A little while ago I published an article titled “The Fatal Error of Sheep.” Apparently my use of the word “sheep” to describe a particular mindset of a particular group of people we have all become familiar with, ruffled some feathers.
I have been using the word “sheep” in this manner since I started writing articles over a year ago. Although it has not been overwhelming, I have, on occasion, gotten a few nasty comments about my heartlessness and seeming attempts to “dehumanize” fellow humans. The biggest issue seems to be a supposition that I am working for “the man” and am following the Agenda’s efforts to “divide and conquer.” If I play into this idea that we all fit into one of two basic groups (my labels are “sheep” and “shrew”) then, like rats fighting over a piece of cheese, we will, through our immense hate, tear each other to shreds. With only these shreds left after our mutual carnage, “the man” saves a lot of resources and energy getting rid of both sheep and shrew with no effort at all. Therefore, I become controlled opposition. And through this process I personally elevate my own ego standing in the world as a noble virtuous shrew. The king of the shrews so to speak—a position I long to occupy.
First of all, I didn’t come up with the use of the word “sheep” to describe blind '“authority followers” (I did however invent the use of “shrew” to describe us freedom fighters). But I suppose that doesn’t really matter, because I am still playing into the hands of the enemy, and thus doing their dirty work. I do feel a bit innocent in this regard, because it is pretty obvious that I am not an ally of the bad guys and it is obvious I have no power at all, and thus no value to them. And although there is a bit of a nasty ring to calling a group of fellow human beings “sheep,” I did make it a point to name our group an equally diminishing zoological entity: shrew. Although, I must admit (purposefully noted) that shrews are indeed cunning, ferocious for their size, and quite brave. Sheep, on the other hand, are sheep.
Rather than fill up the word count here with an explanation, follow this link if you are the least bit interested in reading the history of my sheep and shrew usage: LINK. I do hope you find it fascinating, and I hope it sheds light on my rather innocuous practice in using these terms. If you don’t have time or the interest in such detail, read on.
As noted earlier, I believe the primary complaint levied against me was how I was vindictive, hate-filled, and dehumanizing in my continuous use of the “S” word. The complaint felt that I was (and have been in the past with other articles) focusing on fellow human beings rather than focusing on the true enemy (the “powers that be”). They felt that I was guilty of encouraging derision and was creating a “group to hate” which was exactly what the Agenda wanted, and therefore I must be “one of them.”
There is some truth in this. Not in the part about furthering the efforts of the Agenda, but in the part about isolating other human beings as a group to point fingers at. And maybe a little truth in the distraction it creates from the true perpetrators of the end of humanity. I can’t quite swallow all that, though, as a good reason to stop my particular word usage. First of all, I have made an effort to not call individual human beings sheep. I am sure I have failed at times to keep this consistent (but maybe not). I have written over 150 articles in the past year and a half. It would be reasonably certain to say that my better judgement has gotten away from me on occasion, and I have slipped up through anger and frustration and nailed the label onto a few real human beings. But I do try to stay true to my intention that the word “sheep,” in the manner that I use the term, is referring to a mindset.
Any individual person can identify himself or herself as having that mindset and thus join the group titled “Sheep.” And I, personally, can identify individuals that seem to be harbouring that mindset and thus drop them into that group. But calling a person a sheep directly to their face is not really necessary. Unless, of course, if I were on a subway train or bus and I spotted someone wearing three masks who is spewing out “Sheep Speak” and I get so angry and frustrated I spit out, “damn your eyes, you, you, SHEEP!!!” But I have not yet experienced such a thing. I am just saying it is possible.
Human beings have forever been calling each other, and the groups we, and others, choose to belong to, names. Some of those names have been demeaning and derogatory. Some of them indeed have been mean and hateful and intended to hurt, or intended to identify specific people to be hurt or even exterminated. Me, or anyone, using “sheep” to describe this particular mindset is not meant to be in that vein. It is a label, and at worst a descriptor, and although there might be sweeter and less offensive identifiers, “sheep” seems to work pretty well.
As a matter of fact, I think the word is rather innocuous considering what this group, or more accurately people with this “mindset,” have done in the world today. We are literally on the brink of annihilation. And although this group is not the direct cause of the destruction, they are what keep the rest of us (shrews) from getting at the jugular vein of the real destroyers.
Considering that the actual animal that holds the title “sheep” is typically docile, passive, and anything but dangerous, the mindset that has been given that title is far from fitting that description. This group is for the most part blind, arrogant, obstinate, unwilling to listen, at times incredibly stupid and naïve, and has the power, through its mass complacency and compliance, to destroy humanity. It is interesting to note that as amenable as real sheep are, it is known that when they graze they consume the roots of what they eat, thus completely destroying the plant so no other animal can feed in the fields where they forage.
So, what to do? Well, I think we are all living in a “wanna be” woke world. Not to say any of you reading this have fallen for it (I hope not) but the stench is still in the air, everywhere. It seems that as a “woke” culture we are overly concerned about sensitive people, and feel we must do everything we can to diminish anything that could be even slightly construed as offensive. There is offensive, and then there is offensive, if you know what I mean. We are not talking about lynchings here, or talking about people not able to make a living because they are being unduly persecuted. We are talking about healthy, “intelligent enough,” people who have consciously chosen to take a position with this situation that is going to eventually get us all killed. I mean it. They need to be called out, and I think if we pussy foot about it, they aren’t going to get properly recognized.
Now, I know this sort of approach (innocuous name calling) can escalate, and there is a possibility there could be sheep bashing mobs taking to the streets with pitchforks and torches. But I don’t think so. We are all brothers and sisters here. If you are a shrew or a sheep that is just the way it is. No two ways about it.
Should I stop using the sheep and shrew monikers? Maybe. Maybe it is time to put the sheep to bed and start calling that mindset group by some other more sophisticated name, like “normies” or “NPCs”—same division though, but less animalistic. Is that any better? I don’t think so.
Simple solution... instead of sheep use the actual descriptor "Modern Moron Slaves/Irresponsible, Ignorant, Idiots" MMS/3i's!
And after reading some comments already posted on this artice... No doubt about that descriptor.
No, I'd say "sheep" is pretty accurate.