think SS marks "opens" in an odd way. If you go to the post directly, don't you open the email and then click on the link? Or do you access the site directly from your browser and ignore the email entirely?

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I just log onto substack when I am taking a break from work and scroll through the recent posts to see if anything catches my interest.

I tend to ignore the email.

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I agree; as a regular SS reader, I opt out of the emails as they just clutter up my inbox. To be honest, though, I subscribe to probably hundreds of SS writers! Yours, Todd, is a regular read. I’ve missed a few lately, with all the current “news”, but as I’m driving back to Florida from Quebec City, I’ll have three days to catch up!🥰

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Got it...I'm sure a lot of people do that...

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deletedOct 18, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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Thank you Ralf, you are a wonderful person, and I appreciate that.

I guess I never thought I was asking for that much...to be one of the ones included in the limited list of supported substacks (I have a budget of $800 a year I devote to substacks. I know for some, that is too much...but I guess I never thought $6 a month was too much to ask.) In one month a paid subscriber will get about 10 articles...10 articles that took many many hours to write! I just never thought that $6 was such a big deal...now I do. I totally understand how for some even that $6 is too much...but didn't realize that 2,000 free subscribers were in the same boat.

I will continue to do this...I have decided to focus on getting more subscribers, free or otherwise, and I will figure out something to offer only my paying subscribers because I think they deserve something extra.

I was never going to stop entirely. I want to contribute something free for this cause. It is my calling, and I believe my duty. I'm just not sure if I can continue at this rate of productivity. I will try for a while longer, and maybe with more free subscribers there will be a few among them that can give a bit. Again, I appreciate so much the people that ARE contributing $$ and I appreciate so much those who truly cannot...I want them on board as well...So much so.

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I appreciate all that you are doing...

Much love to you as well...

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